According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

That is how it works. People give eyewitness or testimony, and others judge on how credible it appears to be.

The witnesses are every day people and not serial killers. They have no reason to make up such elaborate stories. Their witness is consistent while the cops story is not.

FALSE! It is just the OPPOSITE. Their version is ludicrous. The cop's story is the one that makes perfect sense. And the so-called witnesses certainly DO have a reason to make up an elaborate story. They are Black, and friend of the deceased.

They were not friends of the Michael Brown. If they were friends, it would have been stated that way in news reports.

5 things about Michael Brown's shooting | News -

To review while I got this article up, the two ladies' story matches the story of Brown's friend.

"I saw the officer proceeding after my friend, Big Mike, with his gun drawn, and he fired a second shot, and that struck my friend, Big Mike," Johnson said. "And at that time, he turned around with his hands up, beginning to tell the officer that he was unarmed and to tell him to stop shooting. But at that time, the officer was firing several more shots into my friend, and he hit the ground and died."

This matches Crenshaw's and Mitchell's story. Crenshaw told CNN that Brown got about 20 feet away from the police cruiser before the officer shot him again.

1.I don't care what their stupid stories were.

2. In the friend part, I was talking about Johnson. The others are Black and they all cover for other other, and especially against the police.

3. And sure, their stories match. The saw Johnson's story on TV and repeated it. Big deal. The Manson girls had matching stories too. They've been in prison for 45 years.
You cannot just automatically write their stories off. They have to be given fair consideration and taken seriously.

Stop talking stupid! We don't even know if they were even THERE, at the time of the shooting. We certainly do NOT have to take them seriously.

Good thing your retarded ass wont be on the jury. I cant believe you just said you dont even know if they were there. You are a fool. :lol:

I didn't say THAT, fool. I said I don't even know if they were there AT THE TIME OF THE EVENT (ie. THE SHOOTING),>>> and guess what, fool ? NEITHER DO YOU :lol:
Since they made a statement to a national audience, they will most definitely have to testify about it at a trial if there is one and the jury will most definitely have to take them very seriously.

No they will not. They will know there is no way of know if these witnesses were even there at the time of the event. Face it. You don't have a case here against this officer.

During the investigation, interrogators will be able to determine if witnesses are credible or not. Then they will determine if they have a case against anyone.

I will bet 100 to 1 that they are found to be not credible. How could invstigators even know if they were THERE at the time of the shooting (if they are lying about it) Polygraph ? Good but not usable in court.
"Appear" ? Sorry. That's not good enough. Anyone can appear to be anything. Serial killers appear to be like altar boys when they appear in court, falsely apologizing to the victims' families, all in order to try to get a reduced sentence. You don't judge a book by it's cover. The witnesses are NOT EVEN WITNESSES AT ALL, for all we know.

That is how it works. People give eyewitness or testimony, and others judge on how credible it appears to be.

The witnesses are every day people and not serial killers. They have no reason to make up such elaborate stories. Their witness is consistent while the cops story is not.

LOL Of course they have a reason to make up stories.....they're protecting their own.

What makes you so sure that just because the mentioned witnesses are Black they are protecting their own? I don't think so! Brown's friend might be, but total strangers like Tiffany and the other witness are NOT one of Brown's OWN.
The fact that their stories recount the details of the shooting almost identically, is quite damning!
That is how it works. People give eyewitness or testimony, and others judge on how credible it appears to be.

The witnesses are every day people and not serial killers. They have no reason to make up such elaborate stories. Their witness is consistent while the cops story is not.

LOL Of course they have a reason to make up stories.....they're protecting their own.

What makes you so sure that just because the mentioned witnesses are Black they are protecting their own? I don't think so! Brown's friend might be, but total strangers like Tiffany and the other witness are NOT one of Brown's OWN.
The fact that their stories recount the details of the shooting almost identically, is quite damning!

Brown's accomplice friend set the narrative. The two women embellished upon the framework, the narrative, set by Johnson.

The autopsy directly refutes their testimony. Brown's armed were not raised above his head, they were by his side and the bullet wound to the arms and his torso show this.

The women are lying, either consciously or unknowingly from hearing Johnson's framing narrative.
And they should be arrested. Especially the guy that started it all with his initial lies to begin with.
That is how it works. People give eyewitness or testimony, and others judge on how credible it appears to be.

The witnesses are every day people and not serial killers. They have no reason to make up such elaborate stories. Their witness is consistent while the cops story is not.

