According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

Let's see if I've met the quota to post links yet:

Michael Brown?s Friend: He Was 'Shot Like An Animal? - Video on

I believe I got those in order of their release. There's other inconsistences in the accounts as well - like in one version he says the officer pulled Brown into the car, in another he says he just 'tried' to pull Brown into the car but couldn't [basically Brown was too tall], etc.

Like I said though, I'm not sure if Johnson is purposefully changing the story or not, he might just be adding stuff in trying to clarify what he believes he saw [or what he 'now' believes he saw if it's being rewritten, which is again fairly common.]

Thanks. I never saw the last one. IMO those inconsistencies are pretty tame. They will be challenged by the defense attorney in court rightfully but the differences are too minute to pose much of a challenge for the prosecution. Whats the difference between the cop attempting to pull him in the car and actually succeeding to pull him into the car? Either way he attacked the kid first without provocation. He still pulled his gun on an unarmed person for nothing. The cop better hope to hell he didn't shoot him in the back while he was running or at a distance once he turned around. I dont see how this can be explained away unless all 4 witnesses are lying. Forensics will show how close he was to the gun each time he was shot.

HA HA HA> HAven't you embrassed yourself enough already ? You don't have a shred of evidence that Wilson attacked the kid first without provocation. Nor do you have a shred of evidence that he pulled his gun on an unarmed person for nothing. You talk like an IDIOT.

Wilson had to start the scuffle. How else can you get a cop wrestling with someone out of his own police car window? Explain to me how that can happen.
Blacks get shot everyday, who cares? Whites get shot by the police everyday as well, in far more obvious cases of police brutality. If you want a multiracial society, the price you have to pay is with black crime, riots, and militarized and on edge police that have to deal with the diversity on a daily basis.
I tend to side with the eyewitness accounts. Everyone said this poor kid turned around with his hands in the air and was executed. Short of looting, the people in that town have every right to be upset.

The "Everyone" you cite is 3 people. One is a confirmed criminal himself, who looked like he was making up the story as he went along, and he of the other 2, there isn't any evidence that they were even at the shooting scene, or ever saw anything. I tend to side with a video of the shooting, if anyone has one to present.

The witnesses appear entirely credible and earnest as anyone could be.
Where did you get that? According to the news he had no criminal record. Not that it makes a difference if the cop shot him as the witnesses say.

Michael Brown had no criminal record, police say

I thought WAKE was sharper than that. He should have known that there must be at least several people in Missouri with that name. But now that he has caught up with the rest of us, has he changed his tune about considering Mike Brown's ( deceased) character?
I'll not hold my breath waiting for that one!

Mike Brown's character ? >>> VIOLENT CRIMINAL (with at least one video to prove it) :lol:

To bad you got in on the tail end of that exchange between Wake and me. Otherwise you might have realized your entire response is out of context to the original input. Wake did , indeed find and post information on a Michael Brown which curiously had no a race, age, height or weight data in it. Further, the information was dated 2013. By the time Wake posted that info , the police chief had already publicly broadcasted that the deceased Michael Brown had no criminal record. That is when we knew that some "conservative" was trying hard to conjure anything they could to make their case stronger.

Now, that video didn't clearly show the face of the individual in the store. For all we know it could have been a look-a-like. We still don't know for sure that the video was of Michael Brown. There is some doubt.

for one thing, according to other publicized reports from the police chief, the cop who shot Brown wasn't even aware of the alleged"shoplifting" incident at all. I say alleged because the video didn't have sound. That means the confrontation between the suspect and the store clerk/owner could have been about anything, including age verification or
putting the cigars on a tab. It also would be nice to know the date of that video since some new information is circulating about the difference in clothing worn by the shoplifter and the that worn by the deceased.

Finally, your nexus between Brown's criminal history and the shooting doesn't exist.
Brown was killed for reasons unrelated to that video because the cop was not aware of it.

2nd witness is interviewed live on Lawrence O'Donnell show!

Eyewitness to Brown shooting tells her story | MSNBC

For those who were apprehensive about the witnesses in the Michael Brown shooting click on the link and put those doubts aside. Meet Tiffany Mitchell: A bright, articulate beautiful, self-confident and courageous Black woman. She made me proud!

