Abortion Solutions: Post 'Em Here!

The solution to abortion? Well... better education.... But then we find the right are more against education than abortions...
Why does abortion need a solution? Is it because it is wrong to end a human life? You do realize that education would require telling them why they should avoid abortion, right?
Ok, You're pro life and want to end abortion. I can actually respect someone who is really pro life. Lets see how pro life you are . What is your position on the following issues related to the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, or ensuring that women and families get the support and assistance that they need if they chose to carry a child to term.

  1. Access to contraception
  2. Meaningful sex education
  3. Government subsidized or mandated pre school/early childhood education, and day care
  4. Paid family leave for men and women
  5. Universal health coverage
  6. Gov. nutrition programs
  7. Reversing the course of wealth and income disparity that is eroding middle class families

And how about these issues related to life and death:

  1. Abolishment of the death penalty
  2. Prevention of war through diplomacy and strong alliances
  3. Abolishment of nuclear weapons
  4. Protecting the environment
Take all the time that you need:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Sounds like you are a socialist instead of a patriot.

1. People have access to contraception.
2. What do you need to know.
3. You want more incentives to be irresponsible?
4. The role of the government is to do for the people what the people cannot do for themselves. Not to do for the people what the people can and should do for themselves. I never needed anyone to subsidize my family. Why do you?
5. See #4.
6. People have access to information and nutrition. Is there anything you don't want the government to do for you? Are you too helpless or too stupid to do it for yourself?
7. Would you like the government to regulate prices, wages and profits? Because that is what you are asking for, comrade.

1. Sure, just as soon as you abolish abortion.
2. War cannot be prevented. War is a part of the human condition.
3. Obama didn't.
5. The environment is being protected.

You should lay off the soy products before you start growing man boobs.
Thank you for confirming what I suspected all along. You are not pro life. You are a willing participant in the cult of death. You moralized and blather about human life in relation to the unborn, but burry your head in your own ass when it comes to issues that are essential to sustain that child and the family in life.

I am both a socialist AND a patriot.!!
Ok, You're pro life and want to end abortion. I can actually respect someone who is really pro life.

to be "pro life" as a person can not just involve the end run anti abortion rhetoric, they must be celibate and only have sex to fertilize an egg, period. everything else including abortion is a termination of the involuntary physiological process that Nature has provided.

celibacy is no where found for any living being as a natural process by Nature and therefore can not be concluded as a positive premise, in fact it is contrary to natures intent. since humanity can regulate voluntarily the regeneration of it's species and is doing so the only real objection would be the depletion of the species to extinction that is not going to happen.

Everyone is "pro-life". Nobody's against life, that's ridiculous and absurd. On abortion, it's a question of whether you are pro-choice or anti-choice.
The solution to abortion? Well... better education.... But then we find the right are more against education than abortions...
Why does abortion need a solution? Is it because it is wrong to end a human life? You do realize that education would require telling them why they should avoid abortion, right?
Ok, You're pro life and want to end abortion. I can actually respect someone who is really pro life. Lets see how pro life you are . What is your position on the following issues related to the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, or ensuring that women and families get the support and assistance that they need if they chose to carry a child to term.

  1. Access to contraception
  2. Meaningful sex education
  3. Government subsidized or mandated pre school/early childhood education, and day care
  4. Paid family leave for men and women
  5. Universal health coverage
  6. Gov. nutrition programs
  7. Reversing the course of wealth and income disparity that is eroding middle class families

And how about these issues related to life and death:

  1. Abolishment of the death penalty
  2. Prevention of war through diplomacy and strong alliances
  3. Abolishment of nuclear weapons
  4. Protecting the environment
Take all the time that you need:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Sounds like you are a socialist instead of a patriot.

1. People have access to contraception.
2. What do you need to know.
3. You want more incentives to be irresponsible?
4. The role of the government is to do for the people what the people cannot do for themselves. Not to do for the people what the people can and should do for themselves. I never needed anyone to subsidize my family. Why do you?
5. See #4.
6. People have access to information and nutrition. Is there anything you don't want the government to do for you? Are you too helpless or too stupid to do it for yourself?
7. Would you like the government to regulate prices, wages and profits? Because that is what you are asking for, comrade.

1. Sure, just as soon as you abolish abortion.
2. War cannot be prevented. War is a part of the human condition.
3. Obama didn't.
5. The environment is being protected.

You should lay off the soy products before you start growing man boobs.
Thank you for confirming what I suspected all along. You are not pro life. You are a willing participant in the cult of death. You moralized and blather about human life in relation to the unborn, but burry your head in your own ass when it comes to issues that are essential to sustain that child and the family in life.

I am both a socialist AND a patriot.!!
A socialist and a patriot are mutually exclusive. I find it funny that one such as you who endorses the ending of human life can tie his logic in such a pretzel to argue others are participants in the cult of death.
Ok, You're pro life and want to end abortion. I can actually respect someone who is really pro life.

to be "pro life" as a person can not just involve the end run anti abortion rhetoric, they must be celibate and only have sex to fertilize an egg, period. everything else including abortion is a termination of the involuntary physiological process that Nature has provided.

celibacy is no where found for any living being as a natural process by Nature and therefore can not be concluded as a positive premise, in fact it is contrary to natures intent. since humanity can regulate voluntarily the regeneration of it's species and is doing so the only real objection would be the depletion of the species to extinction that is not going to happen.

