According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

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MB did steal just before being stopped OP.

The cop who shot him wasn't aware he was a suspect in a robbery, so it has nothing to do with his death.

But, the scumbag kid had no idea that the cop wasn't stopping him for the theft, and threatening of the clerk! ....a MAJOR concern to the thug that had just committed 2 crimes!....Could THAT BE why the big bastard was SO CONFRONTATIONAL?....Arrest for a possible 2 felonies?
What's next? Blacks defend other blacks that do driveby shootings and kill innocent kids and then want to kill the parents of the kid cuz it got in the way of their stray bullets?
What's next? Blacks defend other blacks that do driveby shootings and kill innocent kids and then want to kill the parents of the kid cuz it got in the way of their stray bullets?

Left wing, Liberal Logic!

Then, how's this, Limp Wrist...He was not "robbing a store." He was "acquiring his due reparations."

Well, pink panties, robbing is usually reserved for what people do when they enter a store and demand cash from the cash register...armed or not. Stealing petty merchandize is not usually described as robbery, chuckles. Its petty larceny or shoplifting. Arguably, you might have a meager chance of robbery since it there seemed to be some intimidation involved; so, I won't continue to argue the point. Now if that is indeed Michael Brown, what happened to the cigars? He couldn't have smoked them all in 10 minutes. I haven't heard if any were found on the body...have you?

Bottom don't get the death penalty for theft by intimidation! And, since Wilson didn't even know about that...STFU

I see you haven't been reading ALL reports about the robbery, where he handed off the cigars to the skanky, skinny guy that reminds one of Obuma! By the video, the fucking cock sucker intimidated that LITTLE MAN, threatening him, and that's a felony by itself.

Supposedly the officer stopped a group of black thugs walking down the middle of the street disturbing traffic, and acting like your typical 2 digit IQ'd monkeys. Just the big scumbags luck, he undoubtedly had words with the officer, and they had a fight, as the officer had cuts and bruises to his face... JUST LIKE ZIMMERMAN!.... I did like the pictures of the deceased thug giving gang signs, and the pic of him with a gun and a wad of money in his mouth will be a helpful piece of evidence to be shown in court. All to establish that this monkey was a thug. Now, since none of us where there, we'll just have to wait, as we did with Zimmerman for a court to decide. :eusa_whistle:

No. I haven't been reading all the reports. I do have a life beyond USMB and TV. That is why I asked you an honest question, hoping for a civil answer. But, were all the references to monkeys and 2 digit IQs necessary? You know I am capable of responding in kind but I do respect the civil White posters here so I won't. There is enough hate on these boards and I really don't want to be a part of it. I am sick of it!

After reviewing the latest video, I now see the similarities of the corpse and the video of the big Black guy in the store. The picture of the guy with the gun and money doesn't look like Michael Brown... I even posted a comparison of that particular photo with an actual shot of Michael Brown.

Finally, you ought to ask forgiveness for your hatred of Blacks. One day you will have to face God... will you be more ready than Michael Brown was ?
Well, pink panties, robbing is usually reserved for what people do when they enter a store and demand cash from the cash register...armed or not. Stealing petty merchandize is not usually described as robbery, chuckles. Its petty larceny or shoplifting. Arguably, you might have a meager chance of robbery since it there seemed to be some intimidation involved; so, I won't continue to argue the point. Now if that is indeed Michael Brown, what happened to the cigars? He couldn't have smoked them all in 10 minutes. I haven't heard if any were found on the body...have you?

Bottom don't get the death penalty for theft by intimidation! And, since Wilson didn't even know about that...STFU

I see you haven't been reading ALL reports about the robbery, where he handed off the cigars to the skanky, skinny guy that reminds one of Obuma! By the video, the fucking cock sucker intimidated that LITTLE MAN, threatening him, and that's a felony by itself.

Supposedly the officer stopped a group of black thugs walking down the middle of the street disturbing traffic, and acting like your typical 2 digit IQ'd monkeys. Just the big scumbags luck, he undoubtedly had words with the officer, and they had a fight, as the officer had cuts and bruises to his face... JUST LIKE ZIMMERMAN!.... I did like the pictures of the deceased thug giving gang signs, and the pic of him with a gun and a wad of money in his mouth will be a helpful piece of evidence to be shown in court. All to establish that this monkey was a thug. Now, since none of us where there, we'll just have to wait, as we did with Zimmerman for a court to decide. :eusa_whistle:

No. I haven't been reading all the reports. I do have a life beyond USMB and TV. That is why I asked you an honest question, hoping for a civil answer. But, were all the references to monkeys and 2 digit IQs necessary? You know I am capable of responding in kind but I do respect the civil White posters here so I won't. There is enough hate on these boards and I really don't want to be a part of it. I am sick of it!

After reviewing the latest video, I now see the similarities of the corpse and the video of the big Black guy in the store. The picture of the guy with the gun and money doesn't look like Michael Brown... I even posted a comparison of that particular photo with an actual shot of Michael Brown.

Finally, you ought to ask forgiveness for your hatred of Blacks. One day you will have to face God... will you be more ready than Michael Brown was ?

Ah yea that one was a hoax. Brown did do some karaoke gangster songs, and there was one picture of him making what some 'claim' is a gang sign and colors for one called "Vice Lords," but I've personally seen no creditable evidence that he was in a gang himself.
MB did steal just before being stopped OP.

The cop who shot him wasn't aware he was a suspect in a robbery, so it has nothing to do with his death.

Not 100% accurate Naomi.

Officer was not INITIALLY aware Brown was the strong arm robber.

BUT during his contact with Brown, Officer Wilson observed a box of cigars in Browns hand and made the connection with the robbery that had just been reported over the police radio transmitted just moments before.

Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown. Asked why Brown and a friend were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.” Jackson later said that "at some point" during the encounter, the officer saw the cigars in Brown's hands and thought he might be a suspect.

Ferguson Chief Names Darren Wilson as Cop Who Shot Michael Brown - NBC News
The family has already conceded that it was Michael Brown in the video. He robbed the store. No question about that. Whatever it means...debate it. But stop with this nonsense of "We can't be sure it was him". It was him you idiots. His thug friend said so too.
There are witnesses with cell phones who recorded the whole thing. They will never come forward b/c they value their lives and their family's lives.
Those are the first words out of a Black baby's mouth.

No they'll never come forward because of what is on the videos.
The family has already conceded that it was Michael Brown in the video. He robbed the store. No question about that. Whatever it means...debate it. But stop with this nonsense of "We can't be sure it was him". It was him you idiots. His thug friend said so too.

You are slow lad. I've conceded some time ago that it was him as soon I saw the latest videos and the photos of the body. Since the new revelations have been posted, no one is disputing that Brown was the man in the video shoplifting/robbery. Idiots take things initially at face value and without question,! People who question things are likely to be quite bright! :D
MB did steal just before being stopped OP.

The cop who shot him wasn't aware he was a suspect in a robbery, so it has nothing to do with his death.

Yes he does, he saw the stolen smokes then knew it was him. Should of shot him sooner


HOLY SMOKES! You really mean that, don't you? OMG, you are an absolute psychopath..
Hopefully, there are not to many like you out there!

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