The Confederacy was an Evil Empire

For over a hundred and fifty years, the legacy of the Confederacy has been sold as a noble Lost Cause of states defending their states rights.

The reality is that the Confederacy was an Evil Empire. One of the worst nations in the history of mankind.

The Confederacy was built on ensuring that the institution of slavery would exist forever,
The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in bondage.
The economy of the Confederacy was built around enforced free labor. Labor enforced by whip and chain.
The Confederacy used women for breeding and then sold the children.
The Confederacy considered human slaves as no more than livestock

By any valuation, this was pure EVIL and should never be defended or honored in todays society.
This is really boring

Must be a slow day in lib la la land
A States right to allow Slavery
That is why the Confederacy was formed
Of course. See this nation had 12 presidents who owned slaves so this was normal as pie. Why didn't Abe say he invaded VA due to slavery? He said the opposite.
The South's commitment to slavery was not abated by any beliefs Lincoln held about the practice.

Slavery was and is the cross America will always carry, according to Faulkner.
Of course. See this nation had 12 presidents who owned slaves so this was normal as pie. Why didn't Abe say he invaded VA due to slavery? He said the opposite.
Again, it all gets back to slavery

Lincoln fought to save the union. A union fractured by the south forming a Confederacy to preserve slavery
Again, it all gets back to slavery

Lincoln fought to save the union. A union fractured by the south forming a Confederacy to preserve slavery
You get great joy saying Slavery. The right the South wanted to keep was it's right to form a better union.
You get great joy saying Slavery. The right the South wanted to keep was it's right to form a better union.
Again getting back to Slavery
Read the articles of secession from individual states. The key rationale was always slavery
Read the Confederate Constitution. Very similar to ours except that it makes slavery permanent
Read VP Stevens “Cornerstone Speech” making it clear they thought slavery was the cornerstone of the Confederacy

That is their concept of a better union
Again getting back to Slavery
Read the articles of secession from individual states. The key rationale was always slavery
Read the Confederate Constitution. Very similar to ours except that it makes slavery permanent
Read VP Stevens “Cornerstone Speech” making it clear they thought slavery was the cornerstone of the Confederacy

That is their concept of a better union
That is right. But leaving the union was no valid excuse to invade the departed states. Abe was being an ass. You plan to knock the 12 presidents who owned many slaves? When will you condemn George Washington and Thomas Jefferson?
Again, it all gets back to slavery

Lincoln fought to save the union. A union fractured by the south forming a Confederacy to preserve slavery
All Abe had to do was leave them alone. Abe did not want slaves. Imagine he waged war on Canada over some kind of beef??
All Abe had to do was leave them alone. Abe did not want slaves. Imagine he waged war on Canada over some kind of beef??

Lincoln saved the union and destroyed the Evil Confederacy

Best President ever
Confederate monuments, flags, Hollidays, roads, schools

Who else celebrates an evil empire?
Tradition and heritage doesn't necessarily translate to celebration. People in the Confederate South still celebrate the 4th of July but left wing bigots want to erase history for political points. The sons of confederate veterans fought in every war in the bloody 20th century so why not let them respect their families and their traditional values? There are monuments to Indian killers and even aliens from outer space. Isn't it time to put the hatred aside and leave Southern heritage alone? It ain't about slavery, it's about stoking the fires of racial hatred for political advantage.
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Jefferson had four or five offspring by Sally Hemings. Her mother was a half-aunt and slave to Martha Randolph Jefferson. Don't be a nit, Robert W. If slavery was states' rights, then that states' right was immoral and wrong.

Tradition and heritage doesn't necessarily translate to celebration. People in the Confederate South still celebrate the 4th of July but left wing bigots want to erase history for political points.
So does the right, and both sides are wrong.
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Tradition and heritage doesn't necessarily translate to celebration. People in the Confederate South still celebrate the 4th of July but left wing bigots want to erase history for political points. The sons of confederate veterans fought in every war in the bloody 20th century so why not let them respect their families and their traditional values? There are monuments to Indian killers and even aliens from outer space. Isn't it time to put the hatred aside and leave Southern heritage alone? It ain't about slavery, it's about stoking the fires of racial hatred for political advantage.

