According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

Thats one translation of what was said. Funny the guy in the link just added in words he felt were convenient. When he said he kept coming who was he talking about? Brown or the cop?
As Kenny Rogers said, "Ya got to know when to fold them,..."

You lost, but I'd love to play poker with you!
Holder's Justice Dept. Asked Ferguson Police Not to Release Video From Robbery, Official Says

The New York Times ^

FERGUSON, Mo. — Unrest returned to the streets of this St. Louis suburb early Saturday as hundreds of demonstrators, angered by the shooting death of an unarmed African-American teenager by a police officer, engaged in a standoff with the police that was punctuated by threats and a new round of denunciations of law enforcement practices. The confrontation, the first serious one since the Missouri State Highway Patrol on Thursday assumed responsibility for security operations here, ended at about 4 a.m. when the authorities, prompted by the gradual dispersal of demonstrators, pulled back to their nearby command post. The Associated Press...

[snip] The Justice Department asked the Ferguson Police Department not to release the video because of concerns that “it would roil the community further,” a United States law enforcement official said on Saturday. The Ferguson department released the video on Friday and the Justice official said it “occurred over the objection of federal authorities.” The official said a copy of the video had been in possession of federal investigators, as well, “and there were never any plans by the federal investigators to release that copy.”
The dispute showed further divisions among the authorities in the handling of the case. The surveillance video appeared to show Mr. Brown stealing a box of cigarillos. Shortly after the release of the video, Captain Johnson expressed his displeasure, saying he had not been told that the police planned to release it.[/snip]

There could have been another COVERUP in addition to this one. Could also be that the mayor might have order the police chief to say that Officer Wilson did not know of the convenience store robbery/battery. How could he not know ? He was there answering the store clerks's 911 call. He's probably the only one who DID know.

Missourian insisted the officer did know; responded when when I posted a quote stating he did not; pronbably knew only vague details, no way to know, another contradiction, and further confusing reports. He did not answer the call though, that appears certain. Another named officer did, his report might be usefull, I hope it didn't get 'misplaced.' the officer who shot Brown had responded to a different call just before the 'robbery' occurred. No way to know if the SA would have gone for strong arm, theft, or petty theft. The value of the cigars seems high, but still less than $50.00.................
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Thats one translation of what was said. Funny the guy in the link just added in words he felt were convenient. When he said he kept coming who was he talking about? Brown or the cop?

Hardly a game changer, the officer had a firearm, the deceased, nothing but his hands. Deadly force? Only applicable to the one with the gun; many other alleged conversations have been released also. The officer had no history of being a vigilante, is described as a kind hearted, decent human..............just like Michael Brown; again, there may be no easy answer.
Peach, if you would, a scenario.

Let's say you're an officer, and you're armed.

Assuming the witness account in that game-changing video is true, you have a 300lb, 6'5" man charging you. You have no taser. What do you do?

1) Run.
2) Shoot him in self-defense.
3) Try to shoot him in the leg and risk missing, ergo risking your life.
4) Assume the fetal position and play dead.

Thats one translation of what was said. Funny the guy in the link just added in words he felt were convenient. When he said he kept coming who was he talking about? Brown or the cop?

Hardly a game changer, the officer had a firearm, the deceased, nothing but his hands. Deadly force? Only applicable to the one with the gun; many other alleged conversations have been released also. The officer had no history of being a vigilante, is described as a kind hearted, decent human..............just like Michael Brown; again, there may be no easy answer.

Wait a second here. You are calling Michael Brown a kind hearted, decent human ? Am I hearing you right ?
Peach, if you would, a scenario.

Let's say you're an officer, and you're armed.

Assuming the witness account in that game-changing video is true, you have a 300lb, 6'5" man charging you. You have no taser. What do you do?

1) Run.
2) Shoot him in self-defense.
3) Try to shoot him in the leg and risk missing, ergo risking your life.
4) Assume the fetal position and play dead.

As you are aware that depends on several factors, some UNKNOWN as of today:

1. Distance, between the two, distance to the vehicle,
2. Lighting,
3. Ability to get in my police VEHICLE,
4. Johnson's location through the events; he made definite claims, after stating he walked away.

A scenario with no hard evidence, only conflicting statements. So guessing, I would shoot in the air, depending on the above factors, try to shoot near him, or his legs.....possibly [/B]hitting vital organs, of course. I have not seen the officer's height, another factor.

Now, reality: Michael Brown had no criminal record, was too timid to play football...............however toxicology may show the presence of mind altering substances in either or both individuals. That could explain the sudden change to "charging, violent 300lb thug" from "decent, kind, and reasonable young man", and/or "kind, gentle, no disciplinary problems" officer into "vigilante, murderous cop hell bent on killing".

