Abortions - The Truth - The Killing of Unborn Children

Surgery looks gross too, so do slaughterhouses, i'm pro surgery and meat eating however. There's no doubt abortion is killing, anyone who denies that is a brainwashed fool, but these graphic tactics are not especially helpful. has anyone seen the peta video of them clubbing baby foxes? the subject matter is morbid but the settings are lush and pastoral, a feast for the eye.
rtwngAvngr said:
Surgery looks gross too, so do slaughterhouses, i'm pro surgery and meat eating however. There's no doubt abortion is killing, anyone who denies that is a brainwashed fool, but these graphic tactics are not especially helpful. has anyone seen the peta video of them clubbing baby foxes? the subject matter is morbid but the settings are lush and pastoral, a feast for the eye.
That video is ROUGH to watch. Very rough.
Abbey Normal said:
So you can tell me the pics he posted "Aren't" what he says they are, huh. Wow.
I never said they aren’t …We don’t know.

As I said before, you do not have to face the truth about abortion; no on can force you to. But in a quiet moment, when you are alone, you might consider examining just why it is that you are so worked up over trying to discredit these pictures.

Facing the truth or should I say “your” truth about abortion, has nothing at all to do with my posts in this thread. I have no intention of discrediting the pics. They are what they are we just don’t know what they really are, based on this guys past.

Nice try to twist shit councilor, ya failed BAD.
The ClayTaurus said:
That video is ROUGH to watch. Very rough.

i can't even watch medical shows once the surgery starts. Why can't we be all shiny and clean inside?
rtwngAvngr said:
i can't even watch medical shows once the surgery starts. Why can't we be all shiny and clean inside?
squeemish at blood, or watching a heart beat?

I can't watch all the facial plastic surgeries now-a-days. They go in and start like sawing people's chins. *shudders*
rtwngAvngr said:
i can't even watch medical shows once the surgery starts. Why can't we be all shiny and clean inside?
Man, ya want me to tell you about seeing a chest tube inserted into this guy that was conscious? Boy did he scream…They make this incision between the rib and…….
Mr. P said:
Man, ya want me to tell you about seeing a chest tube inserted into this guy that was conscious? Boy did he scream…They make this incision between the rib and…….

I saw this emergency room reality show once where this Bitch nurse was removing a bullet from a gangbangers leg and refused to give him anesthesia.
rtwngAvngr said:
I saw this emergency room reality show once where this Bitch nurse was removing a bullet from a gangbangers leg and refused to give him anesthesia.
Yea, chit happens..she may really have been a bitch...but I've been in ERs that were so busy they had to do stuff they won't have otherwise.

Example...A laceration, the guy needs stitches. Simple.
They inject a local to numb the wound, but then they IMEDIATELY begin sticking an stitching. Yea, he said ouch!
Mr. P said:
I never said they aren’t …We don’t know.

Facing the truth or should I say “your” truth about abortion, has nothing at all to do with my posts in this thread. I have no intention of discrediting the pics. They are what they are we just don’t know what they really are, based on this guys past.

Nice try to twist shit councilor, ya failed BAD.

All you've done in here is try to discredit the pics, and everyone can see that. Doing your usual backpedaling, I see.

I twisted nothing. But I see that it did get to you, so it was worth it.
Mr. P said:
I never said they aren’t …We don’t know.

Facing the truth or should I say “your” truth about abortion, has nothing at all to do with my posts in this thread. I have no intention of discrediting the pics. They are what they are we just don’t know what they really are, based on this guys past.

Nice try to twist shit councilor, ya failed BAD.

In other words you are telling us that we shouldn't believe everything we read? Hey-there's a new one! :eek2:
No one supports the dude. He is a lunatic and a fanatic.

By posting the pictures - regardless if they are from abortions or not - make people talk...it is the shock value - which is what he is all about.

You simply can't say that because someone doesn't agree with abortion, that must mean they support abortion clinic bombers.

We usually jump all over the liberals on the board who make stretches like that.
Abbey Normal said:
All you've done in here is try to discredit the pics, and everyone can see that. Doing your usual backpedaling, I see.

I twisted nothing. But I see that it did get to you, so it was worth it.
How did I do that?
GotZoom said:
No one supports the dude. He is a lunatic and a fanatic.