The silk skinned black diva looked right into the camera during her interview on the Lawrence O’Donnel show. Fashionably garbed in a Black dress that could have been worn by royalty, Tiffany’s presence was the abject essence of class! The high forehead and large wide set eyes announced her high cognitive ability before she spoke a single word. When she did part her luscious lips to speak, there was not even a hint of hip-hop gangsterism or Ebonics.

Tiffany didn’t know Michael Brown and did not even live in that part of town. She just happened to be driving by when the whole thing started. She got out of her car and was in close proximity to the incident. Her story echoes that of the other witness.
Yeah, I had it on, but I was speaking to my parents and my brother in a group Skype so couldn't hear it. She looked very poise though. Nice looking young lady.

So were the Manson family girls.

Manson's girls had no where near the character or class Tiffany Mitchell has. I doubt if she would ever be a groupie for some stringy haired punk like Manson!
As the WORM TURNS.....

Crying Wolf Hurts Civil Rights Movement


Racial Politics: We didn't think today's civil-rights leaders could lose more credibility after they covered up the facts in the Trayvon Martin case. But then along came Michael Brown. In both shooting incidents, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, NAACP officials and others in the civil-rights movement-turned-grievance industry rushed to judge them as "walking-while-black" executions by racist whites, when in fact they were nothing of the kind. Martin and Brown weren't targeted because of skin color. Nor were they the innocent martyrs they were made out to be, as tragic as their deaths were. Like Martin, Brown seems to have been the...
I wasnt talking to you so I dont care what you believe. If I cared I would have addressed you and asked you to believe me. As it is my experience tells me most are bad. You dont like that then you have an issue to deal with.

Well, la-tee-da. :lol: That's fine, but for the benefit of everyone else, I'm calling bull on your claim that the majority of police officers are bad. It's probably just you. :D

I never claimed the majority of police officers were bad. I said in "my experience". Do you need help deciphering what that means?

If it was just me why did they steal shit from, shoot for no reason, and frame other people that were not me?

And I told you that your personal experiences are in NO WAY representative of the majority.

Oh, so now you are claiming that the police steal from you, shoot at you and frame you too? :cuckoo: Why aren't you in prison? Or ARE you in prison right now?
That's only the case with SOME cops. I've known a few cops, and some of them are just regular people doing their jobs and wanting to make it home to their families, believe it or not.

What??? You don't buy the BS that all white cops do all day is look for hapless innocent black 'college-bound' convenience store robbers to just shoot at random? Oh my ... that's racist!

I've already been accused of being a Nazi, might as well add racist to the list! :lol:
As the WORM TURNS.....

Crying Wolf Hurts Civil Rights Movement


Racial Politics: We didn't think today's civil-rights leaders could lose more credibility after they covered up the facts in the Trayvon Martin case.

Do you know how dumb that sounds? Only the cops could cover up the facts. After all, it was the sloppy gathering of evidence by the cops that helped to set Zimmerman free. That and a lackluster performance by sympathetic prosecutors.

But then along came Michael Brown. In both shooting incidents, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, NAACP officials and others in the civil-rights movement-turned-grievance industry rushed to judge them as "walking-while-black" executions by racist whites, when in fact they were nothing of the kind.

Well, they were walking peacefully and they were Black until their walks were "disturbed" by " armed dangerous Caucasians."

vigilante said:
Martin and Brown weren't targeted because of skin color. Nor were they the innocent martyrs they were made out to be, as tragic as their deaths were. Like Martin, Brown seems to have been the...

Then why were they targeted if not because of skin color?

Martyrs? Who said they were? If anything both exemplify the need for Blacks to arm themselves to at least have some kind of chance in these confrontations. Maybe that is already happening. Perhaps those Black on white homicides, as rare as they are, are simply cases of Blacks being faster on the draw!
I thought WAKE was sharper than that. He should have known that there must be at least several people in Missouri with that name. But now that he has caught up with the rest of us, has he changed his tune about considering Mike Brown's ( deceased) character?
I'll not hold my breath waiting for that one!

Mike Brown's character ? >>> VIOLENT CRIMINAL (with at least one video to prove it) :lol:

To bad you got in on the tail end of that exchange between Wake and me. Otherwise you might have realized your entire response is out of context to the original input. Wake did , indeed find and post information on a Michael Brown which curiously had no a race, age, height or weight data in it. Further, the information was dated 2013. By the time Wake posted that info , the police chief had already publicly broadcasted that the deceased Michael Brown had no criminal record. That is when we knew that some "conservative" was trying hard to conjure anything they could to make their case stronger.

