About Private Citizen Hunter Biden.....

You are one of the fucking liars. Being a Trump supporter makes you among the stupidest people.
The entire laptop story is absurd. Collusion is a buzz word that the right is trying to use when in reality social media platforms were taking input from both parties and even trumps whitehouse to try and identify disinformation. In the end they are responsible for their own business decisions
Other than you wish it to be so, how is the Hunter laptop story absurd?

Starting with Hillary Clinton, collusion has been the Democrat's go-to word since Donald Trump announced his candidacy.
Other than you wish it to be so, how is the Hunter laptop story absurd?

Starting with Hillary Clinton, collusion has been the Democrat's go-to word since Donald Trump announced his candidacy.
I don’t see what Hillary Clinton has to do with this. The story is absurd because it’s just not believable. Hunter drops a laptop off at a repair shop and forgets about it. The laptop has child porn and all kinds of dirt on his dad. The shop owner is blind so he can’t confirm that Hunter dropped it off. The shop owner goes through the contents of the laptop and then gives it to the FBI and Rudy Gulliani. All during an election year where Hunters dad is running for prez. Come on…. Do I really need to explain more why that is absurd?!
No lies, it’s there in black and white. Who do you think the letter from congress was talking about when they pointed out the corruption in the prosecutors office?
The letter does not say to fire Shokin. It does not say to fire anyone.

Why can't you just admit that you got busted lying to the USMB forum again, you fucking moronic pathetic disgusting piece of shit?
Why can't you just admit that you got busted lying to the USMB forum again, you fucking moronic pathetic disgusting piece of shit?
No need for the hyper dramatic emotional outbursts. That’s grade school level. Step it up. Do better. Be better
I don’t see what Hillary Clinton has to do with this. The story is absurd because it’s just not believable. Hunter drops a laptop off at a repair shop and forgets about it. The laptop has child porn and all kinds of dirt on his dad. The shop owner is blind so he can’t confirm that Hunter dropped it off. The shop owner goes through the contents of the laptop and then gives it to the FBI and Rudy Gulliani. All during an election year where Hunters dad is running for prez. Come on…. Do I really need to explain more why that is absurd?!
It makes perfect sense in RW CooCoo World.
I don’t see what Hillary Clinton has to do with this. The story is absurd because it’s just not believable. Hunter drops a laptop off at a repair shop and forgets about it. The laptop has child porn and all kinds of dirt on his dad. The shop owner is blind so he can’t confirm that Hunter dropped it off. The shop owner goes through the contents of the laptop and then gives it to the FBI and Rudy Gulliani. All during an election year where Hunters dad is running for prez. Come on…. Do I really need to explain more why that is absurd?!
Boasting of your ignorance seems like a strange way to reply to my post.

As you know, it is Hillary who created the Trump collusion lie. That is confirmed and MOST folks accept that it is true.

The shopkeeper is partially blind, NOT totally blind, Hunter's signature is on the work order. From the FBI on down, the hard drives have been authenticated. Hunter is an alcoholic stoner who forgot where he left the hard drives.

For the life of my I cannot grasp how any American can try to trivialize election tampering on a major scale. What is the matter with you? You can't be that biased that you support the collapse of our system. Can you?

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No need for the hyper dramatic emotional outbursts. That’s grade school level. Step it up. Do better. Be better
If you quit lying to the USMB forum, I promise I will stop calling out your stupid lies, bitch.

Why do you base all of your political opinions on the stupid lies you tell yourself?
As you know, it is Hillary who created the Trump collusion lie. That is confirmed and MOST folks accept that it is true.
Trump collusion wasn’t a lie and wasn’t made up by Hillary. It was investigated because Trump and his people kept lying about meetings with Russians
If you quit lying to the USMB forum, I promise I will stop calling out your stupid lies, bitch.

Why do you base all of your political opinions on the stupid lies you tell yourself?
Still playing children’s games I see. 👍
The shopkeeper is partially blind, NOT totally blind, Hunter's signature is on the work order. From the FBI on down, the hard drives have been authenticated. Hunter is an alcoholic stoner who forgot where he left the hard drives
If everything is verified then that includes the child porn. Why didn’t Trumps team arrest Hunter?
For the life of my I cannot grasp how any American can try to trivialize election tampering on a major scale. What is the matter with you? You can't be that biased that you support the collapse of our system. Can you?
This fiasco about election tampering was an excuse that Trump made for losing. He set up the same narrative in 2016 when he thought he was going to lose to Hillary. It’s so transparent. Don’t be such a sucker.
Trump collusion wasn’t a lie and wasn’t made up by Hillary. It was investigated because Trump and his people kept lying about meetings with Russians
Are you really that ignorant or are you playing? That's not up for debate any longer, facts acknowledged by both sides are that Hillary and her campaign paid to have a fake dossier prepared. The facts are, there was never any collusion. That too is acknowledged. What is your problem?

Are you really that ignorant or are you playing? That's not up for debate any longer, facts acknowledged by both sides are that Hillary and her campaign paid to have a fake dossier prepared. The facts are, there was never any collusion. That too is acknowledged. What is your problem?

Trumps own team didn’t start an investigation over nothing. Flynn didn’t get fired over nothing

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