According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

Ahhh, if only these same imbeciles were half as "outraged" when these Africans assault, maim, and murder white folk....statistics anyone?

The hypocrisy of these maggots knows no bounds..... Lol

White people murder white people more than anyone else cave simian.

That might only be because there are so many MORE White people to be able to do that. % wise is what matters, tree simian. :rolleyes:
I tend to side with the eyewitness accounts. Everyone said this poor kid turned around with his hands in the air and was executed. Short of looting, the people in that town have every right to be upset.

The "Everyone" you cite is 3 people. One is a confirmed criminal himself, who looked like he was making up the story as he went along, and he of the other 2, there isn't any evidence that they were even at the shooting scene, or ever saw anything. I tend to side with a video of the shooting, if anyone has one to present.
I've only heard one version of Johnsons account. Do you have a link to the other 2?

I can answer #3. People get shot all the time and don't even feel it initially. I saw a guy get shot at a party and he kept on running until he collapsed outside down the block.

Let's see if I've met the quota to post links yet:

Michael Brown?s Friend: He Was 'Shot Like An Animal? - Video on


I believe I got those in order of their release. There's other inconsistences in the accounts as well - like in one version he says the officer pulled Brown into the car, in another he says he just 'tried' to pull Brown into the car but couldn't [basically Brown was too tall], etc.

Like I said though, I'm not sure if Johnson is purposefully changing the story or not, he might just be adding stuff in trying to clarify what he believes he saw [or what he 'now' believes he saw if it's being rewritten, which is again fairly common.]

I watched him once, for as long as I could stand listening to his shouting voice. (this guy could be the next Al Sharpton) I noticed that he paused quite often and said "uh, uh..." He had the look of someone who was partially telling what he saw, and partially making it up as he went along.

Besides that he was a lawbreaker, accompliss to a violent criminal, and has the credibility of a warthog.

Is that the same 'eyewitness' that was with Brown when he robbed the store? lol yeah that's 'testimony' we should all accept as fact.
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in 2010 58% of hate crime offenders were Latino or white, 18% of offenders were black, 8.9% were of individuals of multiple races and 1% of offenders were Native Americans.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report database

Link for that if you dont mind.
are you google challenged ?

Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report - Bing

Stupid and irrelevant stats. See Post # 423.
in 2010 58% of hate crime offenders were Latino or white, 18% of offenders were black, 8.9% were of individuals of multiple races and 1% of offenders were Native Americans.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Report database

For this statistic to have relevance we have to be able to trust that government is impartial in how it assesses hate crimes. We know that the Federal Government is NOT impartial.

In Brooklyn a few weeks ago, ten black people surrounded a car, then beat the two white occupants, a husband and wife. They even called them racial names, as in “Get those crackers” and “get that white whore.” All in front of witnesses in the middle of the day.

The Brooklyn DA says he will not file hate crime charges.

In New Haven, a few days before that, 500 black people attending a party called “An All Black Affair,” destroyed property and rioted in a downtown restaurant. Then outside. Then in two more restaurants. Not only are there no hate crime charges, New Haven police did not arrest anyone for anything during these rampages.

Race was the central organizing feature of the party — and the riot.

A few days before that in St. Paul, a car full of black people robbed and assaulted a white woman. They called her a “white bitch” while holding her down so one of the assailants could urinate on her.

A few days before that in Tacoma, a car full of black people shouted racial expletives at two white soldiers. Soon one soldier was dead from a knife. No hate crime charges have been filed.

A few days before that in Pittsburgh, a group of black people pulled a white woman from her car, and while beating her, yelled “Shut up white [expletive].” The other said, “Get that white [expletive].” . . .

In Iowa – yes Iowa — hordes of black people beat white people in and out of the Iowa State Fair for three nights in a row in 2011. A police report says some of the people involved were chanting “Beat Whitey Night.” It only takes a few magic words to turn a vicious assault into a federal hate crime. And that seems to fit the bill.

Nothing from Holder.

The same thing happened a few weeks later at the Milwaukee State Fair: Except this anti-white riot played itself out in public when local media broadcast the panicked 911 calls of black people beating and terrorizing white people. One call they have not heard in Milwaukee: The Attorney General’s call for the enforcement of hate crimes against white people.

oldest dodge in the world! care to link that

The link YOU provided in Post # 281 is an even better illustration of Black on White crime than this post you're asking for a link about. You want a link for Black on White crime ? Look at YOURS.
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That's only the case with SOME cops. I've known a few cops, and some of them are just regular people doing their jobs and wanting to make it home to their families, believe it or not.

What??? You don't buy the BS that all white cops do all day is look for hapless innocent black 'college-bound' convenience store robbers to just shoot at random? Oh my ... that's racist!
Wait....the statics have relevance when you want to use them to point out something but in the same breath they dont have relevance when they dont work with your argument?