Now, that video didn't clearly show the face of the individual in the store. For all we know it could have been a look-a-like. We still don't know for sure that the video was of Michael Brown. There is some doubt.

for one thing, according to other publicized reports from the police chief, the cop who shot Brown wasn't even aware of the alleged"shoplifting" incident at all. I say alleged because the video didn't have sound. That means the confrontation between the suspect and the store clerk/owner could have been about anything, including age verification or
putting the cigars on a tab.
It also would be nice to know the date of that video since some new information is circulating about the difference in clothing worn by the shoplifter and the that worn by the deceased.

Finally, your nexus between Brown's criminal history and the shooting doesn't exist.
Brown was killed for reasons unrelated to that video because the cop was not aware of it.

A witness to the robbery stated in the officer [who responded to their 911 call] report that the clerk had told Brown he would have to pay for those when he handed the cigars back to Johnson, at which point Brown reached over the counter and grabbed the clerk, then some more cigars, and started to leave - Camera seven even shows Brown picking up dropped cigars off the ground and looking at a passing customer with a soda, then the clerk came from behind the counter with keys and stood between the door and Brown [the witness said he was going to lock the doors until Brown paid for the cigars] then brown grabbed the clerk again (by the throat here) and pushed him into the display rack and started to leave, the clerk backs away again (I'm going to guess the clerk said something) because Brown turns back and approaches him threateningly and stands over him intimidating him for a few moments before finally leaving the store.

The officer from the 911 call at the store later went to the scene of the shooting and positively ID'ed Brown as the person in the video.


What difference in clothing?

White t-shirt, red hat, yellow socks, and khaki shorts. I've seen the video from both cameras at the store and I've seen at least three shots of Browns uncovered body, all clothing matches as far as I can tell.
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That's only the case with SOME cops. I've known a few cops, and some of them are just regular people doing their jobs and wanting to make it home to their families, believe it or not.

What??? You don't buy the BS that all white cops do all day is look for hapless innocent black 'college-bound' convenience store robbers to just shoot at random? Oh my ... that's racist!

I've already been accused of being a Nazi, might as well add racist to the list! :lol:

What? I thought you were just another hardcore neo-liberal Democrat just indulging in 'Identity Politics', the Party's only real platform and philosophy. I don't see how that can be confused with Nazis. Whoever said that is clearly not informed.
As the WORM TURNS.....

Crying Wolf Hurts Civil Rights Movement


Racial Politics: We didn't think today's civil-rights leaders could lose more credibility after they covered up the facts in the Trayvon Martin case.

Do you know how dumb that sounds? Only the cops could cover up the facts. After all, it was the sloppy gathering of evidence by the cops that helped to set Zimmerman free. That and a lackluster performance by sympathetic prosecutors.

But then along came Michael Brown. In both shooting incidents, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, NAACP officials and others in the civil-rights movement-turned-grievance industry rushed to judge them as "walking-while-black" executions by racist whites, when in fact they were nothing of the kind.
Well, they were walking peacefully and they were Black until their walks were "disturbed" by " armed dangerous Caucasians."

vigilante said:
Martin and Brown weren't targeted because of skin color. Nor were they the innocent martyrs they were made out to be, as tragic as their deaths were. Like Martin, Brown seems to have been the...

Then why were they targeted if not because of skin color?

Martyrs? Who said they were? If anything both exemplify the need for Blacks to arm themselves to at least have some kind of chance in these confrontations. Maybe that is already happening. Perhaps those Black on white homicides, as rare as they are, are simply cases of Blacks being faster on the draw!

Then, how's this, Limp Wrist...He was not "robbing a store." He was "acquiring his due reparations."
Well, la-tee-da. :lol: That's fine, but for the benefit of everyone else, I'm calling bull on your claim that the majority of police officers are bad. It's probably just you. :D

I never claimed the majority of police officers were bad. I said in "my experience". Do you need help deciphering what that means?

If it was just me why did they steal shit from, shoot for no reason, and frame other people that were not me?

And I told you that your personal experiences are in NO WAY representative of the majority.

Oh, so now you are claiming that the police steal from you, shoot at you and frame you too? :cuckoo: Why aren't you in prison? Or ARE you in prison right now?