That's how I started.... Exposing links as to who this guy is...It didn't take long to get jumped on, no surprise.
Mr. P said:
That's how I started.... Exposing links as to who this guy is...It didn't take long to get jumped on, no surprise.

i don't think you got jumped on. ad hominem attacks just aren't effective debating technicques.
rtwngAvngr said:
i don't think you got jumped on. ad hominem attacks just aren't effective debating technicques.
No? Only zoom has said this guy is wacko so far. Which is pretty much how I started.. So there! And that's my last post to this thread.:p:
GotZoom said:
No one supports the dude. He is a lunatic and a fanatic.

By posting the pictures - regardless if they are from abortions or not - make people talk...it is the shock value - which is what he is all about.

You simply can't say that because someone doesn't agree with abortion, that must mean they support abortion clinic bombers.

We usually jump all over the liberals on the board who make stretches like that.


And I've seen information quoted from sites with a liberal agenda discounted for no other reason than where it came from. I think Mr. P is correct in advising caution about how much of that link to believe. It is the natural tendency of ANYONE with an agenda to color their information in a way that favors their side of the argument.
Mr. P said:
I know Arch, but the fact is we don't know what those babies died from. Do we?
You being an ex-cop know that. All we know for sure is we see pics of dead babies, and with this guys tactics, that's all we know.

I'm shocked to see some folks here are subtly supporting this idiot.

Since you brought up the "ex-cop" reality check...I can honestly say I have observed actual in person abortion results...these pictures were quite accurate showing the damage at this tri-mester level 7months or so! Were these actual abortion results or simulation pictures depicting such...I could not testify to that since I only looked at realistic looking pictures...but I could say that the pictures gave a realistic look at real results...Hope this answered your question! :huh:
MissileMan said:

And I've seen information quoted from sites with a liberal agenda discounted for no other reason than where it came from. I think Mr. P is correct in advising caution about how much of that link to believe. It is the natural tendency of ANYONE with an agenda to color their information in a way that favors their side of the argument.

Well I wish that it wasn't a disreputable source putting this stuff out there. Abortion is wrong and ugly in reality. Truth is, as a society we should be offering adoption and support to those with a problem, whatever their age.

It's morally wrong, but perhaps more important to the secularists out there, the person that undergoes the abortion often has problems for years, if not the rest of their life.

I did not view the site, I've had enough biology to know that whatever the trimester, it's ugly.
Kathianne said:
Well I wish that it wasn't a disreputable source putting this stuff out there. Abortion is wrong and ugly in reality. Truth is, as a society we should be offering adoption and support to those with a problem, whatever their age.

It's morally wrong, but perhaps more important to the secularists out there, the person that undergoes the abortion often has problems for years, if not the rest of their life.

I did not view the site, I've had enough biology to know that whatever the trimester, it's ugly.
Let's see here....

1. There are about 1 million abortions performed in this country each year.
2. Abortion has been legal for almost 33 years.
3. Assuming that the number of abortions each year has remained constant over the past 33 years
4. Meaning that abortion has killed more Americans than all the wars fought by this country, it has killed more Americans than any epidemic e.g. influenza or AIDS

I could go out on a limb and claim that abortion has a long term negative effect on society and our economy. We do, after all, have 33 million fewer people than we would have if abortion were never legal. That means there are 33 million fewer tax payers, 33 million few consumers, 33 million few people who could have contributed to our economy through innovation, and 33 million fewer people having babies. Within the next 40 or 50 years, if present trends continue, America's population will begin to decline.... what are the effects of a declining population?
KarlMarx said:
Let's see here....

1. There are about 1 million abortions performed in this country each year.
2. Abortion has been legal for almost 33 years.
3. Assuming that the number of abortions each year has remained constant over the past 33 years
4. Meaning that abortion has killed more Americans than all the wars fought by this country, it has killed more Americans than any epidemic e.g. influenza or AIDS

I could go out on a limb and claim that abortion has a long term negative effect on society and our economy. We do, after all, have 33 million fewer people than we would have if abortion were never legal. That means there are 33 million fewer tax payers, 33 million few consumers, 33 million few people who could have contributed to our economy through innovation, and 33 million fewer people having babies. Within the next 40 or 50 years, if present trends continue, America's population will begin to decline.... what are the effects of a declining population?

Not to be flipant, but most of those 33m. persons would most likely have been democrats. NOW that is something to think about. :laugh:

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