Abortion: Why Men Don't Get A Say

You're fucked in the head if you think someone's going to weed through 51 pages to find your opinion.
☭proletarian☭;1833993 said:
I never denied that it's human. It's human by definition and any DNA lab can confirm that. I see this issue as being very similar to that of braindeath and 'pulling the plug'. If the mind is gone, the individual no longer exists. You're no longer caring for the person, merely for the body which once housed the person. Similarly, in early-stage abortion we're dealing with a human,, but no mind has emerged. There is no individual or sentience- the very thing that separates a human from a plant or a bacterium. In such a scenario we're dealing with a human animal, but not with a person.

While it's true that not being able to detect brainwaves does not necessarily mean they're not present, not being able to detect a heartbeat doesn't mean someone's heart's not beating (although such instances are rare with modern medicine). However, if the structures of the brain which gives rise to the mind have not developed, there can be no question that they are not active, for they do not even exist yet.
I never forwarded biological viability as an argument and have refuted it in this very thread as highly subjective and of little, if any, value, so I'm not sure whom you're you're referring to.

Should we, then, keep a body alive on life support forever? should we replace organs as they fail until we have little flesh at all and keep the machiones running for no intelligible reason? You reach a point where it's just absurd and I've seen no other meaningful measure than what I've forwarded (although I am by no means the only one to propose it). Your words may sound good, but they're not really meaningful and your ideals are neither pragmatic or useful in the real world.

So...it is your contention that a fetus is equal to a birthed baby when brain activity of some sort can be measured?

If so, is that your cut off point for a decision by either party to opt out?

That was basically the conclusion that was reached in the referenced thread. Oddly enough, I believe that Sy and JB have very similar views on abortion if JB would settle down enough to get over the semantics and the poor 'put it on the table' metaphor that Sy used. I don't actually think she meant to actually put it on a table but rather that there was a point at which a fetus should no longer be subject to an abortion because it had developed to far.

As to your point, I would agree that an agreement would have to be made by that point or all parties would be assumed to have agreed to raise the child.

This topic has been blown way off the course it was on 10 pages ago. The matter was quite simple - In all fairness a man should have the right to 'abort' his end of the responsibility in a child in the same manner that a woman has a choice to abort the child if she does not want the responsibility. There is no arguing that the current system is one that does not respect women and men equally. There is CLEAR favor given the woman. If you refuse to accept that (i am looking at you maddie) then you are purposely being intellectually dishonest. It is a different matter entirely if you cannot agree with that standard because of the good of the child. An argument could easily be made that, for the sake of the child, the man must buck up. OTOH, the same argument could be made for the woman as well. The only caveat there is the fact that it is the woman's body and there is no way to force a woman to carry to term and there really should not be one either.

After all those pages I have not seen ONE -NOT ONE- person argue against the proposition that the man is wronged for the greater good and that is the way it must be. Every argument is tilted toward the woman having the right of abortion and the man not so there, the man has no rights. Lots of straw men and no real argument.

:doubt: If you really believe that I find your insistence that fathers pay child support insupportable (pun intended). Simply substitute "father" for "government" and you can make a case that without mandatory child support unwanted pregnancies would cease to exist.

As a matter of fact, I believe you have made a point without meaning to. I have known SEVERAL women that have become pregnant only to anchor an unwilling man or receive the benefits that come with it. Ridding that anchor may well reduce the number of pregnancies that are brought to term or even conceived in the first place. I am not sure that the pros would outweigh the cons but there is a point there.

In the end, I am weary of letting the man off simply because I want the number of abortions REDUCED as it is a rather barbaric concept and should not be a normal or encouraged process. This method is encouraging the use of abortion as a birth control and would certainly increase its use. I agree that the system is MASSIVELY unfair to the man but I also do not see a viable solution that I can get behind. I believe that the man should be allowed out of the situation and there would be a way out in a better world but this is not that world and I cannot see a good way out.

I am not overlooking any "facts" (though i think your facts are wrong) George. If men don't want the responsibility of paying for the up keep of any children they may be produce, regardless of who initiates the sex, the men need to control their sperm. That means putting on a condom or getting a vasectomy.

The thread is about men not getting a say in a woman's choice of getting or not getting an abortion. If men don't want to be in the position of an outcome not of their choosing, then THEY need to control their sperm and not put themselves in that position. [/COLOR]

Under that same EXACT reasoning I could say that a woman that does not want to be in that position then control access to their eggs. That is a completely false argument as you are applying different standards to both parties. That is, of course, you can JUSTIFY why there needs to be two separate standards. I believe that is where the discussion WAS going before it was derailed into an abortion thread. The right to abortion is established and assumed in this argument. If the woman had no right to abortion then there would be no argument as to whether the man should be able to walk away. At that point they BOTH would be stuck with the consequences. The debate hinges on the fact that the man MUST accept the woman's choice yet the woman does not have to accept the consequences of her actions through abortion.
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I am not opposed to giving a man a way out. What good is a reluctant father? IMO the reluctance does more harm than good to a child.

That said, biology at this point dictates that a woman has the final say. Is that fair? Probably not, but it is what it is.