Your reading comprehension is pretty bad. You claimed I was a bad guy and thats why police were bad. I told you I witnessed police robbing, shooting, and framing other guys and you somehow turn that into me? Go back to school and learn how to read.
Mike Brown's character ? >>> VIOLENT CRIMINAL (with at least one video to prove it) :lol:

To bad you got in on the tail end of that exchange between Wake and me. Otherwise you might have realized your entire response is out of context to the original input. Wake did , indeed find and post information on a Michael Brown which curiously had no a race, age, height or weight data in it. Further, the information was dated 2013. By the time Wake posted that info , the police chief had already publicly broadcasted that the deceased Michael Brown had no criminal record. That is when we knew that some "conservative" was trying hard to conjure anything they could to make their case stronger.

Now, that video didn't clearly show the face of the individual in the store. For all we know it could have been a look-a-like. We still don't know for sure that the video was of Michael Brown. There is some doubt.

for one thing, according to other publicized reports from the police chief, the cop who shot Brown wasn't even aware of the alleged"shoplifting" incident at all. I say alleged because the video didn't have sound. That means the confrontation between the suspect and the store clerk/owner could have been about anything, including age verification or
putting the cigars on a tab.
It also would be nice to know the date of that video since some new information is circulating about the difference in clothing worn by the shoplifter and the that worn by the deceased.

Finally, your nexus between Brown's criminal history and the shooting doesn't exist.
Brown was killed for reasons unrelated to that video because the cop was not aware of it.

A witness to the robbery stated in the officer [who responded to their 911 call] report that the clerk had told Brown he would have to pay for those when he handed the cigars back to Johnson, at which point Brown reached over the counter and grabbed the clerk, then some more cigars, and started to leave - Camera seven even shows Brown picking up dropped cigars off the ground and looking at a passing customer with a soda, then the clerk came from behind the counter with keys and stood between the door and Brown [the witness said he was going to lock the doors until Brown paid for the cigars] then brown grabbed the clerk again (by the throat here) and pushed him into the display rack and started to leave, the clerk backs away again (I'm going to guess the clerk said something) because Brown turns back and approaches him threateningly and stands over him intimidating him for a few moments before finally leaving the store.

The officer from the 911 call at the store later went to the scene of the shooting and positively ID'ed Brown as the person in the video.

Nothing you have said proves anything... pure conjecture... Your tale could be accurate but I am not ready to take your word for it at this juncture. No link?

What difference in clothing?

White t-shirt, red hat, yellow socks, and khaki shorts. I've seen the video from both cameras at the store and I've seen at least three shots of Browns uncovered body, all clothing matches as far as I can tell.

The video I saw was in black and white. I've seen no shots of Brown's uncovered body.
where do I look?

Still, even if all you said turns out to be legit, if the statements of known public witnesses
indicate Brown was executed after trying to surrender. If that doesn't bother you, how do you respond to the publicized statement from the chief that officer Wilson did not know about the shoplifting incident, supposedly committed by Brown when he shot him?
As the WORM TURNS.....

Crying Wolf Hurts Civil Rights Movement


Racial Politics: We didn't think today's civil-rights leaders could lose more credibility after they covered up the facts in the Trayvon Martin case.

Do you know how dumb that sounds? Only the cops could cover up the facts. After all, it was the sloppy gathering of evidence by the cops that helped to set Zimmerman free. That and a lackluster performance by sympathetic prosecutors.

Well, they were walking peacefully and they were Black until their walks were "disturbed" by " armed dangerous Caucasians."

vigilante said:
Martin and Brown weren't targeted because of skin color. Nor were they the innocent martyrs they were made out to be, as tragic as their deaths were. Like Martin, Brown seems to have been the...

Then why were they targeted if not because of skin color?

Martyrs? Who said they were? If anything both exemplify the need for Blacks to arm themselves to at least have some kind of chance in these confrontations. Maybe that is already happening. Perhaps those Black on white homicides, as rare as they are, are simply cases of Blacks being faster on the draw!

Then, how's this, Limp Wrist...He was not "robbing a store." He was "acquiring his due reparations."

Well, pink panties, robbing is usually reserved for what people do when they enter a store and demand cash from the cash register...armed or not. Stealing petty merchandize is not usually described as robbery, chuckles. Its petty larceny or shoplifting. Arguably, you might have a meager chance of robbery since it there seemed to be some intimidation involved; so, I won't continue to argue the point. Now if that is indeed Michael Brown, what happened to the cigars? He couldn't have smoked them all in 10 minutes. I haven't heard if any were found on the body...have you?