It is clear your mind is set as you accept the statement Michael Brown "charged" the officer; I do not have ESP, thus the autopsy, and investigation(s) must provide the answers. Only speculation is possible without the evidence, however.

The release of the officer's name, thus providing access to his picture, is reprehensible, as is the release of the convenience store video.
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Peach, if you would, a scenario.

Let's say you're an officer, and you're armed.

Assuming the witness account in that game-changing video is true, you have a 300lb, 6'5" man charging you. You have no taser. What do you do?

1) Run.
2) Shoot him in self-defense.
3) Try to shoot him in the leg and risk missing, ergo risking your life.
4) Assume the fetal position and play dead.

As you are aware that depend on several factors, some UNKNOWN as of today:

1. Distance, between the two, distance to the vehicle,
2. Lighting,
3. Ability to get in my police VEHICLE,
4. Johnson's location through the events; he made definite claims, after stating he walked away.

A scenario with no hard evidence, only conflicting statements. So guessing, I would shoot in the air, depending on the above factors, try to shoot near him, or his legs.....possibly [/B]hitting vital organs, of course. I have not seen the officer's height, another factor.

Now, reality: Michael Brown had no criminal record, was too timid to play football...............however toxicology may show the presence of mind altering substances in either or both individuals. That could explain the sudden change to "charging, violent 300lb thug" from "decent, kind, and reasonable young man", and/or "kind, gentle, no disciplinary problems" officer into "vigilante, murderous cop hell bent on killing".

It is clear your mind is set as you accept the statement Michael Brown "charged" the officer; I do not have ESP, thus the autopsy, and investigation(s) must provide the answers. Only speculation is possible without the evidence, however.

The release of the officer's name, thus providing access to his picture, is reprehensible, as is the release of the convenience store video.

Sounds like you're saying the cop should have ran away. But surely I'm just misunderstanding your post.
Peach, if you would, a scenario.

Let's say you're an officer, and you're armed.

Assuming the witness account in that game-changing video is true, you have a 300lb, 6'5" man charging you. You have no taser. What do you do?

1) Run.
2) Shoot him in self-defense.
3) Try to shoot him in the leg and risk missing, ergo risking your life.
4) Assume the fetal position and play dead.

As you are aware that depend on several factors, some UNKNOWN as of today:

1. Distance, between the two, distance to the vehicle,
2. Lighting,
3. Ability to get in my police VEHICLE,
4. Johnson's location through the events; he made definite claims, after stating he walked away.

A scenario with no hard evidence, only conflicting statements. So guessing, I would shoot in the air, depending on the above factors, try to shoot near him, or his legs.....possibly [/B]hitting vital organs, of course. I have not seen the officer's height, another factor.

Now, reality: Michael Brown had no criminal record, was too timid to play football...............however toxicology may show the presence of mind altering substances in either or both individuals. That could explain the sudden change to "charging, violent 300lb thug" from "decent, kind, and reasonable young man", and/or "kind, gentle, no disciplinary problems" officer into "vigilante, murderous cop hell bent on killing".

It is clear your mind is set as you accept the statement Michael Brown "charged" the officer; I do not have ESP, thus the autopsy, and investigation(s) must provide the answers. Only speculation is possible without the evidence, however.

The release of the officer's name, thus providing access to his picture, is reprehensible, as is the release of the convenience store video.

I'd say the release of the officer's name (while death threats are flying around) was wrong. The release of the convenience store video was 100% RIGHT, and it showed that MB was not too timid to steal what he wanted, and to assault a small store clerk in the throat (a place on the body that is vulnerable to fatal injury)

As for criminal record, we know he had one, because we saw it happen in the convenience store video. As for other crimes, they would be sealed because of his age, and I wouldn't doubt he's been doing stuff like to the store clerk for years, before this. Probably a bully, same way, everywhere he went. Looks like this thug did the people of Ferguson a favor by attacking the cop, and getting himself shot.
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The "Everyone" you cite is 3 people. One is a confirmed criminal himself, who looked like he was making up the story as he went along, and he of the other 2, there isn't any evidence that they were even at the shooting scene, or ever saw anything. I tend to side with a video of the shooting, if anyone has one to present.

The witnesses appear entirely credible and earnest as anyone could be.

"Appear" ? Sorry. That's not good enough. Anyone can appear to be anything. Serial killers appear to be like altar boys when they appear in court, falsely apologizing to the victims' families, all in order to try to get a reduced sentence. You don't judge a book by it's cover. The witnesses are NOT EVEN WITNESSES AT ALL, for all we know.

That is how it works. People give eyewitness or testimony, and others judge on how credible it appears to be.

The witnesses are every day people and not serial killers. They have no reason to make up such elaborate stories. Their witness is consistent while the cops story is not.
The witnesses appear entirely credible and earnest as anyone could be.

