about leaks


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2014
This is a very even-handed expose on leaks, leakers, and the people who whine about them.

The Leakers Who Exposed Gen. Flynn’s Lie Committed Serious — and Wholly Justified — Felonies

Thus, the very same Democrats who just three months ago viewed illegal leaking as a grave sin today view it as an act of heroic #Resistance.

What matters far more than this lowly and empty game-playing is the principle that is so vividly apparent here. Given the extreme secrecy powers that have arisen under the war on terror, one of the very few ways that the public has left for learning about what its government officials do is illegal leaking. As Trevor Timm notes, numerous leaks have already achieved great good in the three short weeks that Trump has been president.

Leaks are illegal and hated by those in power (and their followers) precisely because political officials want to hide evidence of their own wrongdoing, and want to be able to lie to the public with impunity and without detection. That’s the same reason the rest of us should celebrate such illegal leaks and protect those who undertake them, often at great risk to their own interests, so that we can be informed about the real actions of those who wield the greatest power. That principle does not change based upon which political party controls the White House.

The leakers committed multiple felonies. But nonetheless, they exposed wrongdoing at the highest levels.

the issue isn't just about leaks, it's about the way that we have enabled and abetted government intrusions into privacy to the point that leaks are now the only way for federal employees to bring to light wrong-doing by officials.
Then there is the fake news to contend with.... the made up "Flynn tweets" by the left.
The media is killing itself. It is bizarre to watch.
Dear Dumb ass media, The problem with lying is, no one will know you are telling the truth on the rare occasion that you do.

And Pillars, that little girl's joy is so fun to watch. I wonder what she is so happy about.
This is a very even-handed expose on leaks, leakers, and the people who whine about them.

The Leakers Who Exposed Gen. Flynn’s Lie Committed Serious — and Wholly Justified — Felonies

Thus, the very same Democrats who just three months ago viewed illegal leaking as a grave sin today view it as an act of heroic #Resistance.

What matters far more than this lowly and empty game-playing is the principle that is so vividly apparent here. Given the extreme secrecy powers that have arisen under the war on terror, one of the very few ways that the public has left for learning about what its government officials do is illegal leaking. As Trevor Timm notes, numerous leaks have already achieved great good in the three short weeks that Trump has been president.

Leaks are illegal and hated by those in power (and their followers) precisely because political officials want to hide evidence of their own wrongdoing, and want to be able to lie to the public with impunity and without detection. That’s the same reason the rest of us should celebrate such illegal leaks and protect those who undertake them, often at great risk to their own interests, so that we can be informed about the real actions of those who wield the greatest power. That principle does not change based upon which political party controls the White House.

The leakers committed multiple felonies. But nonetheless, they exposed wrongdoing at the highest levels.

the issue isn't just about leaks, it's about the way that we have enabled and abetted government intrusions into privacy to the point that leaks are now the only way for federal employees to bring to light wrong-doing by officials.
Federal Whistle blowers would have been protected under the bill presented by Senator Grassley but the dems and a few Reps voted it down. Maybe you can find someone who can tell you if there was a flaw in the legislation?
Where is the wrong doing? What are the criminal acts by the Administration?

Flat out there aren't any. The leakers just wanted to take a scalp. All a smear job.But they have one big freaking problem on their hands.

They are criminals. The buzz is that AG Sessions will be gearing up to call a Grand Jury. Backed by House Intel and others looks like Trump is going to play for blood over this. The leakers better lawyer up. Subpoenas will be coming right across the board not only to those in the federal agencies but also to the press.

And I will party down. Oooooooh just the thought of any NYT or WP son of a bitch fake journalist having to be grilled makes me happy, happy, happy.

So instead of taking the information to the proper oversight authorities, the leakers committed a "good felony".

I'm sure Assange and Snowden are relieved to hear this news!

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