Bottom don't get the death penalty for theft by intimidation! And, since Wilson didn't even know about that...STFU
Do you know how dumb that sounds? Only the cops could cover up the facts. After all, it was the sloppy gathering of evidence by the cops that helped to set Zimmerman free. That and a lackluster performance by sympathetic prosecutors.

Well, they were walking peacefully and they were Black until their walks were "disturbed" by " armed dangerous Caucasians."

Then why were they targeted if not because of skin color?

Martyrs? Who said they were? If anything both exemplify the need for Blacks to arm themselves to at least have some kind of chance in these confrontations. Maybe that is already happening. Perhaps those Black on white homicides, as rare as they are, are simply cases of Blacks being faster on the draw!

Then, how's this, Limp Wrist...He was not "robbing a store." He was "acquiring his due reparations."

Well, pink panties, robbing is usually reserved for what people do when they enter a store and demand cash from the cash register...armed or not. Stealing petty merchandize is not usually described as robbery, chuckles. Its petty larceny or shoplifting. Arguably, you might have a meager chance of robbery since it there seemed to be some intimidation involved; so, I won't continue to argue the point. Now if that is indeed Michael Brown, what happened to the cigars? He couldn't have smoked them all in 10 minutes. I haven't heard if any were found on the body...have you?

Bottom don't get the death penalty for theft by intimidation! And, since Wilson didn't even know about that...STFU

I see you haven't been reading ALL reports about the robbery, where he handed off the cigars to the skanky, skinny guy that reminds one of Obuma! By the video, the fucking cock sucker intimidated that LITTLE MAN, threatening him, and that's a felony by itself.

Supposedly the officer stopped a group of black thugs walking down the middle of the street disturbing traffic, and acting like your typical 2 digit IQ'd monkeys. Just the big scumbags luck, he undoubtedly had words with the officer, and they had a fight, as the officer had cuts and bruises to his face... JUST LIKE ZIMMERMAN!.... I did like the pictures of the deceased thug giving gang signs, and the pic of him with a gun and a wad of money in his mouth will be a helpful piece of evidence to be shown in court. All to establish that this monkey was a thug. Now, since none of us where there, we'll just have to wait, as we did with Zimmerman for a court to decide. :eusa_whistle:
To bad you got in on the tail end of that exchange between Wake and me. Otherwise you might have realized your entire response is out of context to the original input. Wake did , indeed find and post information on a Michael Brown which curiously had no a race, age, height or weight data in it. Further, the information was dated 2013. By the time Wake posted that info , the police chief had already publicly broadcasted that the deceased Michael Brown had no criminal record. That is when we knew that some "conservative" was trying hard to conjure anything they could to make their case stronger.

Now, that video didn't clearly show the face of the individual in the store. For all we know it could have been a look-a-like. We still don't know for sure that the video was of Michael Brown. There is some doubt.

for one thing, according to other publicized reports from the police chief, the cop who shot Brown wasn't even aware of the alleged"shoplifting" incident at all. I say alleged because the video didn't have sound. That means the confrontation between the suspect and the store clerk/owner could have been about anything, including age verification or
putting the cigars on a tab.
It also would be nice to know the date of that video since some new information is circulating about the difference in clothing worn by the shoplifter and the that worn by the deceased.

Finally, your nexus between Brown's criminal history and the shooting doesn't exist.
Brown was killed for reasons unrelated to that video because the cop was not aware of it.

A witness to the robbery stated in the officer [who responded to their 911 call] report that the clerk had told Brown he would have to pay for those when he handed the cigars back to Johnson, at which point Brown reached over the counter and grabbed the clerk, then some more cigars, and started to leave - Camera seven even shows Brown picking up dropped cigars off the ground and looking at a passing customer with a soda, then the clerk came from behind the counter with keys and stood between the door and Brown [the witness said he was going to lock the doors until Brown paid for the cigars] then brown grabbed the clerk again (by the throat here) and pushed him into the display rack and started to leave, the clerk backs away again (I'm going to guess the clerk said something) because Brown turns back and approaches him threateningly and stands over him intimidating him for a few moments before finally leaving the store.

The officer from the 911 call at the store later went to the scene of the shooting and positively ID'ed Brown as the person in the video.

