According to science, how does a new species develop?

If a cell cannot be created, just like an atom can't be created , then you have to look at what other theories of origins are out there. (BTW molecules can be put together to create something, but not atoms. We can create synthetic diamonds, but not gold. This is as God designed. He put limitations. A man's got to know his limitations as Dirty Harry said.) If it's not based on evolutionary thinking, then it's creation. The arguments have come down to basically these two. Actually, there is a third option where one can choose to ignore the fine tuning facts or laws, as it only applied during expansion, but then they would run into other problems such as fine tuning in biology down the road. Read the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy link below.

Here is evidence of what I am talking about. We have sent probes to every planet and now have boiled it down to two in regards to possibility of life bearing and being able to support life if we choose to colonize there. One is Mars which has been studied in-depth and not one microbe has been found. The remaining planet is Europa which is a moon of Jupiter and not a planet. Mars is still highly questionable in regards to supporting life because not enough water has been found. What's there is frozen and scientists think there was water there in the past. That said, if there was water there in the past, then we would find some evidence of past life. Europa still has a chance because studies have shown vast oceans of water within the planet.

What is happening today is Stephen Hawking wrote a paper before he died which I will relate to fine tuning below. I mention him because he is the person whom I read to learn of the Big Bang Theory. When these atheist scientists were investigating what happened immediately after the expansion, i.e. big bang, they discovered fine tuning parameters that if they were minutely off, then the universe would have collapsed onto itself. If the speed of expansion was too fast, then gravity would not have been able to pull the planets, moons and stars together . Look up John Leslie and fine tuning for an evolutionist view of fine tuning. There are too many parameters to discuss in this short space, so I post links to two web pages, one creation science and the other neutral philosophy that give detailed explanation. The creation science link discusses the parameters and shows how great the chances are of life happening as the universe and earth formed. This is why Stephen Hawking asked, "Why is there something instead of nothing?" The other link discusses the competing theories. One even asks if a response is necessary. It seems to state, "It is what it is."

The Universe: Evidence for Its Fine Tuning

Fine-Tuning (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

What we learn today is Stephen Hawking wrote a paper two weeks before he died. In it he discusses why there are multiverses. It's tries to explain how multiverses could form as other scientists have done like Guth, Linde, Weinberg and others. Why multiverses are important is because it is atheist science's or evolutionary thinking's hypothesis to counter the fine tuning of an intelligent designer and support the anthropic principle. One name for it is the eternal chaotic inflation hypothesis. Creation science thinks fine tuning is evidence for God and creation.

Article and link to his paper from Cornell is within.
Read Stephen Hawking's Final Paper On How To Find Parallel Universes, Submitted Just Two Weeks Before He Died

Confronting the Multiverse: What 'Infinite Universes' Would Mean
if you don't believe in evolution, you must believe a fully formed man just ''appears'' from nothing...yes or no??

That's just idiotic. Evolution can't readily explain how an asexual single-cell turned into a sexual one.
I just saw it explained. Just YouTube it. There are over 100 dwarf planets in our outer solar system. Bet the ones with water and active cores and organic material all have life in their oceans.

If they discover life in Serius or titan or on Pluto what will you say then?

What is your hypothesis?

Which ones are these dwarf planets? Can we get there, i.e. send a probe there? So far, we've sent probes to every planet in our solar system. None has life, but evos still hold out hope for Mars (life existed there previously), Europa (moon of Jupiter) and Titan (moon of Saturn). My evo website has admitted that life outside of earth is rare, but didn't give a reason. ).

We have no evidence of life anywhere but earth. Mars may have had life previously- but we don't know that.

So if there is life on other planets- would that be signs of evolution? Or of creation?

Discovering alien life would favor evolution since according to the Bible God did not create aliens. What favors creation are the fine tuning parameters or facts that atheist scientists discovered when they were investigating the Big Bang. Evolution has admitted that life on other planets is rare.

I get the general idea that certain "mutations" have to occur with one organism to change their species, but what about mating?
Yep, they mate. And it is an arbitrarily decided matter of opinion as to whether the offspring is a new species.
Think of it this way. You cannot get good fruit from a bad tree. It's the same thing. Adam sinned, and his sinful nature was passed on to everyone who ever lived. It is a spiritual condition. It's not because of what we've done, but what we are. Also, God cursed all of Creation after Adam sinned. Adam is the reason that sin and suffering came into the world. You ask why God hasn't done anything about it. It's because it is not the right time. He will act to correct all wrongs, but He will do it according to His time table. Meanwhile, He sent His only Son so that we might have life. This short physical existence is nothing. Set your eyes on eternity and the condition of your own soul. That's what really matters.
If Adam passed on his sin to all his descendents, it's because that's the way God made him. God is still responsible. You can't get God off the hook for the existence of evil and suffering in the world since he is all powerrull and could have prevented it. If you claim he couldn't have prevented it, then you're admitting that he isn't all powerful, and therefor he isn't God.

