According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

When The President's White House confirms this, I will believe it.

Hey, that's just me ;)
The destruction of Iran will depend on the number of soldiers killed, if any.

Iran better hope they didn't kill anyone and they save face domestically while potentially avoiding a big response.

If many were killed, and even if none depending on the way forward; Iranian generals will be fair game, maybe even a MOAB over some very important leaders a la Reagan and Gadaffi.

Perhaps the Iranians "attacked" but didn't actually damage anything in order to save some face???

That's my point. Those within their country and in the region would celebrate and believe any B.S they are told. They will thump their chests and scream how they went after the "Great Satan'. While America can say "we remind you, if you harm any American lives, there will be a response you are not going to like".
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Wait there's another thread on this subject that says dems are cheering but it must be true the trumptards are cheering.

You've cheered every negative thing to happen to the American people and booed every time something good happened for us. You're a fascist Democrat.

Have I you fucking pig and I was a republican turned independent. You seem to cheer the trumptards on, war war war. I bet you're having a fucking drink right now

I know I am....but then that can be said for every night around this time.

I will be looking forward to getting up in the morning to see what Trump has blown up.
Nah, if we leave now, a massacre will ensue.

Not a massacre of Americans. So...?

Innocent Iraqis and Iranian dissidents who oppose the Ayatollah and his oppressive government.

This is akin to setting a fire and leaving. Saying "once I leave the fire will put itself out". That's not how it works.

That's exactly how fireworks work. It's even on the label. 'Light and stand back'


This isn't the 4th of July.

It is wartime now.

We've been continuously at war over there for two decades. We aren't doing any good there, the place always was and will always be a shite hole.

It's time to get out before someone gets hurt... and by someone, I mean someone I care about.
We’ve been at war with Iran since they invaded US soil in 79.
Iran willingly attacked the Embassy. Foot up the ass, appeasement doesn’t work.
You are a complete idiot.

So are you.
Yep I’m dumb because I don’t want a useless war that benefits only the 1%.

Yeah, I should take what an anarchist says seriously.

But tell me. Should we just leave and let innocent people die?
Idiot. We never should have been there. Have you leaned nothing since W’s lies about WMD?


Do you not know the basic concept of warfare?

You shoot us, we shoot you?

Give it a rest pal.
Again.....Is there an official version of this story?

Just asking
More blood on Dumb Don’s hands.
Trump pushing the button on the Iran missile launchers?
Good God have you paid attention?
Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
That's my point. Those within their country and in he region would celebrate and believe any B.S they are told. They will thump their chests and scream how they went after the "Great Satan'. While America can say "we remind you, if you harm any American lives, there will be a response you are not going to like".

I'm not convinced that we're going to war until I see that we're going to war.

Iran should understand that all-out war with the U.S. means the end of their regime and their empire.
Has not been verified, but...

400+ missiles fired thus far
70 U.S service member fatalities
10 injured

Escalating Tensions (@SteppingGlass) January 7, 2020

Another report says this...

Reports say Iran is firing dozens of missiles into Iraq, hitting U.S. forces at Al Asad Airbase. Early reports say 20 U.S. troops have died, amid 60+ missile strikes so far. If true, then we are at the precipice of another horrible war in the Middle East.

Mark Hughes (@markhughesfilms) January 7, 2020

and this:

Still 0 confirmed reports of injuries/fatalities in attack.

Doge (@IntelDoge) January 7, 2020

If this is true, it's all over for that little shithole.

I don’t think this information is reliable.

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