"Appear" ? Sorry. That's not good enough. Anyone can appear to be anything. Serial killers appear to be like altar boys when they appear in court, falsely apologizing to the victims' families, all in order to try to get a reduced sentence. You don't judge a book by it's cover. The witnesses are NOT EVEN WITNESSES AT ALL, for all we know.

That is how it works. People give eyewitness or testimony, and others judge on how credible it appears to be.

The witnesses are every day people and not serial killers. They have no reason to make up such elaborate stories. Their witness is consistent while the cops story is not.

LOL Of course they have a reason to make up stories.....they're protecting their own.
The left will ignore the evidence. Does not fit the narrative that poor widdle Mikey Brown the angel was shot while on his knees saying "I surrender." Then the mean ol, bad poweeceman mean shot the angel boy. Lol.
The witnesses appear entirely credible and earnest as anyone could be.

"Appear" ? Sorry. That's not good enough. Anyone can appear to be anything. Serial killers appear to be like altar boys when they appear in court, falsely apologizing to the victims' families, all in order to try to get a reduced sentence. You don't judge a book by it's cover. The witnesses are NOT EVEN WITNESSES AT ALL, for all we know.

That is how it works. People give eyewitness or testimony, and others judge on how credible it appears to be.

The witnesses are every day people and not serial killers. They have no reason to make up such elaborate stories. Their witness is consistent while the cops story is not.

Just your everyday welfare dope heads.
"Appear" ? Sorry. That's not good enough. Anyone can appear to be anything. Serial killers appear to be like altar boys when they appear in court, falsely apologizing to the victims' families, all in order to try to get a reduced sentence. You don't judge a book by it's cover. The witnesses are NOT EVEN WITNESSES AT ALL, for all we know.

That is how it works. People give eyewitness or testimony, and others judge on how credible it appears to be.

The witnesses are every day people and not serial killers. They have no reason to make up such elaborate stories. Their witness is consistent while the cops story is not.

Just your everyday welfare dope heads.

Well no. They both worked stupid. Matter of fact that was the only reason one of them was over there. She was picking up an employee.
According to the evidence we have, video, audio,...Brown shooting was justified.
That is how it works. People give eyewitness or testimony, and others judge on how credible it appears to be.

The witnesses are every day people and not serial killers. They have no reason to make up such elaborate stories. Their witness is consistent while the cops story is not.

Just your everyday welfare dope heads.

Well no. They both worked stupid. Matter of fact that was the only reason one of them was over there. She was picking up an employee.
Probably had to get a few hours a week to keep welfare check coming.
"Appear" ? Sorry. That's not good enough. Anyone can appear to be anything. Serial killers appear to be like altar boys when they appear in court, falsely apologizing to the victims' families, all in order to try to get a reduced sentence. You don't judge a book by it's cover. The witnesses are NOT EVEN WITNESSES AT ALL, for all we know.

That is how it works. People give eyewitness or testimony, and others judge on how credible it appears to be.

The witnesses are every day people and not serial killers. They have no reason to make up such elaborate stories. Their witness is consistent while the cops story is not.

LOL Of course they have a reason to make up stories.....they're protecting their own.

You cannot just automatically write their stories off. They have to be given fair consideration and taken seriously.
"Appear" ? Sorry. That's not good enough. Anyone can appear to be anything. Serial killers appear to be like altar boys when they appear in court, falsely apologizing to the victims' families, all in order to try to get a reduced sentence. You don't judge a book by it's cover. The witnesses are NOT EVEN WITNESSES AT ALL, for all we know.

That is how it works. People give eyewitness or testimony, and others judge on how credible it appears to be.

The witnesses are every day people and not serial killers. They have no reason to make up such elaborate stories. Their witness is consistent while the cops story is not.

Just your everyday welfare dope heads.

Dope heads are not nearly that coherent.
Thats one translation of what was said. Funny the guy in the link just added in words he felt were convenient. When he said he kept coming who was he talking about? Brown or the cop?

Hardly a game changer, the officer had a firearm, the deceased, nothing but his hands. Deadly force? Only applicable to the one with the gun; many other alleged conversations have been released also. The officer had no history of being a vigilante, is described as a kind hearted, decent human..............just like Michael Brown; again, there may be no easy answer.

Wait a second here. You are calling Michael Brown a kind hearted, decent human ? Am I hearing you right ?

From reports, just as the officer is reported not to have had any excessive force allegations made against him. The officer is also reported to be devestated, this is unlikely to fit neatly into anyone's ready made box. Again, the officer's name & the video should not have been released, Ferguson PD seems to have no interest in calming the riots........though you may not care about those rioting, try to officer could be injured or killed.............someone who had nothing to do with the death of Michael Brown.

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