Abortion Solutions: Post 'Em Here!

Your solution was rejected for not working and lack of realism.
Path not taken.
For lack of any real plan.
The plan is for everyone to acknowledge it is wrong. Let's start with you, ok?
Not only do you have no plan to make that work, but it wouldn't work if you did. Got a real plan or is that it?
We won't know until it happens.
So that's all you've got, which is seriously not much. So it seems like you don't care really, because your "solution" isn't very serious.
Path not taken.
For lack of any real plan.
The plan is for everyone to acknowledge it is wrong. Let's start with you, ok?
Not only do you have no plan to make that work, but it wouldn't work if you did. Got a real plan or is that it?
We won't know until it happens.
So that's all you've got, which is seriously not much. So it seems like you don't care really, because your "solution" isn't very serious.
It is all I need. The problem solves itself when people acknowledge the problem. Until that happens, nothing else matters.
Federal judge blocks abortion ultrasound mandate in Indiana

Federal judge blocks abortion ultrasound mandate in Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS -- An Indiana mandate forcing women to undergo an ultrasound at least 18 hours before having an abortion has been blocked by a federal judge, ruling that the requirement is likely unconstitutional and creates “clearly undue” burdens on women, particularly low-income women.

some people will go to any length to rescind the rights of others where their interference is neither justified nor warranted.

thankfully there are Judges that administer justice in a broad stroke than limiting themselves to petty prejudices the indiana legislators use to win elections.

Av-Joe, now, all this is just plain silly. Every conservative knows that abortions never occurred before Roe Vs. Wade! The solution, therefore, is to make it illegal again, thereby filling our prisons up with doctors and midwives. Then, of course, nobody will get an abortion. D&C's, which used to be the most common in office surgical procedure on women, will return to it's former ascendancy. People like Frank Sinatra's mother, who made a living taking care of "women's problems" will be back in business. The coat hanger business will boom. And, in middle and upper class neighborhoods, high school girls will once again have an opportunity to travel briefly to other countries in the middle of a school year, like they did when i was in school. Lower socioeconomic neighborhoods will soon find yet another kind of illegal specialist to operate out of back alleys, with the drug dealers. Everything then will be solved, and there will be no sin or ethical problems in the heteralsexual community! Who knows? Maybe that will be the first step to returning to the morality of the 1950's, where kids had to buy their condemns out of gas station vending machines with the words, 'Sold for prevention of disease, only", printed across the front!
Av-Joe, now, all this is just plain silly. Every conservative knows that abortions never occurred before Roe Vs. Wade! The solution, therefore, is to make it illegal again, thereby filling our prisons up with doctors and midwives. Then, of course, nobody will get an abortion. D&C's, which used to be the most common in office surgical procedure on women, will return to it's former ascendancy. People like Frank Sinatra's mother, who made a living taking care of "women's problems" will be back in business. The coat hanger business will boom. And, in middle and upper class neighborhoods, high school girls will once again have an opportunity to travel briefly to other countries in the middle of a school year, like they did when i was in school. Lower socioeconomic neighborhoods will soon find yet another kind of illegal specialist to operate out of back alleys, with the drug dealers. Everything then will be solved, and there will be no sin or ethical problems in the heteralsexual community! Who knows? Maybe that will be the first step to returning to the morality of the 1950's, where kids had to buy their condemns out of gas station vending machines with the words, 'Sold for prevention of disease, only", printed across the front!
Or maybe all that will happen is that each state will decide for itself. Who knows, maybe we will find out that the states which raise expectations of personal conduct will having surprisingly positive results. All I do know is that it is wrong to end a human life for selfish reasons.
Av-Joe, now, all this is just plain silly. Every conservative knows that abortions never occurred before Roe Vs. Wade! The solution, therefore, is to make it illegal again, thereby filling our prisons up with doctors and midwives. Then, of course, nobody will get an abortion. D&C's, which used to be the most common in office surgical procedure on women, will return to it's former ascendancy. People like Frank Sinatra's mother, who made a living taking care of "women's problems" will be back in business. The coat hanger business will boom. And, in middle and upper class neighborhoods, high school girls will once again have an opportunity to travel briefly to other countries in the middle of a school year, like they did when i was in school. Lower socioeconomic neighborhoods will soon find yet another kind of illegal specialist to operate out of back alleys, with the drug dealers. Everything then will be solved, and there will be no sin or ethical problems in the heteralsexual community! Who knows? Maybe that will be the first step to returning to the morality of the 1950's, where kids had to buy their condemns out of gas station vending machines with the words, 'Sold for prevention of disease, only", printed across the front!
Or maybe all that will happen is that each state will decide for itself. Who knows, maybe we will find out that the states which raise expectations of personal conduct will having surprisingly positive results. All I do know is that it is wrong to end a human life for selfish reasons.

