About time for some more RINO hunting

No, they should keep their promises to Republican voters and they don't. If they support Democrat policies they should be honest and run as Democrats, not Republicans.

It's never worked that way on either side of the aisle.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.
What you want is a prolonged government shutdown until Obamacare is dismantled completely. That is not going to happen. You don't have a prayer of accomplishing that when you don't have 60 in the Senate and don't have the Presidency. The people don't want a long game of chicken. You extremists want that, but the people don't. Boehner did the right thing.

By stepping down?
No, they should keep their promises to Republican voters and they don't. If they support Democrat policies they should be honest and run as Democrats, not Republicans.

It's never worked that way on either side of the aisle.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.
What you want is a prolonged government shutdown until Obamacare is dismantled completely. That is not going to happen. You don't have a prayer of accomplishing that when you don't have 60 in the Senate and don't have the Presidency. The people don't want a long game of chicken. You extremists want that, but the people don't. Boehner did the right thing.
You have no idea what I want or what you're even talking about.
No, they should keep their promises to Republican voters and they don't. If they support Democrat policies they should be honest and run as Democrats, not Republicans.

It's never worked that way on either side of the aisle.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.

You are though. You are now claiming that McCain is a liar because he doesn't support his party 100% of the time. But wait...according to you McCain's party votes with Democrats.....eh, you don't make any sense.

See the far left drones do not understand anything beyond their religious programming..

McCain sides MORE with Democrats than Republicans that is why he is being called RHINO..
It's never worked that way on either side of the aisle.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.
What you want is a prolonged government shutdown until Obamacare is dismantled completely. That is not going to happen. You don't have a prayer of accomplishing that when you don't have 60 in the Senate and don't have the Presidency. The people don't want a long game of chicken. You extremists want that, but the people don't. Boehner did the right thing.
You have no idea what I want or what you're even talking about.

Just curious. Can you name 10 GOP senators who are not RINOS?
No, they should keep their promises to Republican voters and they don't. If they support Democrat policies they should be honest and run as Democrats, not Republicans.

It's never worked that way on either side of the aisle.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.

You are though. You are now claiming that McCain is a liar because he doesn't support his party 100% of the time. But wait...according to you McCain's party votes with Democrats.....eh, you don't make any sense.
Not to you, apparently. I'm saying that the Republican Party has become an extension of the Democratic Party, basically rubber stamping everything they do and McCain, Boehner, and McConnell are some of the main ones who are doing it. If you can't grasp that, you must be stupid.
It's never worked that way on either side of the aisle.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.
What you want is a prolonged government shutdown until Obamacare is dismantled completely. That is not going to happen. You don't have a prayer of accomplishing that when you don't have 60 in the Senate and don't have the Presidency. The people don't want a long game of chicken. You extremists want that, but the people don't. Boehner did the right thing.

By stepping down?
No, by getting budgets and debt ceiling increases passed
By making sure the basic function of government continued. You extremists on the other hand were wanting to hold our economy hostage to fringe demands of doing away with Obamacare and defund in planned parenthood. You will not get either of those accomplished until you obtain power. Right now, Democrats,and Republicans are at a stalemate. That's why nothing other than the basic functioning of government has passed since 2011.
It's never worked that way on either side of the aisle.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.
What you want is a prolonged government shutdown until Obamacare is dismantled completely. That is not going to happen. You don't have a prayer of accomplishing that when you don't have 60 in the Senate and don't have the Presidency. The people don't want a long game of chicken. You extremists want that, but the people don't. Boehner did the right thing.
You have no idea what I want or what you're even talking about.
You lie!
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.
What you want is a prolonged government shutdown until Obamacare is dismantled completely. That is not going to happen. You don't have a prayer of accomplishing that when you don't have 60 in the Senate and don't have the Presidency. The people don't want a long game of chicken. You extremists want that, but the people don't. Boehner did the right thing.
You have no idea what I want or what you're even talking about.

