According to the swing state polls Obama is set to win a second term

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Are you prepared for the possibility? It seems hard to believe that the polls could be that far off this close to the election.

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst?
China is about ready to become the worlds super power. Adopting the southern Europe economic system=fail in the extreme.

The middle east is on fire and China and Russia are rearming. NOT good.
There are many facts out there presenting a different outcome.

Early voting totals

Plus at this point an incumbent who is well respected among the majority would be up at least 5 by now. Obama is not, He will lose.

Romney will win.
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21-22 trillion in debt
More downgrades in both credit and economic ranking
More illegals
Shutting down all energy besides renewables
More racism against whites
Cutting the shit out of our military
The reason it is so fucking close is because nearly half this country lives off the government in some ways. If they can win this election then they will cut the military and everything to keep feeding off the government. We will become greece.
A lot of polls are rigged.

They roll into the ghetto in Cleveland and poll black people then claim that speaks for Ohio. Losers standing around waiting for their free Obama phone don't make up the majority of Ohio voters and a good storm on Tuesday might keep those lazyass Obamabots in their ghetto.
All the properly weighted polls are showing pretty much a dead heat this morning both for President in most of the swing states and in a lot of the swing states. Go vote for love of America people. It ain't over until its over and I'm not ready to believe that most of America wants another four years of Obama.
I made phone calls for the Romney campaign yesterday. NOT ONE SINGLE person stated they voted or were voting Barack Obama. NOT ONE- I think a lot of people are going to be shocked when they see the results of this election. There is a voting segment out here willing to stand in 4 - 6 hour lines to cast their vote for the next President of the United States. Of my calls, half I was able to reach which means a good majority of people use cell phones only now and we don't have access to those records. Add in the +6 to 10 point over sampling of democrats due to the 2008 metrics and you have a recipe for disaster for the Obama campaign.

Hang on for the ride.. We're going to win this.
The reason it is so fucking close is because nearly half this country lives off the government in some ways. If they can win this election then they will cut the military and everything to keep feeding off the government. We will become greece.

The reason the polls are so close is because the polls are still using 2008 models as the adjustment basis for the poll.
Are you prepared for the possibility? It seems hard to believe that the polls could be that far off this close to the election.

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst?
well good obama in lead in some states but i worry about romney going into pa. we see. tuesday final d day. either boston or chicago will be celebrating come tuesday night.
The reason it is so fucking close is because nearly half this country lives off the government in some ways. If they can win this election then they will cut the military and everything to keep feeding off the government. We will become greece.

The reason the polls are so close is because the polls are still using 2008 models as the adjustment basis for the poll.
if your right then romney will win the election. if he does then well done to you. but i won,t give up yet.
All the properly weighted polls are showing pretty much a dead heat this morning both for President in most of the swing states and in a lot of the swing states. Go vote for love of America people. It ain't over until its over and I'm not ready to believe that most of America wants another four years of Obama.
i hope polls are right and obama wins but i fear gop turnout will be too much for dems come tuesday
All the properly weighted polls are showing pretty much a dead heat this morning both for President in most of the swing states and in a lot of the swing states. Go vote for love of America people. It ain't over until its over and I'm not ready to believe that most of America wants another four years of Obama.
i hope polls are right and obama wins but i fear gop turnout will be too much for dems come tuesday

^^^ This.. Decker is correct. There is a HUGE voter segment voting on Tuesday for Romney. Internal polling shows he has a significant margin of that vote. VERY significant.
No matter what the outcome I think this election proves the fail of Obama. He has split the nation like no other president I can remember. If he wins it is because of exactly what Romney said. Romney didn't lie or smear anyone. Obama is starting out with a 47 percent lead and has barely added to it. So the workers are in the majority against Obama it is the takers that will never leave the teet of the democrat party, and I can hardly blame them because they have been structured to stay in poverty.
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Now isn't the time to doubt. We've all worked very hard to elect Mitt Romney.. Let's stay focused and do what we need to do to finish this race out victoriously.

We've done 40 days of prayer in our churches. Facebook users and Twitter the same. MILLIONS UPON 10's of millions took part in that..Have faith.. but remember.. No matter what, God is still in control.
All the properly weighted polls are showing pretty much a dead heat this morning both for President in most of the swing states and in a lot of the swing states. Go vote for love of America people. It ain't over until its over and I'm not ready to believe that most of America wants another four years of Obama.
i hope polls are right and obama wins but i fear gop turnout will be too much for dems come tuesday

^^^ This.. Decker is correct. There is a HUGE voter segment voting on Tuesday for Romney. Internal polling shows he has a significant margin of that vote. VERY significant.
i fear your right. in end i hope dems come out tuesday. i don,t think gop love romney but they hate obama so much they come out in droves on tuesday i think.
No matter what the outcome I think this election proves the fail of Obama. He has split the nation like no other president I can remember. If he wins it is because of exactly what Romney said. Romney didn't lie or smear anyone. Obama is starting out with a 47 percent lead and has barely added to it. So the workers are in the majority against Obama it is the takers that will never leave the teet of the democrat party, and I can hardly blame them because they have been structured to stay in poverty.
look if romney wins then well to you and i hope you enjoy the victory.

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