Why, Of course! In places, like, say, Oklahoma, teenagers will suddenly become responsible and morally driven not to have sex, or, at least to adopt the "pull out" method, that we all knew so well back in 1961!
Av-Joe, now, all this is just plain silly. Every conservative knows that abortions never occurred before Roe Vs. Wade! The solution, therefore, is to make it illegal again, thereby filling our prisons up with doctors and midwives. Then, of course, nobody will get an abortion. D&C's, which used to be the most common in office surgical procedure on women, will return to it's former ascendancy. People like Frank Sinatra's mother, who made a living taking care of "women's problems" will be back in business. The coat hanger business will boom. And, in middle and upper class neighborhoods, high school girls will once again have an opportunity to travel briefly to other countries in the middle of a school year, like they did when i was in school. Lower socioeconomic neighborhoods will soon find yet another kind of illegal specialist to operate out of back alleys, with the drug dealers. Everything then will be solved, and there will be no sin or ethical problems in the heteralsexual community! Who knows? Maybe that will be the first step to returning to the morality of the 1950's, where kids had to buy their condemns out of gas station vending machines with the words, 'Sold for prevention of disease, only", printed across the front!
Or maybe all that will happen is that each state will decide for itself. Who knows, maybe we will find out that the states which raise expectations of personal conduct will having surprisingly positive results. All I do know is that it is wrong to end a human life for selfish reasons.

Why, Of course! In places, like, say, Oklahoma, teenagers will suddenly become responsible and morally driven not to have sex, or, at least to adopt the "pull out" method, that we all knew so well back in 1961!
You would be surprised what would happen when the standard of conduct is raised. Surprisingly... people will rise up to meet it.
For lack of any real plan.
The plan is for everyone to acknowledge it is wrong. Let's start with you, ok?
Not only do you have no plan to make that work, but it wouldn't work if you did. Got a real plan or is that it?
We won't know until it happens.
So that's all you've got, which is seriously not much. So it seems like you don't care really, because your "solution" isn't very serious.
It is all I need. The problem solves itself when people acknowledge the problem. Until that happens, nothing else matters.
So you don't really care that abortions happen. Good for you.
The plan is for everyone to acknowledge it is wrong. Let's start with you, ok?
Not only do you have no plan to make that work, but it wouldn't work if you did. Got a real plan or is that it?
We won't know until it happens.
So that's all you've got, which is seriously not much. So it seems like you don't care really, because your "solution" isn't very serious.
It is all I need. The problem solves itself when people acknowledge the problem. Until that happens, nothing else matters.
So you don't really care that abortions happen. Good for you.
I'd believe that is the case.
the republicans came up a little short on the budget deal, in more ways than just a few ... not only have they not been able to repeal the Affordably Care Act the democrats got their way to fund Planed Parenthood in face of the radical rightwing zealots that have been howling ever since its passage. there may be hope afterall.

Congress strikes deal on funding for 2017 to avoid shutdown

The legislation does not provide funding for construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border or eliminate money for so-called sanctuary cities that do not fully cooperate with federal immigration law, according to a summary provided by a senior congressional aide.

Nor does it cut funding for Planned Parenthood.

The deal protects 99 percent of the Environmental Protection Agency’s budget and increases clean energy and science funding in spite of Trump’s calls to cut all three priorities.

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