I am also not able to grasp the point where a fetus has more rights that its host.
I did NOT neg you..now you take that back...fuckin heartless bahstard!
You negged my pubes...and it hurt!
You should have shaved. Don't blame me for your insufficiencies. :cuckoo:
Shaved? You like your men looking like pre-pubescent boys?!?!


Now that's a man. Who's about to shoot off his balls, if that safety is off...

Stunningly brilliant, FA_Q2.

I agree with every word you wrote.


So you actually do agree with this?

The debate hinges on the fact that the man MUST accept the woman's choice yet the woman does not have to accept the consequences of her actions through abortion.

In other words the man is forced to accept the woman's choice no matter what?
And the woman can erase any consequences of her actions by having an abortion?

Stunningly brilliant, FA_Q2.

I agree with every word you wrote.


So you actually do agree with this?

The debate hinges on the fact that the man MUST accept the woman's choice yet the woman does not have to accept the consequences of her actions through abortion.

In other words the man is forced to accept the woman's choice no matter what?
And the woman can erase any consequences of her actions by having an abortion?
That is the crux of the debate. Do you not agree that is the current system? You may not agree that is correct but you must see that it is the case currently.
I was actually wondering if we should start killing infants who we know will not survive to young childhood, due to genetic disorders.

I know 'infanticide' is not a popular idea, but why should we waste funds on not-self-conscious humans which cannot genetically survive? It's the logical thing to do.

The Romans practiced infanticide for a thousand years, without thinking twice.

or perhaps we sane people should start cleansing the gene pool of those who show obvious signs of inherited nazi syndrome, eh.

Stunningly brilliant, FA_Q2.

I agree with every word you wrote.


So you actually do agree with this?

The debate hinges on the fact that the man MUST accept the woman's choice yet the woman does not have to accept the consequences of her actions through abortion.

In other words the man is forced to accept the woman's choice no matter what?
And the woman can erase any consequences of her actions by having an abortion?

Yes, I do Pixie Stix.

Stunningly brilliant, FA_Q2.

I agree with every word you wrote.


So you actually do agree with this?

The debate hinges on the fact that the man MUST accept the woman's choice yet the woman does not have to accept the consequences of her actions through abortion.

In other words the man is forced to accept the woman's choice no matter what?
And the woman can erase any consequences of her actions by having an abortion?
That is the crux of the debate. Do you not agree that is the current system? You may not agree that is correct but you must see that it is the case currently.

Yes, I agree. Be better for men when they can control their fertility through some sort of internal medicine. But then, better contraception would improve the lives of each gender.

Stunningly brilliant, FA_Q2.

I agree with every word you wrote.


So you actually do agree with this?

The debate hinges on the fact that the man MUST accept the woman's choice yet the woman does not have to accept the consequences of her actions through abortion.

In other words the man is forced to accept the woman's choice no matter what?
And the woman can erase any consequences of her actions by having an abortion?

Yes, I do Pixie Stix.

So now you say you agree with what you've been denying for so many pages?
So you actually do agree with this?

In other words the man is forced to accept the woman's choice no matter what?
And the woman can erase any consequences of her actions by having an abortion?
That is the crux of the debate. Do you not agree that is the current system? You may not agree that is correct but you must see that it is the case currently.

Yes, I agree. Be better for men when they can control their fertility through some sort of internal medicine. But then, better contraception would improve the lives of each gender.

Of course you agree that this is the current system, because it IS the current system. :eusa_whistle: I can also agree that the current system IS the current system. I do not think it is fair or equal, it is absolute gender bias
That is the crux of the debate. Do you not agree that is the current system? You may not agree that is correct but you must see that it is the case currently.

Yes, I agree. Be better for men when they can control their fertility through some sort of internal medicine. But then, better contraception would improve the lives of each gender.

Of course you agree that this is the current system, because it IS the current system. :eusa_whistle: I can also agree that the current system IS the current system. I do not think it is fair or equal, it is absolute gender bias

It is the very best science has to offer as of this time. "Gender equality" is impossible as regards abortion.

I thought you were opposed to abortion, Pixie Stix? If so, why would you want men to be able to strong-arm women who do not want one into an abortion?
That is the crux of the debate. Do you not agree that is the current system? You may not agree that is correct but you must see that it is the case currently.

Yes, I agree. Be better for men when they can control their fertility through some sort of internal medicine. But then, better contraception would improve the lives of each gender.

Of course you agree that this is the current system, because it IS the current system. :eusa_whistle: I can also agree that the current system IS the current system. I do not think it is fair or equal, it is absolute gender bias

note to pixie:

child bearing is gender biased. *shakes head*
Yes, I agree. Be better for men when they can control their fertility through some sort of internal medicine. But then, better contraception would improve the lives of each gender.

Of course you agree that this is the current system, because it IS the current system. :eusa_whistle: I can also agree that the current system IS the current system. I do not think it is fair or equal, it is absolute gender bias

It is the very best science has to offer as of this time. "Gender equality" is impossible as regards abortion.

I thought you were opposed to abortion, Pixie Stix? If so, why would you want men to be able to strong-arm women who do not want one into an abortion?

I am personally opposed to abortion, what does that have to do with the gender bias of the abortion laws, and the lengths that some take to destroy any semblance of equality?

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