Abraham Lincoln: Alternative History?

Look into the original document that bound the states together. The name is right there in it.
You think mass murdering Americans who want to secede, is right and just. You think the Union is perpetual because of a piece of paper.

Wrong on both counts. Dumb too.
You think mass murdering Americans who want to secede, is right and just. You think the Union is perpetual because of a piece of paper.

Wrong on both counts. Dumb too.

Of course, you are an Anarchist that more than likely believes that no rules apply.

Although I guess that includes "might makes right", as well as keeping people in bondage as well.

You see, I really could not care less what you and the brain dead "Lost Cause" types think. I simply love watching you all squirm in circles, choking on your own arguments, and making fools of yourselves. You all throw out a claim, then get all butt-hurt when I turn it right against you and you all spin off in a completely different direction.

But you are so self-absorbed, you do not even get that I am really not debating for you, you all are lost causes, like the Confederacy you all love so much. I am actually talking for those that might somehow fall for your line of bullshit, to encourage them to look at things logically and to actually do some research. You all are absolutely beyond hope, so it really is worthless to try to actually talk to you.
I see it went right over your head also.

In other words, you are lost and have no idea what to say, so you laugh and toss a random insult.

Why am I not surprised?
It didnt go over my head. It was a pathetic cop out from discussing what i said.
Of course, you are an Anarchist that more than likely believes that no rules apply.

Although I guess that includes "might makes right", as well as keeping people in bondage as well.

You see, I really could not care less what you and the brain dead "Lost Cause" types think. I simply love watching you all squirm in circles, choking on your own arguments, and making fools of yourselves. You all throw out a claim, then get all butt-hurt when I turn it right against you and you all spin off in a completely different direction.

But you are so self-absorbed, you do not even get that I am really not debating for you, you all are lost causes, like the Confederacy you all love so much. I am actually talking for those that might somehow fall for your line of bullshit, to encourage them to look at things logically and to actually do some research. You all are absolutely beyond hope, so it really is worthless to try to actually talk to you.
If you were half as smart as you paraded around here, you might be dangerous.
All you do is repeat cliches. None of you federal supremacists think. Just regurgitate.
You dont have to support slavery, or love the confederacy, to be against tyranny.
Now go hump papa gubmints leg, bootlicker.
It didnt go over my head. It was a pathetic cop out from discussing what i said.

You made an accusation, I refuted it by pointing out that I make no attempt to hide that I am part of a secessionist movement myself.

Then you laugh, whine, and scream "cop out".

Once again, typical. Don't like that if you had even looked before you made the claim I did not know what it was, you would have seen one I actively support.

Don't blame me if you made yourself look stupid, that is your own damned fault. And just attacking over and over again only makes you look childish and petty.
You made an accusation, I refuted it by pointing out that I make no attempt to hide that I am part of a secessionist movement myself.

Then you laugh, whine, and scream "cop out".

Once again, typical. Don't like that if you had even looked before you made the claim I did not know what it was, you would have seen one I actively support.

Don't blame me if you made yourself look stupid, that is your own damned fault. And just attacking over and over again only makes you look childish and petty.
IDC what you are apart of. You havent grasped what the word means.
I cant make out the rest of your malarkey.
None of you federal supremacists think.

And you scream I "repeat clichés"?

You do not have a fucking clue what I think. Like so many in here, you all are taking it so incredibly personal that I am simply busting false beliefs as to the start of the war, and making attacks, accusing me and others of having select beliefs, and anything you can think of in order to make yourselves feel better. You actually do not know my beliefs, I have actually not even said what they are at all.

That is known as "projecting". Taking an adversarial position, then projecting onto them anything you think your "enemy" believes in, therefore you can pat yourself on the ass and say you are putting down the enemy. Which as always I find childish and pointless. I doubt any of you could actually point out any of my actual beliefs, you are just vomiting up accusations.

That is why you and others are failing in here. You all are really trying to debate form a position of your own personal beliefs, and myself and Unk are debating from facts. And here is the interesting thing, he and I have gone at it many times in the past. However, even when we do not agree it is almost always civil and polite without the hysterical screaming of the peanut gallery in here.

But there is one thing I have seen quite often over the decades. That those that scream most commonly in support of the "Lost Cause" side of this issue are almost always fucking Klukkers that would happily run around in white hoods and burning crosses if they were not allowed to have their "Darkies" back in the slave pens again. It really is almost universal, that one follows the other.

But it is obvious in the extreme that none of you understands a single thing about me, you all are just throwing out random lines as if it actually means something. And I take most of you about as seriously as I do the brain-dead ones down in the Conspiracy Theory section.
And you scream I "repeat clichés"?

You do not have a fucking clue what I think. Like so many in here, you all are taking it so incredibly personal that I am simply busting false beliefs as to the start of the war, and making attacks, accusing me and others of having select beliefs, and anything you can think of in order to make yourselves feel better. You actually do not know my beliefs, I have actually not even said what they are at all.

That is known as "projecting". Taking an adversarial position, then projecting onto them anything you think your "enemy" believes in, therefore you can pat yourself on the ass and say you are putting down the enemy. Which as always I find childish and pointless. I doubt any of you could actually point out any of my actual beliefs, you are just vomiting up accusations.

That is why you and others are failing in here. You all are really trying to debate form a position of your own personal beliefs, and myself and Unk are debating from facts. And here is the interesting thing, he and I have gone at it many times in the past. However, even when we do not agree it is almost always civil and polite without the hysterical screaming of the peanut gallery in here.

But there is one thing I have seen quite often over the decades. That those that scream most commonly in support of the "Lost Cause" side of this issue are almost always fucking Klukkers that would happily run around in white hoods and burning crosses if they were not allowed to have their "Darkies" back in the slave pens again. It really is almost universal, that one follows the other.

But it is obvious in the extreme that none of you understands a single thing about me, you all are just throwing out random lines as if it actually means something. And I take most of you about as seriously as I do the brain-dead ones down in the Conspiracy Theory section.
Jesus :rolleyes:
You are accusing people of loving the confederacy and slavery, like a goddamn parrot.. and you post that rant? :rofl:
You need some self awareness bro. And critical thinking skills.
Of course, you are an Anarchist that more than likely believes that no rules apply.

Although I guess that includes "might makes right", as well as keeping people in bondage as well.

You see, I really could not care less what you and the brain dead "Lost Cause" types think. I simply love watching you all squirm in circles, choking on your own arguments, and making fools of yourselves. You all throw out a claim, then get all butt-hurt when I turn it right against you and you all spin off in a completely different direction.

But you are so self-absorbed, you do not even get that I am really not debating for you, you all are lost causes, like the Confederacy you all love so much. I am actually talking for those that might somehow fall for your line of bullshit, to encourage them to look at things logically and to actually do some research. You all are absolutely beyond hope, so it really is worthless to try to actually talk to you.
This isn’t about me. It’s about you and your authoritarian statist ignorance.

Can you explain why you think the US government is perpetual? What empire or government has lasted forever?

Is the Roman Empire still existing in your mind?

If a state or states were to secede today, would you approve of mass murdering them?
Jesus :rolleyes:
You are accusing people of loving the confederacy and slavery, like a goddamn parrot.. and you post that rant? :rofl:
You need some self awareness bro. And critical thinking skills.
He has no legitimate argument.

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