Abortion Trade Off/Compromise

Yes this is a medical decision a doctor and woman make together. Don't play stupid. A 9 month pregnant woman is unlikely to give herself an abortion. No reputable doctor is going to abort a healthy 9 month fetus nor would we want them to. We would want them to get the woman some help and figure out what is going on.
So, what you're saying is that a woman does not have the right to choose, it is a joint decision between her and her doctor and her doctor can override what she wants, even if there are no medical or other issues, that another person outside of her body has veto power over her choice, meaning it is not her body, her choice because another person has veto power over her choice.
So, what you're saying is that a woman does not have the right to choose, it is a joint decision between her and her doctor and her doctor can override what she wants, even if there are no medical or other issues, that another person outside of her body has veto power over her choice, meaning it is not her body, her choice.
Blah blah blah. It is not your choice or your business. That's all you really need to know about it.
Blah blah blah. It is not your choice or your business. That's all you really need to know about it.
Well, according to you, it is not the woman's choice either when a doctor has veto power over what your choice would be. Or do you want to change your story and go back to claiming it is a woman's choice, to hell with what the doctor says?
00252 23MAY23 NFBW #252 “You {Mr martybgn} are a pro-choice Republican who needs the huge bloc of religious extremist voters to vote for Republicans. You must see that Dobbs for you was not a win. “

00263 23MAY23 ¥martybgn¥ #263 {to: 00,258 nfbw} “I believe that's the privilege they should have to balance by moral standards with my libertarian (small "l") leanings.”

Abortion restrictions in the 6-15 week range are the most popular based on polls.

00291 23MAY24 ¥martybgn¥ #291 (see quote above)

23MAY24 NFBW: We can see Mr martybgn’s post 00,263 wherein he grants women of no relation to him the “privilege” of aborting the living human organism being developed in their bodies during the first 16 weeks of gestation. He grants women that privilege to balance he says his libertarian (small "l") leanings with with some kind of moral standard that he chooses to live by.

What kind of libertarian moral standard gives Mr Martybgn the power to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies if they’re pregnant?
Well, according to you, it is not the woman's choice either when a doctor has veto power over what your choice would be. Or do you want to change your story and go back to claiming it is a woman's choice, to hell with what the doctor says?
It's not my choice either. It's between a woman and her doctor. It's a medical procedure. You can't even keep your nose out of a hypothetical woman's uterus.
Democrats just can't shake the fact that they believe a woman has the right to choose,

You believe women have the right to choose for 92% of all abortions up to 12 weeks,

martybegan believes women have the “privilege” to choose for 92% of all abortions up to 17 weeks,

You two are not pro-fetus of any significance

.pro-fetus people believe the sanctity of life begins at conception. When they call liberals “Baby killers” for supporting abortions between 7 and 13 weeks, they are talking about you baby killers too.,

How long will you let the pro-fetus religious extremists derail your political party for something you do not believe in .
I know what you posted, to you Gosnell is an upstanding dude.

Um, I said nothing of the sort. I guess this is how we can tell youhave a weak argument, where you have to lie.

Here's what I said, dummy.

Uh, here's the thing. The reason why a character like Gosnell existed in PA was because PA had a ban at 22 weeks, which means the legitimate providers weren't providing them, but the folks in the Ghetto, nobody was watching their fly by night providers.

I mean, unless you are a complete fucking retard, I'm not sure how you get praise for Gosnell out of that. Or a just a fucking partisan hack liar.

Abortion restrictions in the 6-15 week range are the most popular based on polls.
Awesome, let's restrict gun ownership on what most popular based polls think is reasonable.

I don't think anyone thinks a six week ban is reasonable, by the way. Why do you keep lying like this?

There was a girl who "didn't know" she was pregnant and then had the baby in a hospital bathroom and then left like nothing happened.

People like that do exist.
I'm sure they do, and we'd all be better off if they had easy access to health care and abortions.
It's not my choice either. It's between a woman and her doctor. It's a medical procedure. You can't even keep your nose out of a hypothetical woman's uterus.
So, you're saying that it is not a woman's choice if her doctor has veto power over the decision she would have made. Glad we got that cleared up. It is not the woman's choice. Now we can move on.
You believe women have the right to choose for 92% of all abortions up to 12 weeks,

martybegan believes women have the “privilege” to choose for 92% of all abortions up to 17 weeks,

You two are not pro-fetus of any significance

.pro-fetus people believe the sanctity of life begins at conception. When they call liberals “Baby killers” for supporting abortions between 7 and 13 weeks, they are talking about you baby killers too.,

How long will you let the pro-fetus religious extremists derail your political party for something you do not believe in .
I offered up a compromise. But, I believe it is wrong to purposely kill a living fetus.
I guess you don't give a shit about a fetus's body or life, even at the nine month mark.

NFBW Ref^ Wyoming Republican Party member lashes out at Christian nationalists infesting her state and church Tom Boggioni - Sunday

Christian Nationalist protest --
© Raw Story In a column for the New York Times, a Wyoming Republican Party activist whose husband served in the Wyoming legislature for years, lashed out at Christian nationalists who have taken over the party structure in her state and have made frightening inroads into the evangelical church that she belongs to.