How is it not the right time for God to stop evil? If God is all powerfull, he can do this very moment with a mere thought. What's stopping him? If you are a Christian, there's no denying that there is evil in the universe it's because God allows it.

Trying to excuse the evil God allows by saying human life isn't important is simply condoning the existence of evil.

God made Adam by giving him free will. Before that, he gave the angels free will, too, and got Satan. Despite this, he didn't want human robots to do his bidding so he gave Adam and Eve free will. The way I see it, God set up a negative test for Adam and Eve. Afterward, he set up a positive test for obeying God, John 3:16. Due to free will, many do not believe John 3:16 even though they are aware of it. Instead of what you propose, what God has done is put Jesus before each and every individual according to the Bible.
If God is perfect, then why does he need to test the creatures he created? Aren't they supposed to be perfect? If they aren't perfect, then how can you claim God is perfect? It appears God deliberately created them with flaws so he could torture them forever when those flaws expressed themselves. God's punishment for being flawed is extraordinarlly cruel and vindictive. Casting a baby into the lake of fire for eternity because he wasn't babtized couldn't possibly be any crueler.

Your first sentence doesn't make sense. A&E were perfect physically, but they also were given free will. Thus, the Tree of Knowledge was placed in the Garden as a negative test. If they ate from the tree, then they would die. What does Satan speaking though the serpent say to Eve? As for the rest of stuff, it doesn't make sense.

So they were perfect physically, but not mentally? Why did God feel the need to test them? God gave them curiosity and then dangled something in front of them that they were certain to be curious about. Does a parent dangle candy in front of a child and then spank him if he grabs it and eats it? Only if that parent is abusive. Anyone witnessing such behavior would call child services.

You really don't see anything irrational about this all loving god consigning souls to burn in the lake of fire forever? No matter what they did when alive, do you actually think such a punishment is just? Most of them are going to the lake of fire simply for not believing that some gaseous vertebrate with a penis created the universe.

God creates free will, which means some humans will commit heinous offenses against other humans. They will rape, murder and torture, and this is supposed to be part of God's wonderful plan? God puts some people on this earth so that they can be raped and murdered to test the goodness of other people?

A&E were adults, not children. They were both physically and mentally perfect and were give infinite lives and a paradise on Earth. However, they were given free will by God because he didn't want robots and he did not want them to disobey him. That was the only thing he asked for in return.

Souls burning in the lake of fire is the destruction of the perfect spiritual body in the lake of fire. It's painful to see, but it's not like your physical body burning forever. I think that's something the Catholics thought. Pain and suffering can be spiritual such as grief or anguish.

No, it's not part of his plan. Remember he created angels and some of the angels rebelled against him with his best angel Lucifer becoming so powerful that he wanted a position equal to God. God cast Lucifer and his followers out from heaven because of their rebellion and they became demons. Evil people are like Satan in they rape, murder and torture, but they weren't part of God's plan. That was of their own volition and I would think they were spurred on by Satan. Satan first told Eve that she wouldn't die from eating the apple. He's been lying and tricking people since. You're being tricked by writing God as god. I recently learned in the Bible, Satan is referred to as god of the earth.
That's the question that Wallace of Wallace and Darwin of evolution fame and Crick of Crick and Watson's discovery of the structure found unanswerable. as in is the mutation can happen in either the nucleus or the mitochondria and have major effects. then RNA mutation in the Ribosomes can also be huge as with meta and epi genetics. And of course atypical shaping proteins are also poorly understood. Which mutation are you talking about ?

The argument goes like this from evos:
".. one evolutionist protested: “There is no written rule that says a lineage has to die out just because an offspring develops a beneficial mutation. The theory of evolution explains how species change over time, it doesn’t say that all species must change over time. As long as a species can survive in its environment and pass on its genetic information to its offspring, it can survive indefinitely. It doesn’t mean that the ‘living fossil’ didn’t speciate, it just means those possible splits died out while the original lineage was able to always successfully reproduce even into today. How exactly does that not work with evolution?”