Just curious. Can you name 10 GOP senators who are not RINOS?
Probably, but I don't jump through hoops for liberals.
It's never worked that way on either side of the aisle.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.

You are though. You are now claiming that McCain is a liar because he doesn't support his party 100% of the time. But wait...according to you McCain's party votes with Democrats.....eh, you don't make any sense.
Not to you, apparently. I'm saying that the Republican Party has become an extension of the Democratic Party, basically rubber stamping everything they do and McCain, Boehner, and McConnell are some of the main ones who are doing it. If you can't grasp that, you must be stupid.

I see, you're not a wing nut, the Republican party is now the RINO party at large. So, why do you care if McCain votes with them?
Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.
What you want is a prolonged government shutdown until Obamacare is dismantled completely. That is not going to happen. You don't have a prayer of accomplishing that when you don't have 60 in the Senate and don't have the Presidency. The people don't want a long game of chicken. You extremists want that, but the people don't. Boehner did the right thing.
You have no idea what I want or what you're even talking about.

Just curious. Can you name 10 GOP senators who are not RINOS?
Probably, but I don't jump through hoops for liberals.

It's not jumping through hoops. I could come up with a list of 10 Democrats in the senate that I would not consider"DINOs", fair enough?
It's never worked that way on either side of the aisle.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.

You are though. You are now claiming that McCain is a liar because he doesn't support his party 100% of the time. But wait...according to you McCain's party votes with Democrats.....eh, you don't make any sense.
Not to you, apparently. I'm saying that the Republican Party has become an extension of the Democratic Party, basically rubber stamping everything they do and McCain, Boehner, and McConnell are some of the main ones who are doing it. If you can't grasp that, you must be stupid.
If that were true, then Obama would have gotten more of his agenda passed after 2011. What of Obama's agenda got accomplished after the 2010 elections? The basic functioning of government doesn't count. Everybody but you fringe right wingers want that.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.

You are though. You are now claiming that McCain is a liar because he doesn't support his party 100% of the time. But wait...according to you McCain's party votes with Democrats.....eh, you don't make any sense.
Not to you, apparently. I'm saying that the Republican Party has become an extension of the Democratic Party, basically rubber stamping everything they do and McCain, Boehner, and McConnell are some of the main ones who are doing it. If you can't grasp that, you must be stupid.

I see, you're not a wing nut, the Republican party is now the RINO party at large. So, why do you care if McCain votes with them?
Grow the fuck up. If that's the best you can do, I'm done with you.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.

You are though. You are now claiming that McCain is a liar because he doesn't support his party 100% of the time. But wait...according to you McCain's party votes with Democrats.....eh, you don't make any sense.
Not to you, apparently. I'm saying that the Republican Party has become an extension of the Democratic Party, basically rubber stamping everything they do and McCain, Boehner, and McConnell are some of the main ones who are doing it. If you can't grasp that, you must be stupid.
If that were trye, then Obama would have gotten more of his agenda passed after 2011. What of Obama's agenda got accomplished after the 2010 wlections? The basic functioning of government doesn't count. Everybody but you fringe right wingers want that.
See post #70.
Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.

You are though. You are now claiming that McCain is a liar because he doesn't support his party 100% of the time. But wait...according to you McCain's party votes with Democrats.....eh, you don't make any sense.
Not to you, apparently. I'm saying that the Republican Party has become an extension of the Democratic Party, basically rubber stamping everything they do and McCain, Boehner, and McConnell are some of the main ones who are doing it. If you can't grasp that, you must be stupid.

I see, you're not a wing nut, the Republican party is now the RINO party at large. So, why do you care if McCain votes with them?
Grow the fuck up. If that's the best you can do, I'm done with you.

How silly of me to try and encapsulate your point of view into something that remotely makes any sense.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.

