Abortion: Why Men Don't Get A Say

It takes one man and one woman to make a baby. Both really need to learn to use protection if they, as an individual, do not want a baby.
It takes one man and one woman to make a baby. Both really need to learn to use protection if they, as an individual, do not want a baby.

Better contraception would doubtless eliminate the need for 99% of US abortions. I agree with you on this -- especially the part about BOTH genders being equally responsible.
A man that is involved in the life of his child even unborn SHOULD have a say on NOT aborting said baby.

Ah, RGS, always the troglodite. Did you even bother to read the linked article? If a man is given "a say" and the couple disagrees, then what?

Time for gunplay? Kidnapping? False imprisonment?
Why not make it extremely profitable to keep babies. Why not teach how much fun it is to have a little kid around learning life. I have kids and I dont want to do anything without them. Hell, the only time I post is if I travel for business. When I am at home with the kids I do not waste one minute here, although showing the internet world the lies of liberals, the government, and the green energy profiteers is noble, my kids are more fun.

Too bad you cant ask the kids that are aborted, seems they should have a choice, why cant the fetus decide.

A better morning after pill, maybe an after climax pill,
A man that is involved in the life of his child even unborn SHOULD have a say on NOT aborting said baby.

Ah, RGS, always the troglodite. Did you even bother to read the linked article? If a man is given "a say" and the couple disagrees, then what?

Time for gunplay? Kidnapping? False imprisonment?

I believe that if the FATHER of the child is willing to assume full responsibility for said child and states so in Court, that a pregnant woman should legally be barred from having or inducing an abortion. Pretty simple concept, the child is half his.

As to your strawman arguments, try them on someone that may bite.
A man that is involved in the life of his child even unborn SHOULD have a say on NOT aborting said baby.

Ah, RGS, always the troglodite. Did you even bother to read the linked article? If a man is given "a say" and the couple disagrees, then what?

Time for gunplay? Kidnapping? False imprisonment?

False imprisonment is kidnapping, still you make a valid point, if one believes they would rather suffer death or kidnapping instead of having a beautiful bundle of love that person should be locked up for their own health as well as the fetuses health who most likely would vote no to abortion, at least while still in the womb.

I wonder if you were pro-abortion as a ten week old fetus.

That is a good question when did your position change, it is more than reasonable that before you were born you were pro-life, when did you change your mind.

This is a good point to begin the debate.
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A man that is involved in the life of his child even unborn SHOULD have a say on NOT aborting said baby.

Ah, RGS, always the troglodite. Did you even bother to read the linked article? If a man is given "a say" and the couple disagrees, then what?

Time for gunplay? Kidnapping? False imprisonment?

I believe that if the FATHER of the child is willing to assume full responsibility for said child and states so in Court, that a pregnant woman should legally be barred from having or inducing an abortion. Pretty simple concept, the child is half his.

As to your strawman arguments, try them on someone that may bite.

You are wrong Gunny, nobody has a right to determine the fate of the creation of life in the womb. The child belongs to nobody. Once life begins it must not stop, as a man has no right to tell a woman what to do with her body a woman has no right to make a decision of the body of another inside her womb.
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A man that is involved in the life of his child even unborn SHOULD have a say on NOT aborting said baby.

Ah, RGS, always the troglodite. Did you even bother to read the linked article? If a man is given "a say" and the couple disagrees, then what?

Time for gunplay? Kidnapping? False imprisonment?

I believe that if the FATHER of the child is willing to assume full responsibility for said child and states so in Court, that a pregnant woman should legally be barred from having or inducing an abortion. Pretty simple concept, the child is half his.

As to your strawman arguments, try them on someone that may bite.

"Legally barred"? What, we send her to Dun Wanna Prison and force feed her prenatal vitamins? Better not have any coat hangars in your New Age Prisons, RGS......

Ah, RGS, always the troglodite. Did you even bother to read the linked article? If a man is given "a say" and the couple disagrees, then what?

Time for gunplay? Kidnapping? False imprisonment?

I believe that if the FATHER of the child is willing to assume full responsibility for said child and states so in Court, that a pregnant woman should legally be barred from having or inducing an abortion. Pretty simple concept, the child is half his.

As to your strawman arguments, try them on someone that may bite.

