According to The Hill: "Trump's GOP is already dying"

Trump’s GOP is a paradox. The former president now enjoys an unprecedented level of control over the Republican national apparatus.

He can freely raid the RNC’s dwindling campaign coffers for legal defense money and appoint family members to key positions while personally directing House Republicans’ disastrous investigations into Joe and Hunter Biden. Trump’s total dominance of the Republican Party is a remarkable thing to behold.

But Republicans’ willingness to bow to Trump on nearly every issue is making their party staggeringly unpopular with voters — and not just the rank and file. Colorado Rep. Ken Buck stunned Capitol Hill on Tuesday by announcing that he’d simply had enough of Trumpism and would resign in just about a week.

In an interview with CNN, Buck slammed Congress as “dysfunctional” and remarked that many of his constituents were sick of Trump.

Power of a party apparatus can be influential to total. The Kennedy's, the Clinton's and Obama are examples. There are regional families and even perhaps a few families sharing influence at the state levels. In California, the Feinstein family, the Pelosi family, the Jerry brown family and the Newsom family are powerful. They have changed California. The real industrial infrastructure needed is denied while the human infrastructure is uplifted. Yet Oakland is still having a lot of poverty as one example. The same as it was before these families had as much power.
Power of a party apparatus can be influential to total. The Kennedy's, the Clinton's and Obama are examples. There are regional families and even perhaps a few families sharing influence at the state levels. In California, the Feinstein family, the Pelosi family, the Jerry brown family and the Newsom family are powerful. They have changed California. The real industrial infrastructure needed is denied while the human infrastructure is uplifted. Yet Oakland is still having a lot of poverty as one example. The same as it was before these families had as much power.
Total. Deflection.
Total. Deflection.
So, Trump has power on a national scale with Republicans. And it is a battle. There are state and local Republican families who may not agree with him. These families are like Dukes and Duchesses in the old England ways. They serve the King to degree. And even will undermine him.
Did anyone expect anything different? Why/why not?

Just another prog liberal that thinks he can dictate what conservatives do, or think….fuck him…
So, Trump has power on a national scale with Republicans. And it is a battle. There are state and local Republican families who may not agree with him. These families are like Dukes and Duchesses in the old England ways. They serve the King to degree. And even will undermine him.
Do you agree with Trump's total control of your party?
Power of a party apparatus can be influential to total. The Kennedy's, the Clinton's and Obama are examples. There are regional families and even perhaps a few families sharing influence at the state levels. In California, the Feinstein family, the Pelosi family, the Jerry brown family and the Newsom family are powerful. They have changed California. The real industrial infrastructure needed is denied while the human infrastructure is uplifted. Yet Oakland is still having a lot of poverty as one example. The same as it was before these families had as much power.
Oakland has had problems since the 1990s.
So, Trump has power on a national scale with Republicans. And it is a battle. There are state and local Republican families who may not agree with him. These families are like Dukes and Duchesses in the old England ways. They serve the King to degree. And even will undermine him.
He's a feces throwing Orangutan . I think people are getting bored with him.
Do you agree with Trump's total control of your party?
I believe in America First. We need to enrich ourselves as to enrich our citizens. We have to many foreign entanglements that is siphoning our wealth to them and not helping our own. D.C. has to straddle all of this as they over the years and decades made all of these agreements that demands we pay outside interests. Trump promotes America First. It is good for us. All of us.
He's a feces throwing Orangutan . I think people are getting bored with him.
He is telling you the truth. A man with many flaws with the courage to tell you that and take the rebuttals of those who cannot see it as they live life with their own desires reigning supreme over the peasants they influence. Trillions and trillions of dollars printed on the national scale from Prog legislation under Joe and we have gotten a paltry percentage back from it.
I believe in America First. We need to enrich ourselves as to enrich our citizens. We have to many foreign entanglements that is siphoning our wealth to them and not helping our own. D.C. has to straddle all of this as they over the years and decades made all of these agreements that demands we pay outside interests. Trump promotes America First. It is good for us. All of us.
How much foreign aid has Israel received since 1948?
How much foreign aid has Israel received since 1948?
We are talking all about these things. All of us are in groups. We are in up to several groups. Sex, religion or lack of it, gender, races, cultures and anything else. So, within that there are groups who approve of it. There were within this in the past where they were luke warm or against it. You are against it. The left-wing Jewish politicians must be against it also to show their allegiance to America over Israel from your spew. If they do not, then they must leave the Prog party. They are playing all sides against each other as it stands now. And the taxpayer is on the hook. Over the years and decades, we have let more and more people into the nation with different views. Including Islamic people. And we have had people convert to Islam. This is causing stresses, and it will get worse here. We cannot settle anything until our left-wing Jewish men and women stand up and stop doing the sidestep.
We are talking all about these things. All of us are in groups. We are in up to several groups. Sex, religion or lack of it, gender, races, cultures and anything else. So, within that there are groups who approve of it. There were within this in the past where they were luke warm or against it. You are against it. The left-wing Jewish politicians must be against it also to show their allegiance to America over Israel from your spew. If they do not, then they must leave the Prog party. They are playing all sides against each other as it stands now. And the taxpayer is on the hook. Over the years and decades, we have let more and more people into the nation with different views. Including Islamic people. And we have had people convert to Islam. This is causing stresses, and it will get worse here. We cannot settle anything until our left-wing Jewish men and women stand up and stop doing the sidestep.
How much US foreign aid has Israel received since 1948?
How much US foreign aid has Israel received since 1948?
Perhaps you should tell me. I have read a few billion dollars a year on average now. Where you go with us then goes with a final solution that will engulf the world.
How much foreign aid has Israel received since 1948?
You are a Prog. Many Prog politicians who are Jewish are part of the aid received that you want to deny. A national discussion without propaganda can settle many issues. Of course there are issues that are sensitive. And right-wing evangelicals who are more pro-Israel than left wing political Jews. At least officially.
Perhaps you should tell me. I have read a few billion dollars a year on average now. Where you go with us then goes with a final solution that will engulf the world.

What final solution are you talking about?
You are a Prog. Many Prog politicians who are Jewish are part of the aid received that you want to deny. A national discussion without propaganda can settle many issues. Of course there are issues that are sensitive. And right-wing evangelicals who are more pro-Israel than left wing political Jews. At least officially.

Nope. I was a Republican until we invaded Iraq. I couldn't support Clean Break Strategy.
What final solution are you talking about?
At some point a conflagration will occur and the human race will be reduced in numbers. There are many issues as you know. This is one of the more sensitive ones.

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