LOL Of course they have a reason to make up stories.....they're protecting their own.

What makes you so sure that just because the mentioned witnesses are Black they are protecting their own? I don't think so! Brown's friend might be, but total strangers like Tiffany and the other witness are NOT one of Brown's OWN.
The fact that their stories recount the details of the shooting almost identically, is quite damning!

No. It's an indication that they are repeating the same story that they have already heard. They all saw Michael Brown get shot in the back. The autopsy report says he wasn't shot in the back at all. The witnesses are repeating that Dorian Johnson said "He shot Mike in the back."
Stop talking stupid! We don't even know if they were even THERE, at the time of the shooting. We certainly do NOT have to take them seriously.

Since they made a statement to a national audience, they will most definitely have to testify about it at a trial if there is one and the jury will most definitely have to take them very seriously.

No they will not. They will know there is no way of knowing if these witnesses were even there at the time of the event. Face it. You don't have a case here against this officer.

Hey, freak, anyone who saw Tiffany's interview on the Lawrence O'Donnell show the other night knows she wasn't lying. She was there in close proximity. People just don't pop up and start claiming they witnessed a cop murder someone in cold blood. Who would set themselves up to be targeted by Wilson's sympathizers like that? Who would knowingly risk perjury if summoned by a jury? And who would risk being sued for slander?
C'mon, genius, I'm sure you have an answer.
LOL Of course they have a reason to make up stories.....they're protecting their own.

What makes you so sure that just because the mentioned witnesses are Black they are protecting their own? I don't think so! Brown's friend might be, but total strangers like Tiffany and the other witness are NOT one of Brown's OWN.
The fact that their stories recount the details of the shooting almost identically, is quite damning!

No. It's an indication that they are repeating the same story that they have already heard. They all saw Michael Brown get shot in the back. The autopsy report says he wasn't shot in the back at all. The witnesses are repeating that Dorian Johnson said "He shot Mike in the back."

Nope. The two women specifically said "he jerked" like he was hit. Get your story straight.

"As I pull onto the side, the kid, he finally gets away, he starts running. As he runs the police get out of his vehicle and he follows behind him, shooting," Mitchell said. "And the kid's body jerked as if he was hit from behind, and he turns around and puts his hands up like this, and the cop continued to fire until he just dropped down to the ground and his face just smacks the concrete."
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Those cigars you took are in fact rightfully yours.

Because you are a negro.

Take the cigars, negro , take the cigars.

Go, Negro, go.

Walk down the middle of the street, negro.

The street belongs to you. Because you ARE a negro.

Go, negro, go.

Punch the policeman, Negro. Punch. See the policeman bleed.

Good Negro. Good.

Run, negro run. See negro run.

Don't stop. Do not stop.

Policeman say stop? Do not stop, negro. Do not stop.

Turn around, negro. Turn around.

Run negro, run. Run to cop. Be angry negro. Be very angry.
LOL Of course they have a reason to make up stories.....they're protecting their own.

What makes you so sure that just because the mentioned witnesses are Black they are protecting their own? I don't think so! Brown's friend might be, but total strangers like Tiffany and the other witness are NOT one of Brown's OWN.
The fact that their stories recount the details of the shooting almost identically, is quite damning!

No. It's an indication that they are repeating the same story that they have already heard. They all saw Michael Brown get shot in the back. The autopsy report says he wasn't shot in the back at all. The witnesses are repeating that Dorian Johnson said "He shot Mike in the back."

So, you did the autopsy Dr. Rikurhzen? I believe there were three of them ordered. Which one were you privy to? I'm sticking with the witnesses story until all three are finished.
What makes you so sure that just because the mentioned witnesses are Black they are protecting their own? I don't think so! Brown's friend might be, but total strangers like Tiffany and the other witness are NOT one of Brown's OWN.
The fact that their stories recount the details of the shooting almost identically, is quite damning!

No. It's an indication that they are repeating the same story that they have already heard. They all saw Michael Brown get shot in the back. The autopsy report says he wasn't shot in the back at all. The witnesses are repeating that Dorian Johnson said "He shot Mike in the back."

So, you did the autopsy Dr. Rikurhzen? I believe there were three of them ordered. Which one were you privy to? I'm sticking with the witnesses story until all three are finished.

I'm betting one bullet came close enough for him to feel and thats why he jerked and stopped running.

Family attorney Anthony Gray said the independent autopsy, conducted Sunday, found that Brown was shot twice in the head and four times in the right arm -- all to the front of his body.

