According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

Time to sink their navy
Do you even know what kind of "ships" the Iranian navy is made up of? :71:
Tell me after you clean the kitchen Mary

For decades these assholes have been killing Americans..........Many of our people are dead or wounded from EFPs from Iran........

Now these MFRs..............are gonna get a taste...........A little pay back...
Trump is a fucking magician to get Iran to attack the US embassy in Iraq.

So gangster,
Intelligence supposedly was that a large scale attack from Iran was within a few weeks, planned by the dead general.

Does anyone trust the CIA anymore? They love lying us into wars.
Mr. President is so happy tonight..he has taken impeachment right out of the news cycle...and who is going to remove the sitting President..during a shooting war?

Well played Sir, well played indeed.

He got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq. He is such a bad ass, isn’t he?
Nope..his genius is in what he saw he could make of the event.

Why not call out Iran for attacking our embassy?
Errr...not taking a side here....but calling them out..and drone-striking their top General.........are two different things indeed.

Iran is not our is war an answer? Sure it is...but the right one..and is this the right time?

Trump had to know that conflict can only help him...just sayin'...
It wasn't worth the paper it was printed on.

It was to the rest of world participants who stayed IN, despite Trump pulling OUT


Yea, because they don't really give a fuck. Seriously. They're not worried about Iran nuking them and then don't care if Iran nukes Israel or the U.S. or anywhere else. Plus, they enjoy the opportunity to do business with Iran.

After what Europeans did last century, I'm not inclined to follow their lead in this one.
In which no one was killed or hurt, but you Trumpettes want lots of dead Iranian women and children as pay back.

You dumb fucks don’t even know of the 25 Iraqis the US murdered prior to the embassy riots.

Iran willingly attacked the Embassy. Foot up the ass, appeasement doesn’t work.
You are a complete idiot.

So are you.
Yep I’m dumb because I don’t want a useless war that benefits only the 1%.

Yeah, I should take what an anarchist says seriously.

But tell me. Should we just leave and let innocent people die?
Idiot. We never should have been there. Have you leaned nothing since W’s lies about WMD?

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