The anti-evolutionists counters with:
"“If a scientist believes in evolution and sees fossils that look like modern organisms at the dinosaur digs, he/she might invent an hypothesis to ‘explain’ living fossils this way: ‘Yes I believe that animals have changed greatly over time (evolution), but some animals and plants were so well adapted to the environment that they did not need to change. So I am not bothered at all by living fossils.’ This added hypothesis says that some animals did not evolve. But if a theory can be so flexible, adding hypotheses that predict the opposite of your main theory, one could never disprove the theory. The theory then becomes unsinkable, and an unsinkable theory is not science.”

That's what you just did in your pro-evolution argument. You can't have it both ways.

One of the many fallacies in your farcical argument is that the The Theory of Evolution EVER claimed that a species must change over time- and that the parent species must die out.

One of the most typical 'arguments' by the Christianists is by falsely claiming what the Theory of Evolution actually is.

Like you are doing

The Theory of Evolution not only doesn't have an issue with there being a fossil ancestor of modern horseshoe crabs- the fossil ancestors of horseshoe crabs demonstrate two things:
a) That life existed on earth millions of years ago- and that most of the life at the time of the horseshoe crab doesn't exist anymore.
b) That the horseshoe crab could evolve to adapt to survive to modern times- which is why there are 4 horseshoe crab species.

You're just making stuff up. I'm not the one being dishonest about evolution. The links I gave you came from the university I attended. I learned evolution from it and believed in it until around 2011. A lot of stuff arguing against evolution came out before that. Thus, I started questioning evolution. It had nothing to do with creation. Creationists and creation scientists would believe in the Bible.

Did you look up what Darwin said about extinction? It goes to follow evolutionists think that it's rare to find the coelacanth and Wolemi pine still existing. Coel was the missing link for fish to walking fish or amphibians. When coel was found, the atheist scientists found it could not walk and was just a fish. Thus, there was no missing link until the tiktaalik fossil was found. Now they made it the missing link and it evolved from coelacanth.

Yet, most living fossils from millions of years ago are found living today. One has to explain how these haven't changed and we haven't gotten a good explanation from evolutionists. Your argument contradicts what Darwin proposed. Another living fossil would be the ape and chimpanzee. I don't believe we came from apes because an ape-human hybrid cannot reproduce and live beyond one generation. The evidence of ape-humans has a shady past, too. Even Prof Owen Lovejoy who put Lucy, the first ape-human, together thinks apes evolved from humans. Richard Leakey, famed paleoanthropologist, thinks Lucy is from three different species.

All of my above argument uses evolution and evidence found to question it. It's not from any creation science explanation. Thus, evos have to come up with an explanation or another theory. And that's what's happening. People are looking at genetic engineering or rapid mutation from Mendel. They are also re-looking at Lermarck's ideas of straight line evolution. It's called epigenetic inheritance.
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I just saw it explained. Just YouTube it. There are over 100 dwarf planets in our outer solar system. Bet the ones with water and active cores and organic material all have life in their oceans.

If they discover life in Serius or titan or on Pluto what will you say then?

What is your hypothesis?

Which ones are these dwarf planets? Can we get there, i.e. send a probe there? So far, we've sent probes to every planet in our solar system. None has life, but evos still hold out hope for Mars (life existed there previously), Europa (moon of Jupiter) and Titan (moon of Saturn). My evo website has admitted that life outside of earth is rare, but didn't give a reason. ).

We have no evidence of life anywhere but earth. Mars may have had life previously- but we don't know that.

So if there is life on other planets- would that be signs of evolution? Or of creation?
Who says there isn’t life in mars Europa and titan? We haven’t sent a probe yet so the truth is we just don’t know yet.h

As I said- we have no evidence of life on other planets yet. Odds are we will eventually find life if we are able to probe enough planets- but it is all just speculation right now.

Just remember the absence of evidence is not evidence that there is no other life in the solar system or universe. Just because we haven't probed Europa yet doesn't mean there's nothing under there. But what we found was the essentials for life.

1. Water
2. A molten hot core
3. Organic material

Clay-Like Minerals Found on Icy Crust of Europa

I'm glad you are open minded to the possibility we will find life on other planets. And to be honest, all we see right now when we look at every other planets are not heavens like earth is. They are more like what we would imagine hell looks like. Both frozen and burning versions of hell.

