According to The Hill: "Trump's GOP is already dying"

Did anyone expect anything different? Why/why not?

^^^ WEF shill gaslighting Americans

In America today, Trump is more popular than ever while claiming to be a democrat is like admitting you're a pedo.

Democrats = WEF
If Trump ends up winning I think it will be due to the same dynamic we've seen in the last two elections. Both Trump and Hillary were despised in 2016; it's just that she was a little more despised than he was and she took her Blue Firewall in the Rust Belt for granted and lost it.

In 2020, Biden won, but not really because anybody wanted Biden as president, they just didn't want Trump in the White House anymore. If Trump manages to pull off a Grover Cleveland, it won't so much be that people really want Trump. It will be more a vote against Biden and his policies.
are you still mad hilary lost to trump??

trump was far from despised,, to some he was a breath of fresh air and not the stench you fuckers have been giving us for decades,,
Did anyone expect anything different? Why/why not?

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Did anyone expect anything different?
That was an interesting read in The Hill. Thanks for posting it. I was incredibly busy the last few days and simply missed it.

I noted these quotes:

  • "After a lifetime of donating to every GOP nominee and multiple down ballot candidates every cycle….I’m out,” Henlein wrote. “I donated to help win elections, not to maintain the lifestyle of a billionaire.”

  • "Republicans have built themselves a party whose sole purpose is to appease and gratify Trump. In the process, they’re quickly losing appeal to anyone else in America, including some of the party’s most faithful warriors."
Why would we expect anything but Trump bashing from "The Hill"?
Actually, The Hill has a been a reliable right-leaning Trump supporting web-based news outlet since its founding. It was run by Jimmy Finklestein, a regular golfing partner of Don Trump. And you could see hints of that favoritism in it's newsfeeds.

Personally, I read The Hill as my rightside YIN, to Politico' leftside YANG.
Did anyone expect anything different? Why/why not?

no more shits 2.jpg

Reps are too useless and stupid. There #1 goal to save America is to ban abortion in all 50 states. Bub, when will the reps admit they have lost all control of America and have no hope ever to save it unless they secede? Are they waiting to lose all 50 states permanently? Sadly, no way to shut it down. America was not built for this perfect storm. One where ALL safeguards have failed America and the destruction of America is unstoppable. If the president is corrupt, their party should reel them in. If both parties are corrupt, the courts were to save us. And as a last resort, the military was supposed to step in and save America...but dems own the military as well. EVERY safeguard in place has FAILED us...America is over! Commies won without firing a shot. That's the score, bub.

Option No. 1 - what you can.

Option No. 2 - Lose all 50 states to the commies.

...can't secede as a conservative union of states? Ship all illegals to dem sanctuary cities or states and implode them.

America only worked...when it worked. Once you gave up the Constitution and Bill of Rights it was all over for America. Once you have a 2-tier justice system, that the dems have weaponized to be used as their jackboots, it was all over for America of old. Our current system is weaponized against conservatives and is based on anarcho-tyranny.

Do you remember a while back when blackface Northam and the dems ran VA? They went to war trying to ban guns. Then next election people had enough and put some reps in VA and guns were safe. The next election, the Dems got power back and now VA is working to ban guns again. That is how the whole of America goes.

Every 2 or 4 years your world is on the chopping block. Every 2 or 4 years it is life or death for America. You can't run a county like that where every other week your country is on the verge of implosion. Either reps secede and save something of traditional America, or you will eventually lose all 50 states. The reason it was not like this back in the day was, we had Tip O'Neill dems and not radical commie dems.

And it is not like the reps are perfect. Far from it. What is needed are politicians that actually put America first in all decisions. And they can be recalled if they are Trojan horses. But there are no perfect guarantees. It all starts with the citizens and what is within them. When citizens hate their country and want it destroyed...they will eventually succeed. That's the score, bub.

reps dems rat.jpg
I don't see it. And polls are just polls, but they've been fairly consistent to date in Trump's favor.
The polls are favorable for Trump now. There is rot at the heart of the Trump movement. The Trumpist loyalty test, its insistence that one man has all the answers and its disdain for American democracy is unamerican and anathema to all America stands for. It will catch up to Trump. The more Trump speaks, the greater becomes his march into political oblivion…or so we hope for the sake of this country.
I see the opposite. We have people in office here and from Europe who are going to Fla. instead of Washington to have meetings with Trump about the future of our country. It's as if His victory in Nov. is a given.
Yes, next year we very well may have a traitor, coup plotter, domestic terrorist & rapist as POTUS.

Say goodbye to the good old U.S.A.
The polls are favorable for Trump now. There is rot at the heart of the Trump movement. The Trumpist loyalty test, its insistence that one man has all the answers and its disdain for American democracy is unamerican and anathema to all America stands for. It will catch up to Trump. The more Trump speaks, the greater becomes his march into political oblivion…or so we hope for the sake of this country.
On a macro scale, my concern since the day he won in 2016, is what this says about America as a whole. What does it say about this country that so many of us are willing to accept or ignore or deny or spin for the behaviors and temperament and blatant instability and mental illness of someone like this? And perhaps worse, what does it say about a country that just doesn't care enough to say "no, this isn't who we are".

This isn't even about politics for me. I have several general agreements with the party. This is about sociology, anthropology. Who we are as a people.

In other words, the "rot" to which you refer might be far larger than the cult.
Why would we expect anything but Trump bashing from "The Hill"? :confused-84:

Trump’s GOP is a paradox. The former president now enjoys an unprecedented level of control over the Republican national apparatus.

He can freely raid the RNC’s dwindling campaign coffers for legal defense money and appoint family members to key positions while personally directing House Republicans’ disastrous investigations into Joe and Hunter Biden. Trump’s total dominance of the Republican Party is a remarkable thing to behold.

But Republicans’ willingness to bow to Trump on nearly every issue is making their party staggeringly unpopular with voters — and not just the rank and file. Colorado Rep. Ken Buck stunned Capitol Hill on Tuesday by announcing that he’d simply had enough of Trumpism and would resign in just about a week.

In an interview with CNN, Buck slammed Congress as “dysfunctional” and remarked that many of his constituents were sick of Trump.

That was an interesting read in The Hill. Thanks for posting it. I was incredibly busy the last few days and simply missed it.

I noted these quotes:

  • "After a lifetime of donating to every GOP nominee and multiple down ballot candidates every cycle….I’m out,” Henlein wrote. “I donated to help win elections, not to maintain the lifestyle of a billionaire.”

  • "Republicans have built themselves a party whose sole purpose is to appease and gratify Trump. In the process, they’re quickly losing appeal to anyone else in America, including some of the party’s most faithful warriors."

Actually, The Hill has a been a reliable right-leaning Trump supporting web-based news outlet since its founding. It was run by Jimmy Finklestein, a regular golfing partner of Don Trump. And you could see hints of that favoritism in it's newsfeeds.

Personally, I read The Hill as my rightside YIN, to Politico' leftside YANG.
Those two are both rags. Politico is an establishment outlet, which is basically rightwingers, both socially and economically.

The difference between the two is rightwing and far rightwing.

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