Zone1 According to Pastor Andy Stanley We Aren't Supposed to Talk About The Bible to Unbelievers

I can only say what I've said before....................

In short.............

If there WAS a Jesus or god, there still has not been any proof. TONS of theories, but nothing solid.

If the bible IS real, then out of the THOUSANDS of bibles floating around this planet........WHICH one is the REAL one?
All religions claim THEIR bible is THE bible. But thats all BS, because every bible says something different........even all the English/American bibles.

And even with that, how do you know how many times ALL of these bibles have been rewritten, edited, changed, and altered to fit the wants and agendas of those in power?

If anything, this guy is correct. If you are religious and you believe, then you can't go by the bible, because it isn't reliable, even though he says it has reliable information.....which is BS. It either IS or IS NOT what you go by. You can't have it both ways.
If all the stuff that link said is true... that's really sad, because he used to have some good teachings. His father is one of the most famous preachers ever, but it seems Andy tries too hard to to please everyone, and to not be too "controversial" to unbelievers. And that 'fear of man' seems to be leading him astray. Also, I agree with what Calypso said, the bible said this would happen.
First verse that came to my mind:
Mark 2:17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

Sinners are not the same as people who don't believe.

Most big time sinners I've known in my life have BEEN religious.
no it isn't and i'm sorry that you don't and can't see it.

Believe me..........I KNOW. I've SEEN IT IN ACTION.

My mother was a church hopper and a "Sunday Christian". Every 6 months she changed churches.
Even being 12 years old at the time when I started realizing what was going was all the same in all the different churches she constantly dragged me and my sister too. Hypocrisy, lies, deceit, and corruption. All wrapped up in relgious words, topped with a million dollar building, with people trying to "one up" each other after the sermons.

After a couple of years of this, I started fighting her to not go to these places, as they were heinous atrocities to me, even at that age. It literally made me sick to be in the midst of all the liars, frauds, panderers, and Karens there were.

As far as religion is concerned I HAVE heard it all and seen it all, with my own ears and with my own eyes.

If you want to believe, thats fine. I don't have anything against anybody that has a belief system. It's the organized liars, cheats, and frauds I have a problem with.

No offense, just giving you my background on the religious issues.
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He's right.

"Don't tell me you're a Christian. Let me figure it out."

That's how you impress people.
He's right.

"Don't tell me you're a Christian. Let me figure it out."

That's how you impress people.

So you're going to figure out who Jesus is/was without reading the Bible and not wanting to be told about Him either? How the___ man you're even crazier than I thought.
Religious and saved are not the same. We are all sinners, we are not all saved. :)

Saved? From what exactly?

My momma had me "baptized". Because I was dunked in some water, that means I'm now free to do anything and everything I want and still go to heaven? I don't think so.

YOU are the only person that can save YOU. Doesn't matter how many "hail Marys" you spout or how many prayers you say........if you break ANY of your bibles rules, then you are only going in one direction, and it ain't up.
My momma had me "baptized". Because I was dunked in some water, that means I'm now free to do anything and everything I want and still go to heaven? I don't think so.

Nope! All true followers of Christ show that they're His true followers by their actions. Sure we all sin and slip up sometimes, but without repentance it's all just empty words.
This guy is making some sense. Most devoted Christians don't seem to care how poorly they represent the faith they are constantly pushing in people's faces.
This guy is making some sense.

For somebody who wants to lead people to Christ he's not making any sense. It's one thing to not cram religious beliefs down somebody's throat, but they should at least hear about Jesus first and see if they want to make that choice to follow Him.

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