Scientists have found evidence that cold, Yellowstone-like geysers of water are issuing from a moon of Saturn called Enceladus, apparently fueled by liquid reservoirs that may lie just tens of yards beneath the moon's icy surface.

The surprising discovery, detailed in Friday's issue of the journal Science, could shoot Enceladus to the top of the list in the search for life elsewhere in our solar system. Scientists described it as the most important discovery in planetary science in a quarter-century.

We are on the cusp of discovery. No more exciting time than now.

"Living organisms require liquid water and organic materials, and we know we have both on Enceladus now," she said. "The plumes through which Cassini flew last July contain methane, contain CO2, propane — they contain several organic materials."

Another atheist who is dumber than you gave me that line about absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It's circular reasoning. My counter to it is better. Figures don't lie, but liars do figure.

At least you give evidence to counter it, so I would be open to finding life on the aforementioned planets and possible evidence for past life on Mars. It would ramp up sending more probes there. Here's a list of the probes that were sent and planned.

List of Solar System probes - Wikipedia
That's the question that Wallace of Wallace and Darwin of evolution fame and Crick of Crick and Watson's discovery of the structure found unanswerable. as in is the mutation can happen in either the nucleus or the mitochondria and have major effects. then RNA mutation in the Ribosomes can also be huge as with meta and epi genetics. And of course atypical shaping proteins are also poorly understood. Which mutation are you talking about ?

I would guess it is based on Darwin and Wallace since it's evolution. Yeah, the more rapid mutation is epigenetics. What is meta? I use evolution to argue against genetic engineering, so there's some use for it.
Which ones are these dwarf planets? Can we get there, i.e. send a probe there? So far, we've sent probes to every planet in our solar system. None has life, but evos still hold out hope for Mars (life existed there previously), Europa (moon of Jupiter) and Titan (moon of Saturn). My evo website has admitted that life outside of earth is rare, but didn't give a reason. ).

We have no evidence of life anywhere but earth. Mars may have had life previously- but we don't know that.

So if there is life on other planets- would that be signs of evolution? Or of creation?
Who says there isn’t life in mars Europa and titan? We haven’t sent a probe yet so the truth is we just don’t know yet.h

As I said- we have no evidence of life on other planets yet. Odds are we will eventually find life if we are able to probe enough planets- but it is all just speculation right now.

Just remember the absence of evidence is not evidence that there is no other life in the solar system or universe. Just because we haven't probed Europa yet doesn't mean there's nothing under there. But what we found was the essentials for life.

1. Water
2. A molten hot core
3. Organic material

Clay-Like Minerals Found on Icy Crust of Europa

I'm glad you are open minded to the possibility we will find life on other planets. And to be honest, all we see right now when we look at every other planets are not heavens like earth is. They are more like what we would imagine hell looks like. Both frozen and burning versions of hell.

Scientists have found evidence that cold, Yellowstone-like geysers of water are issuing from a moon of Saturn called Enceladus, apparently fueled by liquid reservoirs that may lie just tens of yards beneath the moon's icy surface.

The surprising discovery, detailed in Friday's issue of the journal Science, could shoot Enceladus to the top of the list in the search for life elsewhere in our solar system. Scientists described it as the most important discovery in planetary science in a quarter-century.

We are on the cusp of discovery. No more exciting time than now.

"Living organisms require liquid water and organic materials, and we know we have both on Enceladus now," she said. "The plumes through which Cassini flew last July contain methane, contain CO2, propane — they contain several organic materials."

Another atheist who is dumber than you gave me that line about absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It's circular reasoning. My counter to it is better. Figures don't lie, but liars do figure.

At least you give evidence to counter it, so I would be open to finding life on the aforementioned planets and possible evidence for past life on Mars. It would ramp up sending more probes there. Here's a list of the probes that were sent and planned.

List of Solar System probes - Wikipedia
Statistically there should be dozens or hundreds of planets like earth out there. We’ve just begun. So far nothing but think optimistic not pessimistic
Which ones are these dwarf planets? Can we get there, i.e. send a probe there? So far, we've sent probes to every planet in our solar system. None has life, but evos still hold out hope for Mars (life existed there previously), Europa (moon of Jupiter) and Titan (moon of Saturn). My evo website has admitted that life outside of earth is rare, but didn't give a reason. ).

We have no evidence of life anywhere but earth. Mars may have had life previously- but we don't know that.

