Abortion Trade Off/Compromise

But you allow the killing of a fetus during the first 16 weeks..

These people (photo below) want a national law that a two cell fetus with no brain is equal to its mother and therefore cannot be killed if she decides she does not want to assume the risk of just stating a fetus to full-term

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Christian Nationalist protest --

You Mr martybgn help give them power.

That's my libertarian side countering my Moral side which wants a full abortion ban.

What power do I give them? The Constitution gives them the right to express their beliefs in public, as well as to vote for people who want to propose the laws they want.

I don't want a national abortion law, but they do, and if enough people believe that to get majorities in the congress AND a President willing to sign the law, I may disagree with the law, but I accept the process that got it there.
But not for the first 26 weeks, right?

Why does government protection start at 17 weeks in your Mind.

It's called a compromise, an internal one for me between my more libertarian side and my moral side that wants a full ban for elective abortions.
What power do I give them?
Trump promised them power. Fate not majority rule or popular sentiment gave Trump the opportunity to add three Catholic judges to the three Catholic judges already on the Supreme Court.

You gave them “overturning ROE” with
Votes for Republican Senators and and President.
Trump promised them power. Fate not majority rule or popular sentiment gave Trump the opportunity to add three Catholic judges to the three Catholic judges already on the Supreme Court.

You gave them “overturning ROE” with
Votes for Republican Senators and and President.

If you knew anything about evangelicals, they aren't fans of Papists.

I wanted Roe overturned, so Trump gave me what I wanted.
It's called a compromise, an internal one for me between my more libertarian side and my moral side that wants a full ban for elective abortions
Why should there be a full ban for elective abortions against a moral law abiding woman who does not want the government to invade her privacy in or to protect a brainless living organism going on inside her bidy, Why do your morals override hers?
Why should there be a full ban for elective abortions against a moral law abiding woman who does not want the government to invade her privacy in or to protect a brainless living organism going on inside her bidy, Why do your morals override hers?

Because of the 2nd organism in question,
“Why should there be a law banning murder?” asked the moron.

Because murder is wrong. The age of the human being getting murdered doesn’t make murder less wrong. Fucking duh. Stupid question.
I wanted Roe overturned, so Trump gave me what I wanted.

You say kill the fetus during the first sixteen weeks when 93 percent of abortions were happening under Roe. Roe gave states an interest in protecting the fetus essentially at viability or 24 weeks, Abortions after 16 weeks generally are wanted pregnancies that result in life or death complications that are solved by induced abortion.
It's not my choice either. It's between a woman and her doctor. It's a medical procedure. You can't even keep your nose out of a hypothetical woman's uterus.

So, you're saying that it is not a woman's choice if her doctor has veto power over the decision she would have made. Glad we got that cleared up. It is not the woman's choice. Now we can move on.
It's always been an issue for a woman and her doctor. Don't be obtuse.
You say kill the fetus during the first sixteen weeks when 93 percent of abortions were happening under Roe. Roe gave states an interest in protecting the fetus essentially at viability or 24 weeks, Abortions after 16 weeks generally are wanted pregnancies that result in life or death complications that are solved by induced abortion.

Yes. It's called a compromise.
If you knew anything about evangelicals, they aren't fans of Papists.
Papists provide financial and intellectual heft to the evangelical anti~choice movement. It’s a most Holy Alliance. They jointly demand that the living human organism depicted below be given right to life protections by forcing women to gestate this organism through to natural birth.

12 weeks, 12 minutes or 12 seconds after the egg is implanted it's still killing a child.

Soon as the egg is fertilized and implants then it's a child because if you just leave it alone (barring any unforeseen circumstances) a baby will come out of the woman in 9 months.

Just because it's a very tiny blob doesn't mean it isn't a child. It's just the very beginning of a 17 to 19 year growing period to becoming an adult.

So if you abort a child even 1 day after the egg implants you're still ending the life of what will grow into a fetus that will be born and be a baby.

I don't say that out because of any religion or political stance, it's just a fact. Whether you abort it at 3 minutes or 3 months you're still ending a child's life and that's all there is to it. A baby is no less a baby at 3 days than it is at 3 months or 3 years, it's all just a process of growing more and more.

So if someone can rationalize killing a baby at 2 months then they should be able to rationalize killing one at 2 years because it's the same thing, murdering a child. But people seem to think just because it doesn't say googoo then it is somehow not a life.
Cool so then if a woman has that blob removed and lets it live its life out in a petri dish then she didn't kill it.

Tell me do you think freezing embryos is child abuse?
I'm good with abortions for any reason by any sound method up to 16 weeks, with exceptions for the mother's life afterwards, and of course non-viable fetuses being medically removed as safely as possible.

Personally I think that is a good compromise since only about 1% of all abortions have ever taken place after week 21 anyway.
Because of the 2nd organism in question,
We both know there’s a second organism in a pregnant woman’s body. The question was on what morally can be done about it.

Why do your morals override hers?

Why does she lose her freedom of conscience while you Mr martybgn seek to grant the government power to force your conscience upon others.
Papists provide financial and intellectual heft to the evangelical anti~choice movement. It’s a most Holy Alliance. They jointly demand that the living human organism depicted below be given right to life protections by forcing women to gestate this organism through to natural birth.

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Its only like that for a short time before it develops into a fetus.
We both know there’s a second organism in a pregnant woman’s body. The question was on what morally can be done about it.

Why do your morals override hers?

Why does she lose her freedom of conscience but seek to grant the government power to force your conscience upon others.

Why do my morals override a murder's morals?
Yes. It's called a compromise.

We both know there’s a second organism in a pregnant woman’s body. The question was on what morally can be done about it. Why do your morals override hers?

Why do my morals override a murder's morals?

I asked you why your morals override, a woman’s morals who gets an abortion within the first sixteen weeks.

Because of the 2nd organism in question,

When a woman is ten weeks pregnant, how many functional physical brains and neurological life support systems are involved?

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