He was executed. Cops are trained to shoot center mass. He put 2 in the kids head.
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What makes you so sure that just because the mentioned witnesses are Black they are protecting their own? I don't think so! Brown's friend might be, but total strangers like Tiffany and the other witness are NOT one of Brown's OWN.
The fact that their stories recount the details of the shooting almost identically, is quite damning!

No. It's an indication that they are repeating the same story that they have already heard. They all saw Michael Brown get shot in the back. The autopsy report says he wasn't shot in the back at all. The witnesses are repeating that Dorian Johnson said "He shot Mike in the back."

Nope. The two women specifically said "he jerked" like he was hit. Get your story straight.

"As I pull onto the side, the kid, he finally gets away, he starts running. As he runs the police get out of his vehicle and he follows behind him, shooting," Mitchell said. "And the kid's body jerked as if he was hit from behind, and he turns around and puts his hands up like this, and the cop continued to fire until he just dropped down to the ground and his face just smacks the concrete."

But the point is Johnson is lying through his teeth, he said he watched Johnson being shot in the back, it never happened.

Furthermore, Johnson also claims Brown hands were raised after he was shot in the back and the officer kept shooting Brown.

Well seems weird to me 4 of 5 shots ended up in Browns right arm ( in the front) if he had his hands raised. This would mean the officer was purposely aiming for Browns right arm, since that is where he was shot the most. ( Some of the damage to his head was caused by a single bullet, even though several wounds are present, according to Dr, Baden, the families chose doc for the autopsy)

What makes you so sure that just because the mentioned witnesses are Black they are protecting their own? I don't think so! Brown's friend might be, but total strangers like Tiffany and the other witness are NOT one of Brown's OWN.
The fact that their stories recount the details of the shooting almost identically, is quite damning!

No. It's an indication that they are repeating the same story that they have already heard. They all saw Michael Brown get shot in the back. The autopsy report says he wasn't shot in the back at all. The witnesses are repeating that Dorian Johnson said "He shot Mike in the back."

So, you did the autopsy Dr. Rikurhzen? I believe there were three of them ordered. Which one were you privy to? I'm sticking with the witnesses story until all three are finished.

Why all three? Dr. Michael M. Baden (the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York) did the autopsy which shows he was not shot in the back. This is the same doctor requested by the family. He is a premier expert in the field.
CaféAuLait;9645044 said:
No. It's an indication that they are repeating the same story that they have already heard. They all saw Michael Brown get shot in the back. The autopsy report says he wasn't shot in the back at all. The witnesses are repeating that Dorian Johnson said "He shot Mike in the back."

Nope. The two women specifically said "he jerked" like he was hit. Get your story straight.

"As I pull onto the side, the kid, he finally gets away, he starts running. As he runs the police get out of his vehicle and he follows behind him, shooting," Mitchell said. "And the kid's body jerked as if he was hit from behind, and he turns around and puts his hands up like this, and the cop continued to fire until he just dropped down to the ground and his face just smacks the concrete."

But the point is Johnson is lying through his teeth, he said he watched Johnson being shot in the back, it never happened.

Furthermore, Johnson also claims Brown hands were raised after he was shot in the back and the officer kept shooting Brown.

Well seems weird to me 4 of 5 shots ended up in Browns right arm ( in the front) if he had his hands raised. This would mean the officer was purposely aiming for Browns right arm, since that is where he was shot the most. ( Some of the damage to his head was caused by a single bullet, even though several wounds are present, according to Dr, Baden, the families chose doc for the autopsy)


That doesnt mean he is lying. That just means the jerk was interpreted as a shot hitting him in the back. He didnt have the benefit of slow motion replay. I played basketball and I would get fouls called on the person guarding me by jerking my head back as if I were hit. Worked all the time on people trained to spot stuff.

Kind of hard to keep your hands up when you take one to the head.
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White people are getting pissed at having to accept being victims of black violence. That's why there are more and more incidents of shooting to kill.
There's more white on white violence than anything dude.

Stop lying.

Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s., while only making up 13% of the population.

What's a Knee Grow? I don't believe I've seen one. If you are pointing at Black male crime statistics, Black males make up far less than 13% of the population. The violent ones make up less than 2% of the population. See how statistics can be used to lie!
CaféAuLait;9645044 said:
Nope. The two women specifically said "he jerked" like he was hit. Get your story straight.

But the point is Johnson is lying through his teeth, he said he watched Johnson being shot in the back, it never happened.

