Poll for just Kamala supporters: Do you like having W and Dick Cheney on your side?

Kamala supporters - are you comfortable with and do you approve of W and Cheney supporting Kamala?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not the Decider, I am told what to think by those who cut me a government check

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

OANN was actually bashing Trump for not returning Bibi's phone calls.

Bibi loves Traitor Joe, or did until Traitor Joe had enough of the completely unprovoked Gaza genocide.
Bibi and Joe seem to be on the outs.

Trump and Bibi are tighter than can be....both criminals, both trying to avoid their comeuppance by being in power.....two peas in a tight pod.
and Kamala was never the "border czar."

Kamala and W lie all the time....
Right wingers called her the border czar....we never did. Her job was to get program agreements with the foreign countries for a means to apply for asylum, without having to travel the long trip, and to work on conditions to keep them there with better assistance.
W hate hoaxed 911, enriched and empowered those behind 911, started 2 wars over total lies and nothing in US national interest, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans in the process.
I agree.

So why did your dear leader rub salt in the wound by reserving his first foreign trip to............Saudi.

Trump's first foreign trip: What's on the agenda?

https://www.bbc.com › world-us-canada-39995387
May 21, 2017 — Donald Trump is on his first foreign trip since becoming US president in January. He started with Saudi Arabia over the weekend, urging Muslim countries to ...

'I love the Saudis': Trump business ties to kingdom run deep

AP News
https://apnews.com › article
Oct 12, 2018 — Donald Trump's business ties to Saudi Arabia run long and deep, and he's often boasted about his business ties with the kingdom. Now those ties are under ...

Trump Orders Troops and Weapons to Saudi Arabia in ...

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › World › Middle East
Oct 11, 2019 — The announcement came five days after Mr. Trump said his desire to end America's “endless wars” led him to pull back troops from the ...

Of course, the RWNJ traitors are protecting their dear leader.

Jared Kushner's $2 Billion Investment From Saudi Arabia

https://www.forbes.com › Business › Breaking News
Mar 21, 2024 — Republicans on Wednesday delayed Democrats' efforts to subpoena Jared Kushner over a $2 billion investment his private equity firm received from Saudi Arabia.
And it was W who first weaponized the DOJ by installing left wing Zionist Fascist Charles Schumer recommended Mike Mukasey to fire all 7 US Attorneys who were actually prosecuting Zionist Fascists...
Trump outdid him.

Trump Abruptly Orders 46 Obama-Era Prosecutors to Resign

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › U.S. › Politics
Mar 10, 2017 — The president told the holdover United States attorneys to tender their resignations immediately, including — surprisingly — Preet Bharara, ...
Bibi and Joe seem to be on the outs.

Trump and Bibi are tighter than can be....both criminals, both trying to avoid their comeuppance by being in power.....two peas in a tight pod.


Then WHY did Bibi back Traitor Joe?

Why did all of the Zionist Fascist 911 Traitors back Traitor Joe... and are now backing Kamala?

Why are all the 911 Billionaires backing Kamala?
Right wingers called her the border czar....we never did. Her job was to get program agreements with the foreign countries for a means to apply for asylum, without having to travel the long trip, and to work on conditions to keep them there with better assistance.

What unreal bullshit...

I agree.

So why did your dear leader rub salt in the wound by reserving his first foreign trip to............Saudi.

Trump's first foreign trip: What's on the agenda?

View attachment 1008212
https://www.bbc.com › world-us-canada-39995387
May 21, 2017 — Donald Trump is on his first foreign trip since becoming US president in January. He started with Saudi Arabia over the weekend, urging Muslim countries to ...

'I love the Saudis': Trump business ties to kingdom run deep

View attachment 1008214
AP News
https://apnews.com › article
Oct 12, 2018 — Donald Trump's business ties to Saudi Arabia run long and deep, and he's often boasted about his business ties with the kingdom. Now those ties are under ...

Trump Orders Troops and Weapons to Saudi Arabia in ...

View attachment 1008215
The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › World › Middle East
Oct 11, 2019 — The announcement came five days after Mr. Trump said his desire to end America's “endless wars” led him to pull back troops from the ...

Of course, the RWNJ traitors are protecting their dear leader.

Jared Kushner's $2 Billion Investment From Saudi Arabia

View attachment 1008216
https://www.forbes.com › Business › Breaking News
Mar 21, 2024 — Republicans on Wednesday delayed Democrats' efforts to subpoena Jared Kushner over a $2 billion investment his private equity firm received from Saudi Arabia.

Trump outdid him.

Trump Abruptly Orders 46 Obama-Era Prosecutors to Resign

View attachment 1008217
The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › U.S. › Politics
Mar 10, 2017 — The president told the holdover United States attorneys to tender their resignations immediately, including — surprisingly — Preet Bharara, ...

All Presidents put their people in charge.

Trump went to Saudi.

How many American lives were lost in the Middle East under Trump vs. W, homO, and Traitor Joe?
Jared Kushner is a Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" to the letter.
All Presidents put their people in charge.

Trump went to Saudi.

How many American lives were lost in the Middle East under Trump vs. W, homO, and Traitor Joe?
So..................Why is your dear leader so fond of the people who attacked the US?
So..................Why is your dear leader so fond of the people who attacked the US?

The Saudi participation in 911 was to lie about Col Tim Osman, and investing in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks = why bin Salman and Jeff Epstein were such great pals... both got uber rich off investing in 911 on 910
The Saudi participation in 911 was to lie about Col Tim Osman, and investing in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks = why bin Salman and Jeff Epstein were such great pals... both got uber rich off investing in 911 on 910
A terrible answer to question that wasn't asked.
Simple question.

Two of the worst "Republican" villains in American history support Kamala, one publicly, the other from Big Mike's closet.... are you comfortable with that, do you like it??

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...

I think your poll question is absolutely ridiculous. When you say "two of the worst Republican villains" moving over to vote Democrat, that in and of itself is a good thing. When Republicans call someone Villain, it means they did something the Republicans did not like, meaning that they did something that the Democrats like. As such, all the answers to your poll are going to be a "roaring YES"!

What I think you should be asking is why those 2 (and another 25 or more loyalists) have left the Republican party. Why did these people feel the need to leave the party they were members of, for .
their entire lifetimes?

You should add me to the villain category. I was a Republican for 35 years and I now repudiate what they stand for..............supporting a lying and incompetent narcissist.

Your poll should ask these questions

1) because the Republican party has gone to the extreme Far Right
2) the Republican party is no longer Republican but Trumpist
3) the Republican party is now a cult
4) the Republican party is not all about hate and dissension
5) all of the above (which is my answer)

By the way, your pick above is exactly what our country should be. People getting together and hugging each other, even if you have contrary views on how to run the nation We are one nation and we should all be looking out for each other. Instead of that, hate is what the Republicans now stand for and have stimulated back from the Democrats
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How does it prove this?

So you are arguing that Kamala will re-open the 911 investigation??


and that's why W and Cheney all the other Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" PRO ISRAEL RINOs support her?

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