Nobody wants to erase the history of the evil Confederate Empire

We just see no need to celebrate it
Jefferson had four or five offspring by Sally Hemings. Her mother was a half-aunt and slave to Martha Randolph Jefferson. Don't be a nit, Robert W. If slavery was states' rights, then that states' right was immoral and wrong.

So does the right, and both sides are wrong.
How can you be wrong when you respect heritage and tradition? England was wrong regarding slavery, Japan was wrong, Italy was wrong and Germany was wrong but nobody digs up their honored dead and replants them except lefties in the modern U.S.
How can you be wrong when you respect heritage and tradition? England was wrong regarding slavery, Japan was wrong, Italy was wrong and Germany was wrong but nobody digs up their honored dead and replants them except lefties in the modern U.S.
If you respect the heritage and tradition of the German SS or the Gestapo, yeah, you are wrong.
If you respect the heritage and tradition of the German SS or the Gestapo, yeah, you are wrong.
You lose your credibility when you compare the good patriotic Southern confederate heritage to Hitler's SS but it's a convenient argument and I expect that it has a lot of followers among the modern ignorant left.
This is a mix of fact, exaggeration, distortion, and falsehood, although I agree that the Confederacy never should have been created in the first place and that the Deep South's secession was unjustified. A few facts:

-- By late 1864, the Confederacy began to move toward gradual emancipation. The chief advocate of this move was none other than Jefferson Davis, the Confederate president, and it was strongly backed by Robert E. Lee. By early 1865, the Confederacy actually began a program to grant freedom to slaves who would volunteer to serve in the Confederate army.

-- The Confederate constitution allowed for the admission of free states into the Confederacy, and it banned the overseas slave trade.

-- The Confederacy actually allowed more freedom of the press than the Union did during the war. It jailed fewer editors and shut down fewer newspapers than did the Union during the war.

-- The Confederacy did not consider slaves to be no more than livestock, nor did the Confederacy have anything to do with slave breeding.

-- Over 50% of Confederate army officers were not slaveholders, and over 75% of the enlisted soldiers were not slaveholders. Many Confederate generals disliked slavery, including Joseph Johnston, James Longstreet, and Robert E. Lee.

-- Over 5,000 Hispanics served in the Confederate army.

-- About 4,000 blacks served in the Confederate army. Most of them were slaves who were offered freedom by their masters in exchange for military service. These were local, private initiatives. The Confederate government was aware of them and did nothing to stop them.

-- The five tribes of the Indian Territory supported the Confederacy and contributed thousands of troops to the Confederate army. One Confederate general, Stand Watie, was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian. In exchange, the Confederacy granted the tribes functional independence and promised that the independence would continue after the war (if the South won, of course).

-- According to the slaves' own accounts, such as the WPA slave narratives, the substantial majority of slaves were not abused, whipped, chained, etc. There were certainly slaves who were mistreated, sometimes terribly so, but their cases were not the norm. Slavery was inherently immoral and corrupting, even if no slaves were mistreated. There is no need to exaggerate the percentage of slaves who were mistreated.

BTW, there were four Union slave states (DE, KY, MO, and MD) during the war, and the Emancipation Proclamation exempted the slaves in those states from emancipation.

Also, when the federal government decided to send an army into Virginia in response to the firing on Fort Sumter, there were more slaves states in the Union than in the Confederacy. The four Upper South states had rejected secession when it was mainly based on concerns over slavery and decided to remain in the Union--they only seceded later, after the North made it clear that it was going to invade the Confederacy.

I forgot to mention that the Confederacy had a democratic/elected government that closely resembled the federal government, that the Confederacy had an independent judiciary, and that the Confederacy held elections for the Confederate Congress during the war. In those mid-term elections, the anti-Jefferson Davis block increased their numbers in the legislature.

Although one can make a strong case that the founding fathers endorsed the right of secession and intended the union to be voluntary, they would have roundly condemned the Deep South's unjustified secession and refusal to honor the 1860 presidential election. The seven Deep South states faced no threat that justified secession and the refusal to honor the presidential election. Thus, the Confederacy was an unholy creation of Deep South hotheads who dragged their countrymen into an unnecessary war.

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