So if there is life on other planets- would that be signs of evolution? Or of creation?
Who says there isn’t life in mars Europa and titan? We haven’t sent a probe yet so the truth is we just don’t know yet.h

As I said- we have no evidence of life on other planets yet. Odds are we will eventually find life if we are able to probe enough planets- but it is all just speculation right now.

Just remember the absence of evidence is not evidence that there is no other life in the solar system or universe. Just because we haven't probed Europa yet doesn't mean there's nothing under there. But what we found was the essentials for life.

1. Water
2. A molten hot core
3. Organic material

Clay-Like Minerals Found on Icy Crust of Europa

I'm glad you are open minded to the possibility we will find life on other planets. And to be honest, all we see right now when we look at every other planets are not heavens like earth is. They are more like what we would imagine hell looks like. Both frozen and burning versions of hell.

Scientists have found evidence that cold, Yellowstone-like geysers of water are issuing from a moon of Saturn called Enceladus, apparently fueled by liquid reservoirs that may lie just tens of yards beneath the moon's icy surface.

The surprising discovery, detailed in Friday's issue of the journal Science, could shoot Enceladus to the top of the list in the search for life elsewhere in our solar system. Scientists described it as the most important discovery in planetary science in a quarter-century.

We are on the cusp of discovery. No more exciting time than now.

"Living organisms require liquid water and organic materials, and we know we have both on Enceladus now," she said. "The plumes through which Cassini flew last July contain methane, contain CO2, propane — they contain several organic materials."

Another atheist who is dumber than you gave me that line about absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It's circular reasoning. My counter to it is better. Figures don't lie, but liars do figure.

At least you give evidence to counter it, so I would be open to finding life on the aforementioned planets and possible evidence for past life on Mars. It would ramp up sending more probes there. Here's a list of the probes that were sent and planned.

List of Solar System probes - Wikipedia say there is a god...we say prove can't say ''disprove there is a god''
in common sense/lawful/ courts when you accuse someone = make a statement, it's up to the prosecutor to prove what that statement is
I can say all kinds of stuff:
santa is square
the Eiffel Tower is taller by ten feet
so prove there is a god

I get the general idea that certain "mutations" have to occur with one organism to change their species, but what about mating?

Usually it involves some kind of nuclear explosion

The mutations create Godzilla, giant flying moths and 50 ft women

I get the general idea that certain "mutations" have to occur with one organism to change their species, but what about mating?

Usually it involves some kind of nuclear explosion

The mutations create Godzilla, giant flying moths and 50 ft women

That is probably how the Bigfoots (would it be Bigfoots or Bigfeet?) and Mothmen came to be.

I get the general idea that certain "mutations" have to occur with one organism to change their species, but what about mating?

They mate with the original species and their genes mix eventually creating the new species.

You can never point to one birth and say "there is the new species". It happens slowly over times. It takes millions or hundreds of thousands of years to notice a difference. That's how long the process takes.

Birds were once dinosaurs. That doesn't mean one day a dinosaur gave birth to a bird. Every dinosaur gave birth to a dinosaur and every bird gave birth to a bird but somewhere in between dinosaurs became birds. You dig?

I get the general idea that certain "mutations" have to occur with one organism to change their species, but what about mating?

Usually it involves some kind of nuclear explosion

The mutations create Godzilla, giant flying moths and 50 ft women

That is probably how the Bigfoots (would it be Bigfoots or Bigfeet?) and Mothmen came to be.

I actually watched a show about this yesterday. Russia and the USA agreed not to do anymore nuclear testing but the Russians continued to do it anyways. They didn't want to test it on their own people so they did it in Kazakhstan. Then they told people to go about their business and to swim in the nuclear lake because it was safe.


Completely safe

Soviet-era nuclear testing is still making people sick in Kazakhstan
We have no evidence of life anywhere but earth. Mars may have had life previously- but we don't know that.

So if there is life on other planets- would that be signs of evolution? Or of creation?
Who says there isn’t life in mars Europa and titan? We haven’t sent a probe yet so the truth is we just don’t know yet.h

As I said- we have no evidence of life on other planets yet. Odds are we will eventually find life if we are able to probe enough planets- but it is all just speculation right now.

Just remember the absence of evidence is not evidence that there is no other life in the solar system or universe. Just because we haven't probed Europa yet doesn't mean there's nothing under there. But what we found was the essentials for life.