Everyone is "pro-life". Nobody's against life, that's ridiculous and absurd. On abortion, it's a question of whether you are pro-choice or anti-choice.
Prove it. Do you believe it is wrong to abort a human life in its mother's womb?
Ok, You're pro life and want to end abortion. I can actually respect someone who is really pro life.

to be "pro life" as a person can not just involve the end run anti abortion rhetoric, they must be celibate and only have sex to fertilize an egg, period. everything else including abortion is a termination of the involuntary physiological process that Nature has provided.

celibacy is no where found for any living being as a natural process by Nature and therefore can not be concluded as a positive premise, in fact it is contrary to natures intent. since humanity can regulate voluntarily the regeneration of it's species and is doing so the only real objection would be the depletion of the species to extinction that is not going to happen.

Sperm or an egg do not meet the requirements of a living organism. In and of themselves they are not new human beings. They are not genetically distinct.
Sperm or an egg do not meet the requirements of a living organism. In and of themselves they are not new human beings. They are not genetically distinct.

in no way did you respond to the conclusion of the post you added your meaningless comment to nor do you offer anything new but the senseless 4th century dogma you waste your life on.

of the reproductive agents, you are devious for their reason of existence and callous in their disposal that is the precursor for the subject you unwittingly patronize.

In and of themselves ...

how convenient, is that your explanation for not being celibate.
Ok, You're pro life and want to end abortion. I can actually respect someone who is really pro life.

to be "pro life" as a person can not just involve the end run anti abortion rhetoric, they must be celibate and only have sex to fertilize an egg, period. everything else including abortion is a termination of the involuntary physiological process that Nature has provided.

celibacy is no where found for any living being as a natural process by Nature and therefore can not be concluded as a positive premise, in fact it is contrary to natures intent. since humanity can regulate voluntarily the regeneration of it's species and is doing so the only real objection would be the depletion of the species to extinction that is not going to happen.

Sperm or an egg do not meet the requirements of a living organism. In and of themselves they are not new human beings. They are not genetically distinct.
Sperm or an egg do not meet the requirements of a living organism. In and of themselves they are not new human beings. They are not genetically distinct.

in no way did you respond to the conclusion of the post you added your meaningless comment to nor do you offer anything new but the senseless 4th century dogma you waste your life on.

of the reproductive agents, you are devious for their reason of existence and callous in their disposal that is the precursor for the subject you unwittingly patronize.

In and of themselves ...

how convenient, is that your explanation for not being celibate.
I don't know how to explain it to you any other way than to say a life is not created until conception. Sperm and eggs are not human beings.
Ok, You're pro life and want to end abortion. I can actually respect someone who is really pro life.

to be "pro life" as a person can not just involve the end run anti abortion rhetoric, they must be celibate and only have sex to fertilize an egg, period. everything else including abortion is a termination of the involuntary physiological process that Nature has provided.

celibacy is no where found for any living being as a natural process by Nature and therefore can not be concluded as a positive premise, in fact it is contrary to natures intent. since humanity can regulate voluntarily the regeneration of it's species and is doing so the only real objection would be the depletion of the species to extinction that is not going to happen.

Sperm or an egg do not meet the requirements of a living organism. In and of themselves they are not new human beings. They are not genetically distinct.
Sperm or an egg do not meet the requirements of a living organism. In and of themselves they are not new human beings. They are not genetically distinct.

in no way did you respond to the conclusion of the post you added your meaningless comment to nor do you offer anything new but the senseless 4th century dogma you waste your life on.

of the reproductive agents, you are devious for their reason of existence and callous in their disposal that is the precursor for the subject you unwittingly patronize.

In and of themselves ...

how convenient, is that your explanation for not being celibate.
I don't know how to explain it to you any other way than to say a life is not created until conception. Sperm and eggs are not human beings.
I don't know how to explain it to you any other way than to say a life is not created until conception. Sperm and eggs are not human beings.

you rationalized the answer without being asked the question, your guilty conscious speaks for itself where there is non to be found.
Ok, You're pro life and want to end abortion. I can actually respect someone who is really pro life.

to be "pro life" as a person can not just involve the end run anti abortion rhetoric, they must be celibate and only have sex to fertilize an egg, period. everything else including abortion is a termination of the involuntary physiological process that Nature has provided.

celibacy is no where found for any living being as a natural process by Nature and therefore can not be concluded as a positive premise, in fact it is contrary to natures intent. since humanity can regulate voluntarily the regeneration of it's species and is doing so the only real objection would be the depletion of the species to extinction that is not going to happen.

Sperm or an egg do not meet the requirements of a living organism. In and of themselves they are not new human beings. They are not genetically distinct.
Sperm or an egg do not meet the requirements of a living organism. In and of themselves they are not new human beings. They are not genetically distinct.

in no way did you respond to the conclusion of the post you added your meaningless comment to nor do you offer anything new but the senseless 4th century dogma you waste your life on.

of the reproductive agents, you are devious for their reason of existence and callous in their disposal that is the precursor for the subject you unwittingly patronize.

In and of themselves ...

how convenient, is that your explanation for not being celibate.
I don't know how to explain it to you any other way than to say a life is not created until conception. Sperm and eggs are not human beings.
I don't know how to explain it to you any other way than to say a life is not created until conception. Sperm and eggs are not human beings.

you rationalized the answer without being asked the question, your guilty conscious speaks for itself where there is non to be found.
What did I rationalize? I told you the science.
So far, no realistic solutions to stop abortion. Not one!

So far, no realistic solutions to stop abortion. Not one!

I already told you the solution.
Your solution was rejected for not working and lack of realism.
Path not taken.
For lack of any real plan.
The plan is for everyone to acknowledge it is wrong. Let's start with you, ok?
Not only do you have no plan to make that work, but it wouldn't work if you did. Got a real plan or is that it?
I already told you the solution.
Your solution was rejected for not working and lack of realism.
Path not taken.
For lack of any real plan.
The plan is for everyone to acknowledge it is wrong. Let's start with you, ok?
Not only do you have no plan to make that work, but it wouldn't work if you did. Got a real plan or is that it?
We won't know until it happens.

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