"Legally barred"? What, we send her to Dun Wanna Prison and force feed her prenatal vitamins? Better not have any coat hangars in your New Age Prisons, RGS......


Nope we just charge and convict her of murder if she aborts and we charge and convict any doctor that helped her as well. Men have rights as well dumb ass.
A man that is involved in the life of his child even unborn SHOULD have a say on NOT aborting said baby.

Ah, RGS, always the troglodite. Did you even bother to read the linked article? If a man is given "a say" and the couple disagrees, then what?

Time for gunplay? Kidnapping? False imprisonment?

False imprisonment is kidnapping, still you make a valid point, if one believes they would rather suffer death or kidnapping instead of having a beautiful bundle of love that person should be locked up for their own health as well as the fetuses health who most likely would vote no to abortion, at least while still in the womb.

I wonder if you were pro-abortion as a ten week old fetus.

That is a good question when did your position change, it is more than reasonable that before you were born you were pro-life, when did you change your mind.

This is a good point to begin the debate.

Five minutes after I knew that a chick in my freshman high school class suicided over being preggers and unable to face it. These fetuses you're so fond of (and yes, I love babies too) are sometimes female.

Should your daughter not own her own body? Should her boyfriend get to "rent" it for nine months against her will?
Ah, RGS, always the troglodite. Did you even bother to read the linked article? If a man is given "a say" and the couple disagrees, then what?

Time for gunplay? Kidnapping? False imprisonment?

False imprisonment is kidnapping, still you make a valid point, if one believes they would rather suffer death or kidnapping instead of having a beautiful bundle of love that person should be locked up for their own health as well as the fetuses health who most likely would vote no to abortion, at least while still in the womb.

I wonder if you were pro-abortion as a ten week old fetus.

That is a good question when did your position change, it is more than reasonable that before you were born you were pro-life, when did you change your mind.

This is a good point to begin the debate.

Five minutes after I knew that a chick in my freshman high school class suicided over being preggers and unable to face it. These fetuses you're so fond of (and yes, I love babies too) are sometimes female.

Should your daughter not own her own body? Should her boyfriend get to "rent" it for nine months against her will?

Oh, so your making a rational decision based on a tragedy of a friend who committed suicide. Suicide is a whole other issue.

I could see how a girl may commit suicide, it is a shame and tragedy people were not there to support her. I hope she had you at least, to tell her how wonderful and great children, are, at a young age friends are most important.

Maybe you could share some more details, I would be wrong to be to presumptive.

Thirteen, you support abortions in thirteen year olds, with or without parents permission.
Ah, RGS, always the troglodite. Did you even bother to read the linked article? If a man is given "a say" and the couple disagrees, then what?

Time for gunplay? Kidnapping? False imprisonment?

False imprisonment is kidnapping, still you make a valid point, if one believes they would rather suffer death or kidnapping instead of having a beautiful bundle of love that person should be locked up for their own health as well as the fetuses health who most likely would vote no to abortion, at least while still in the womb.

I wonder if you were pro-abortion as a ten week old fetus.

That is a good question when did your position change, it is more than reasonable that before you were born you were pro-life, when did you change your mind.

This is a good point to begin the debate.

Five minutes after I knew that a chick in my freshman high school class suicided over being preggers and unable to face it. These fetuses you're so fond of (and yes, I love babies too) are sometimes female.

Should your daughter not own her own body? Should her boyfriend get to "rent" it for nine months against her will?

Insist on keeping it ? pay for it.
RetiredGySgt wrote:

Nope we just charge and convict her of murder if she aborts and we charge and convict any doctor that helped her as well. Men have rights as well dumb ass.

If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.

BTW, RGS, what happens if the man wants the abortion and the woman does not? You must be the biggest fan of the man in the linked article.....misogyny now! Misogyny forever!
RetiredGySgt wrote:

Nope we just charge and convict her of murder if she aborts and we charge and convict any doctor that helped her as well. Men have rights as well dumb ass.

If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.

BTW, RGS, what happens if the man wants the abortion and the woman does not? You must be the biggest fan of the man in the linked article.....misogyny now! Misogyny forever!