Nothing you have said proves anything... pure conjecture... Your tale could be accurate but I am not ready to take your word for it at this juncture. No link?

What difference in clothing?

White t-shirt, red hat, yellow socks, and khaki shorts. I've seen the video from both cameras at the store and I've seen at least three shots of Browns uncovered body, all clothing matches as far as I can tell.

The video I saw was in black and white. I've seen no shots of Brown's uncovered body.
where do I look?

Still, even if all you said turns out to be legit, if the statements of known public witnesses
indicate Brown was executed after trying to surrender. If that doesn't bother you, how do you respond to the publicized statement from the chief that officer Wilson did not know about the shoplifting incident, supposedly committed by Brown when he shot him?

Was a bit more than just 'shoplifting'... But anyway as requested:

Video with both cameras (register and door)




There is also a supersized picture on my post here:

And the hat in my post here:
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Holder's Justice Dept. Asked Ferguson Police Not to Release Video From Robbery, Official Says

The New York Times ^

FERGUSON, Mo. — Unrest returned to the streets of this St. Louis suburb early Saturday as hundreds of demonstrators, angered by the shooting death of an unarmed African-American teenager by a police officer, engaged in a standoff with the police that was punctuated by threats and a new round of denunciations of law enforcement practices. The confrontation, the first serious one since the Missouri State Highway Patrol on Thursday assumed responsibility for security operations here, ended at about 4 a.m. when the authorities, prompted by the gradual dispersal of demonstrators, pulled back to their nearby command post. The Associated Press...

[snip] The Justice Department asked the Ferguson Police Department not to release the video because of concerns that “it would roil the community further,” a United States law enforcement official said on Saturday. The Ferguson department released the video on Friday and the Justice official said it “occurred over the objection of federal authorities.” The official said a copy of the video had been in possession of federal investigators, as well, “and there were never any plans by the federal investigators to release that copy.”
The dispute showed further divisions among the authorities in the handling of the case. The surveillance video appeared to show Mr. Brown stealing a box of cigarillos. Shortly after the release of the video, Captain Johnson expressed his displeasure, saying he had not been told that the police planned to release it.[/snip]
Holder's Justice Dept. Asked Ferguson Police Not to Release Video From Robbery, Official Says

The New York Times ^

FERGUSON, Mo. — Unrest returned to the streets of this St. Louis suburb early Saturday as hundreds of demonstrators, angered by the shooting death of an unarmed African-American teenager by a police officer, engaged in a standoff with the police that was punctuated by threats and a new round of denunciations of law enforcement practices. The confrontation, the first serious one since the Missouri State Highway Patrol on Thursday assumed responsibility for security operations here, ended at about 4 a.m. when the authorities, prompted by the gradual dispersal of demonstrators, pulled back to their nearby command post. The Associated Press...

[snip] The Justice Department asked the Ferguson Police Department not to release the video because of concerns that “it would roil the community further,” a United States law enforcement official said on Saturday. The Ferguson department released the video on Friday and the Justice official said it “occurred over the objection of federal authorities.” The official said a copy of the video had been in possession of federal investigators, as well, “and there were never any plans by the federal investigators to release that copy.”
The dispute showed further divisions among the authorities in the handling of the case. The surveillance video appeared to show Mr. Brown stealing a box of cigarillos. Shortly after the release of the video, Captain Johnson expressed his displeasure, saying he had not been told that the police planned to release it.[/snip]

I really wonder if the federal officials believe that the public is as stupid as they imply with their statements and actions.

1.) The Justice Department is seen as very heavily politicized, so they don't come across as an impartial actor in this drama.
2.) Why was the public protesting? Because the believed that the police had ho justification for killing Brown. Would keeping this video secret have quieted down that anger?
3.) Releasing the video undermined the basis for a good part of the public anger. The result was reduced tension and reduced rioting.
4.) Going through the pantomime of making a statement and giving a rationale is different than making a statement and JUSTIFYING the statement. Here's what I mean - officials come before the camera and claim responsibility for some wrongdoing. This sure looks good, the public likes it when officials are held accountable for wrongdoing. However, claiming responsibility is different from being held accountable and suffering a consequence. They're just involved in a charade. Claim responsibility and not suffer any consequence.

The same process is happening here - the Justice Department declares that they don't want the video released because they don't want to inflame the public. That's nonsensical. It's a charade. How could showing Brown to be a criminal actually inflame the public?

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