I'm still waiting for the black panthers to be prosecuted for standing in front of a voting station and intimidating voters.

all two of them...if white voters are intimidated by that they have no right to vote .....ever heard of Jim crow?

Yeah. It was unfair to Blacks over 50 years ago, before we had the past 50 years of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, unfair to whites. Which still illegally goes on.
According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

Are these "witnesses" the same trustworthy folks who are rioting, robbing, burning down their town, and assaulting cops with rocks and such? Got it.
So, out of all the black folks this guy had to choose from when looking to just shoot for no reason, he like, just shot down Baby Huey entirely by accident, just after this pillar of the black community robbed a store and assaulted some clerk half his size? This is going to be the narrative from the so-called 'anti-racists' here?

lol .. and you morons wonder why you're losing elections to people like George Bush and Chris Christie.
I tend to side with the eyewitness accounts. Everyone said this poor kid turned around with his hands in the air and was executed. Short of looting, the people in that town have every right to be upset.

I can't believe I agree with you ....but I do.
the looting and destruction of property kills the protesters credibility..
but then again look what happens after teams lose football games...

You can agree with him, but neither of you has a shred of evidence upon which to do it. :lol:
Also, we should consider the character of Michael Brown. Did he typically behave like a savage, or was he civilized?

One thing to note is this:

Where did you get that? According to the news he had no criminal record. Not that it makes a difference if the cop shot him as the witnesses say.

Michael Brown had no criminal record, police say

I thought WAKE was sharper than that. He should have known that there must be at least several people in Missouri with that name. But now that he has caught up with the rest of us, has he changed his tune about considering Mike Brown's ( deceased) character?
I'll not hold my breath waiting for that one!

Mike Brown's character ? >>> VIOLENT CRIMINAL (with at least one video to prove it) :lol:

2nd witness is interviewed live on Lawrence O'Donnell show!

Eyewitness to Brown shooting tells her story | MSNBC

For those who were apprehensive about the witnesses in the Michael Brown shooting click on the link and put those doubts aside. Meet Tiffany Mitchell: A bright, articulate beautiful, self-confident and courageous Black woman. She made me proud!

The silk skinned black diva looked right into the camera during her interview on the Lawrence O’Donnel show. Fashionably garbed in a Black dress that could have been worn by royalty, Tiffany’s presence was the abject essence of class! The high forehead and large wide set eyes announced her high cognitive ability before she spoke a single word. When she did part her luscious lips to speak, there was not even a hint of hip-hop gangsterism or Ebonics.

Tiffany didn’t know Michael Brown and did not even live in that part of town. She just happened to be driving by when the whole thing started. She got out of her car and was in close proximity to the incident. Her story echoes that of the other witness.

Great. And her testimony does NOT present an ounce of evidence. She could be lying 100%. Got a video ? Come back when you do. So far, the only real evidence (the convenience store video) tends to corroberate Officer Wilson's version.
I don't believe the cops story.. In my opinion, gassing reporters, stealing camera's and equipment so the truth cannot be shown and covered , tells me all I need to know about this corrupt little town's police dept.

Sounds like a cop-out excuse. No pun intended.
Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

yeah, and I bet every single "witness" was black too.:eusa_hand:

Probably the most pertinent piece of information so far (next to the convenience store video)
Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

yeah, and I bet every single "witness" was black too.:eusa_hand:

Yes, because all ******* lie. :doubt: There were no white witnesses, lets throw a parade for this cop!

Not a bad idea. He does deserve some gratitude for ridding the town of one of its nastiest criminal thugs. Wilson ought to be promoted to Chief of Police too. Hell yeah.

2nd witness is interviewed live on Lawrence O'Donnell show!

Eyewitness to Brown shooting tells her story | MSNBC

For those who were apprehensive about the witnesses in the Michael Brown shooting click on the link and put those doubts aside. Meet Tiffany Mitchell: A bright, articulate beautiful, self-confident and courageous Black woman. She made me proud!

The silk skinned black diva looked right into the camera during her interview on the Lawrence O’Donnel show. Fashionably garbed in a Black dress that could have been worn by royalty, Tiffany’s presence was the abject essence of class! The high forehead and large wide set eyes announced her high cognitive ability before she spoke a single word. When she did part her luscious lips to speak, there was not even a hint of hip-hop gangsterism or Ebonics.

Tiffany didn’t know Michael Brown and did not even live in that part of town. She just happened to be driving by when the whole thing started. She got out of her car and was in close proximity to the incident. Her story echoes that of the other witness.

She is going to be a problem for the defense. She even saw them removing the bullets that missed from the neighbors house. I hope they fry this fucker.

She is no problem for the defense whatsoever. No one knows if she was even there at the time of the shooting.
Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

yeah, and I bet every single "witness" was black too.:eusa_hand:

So what? Is there a rule that says the witnesses have to be a certain race.

No, but there is a rule that says that Blacks often lie to protect other Blacks. Want a good example ? YOU. :lol:

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