You are though. You are now claiming that McCain is a liar because he doesn't support his party 100% of the time. But wait...according to you McCain's party votes with Democrats.....eh, you don't make any sense.
Not to you, apparently. I'm saying that the Republican Party has become an extension of the Democratic Party, basically rubber stamping everything they do and McCain, Boehner, and McConnell are some of the main ones who are doing it. If you can't grasp that, you must be stupid.

I see, you're not a wing nut, the Republican party is now the RINO party at large. So, why do you care if McCain votes with them?
Grow the fuck up. If that's the best you can do, I'm done with you.

How silly of me to try and encapsulate your point of view into something that remotely makes any sense.
Nothing would make sense to you, you're too damn stupid.
Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.

You are though. You are now claiming that McCain is a liar because he doesn't support his party 100% of the time. But wait...according to you McCain's party votes with Democrats.....eh, you don't make any sense.
Not to you, apparently. I'm saying that the Republican Party has become an extension of the Democratic Party, basically rubber stamping everything they do and McCain, Boehner, and McConnell are some of the main ones who are doing it. If you can't grasp that, you must be stupid.
If that were trye, then Obama would have gotten more of his agenda passed after 2011. What of Obama's agenda got accomplished after the 2010 wlections? The basic functioning of government doesn't count. Everybody but you fringe right wingers want that.
See post #70.

Spoiler alert, post 70 is angry.
You are though. You are now claiming that McCain is a liar because he doesn't support his party 100% of the time. But wait...according to you McCain's party votes with Democrats.....eh, you don't make any sense.
Not to you, apparently. I'm saying that the Republican Party has become an extension of the Democratic Party, basically rubber stamping everything they do and McCain, Boehner, and McConnell are some of the main ones who are doing it. If you can't grasp that, you must be stupid.

I see, you're not a wing nut, the Republican party is now the RINO party at large. So, why do you care if McCain votes with them?
Grow the fuck up. If that's the best you can do, I'm done with you.

How silly of me to try and encapsulate your point of view into something that remotely makes any sense.
Nothing would make sense to you, you're too damn stupid.

Ah, do you want me to read post 70 too?
Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.
What you want is a prolonged government shutdown until Obamacare is dismantled completely. That is not going to happen. You don't have a prayer of accomplishing that when you don't have 60 in the Senate and don't have the Presidency. The people don't want a long game of chicken. You extremists want that, but the people don't. Boehner did the right thing.
You have no idea what I want or what you're even talking about.
You lie!
GFY, troll.
So telling the truth is trolling? McCain is apparently not a "true Republican" because he helped keep our government functioning rather than trying to power partisan agendas through an impossible stalemate. That is the truth about your position, and you react to this truth being expressed with anger. Very telling. I am not a troll, I am a master debator.
It should, and honest people would keep their word.

Life isn't cut and dry. It's also possible for a candidate to hold views that are a mix of right and left. I vote for Democrats, sometimes I'm disappointed in how they vote but I've never expected them to agree with me 100%. I've never met someone in my personal life I always agree with, why would I expect that in a politician? You purists are killing your party.
I'm talking about saying one thing and doing another. Stop acting like I'm saying something else.
What you want is a prolonged government shutdown until Obamacare is dismantled completely. That is not going to happen. You don't have a prayer of accomplishing that when you don't have 60 in the Senate and don't have the Presidency. The people don't want a long game of chicken. You extremists want that, but the people don't. Boehner did the right thing.

By stepping down?
No, by getting budgets and debt ceiling increases passed
By making sure the basic function of government continued. You extremists on the other hand were wanting to hold our economy hostage to fringe demands of doing away with Obamacare and defund in planned parenthood. You will not get either of those accomplished until you obtain power. Right now, Democrats,and Republicans are at a stalemate. That's why nothing other than the basic functioning of government has passed since 2011.

But he did shut down the government! Al the far left blogs sites say he did.

So he gave Obama exactly what Obama wanted with no compromises..

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