Furthermore, Johnson also claims Brown hands were raised after he was shot in the back and the officer kept shooting Brown.

Well seems weird to me 4 of 5 shots ended up in Browns right arm ( in the front) if he had his hands raised. This would mean the officer was purposely aiming for Browns right arm, since that is where he was shot the most. ( Some of the damage to his head was caused by a single bullet, even though several wounds are present, according to Dr, Baden, the families chose doc for the autopsy)


That doesnt mean he is lying. That just means the jerk was interpreted as a shot hitting him in the back. He didnt have the benefit of slow motion replay. I played basketball and I would get fouls called on the person guarding me by jerking my head back as if I were hit. Worked all the time on people trained to spot stuff.

Kind of hard to keep your hands up one you take one to the head.

He said he was shot in the back.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Let me ask you something.

If your hands are raised in the air and you are shot just ONE time in the arm, your instinct will take over, and you lower you arm in pain. How did this 'surefire' cop hit Brown 4 separate times in the right arm and then in the right shoulder, so quickly Brown never dropped his arms?
Since they made a statement to a national audience, they will most definitely have to testify about it at a trial if there is one and the jury will most definitely have to take them very seriously.

No they will not. They will know there is no way of knowing if these witnesses were even there at the time of the event. Face it. You don't have a case here against this officer.

Hey, freak, anyone who saw Tiffany's interview on the Lawrence O'Donnell show the other night knows she wasn't lying. She was there in close proximity. People just don't pop up and start claiming they witnessed a cop murder someone in cold blood. Who would set themselves up to be targeted by Wilson's sympathizers like that? Who would knowingly risk perjury if summoned by a jury? And who would risk being sued for slander?
C'mon, genius, I'm sure you have an answer.

You don't know people very well, do you? Let me illustrate with an example from the backstory of a movie I watched a few months ago. The Summer of '42 is a movie made in the 70s based on the author's own history, an affair with an older woman.

The woman (named Dorothy, like her screen counterpart) was a fellow vacationer on the island whom Raucher had befriended one day when he helped her carry groceries home; he became a friend of her and her husband and helped her with chores after her husband was called to fight in World War II. Raucher went to bed with her one night when he came to visit her, arriving only minutes after she received notification of her husband's death.[3] The next morning, Raucher discovered that she had left the island, leaving behind a note for him (which is read at the end of the film and reproduced in the book). He never saw her again; his last "encounter" with her, recounted on an episode of The Mike Douglas Show, came after the film's release in 1971, when she was one of over a dozen women who wrote letters to Raucher claiming to be "his" Dorothy

Eleven women wrote to the guy claiming to have had an affair WITH HIM when they DID NOT have an affair with him. If people are willing to lie like that to get publicity, they'll lie about anything.

These women were motivated by some concern - either fame, either being important and crucial to justice, either "Get Whitey" or they just wanted to slam a cop.

It doesn't matter why they lied, they've been refuted by forensic evidence.
CaféAuLait;9645082 said:
CaféAuLait;9645044 said:
But the point is Johnson is lying through his teeth, he said he watched Johnson being shot in the back, it never happened.

Furthermore, Johnson also claims Brown hands were raised after he was shot in the back and the officer kept shooting Brown.

Well seems weird to me 4 of 5 shots ended up in Browns right arm ( in the front) if he had his hands raised. This would mean the officer was purposely aiming for Browns right arm, since that is where he was shot the most. ( Some of the damage to his head was caused by a single bullet, even though several wounds are present, according to Dr, Baden, the families chose doc for the autopsy)


That doesnt mean he is lying. That just means the jerk was interpreted as a shot hitting him in the back. He didnt have the benefit of slow motion replay. I played basketball and I would get fouls called on the person guarding me by jerking my head back as if I were hit. Worked all the time on people trained to spot stuff.

Kind of hard to keep your hands up one you take one to the head.

He said he was shot in the back.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Let me ask you something.

If your hands are raised in the air and you are shot just ONE time in the arm, your instinct will take over, and you lower you arm in pain. How did this 'surefire' cop hit Brown 4 separate times in the right arm and then in the right shoulder, so quickly Brown never dropped his arms?

I know what he said. I just told you that if you see someone jerk as if they are hit you are likely to think they got hit. That matches with what the 2 girls saw.

My bet is he took one to the head or shoulder first and dropped his arms. Thats how he got shot in the arm. Who told you he was shot in the arm first?
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