Abyss: Capitalism/A.I. [Digital Diorama]


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Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism remind you of Aesop's Fables?

What would President Trump say?


"An alien A.I. robot named Cyclonus made contact with a U.S. Navy diver named Michael who was on a special underwater expedition to search for a lost sunken city in the Pacific Ocean. Cyclonus was a wolfish robot who believed in Machiavellian governance and was intrigued by Michael's patriotic quest for the mysterious sunken city in the Pacific Ocean. Cyclonus wanted to see if such a quest reflected TrumpUSA capitalism-ethos and if Michael exhibited such sincere patriotism towards archaeology, fortune-hunting, and the Navy."


CYCLONUS: Your Navy-quest for this underwater sea is intriguing.
MICHAEL: I believe we'll find this sunken city, Cyclonus.
CYCLONUS: I'm from a robot-planet called Cyberton...
MICHAEL: Well, on Earth, we celebrate the Navy and capitalism!
CYCLONUS: I understand; your sunken-city quest is symbolic.
MICHAEL: It is; the Navy cares about archaeology and civilization.
CYCLONUS: Do you feel you're a capitalism-patriot?
MICHAEL: America is a democracy more than a 'capitalist-state.'
CYCLONUS: Yes, but Americans embrace the structures of capitalism.
MICHAEL: True, we endorse the contracts forged by Wall Street.
CYCLONUS: Wall Street is therefore America's version of the Taj Mahal.
MICHAEL: I suppose you can say something like that...
CYCLONUS: This sunken-city you're searching for reminds you of patriotism?
MICHAEL: Sure; the Navy believes such an archaeological discovery bears fruit.
CYCLONUS: Well, President Trump could say, "We located a capitalist-society."
MICHAEL: That's right; the President appreciates forms of civilization-rhetoric.
CYCLONUS: You're a servant of the Navy, not a politician/educator.
MICHAEL: True, but I care about the American passion for history.
CYCLONUS: Well, on Cybertron, I was a knight-commander of an air-fleet.
MICHAEL: In that case, you know of the value of mobilization/knowledge.
CYCLONUS: Sure; and if you find this sunken-city, you might make a movie!
MICHAEL: Why not? We made a movie about Ancient Troy (the Trojan War).
CYCLONUS: Now that you know A.I. robots exist, perhaps you'll accent capitalism.
MICHAEL: President Trump might do just that; claiming A.I. is a symbol of compacts.
CYCLONUS: What is the social compact between the Navy and American capitalists?
MICHAEL: I believe it's one of technology development...
CYCLONUS: Maybe developing profitable technologies marks America's greatness!
MICHAEL: Maybe; this sunken-city is close (I can sense it!); let's keep searching.


"After Michael's underwater Navy vessel discovered the sunken-city, he and his crew collected artifacts and took photos for scientists and the U.S. government to evaluate. Michael theorized that the city was indeed the lost city of Atlantis, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. He was equally excited about introducing Cyclonus, the A.I. robot from Cyberton, to President Trump. However, Cyclonus insisted that he just help Michael with this one underwater mission and then return to Cybertron. Michael was disappointed that Cyclonus didn't want to share in the joys of this sunken-city discovery and how it complemented this alien-intelligence contact between humans (Michael) and robots (Cyclonus). However, when Michael gave Cyclonus as a parting diplomatic token/gift his nifty digital wrist-watch. Cyclonus liked the watch and noted it was a commercial 'symbol/totem' of capitalism-flowery (or consumerism). Michael explained that the Digital Age transformed the way American capitalists conceived of data-marketing."


"When Michael and his crew met with President Trump, they were awarded special medallions for their courage/discovery. Michael told President Trump of the A.I. robot Cyclonus (from planet Cybertron) who made contact with his crew and began discussing with him the ramifications of capitalism-philosophy in developed human civilization. Michael told the President that he presented Cyclonus with his digital wrist-watch as a gift/token of the shared views on capitalism and governance and ingenuity. Michael suggested that Cyclonus was impressed that capitalist-America/TrumpUSA was indeed a beacon of commercial imagination and that the development of American society would reflect a human appreciation of data, marketing, technology, and industrial mobilization."


"I'm intrigued by my discussion with Cyclonus and am disappointed he didn't decide to stay longer to converse about the intricacies of capitalism, governance, and humanity while engaging with our species. He was an unusual, if coldly Machiavellian, robot who seemed genuinely interested in the dimensions of knowledge and technology development as it related to the fruits of capitalism and commerce and ingenuity. I believe that if Cyclonus returns to Earth to once again engage with our species, he might have something nice/interesting to say about the 'diplomatic value' of that digital wrist-watch I gave him as a token of our shared time. I continue to wonder, however, if capitalism does create some sort of 'metaphysical abyss in governance' (since it fosters certain forms of materialism, as the shrewd robot Cyclonus might suggest)." -Michael, U.S. Navy [Diary Entry, 2020].



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