Abortion lobby intends to focus even more intensely on the young...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
They're losing support, and no longer have ANY Republican backing...so naturally, they will turn their sights on the young....and continue with the meme that killing babies is a *human right*:

"One of the nation’s most prominent abortion rights groups is working to remake its image in response to concern that it may be overtaken by a growing cadre of young anti-abortion activists. "Its message: This is not your mother’s NARAL.

"Ilyse Hogue, a former senior staffer at Media Matters for America and MoveOn.org, freshly installed as its president, NARAL Pro-Choice America is more outwardly embracing its alliance with Democrats instead of fighting to win support from what it says is an increasingly hostile Republican Party. At the same time, it is warning that its opponents are more tenacious than ever in an effort to harness the energy of young voters who supported President Barack Obama. Hogue, 43, declined to be interviewed for this story.

“When I first got to NARAL, we had a lot more Republicans,” said NARAL Policy Director Donna Crane, who has been with the group for more than a decade. “We lobbied a lot more [GOP] offices.”

"Not a single congressional Republican attended last week’s NARAL dinner in Washington, D.C., commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, organizers said."

Abortion Rights Group Strives for Youthful Image : Roll Call Influence
That's because the young are the most pro life. Look at the last few protests against abortion, they are all young people. The aging abortionists are attacking Justin Beiber, Tim Tebow, and thrashing their mothers because they chose not to have an abortion. Instead they had successful children.

Savannah Guthrie tried her best to get Pattie Malette to condemn the movie she made with a pro pregnancy message.

Guthrie invited Mallette to distance herself from that purpose: "But you feel like people, as I understand it, are getting the wrong message about what you are trying to say by your participation?" Mallette replied: "Yeah, I don't feel that it is a pro-life message. I mean, people are going to get from it what they want to. It's just – it's a true story, it's a historical piece." Guthrie pressed further: "Do you feel misled at all by the producers of the film? I mean, if the film has this message and its goal is to – is an anti-abortion message, I mean, are you okay with that? I guess I'm confused about what your position is."

Read more: NBC's Guthrie Grills Justin Bieber's Mom On Being Involved With 'Anti-Abortion' Film | NewsBusters

Particularly young girls, the pre teens and young teens, look at icons like Bieber and know that he could have been aborted. That doesn't make them pro abortion.
I applaud young people, the more that are educated about how wrong it is to kill a baby. The closer we will get to get rid of abortions. I think all high school students should see an abortion taking place. I mean it's just a fetus, right?
That's what the abortionists have fought hard to prevent. They're all about science and education..unless that science and education leads to informed decisions about killing one's baby.

Which is why they object so strenuously to the ultrasound results being shared with women who are seeking abortion. #1, it would make it a lot more difficult to fudge the age of the baby, and #2, it would result in women changing their mind.

Can't have that! No progress in the slaughterhouses allowed! Keep those wimmins and girls in the dark, so they'll support the killing machine...
They're losing support, and no longer have ANY Republican backing...so naturally, they will turn their sights on the young....and continue with the meme that killing babies is a *human right*:

"One of the nation’s most prominent abortion rights groups is working to remake its image in response to concern that it may be overtaken by a growing cadre of young anti-abortion activists. "Its message: This is not your mother’s NARAL.

"Ilyse Hogue, a former senior staffer at Media Matters for America and MoveOn.org, freshly installed as its president, NARAL Pro-Choice America is more outwardly embracing its alliance with Democrats instead of fighting to win support from what it says is an increasingly hostile Republican Party. At the same time, it is warning that its opponents are more tenacious than ever in an effort to harness the energy of young voters who supported President Barack Obama. Hogue, 43, declined to be interviewed for this story.

“When I first got to NARAL, we had a lot more Republicans,” said NARAL Policy Director Donna Crane, who has been with the group for more than a decade. “We lobbied a lot more [GOP] offices.”

"Not a single congressional Republican attended last week’s NARAL dinner in Washington, D.C., commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, organizers said."

Abortion Rights Group Strives for Youthful Image : Roll Call Influence

Is that their official position, really? That "killing babies is a human right" or is that just YOUR meme...?
I can't say that young people are anti abortion because abortion is the death of the fetus. Young people are more selfish than that. I've seen a lot of interviews with young people who attend these protests. They mention the brothers and sisters they might have had. The friends they never got a chance to know. Kids like Justin Beiber and Tim Tebow, who both had mothers who were encouraged to get an abortion and didn't. These mothers are honored because they birthed personal icons. How many more would there have been?

There is a girl today, she's 16. Her parents are fighting to force her to have an abortion. She's fighting to keep the baby. Naturally, the right to "choose" does NOT include the right to have a child, but ONLY to have an abortion.

This is what a sick culture we have. This is how degenerate we have become, how sadistic we have become. This girl is suing her parents, I hope she wins.

Texas Teen Sues Parents Over Abortion Fight - ABC News
I suspect it isn't their message but rather because the Repub social conservatives are as fringe as ever. See- Mordouck (R) & Akin (R) for examples of who appeals to conservative voters
They're losing support, and no longer have ANY Republican backing...so naturally, they will turn their sights on the young....and continue with the meme that killing babies is a *human right*:

"One of the nation’s most prominent abortion rights groups is working to remake its image in response to concern that it may be overtaken by a growing cadre of young anti-abortion activists. "Its message: This is not your mother’s NARAL.