According to Susan Stubson, a professed conservative whose family goes back six generations in Wyoming, she has seen firsthand the ugly racism and violent rhetoric of the Christian nationalists that is moving to the forefront of the conservative movement.

Wyoming Republican Party member lashes out at Christian nationalists infesting her state and church

In her column she wrote about an encounter with one local who freely used a racist slur when he met with her husband in 2016, with Stubson writing, "I now understand the ugliness I heard was part of a current of Christian nationalism fomenting beneath the surface. It had been there all the time."
"It was also an expression of solidarity with a candidate like Donald Trump who gave a name to a perceived enemy: people who do not look like us or share our beliefs. Immigrants are taking our guns. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. You are not safe in your home. Religious freedom is on the gallows. Vote for me," she wrote before adding, "The messages worked. And in large part, it’s my faith community — white, rural and conservative — that got them there."

"Rural states are particularly vulnerable to the promise of Christian nationalism. In Wyoming, we are white (more than 92 percent) and love God (71 percent identified as Christian in 2014, according to the Pew Research Center) and Mr. Trump (seven in 10 voters picked him in 2020)," she continued. "The result is bad church and bad law. 'God, guns and Trump' is an omnipresent bumper sticker here, the new trinity. The evangelical church has proved to be a supplicating audience for the Christian nationalist roadshow."

According to the longtime Wyoming resident, she has seen the ground shift beneath her and isn't sure if there is a place for her in her party and in her church.

"I am adrift in this unnamed sea, untethered from both my faith community and my political party as I try to reconcile evangelicals’ repeated endorsements of candidates who thumb their noses at the least of us. Christians are called to serve God, not a political party, to put our faith in a higher power, not in human beings. We’re taught not to bow to false idols. Yet idolatry is increasingly prominent and our foundational principles — humility, kindness and compassion — in short supply," she wrote.

Noting some conservative lawmakers are pushing back, she added, "This is the state I cannot quit. I rely on those gritty and courageous leaders who hold tight to our rural values. They are the Davids in the fight against the Philistines. They are our brother’s keeper."


23MAY25 NFBW; You are a phony
Mr Indepndntthnkr. You do not give a shit about fetus’s body or life for the first 12 weeks. It is likely that just about every abortion on demand occurs in the first 12 weeks. Ninety two percent of all abortions occur before the 13th week.

Why do you think you can negotiate for Christian who consider you to be a baby killer no different a liberal,

It is the extremists in the above photo that you need to agree to a compromise.

But are not willing to negotiate way from saving fetus’s lives from the moment of conception because they are nuts.
00252 23MAY23 NFBW #252 “You {Mr martybgn} are a pro-choice Republican who needs the huge bloc of religious extremist voters to vote for Republicans. You must see that Dobbs for you was not a win. “

00263 23MAY23 ¥martybgn¥ #263 {to: 00,258 nfbw} “I believe that's the privilege they should have to balance by moral standards with my libertarian (small "l") leanings.”

00291 23MAY24 ¥martybgn¥ #291 (see quote above)

23MAY24 NFBW: We can see Mr martybgn’s post 00,263 wherein he grants women of no relation to him the “privilege” of aborting the living human organism being developed in their bodies during the first 16 weeks of gestation. He grants women that privilege to balance he says his libertarian (small "l") leanings with with some kind of moral standard that he chooses to live by.

What kind of libertarian moral standard gives Mr Martybgn the power to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies if they’re pregnant?

Libertarian doesn't mean "no laws"

I'm also a federalist, which is why I was glad about Dobbs. Back to the States it goes.
Um, I said nothing of the sort. I guess this is how we can tell youhave a weak argument, where you have to lie.

Here's what I said, dummy.

I mean, unless you are a complete fucking retard, I'm not sure how you get praise for Gosnell out of that. Or a just a fucking partisan hack liar.

Awesome, let's restrict gun ownership on what most popular based polls think is reasonable.

I don't think anyone thinks a six week ban is reasonable, by the way. Why do you keep lying like this?

I'm sure they do, and we'd all be better off if they had easy access to health care and abortions.

Passing praise is passing praise. Your issue with him isn't the fetuses, it's that he butchered the women while doing it.

That's what will happen via the legislative process, and as usual you ignore the explicit 2nd amendment right to RKBA, and now without Roe there isn't even an inkling of abortion "rights" in the constitution.
Libertarian doesn't mean "no laws"
Just another non answer. This is what you avoid:

What kind of libertarian moral standard gives Mr Martybgn the power to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies if they’re pregnant?​
Just another non answer. This is what you avoid:

What kind of libertarian moral standard gives Mr Martybgn the power to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies if they’re pregnant?​

The one that sees the fetus as another living organism that is worthy of government protection.

Libertarians are also about actions and consequences, and with the myriad of birth control methods available today, getting pregnant is an easily avoidable consequence.
I'm also a federalist, which is why I was glad about Dobbs. Back to the States it goes.

But you allow the killing of a fetus during the first 16 weeks..

These people (photo below) want a national law that a two cell fetus with no brain is equal to its mother and therefore cannot be killed if she decides she does not want to assume the risk of just stating a fetus to full-term


Christian Nationalist protest --

You Mr martybgn help give them power.

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