1. Water
2. A molten hot core
3. Organic material

Clay-Like Minerals Found on Icy Crust of Europa

I'm glad you are open minded to the possibility we will find life on other planets. And to be honest, all we see right now when we look at every other planets are not heavens like earth is. They are more like what we would imagine hell looks like. Both frozen and burning versions of hell.

Scientists have found evidence that cold, Yellowstone-like geysers of water are issuing from a moon of Saturn called Enceladus, apparently fueled by liquid reservoirs that may lie just tens of yards beneath the moon's icy surface.

The surprising discovery, detailed in Friday's issue of the journal Science, could shoot Enceladus to the top of the list in the search for life elsewhere in our solar system. Scientists described it as the most important discovery in planetary science in a quarter-century.

We are on the cusp of discovery. No more exciting time than now.

"Living organisms require liquid water and organic materials, and we know we have both on Enceladus now," she said. "The plumes through which Cassini flew last July contain methane, contain CO2, propane — they contain several organic materials."

Another atheist who is dumber than you gave me that line about absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It's circular reasoning. My counter to it is better. Figures don't lie, but liars do figure.

At least you give evidence to counter it, so I would be open to finding life on the aforementioned planets and possible evidence for past life on Mars. It would ramp up sending more probes there. Here's a list of the probes that were sent and planned.

List of Solar System probes - Wikipedia say there is a god...we say prove can't say ''disprove there is a god''
in common sense/lawful/ courts when you accuse someone = make a statement, it's up to the prosecutor to prove what that statement is
I can say all kinds of stuff:
santa is square
the Eiffel Tower is taller by ten feet
so prove there is a god

You're not following the aliens discussion, at least I don't think you are.

However, I can answer your question about proofs of God. I can't answer your question about disproving God because atheists are usually wrong such as you are usually wrong.

Proofs are in mathematics, but not science.

In math, one cannot divide by zero. By definition, a/0 is undefined. If we continue, this is because 12 x 0 does not equal 144. In order to get 144, one must be a creator. The creator can create 144 items to get 144. Thus, God.

How to apply this concept in science. It also means that anything that is infinite does not exist in the material world. Singularity, the start of the universe in Big Bang Theory, is a state of infinite density and infinite temperature of quantum particles (invisible particles). Singularity also means there was a beginning. However, these atheist scientists are claiming some metaphysical singularity existed. Nothing like that in the material/physical world. Thus, God.
“I am not an Atheist. I do not know if I can define myself as a Pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds… The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.”

Hubble was raised Christian and didn't discuss his religious beliefs.

You don't get that science IS what you are calling magic. Dimensions aren't magic, they are scientific.
We are only as smart as our most recent scientist. For instance, Einstein as brilliant as he was, was a 3 dimension guy. Then he became a 4 dimension guy. Hawking was a 10 dimension guy. Kaku will be an unlimited dimension guy... And I deny none of their contributions. The smarter they get, the closer to God they get. I am all for it.

And by 'God' what do you mean?
if you don't believe in evolution, you must believe a fully formed man just ''appears'' from nothing...yes or no??

That's just idiotic. Evolution can't readily explain how an asexual single-cell turned into a sexual one.
I just saw it explained. Just YouTube it. There are over 100 dwarf planets in our outer solar system. Bet the ones with water and active cores and organic material all have life in their oceans.

If they discover life in Serius or titan or on Pluto what will you say then?

What is your hypothesis?

Which ones are these dwarf planets? Can we get there, i.e. send a probe there? So far, we've sent probes to every planet in our solar system. None has life, but evos still hold out hope for Mars (life existed there previously), Europa (moon of Jupiter) and Titan (moon of Saturn). My evo website has admitted that life outside of earth is rare, but didn't give a reason. ).

We have no evidence of life anywhere but earth. Mars may have had life previously- but we don't know that.

So if there is life on other planets- would that be signs of evolution? Or of creation?

Discovering alien life would favor evolution since according to the Bible God did not create aliens. What favors creation are the fine tuning parameters or facts that atheist scientists discovered when they were investigating the Big Bang. Evolution has admitted that life on other planets is rare.

Where does the Bible say that God didn't create alien life?

Evolution doesn't 'admit' anything- it just is.

There is no evidence that 'favors' creation- other than the limitation of the minds of the Christianists who feel a need to believe in creation.

I get the general idea that certain "mutations" have to occur with one organism to change their species, but what about mating?
Yep, they mate. And it is an arbitrarily decided matter of opinion as to whether the offspring is a new species.

Only because the definition of species is itself somewhat arbitrary- and arguable.

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