"Ilyse Hogue, a former senior staffer at Media Matters for America and MoveOn.org, freshly installed as its president, NARAL Pro-Choice America is more outwardly embracing its alliance with Democrats instead of fighting to win support from what it says is an increasingly hostile Republican Party. At the same time, it is warning that its opponents are more tenacious than ever in an effort to harness the energy of young voters who supported President Barack Obama. Hogue, 43, declined to be interviewed for this story.

“When I first got to NARAL, we had a lot more Republicans,” said NARAL Policy Director Donna Crane, who has been with the group for more than a decade. “We lobbied a lot more [GOP] offices.”

"Not a single congressional Republican attended last week’s NARAL dinner in Washington, D.C., commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, organizers said."

Abortion Rights Group Strives for Youthful Image : Roll Call Influence

Horrific evil.
I can't say that young people are anti abortion because abortion is the death of the fetus. Young people are more selfish than that. I've seen a lot of interviews with young people who attend these protests. They mention the brothers and sisters they might have had. The friends they never got a chance to know. Kids like Justin Beiber and Tim Tebow, who both had mothers who were encouraged to get an abortion and didn't. These mothers are honored because they birthed personal icons. How many more would there have been?

There is a girl today, she's 16. Her parents are fighting to force her to have an abortion. She's fighting to keep the baby. Naturally, the right to "choose" does NOT include the right to have a child, but ONLY to have an abortion.

This is what a sick culture we have. This is how degenerate we have become, how sadistic we have become. This girl is suing her parents, I hope she wins.

Texas Teen Sues Parents Over Abortion Fight - ABC News

Abortion has always been about the violation of human rights. Babies, girls, women...they don't give a shit. It's about violating, demeaning, controlling, and exploiting the vulnerable. Particularly children and women.

Which is why they insist it's about PROTECTING them. That's what fascists do.
the "shaming wand" wasn't about controlling women's bodies now was it allie? :eusa_whistle: :lol: :clap2:

The original Virginia bill that garnered so much national outrage required doctors to perform a sonogram in advance of the abortion, using a transvaginal ultrasound if necessary, to determine the gestational age of the fetus. After originally championing the bill, McDonnell walked it back under pressure, working to produce a revised version that assures that women seeking abortions won't be subject to a vaginal ultrasound. Women will be offered the chance to review the image of the fetus on a belly sonogram, but aren’t required to look at it.
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Lol..demonizing science that increase safety and accuracy of abortions. I love libs.
There's nothing to retort to. You called ultrasound equipment "the shaming wand". It's rhetoric, that points out the hypocrisy of all abortionists who claim that abortion is all about "safety" and "reducing the number of abortions" and "women's health". Obviously, when one objects so adamantly to science that improves safety, knowledge, and reduces the number of abortions, it's evidence in and of itself that you aren't about those things at all.
There's nothing to retort to. You called ultrasound equipment "the shaming wand". It's rhetoric, that points out the hypocrisy of all abortionists who claim that abortion is all about "safety" and "reducing the number of abortions" and "women's health". Obviously, when one objects so adamantly to science that improves safety, knowledge, and reduces the number of abortions, it's evidence in and of itself that you aren't about those things at all.

It was compulsory to have that shaming wand inserted into a female's naughty bits. Did you agree w/ that law allie? :eusa_whistle:

BTW- the governor saw the light, as it were ;) , and had that language removed. :thup:
It's COMPULSORY to shove a curette into a woman's *naughty bits* (nice imagery from the side that's all about women's rights) when one is getting an abortion.

For certain invasive and dangerous procedures, it's COMPULSORY to submit to particular procedures in order to improve safety. Before a cesarean, for example, it's COMPULSORY to have an ultrasound, because the doctors need to be sure of the age of the baby they're taking out.

Per usual, the pro-abortion lobby objects to anything that makes abortion safer, less likely to occur, or more accurate when it comes to determining the age of the baby to be killed.

Why? Because you don't care about safety, you don't care about women, and you don't care about science. All you care about is killing the baby, and exploiting women. You're all about *naughty bits* so long as you get to get in there are do some serious scraping.
It's COMPULSORY to shove a curette into a woman's *naughty bits* (nice imagery from the side that's all about women's rights) when one is getting an abortion.

For certain invasive and dangerous procedures, it's COMPULSORY to submit to particular procedures in order to improve safety. Before a cesarean, for example, it's COMPULSORY to have an ultrasound, because the doctors need to be sure of the age of the baby they're taking out.

Per usual, the pro-abortion lobby objects to anything that makes abortion safer, less likely to occur, or more accurate when it comes to determining the age of the baby to be killed.

Why? Because you don't care about safety, you don't care about women, and you don't care about science. All you care about is killing the baby, and exploiting women. You're all about *naughty bits* so long as you get to get in there are do some serious scraping.

ummm..... all of those procedures are AFTER a VOLUNTARY CONSENT :eek: is given :) Nice try though :thup: :rofl:
And if you don't consent, you don't get the procedure you want.

See how that works? It improves safety, so it's MANDATORY.

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