Men can't. Try to deal with reality instead of speculation.
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mdn2000 wrote:

Oh, so your making a rational decision based on a tragedy of a friend who committed suicide. Suicide is a whole other issue.

I could see how a girl may commit suicide, it is a shame and tragedy people were not there to support her. I hope she had you at least, to tell her how wonderful and great children, are, at a young age friends are most important.

Maybe you could share some more details, I would be wrong to be to presumptive.

Thirteen, you support abortions in thirteen year olds, with or without parents permission.

mdn, you are likely funner than a bag of kittens to debate with, but IME no one ever EVA changes their mind on abortion, and if it's okay I wanted to just explore the narrower question of whether anyone thought it was reasonable for men to override a woman's decision as to her own body?

As an aside: the pre-Roe v. Wade era contained many tragedies for women with unwanted pregnancies. Outlawing abortion does not end it (and likely does not drop the rate) but it does make life much more dangerous for women who are not rich.
RetiredGySgt wrote:

Nope we just charge and convict her of murder if she aborts and we charge and convict any doctor that helped her as well. Men have rights as well dumb ass.

If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.

BTW, RGS, what happens if the man wants the abortion and the woman does not? You must be the biggest fan of the man in the linked article.....misogyny now! Misogyny forever!

Men can't. Try to deal with reality instead of speculaton.

It's an olde-timey feminist slogan, dilloduck.....I kinda sorta though people knew it. I suspect I am growing aged.
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.

BTW, RGS, what happens if the man wants the abortion and the woman does not? You must be the biggest fan of the man in the linked article.....misogyny now! Misogyny forever!

Men can't. Try to deal with reality instead of speculaton.

It's an olde-timey feminist slogan, dilloduck.....I kinda sorta though people knew it. I suspect I am growing aged.

and just as trite as ever.
Ah, RGS, always the troglodite. Did you even bother to read the linked article? If a man is given "a say" and the couple disagrees, then what?

Time for gunplay? Kidnapping? False imprisonment?

False imprisonment is kidnapping, still you make a valid point, if one believes they would rather suffer death or kidnapping instead of having a beautiful bundle of love that person should be locked up for their own health as well as the fetuses health who most likely would vote no to abortion, at least while still in the womb.

I wonder if you were pro-abortion as a ten week old fetus.

That is a good question when did your position change, it is more than reasonable that before you were born you were pro-life, when did you change your mind.

This is a good point to begin the debate.

Five minutes after I knew that a chick in my freshman high school class suicided over being preggers and unable to face it. These fetuses you're so fond of (and yes, I love babies too) are sometimes female.

Should your daughter not own her own body? Should her boyfriend get to "rent" it for nine months against her will?

Unable to face it, how did you and your friends treat this poor girl. What kind of people were in this school, which city, where in the city is the school that would shame the pregnancy as such that a young woman would rather die than face who she thought friends and family.

Pregnancy is the best part of being a woman, if you instill in a young woman's mind that pregnancy is bad, the likely result is suicide.

It is a shame that this type of crime goes unpunished, like the story of the fat girl who hung herself because her neighbor pretended to be a boy than told the girl she was essentially garbage.

This story is different but its the same, a girl, in this case not fat but pregnant is taught by the peers and family around her that it is better to die than have a baby, I hear it all the time that babies ruin a girls life, its ignorance that ruins life, not babies.

People could of just as easy been happy and excited to see new life born into a world, obviously it would be bad to be born in this particular world as lived by Madeline.

I have two boys, I will make sure that the girls know they will have a fat, easy, life, if they give me grandchildren, I hope they are married first but if luck strikes real early and real young, I will make sure that girl has everything she deserves.

Babies and their mothers are to be worshiped, treasured, otherwise this is the tragedy.

Obviously torn between abortion and life, in this case she is, "unable to face it", that is the real problem, why a young girl did not have the education to understand having a baby is great.

This is a failure of the schools and government, government is required to protect all people, how is is the government does not teach how great life is, all girls who are of puberty should be educated at how great it is to be a mother, they should know if it may happen they get pregnant and they cannot confront family and friends there are people who love life and would more than welcome a young girl and child into our lives.

I propose sanctuary villages for pregnant woman and girls with no hope but suicide. We can give a girl a lot better choice than suicide or abortion.

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