According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

CaféAuLait;9645082 said:
That doesnt mean he is lying. That just means the jerk was interpreted as a shot hitting him in the back. He didnt have the benefit of slow motion replay. I played basketball and I would get fouls called on the person guarding me by jerking my head back as if I were hit. Worked all the time on people trained to spot stuff.

Kind of hard to keep your hands up one you take one to the head.

He said he was shot in the back.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Let me ask you something.

If your hands are raised in the air and you are shot just ONE time in the arm, your instinct will take over, and you lower you arm in pain. How did this 'surefire' cop hit Brown 4 separate times in the right arm and then in the right shoulder, so quickly Brown never dropped his arms?

I know what he said. I just told you that if you see someone jerk as if they are hit you are likely to think they got hit. That matches with what the 2 girls saw.

My bet is he took one to the head or shoulder first and dropped his arms. Thats how he got shot in the arm. Who told you he was shot in the arm first?

The autopsy report states the head shots was the last shots fired, the kill shots. And that is the Doctor the family hired.

Brown's friend said he was shot in the back, then he turned around with HIS HANDS IN THE AIR as the cop kept shooting him. Which means the cop had to have been aiming at him right arm and right shoulder ( while they were in the air?) You and I are going to immediately lower our arms as soon as that first bullet hits. Something else happened here. I don't know what, but Johnson's story seems like it is falling to pieces.
Since about 100 years ago in America. What gave you the idea a cop can't grab a suspect ?

EARTH TO QHC: Cops can do a lot more than that.


With the police car. The car almost hit the two suspects who were only known at that time to have offended as jaywalkers. How is that ok?

How do you know ? Don't tell me the witnesses said so. HA HA. You know I won't buy that, for a second. Once again. Come back when you have a video of the event. :D

PS - No, the cop knew Brown was guilty of a robbery/battery felony, as the Sheriff stated, because he saw Brown with the cigars, and heard the dispatch report.

Killers are convicted every day of murder, and there is extremely rarely a video of it.

Brown did not have pockets to put the cigars in and has to awkwardly carry a whole handful of them? lol
Oh and the other part of Johnsons story omits the store, he said he caught up with Johnson in the street about 20 minutes prior and they kept walking and talking. Wasn't Johnson in the store with Brown? I may be wrong about that I am making an assumption there.

About 20 minutes before the shooting, Johnson said he saw Brown walking down the street and decided to catch up with him. The two walked and talked. That’s when Johnson says they saw the police car rolling up to them.

BUT this is the part that gets me.

Brown and Johnson took off running together. There were three cars lined up along the side of the street. Johnson says he ducked behind the first car, whose two passengers were screaming. Crouching down a bit, he watched Brown run past.

“Keep running, bro!,” he said Brown yelled. Then Brown yelled it a second time. Those would be the last words Johnson’s friend, “Big Mike,” would ever say to him.

Brown made it past the third car. Then, “blam!” the officer took his second shot, striking Brown in the back. At that point, Johnson says Brown stopped, turned with his hands up and said “I don’t have a gun, stop shooting!”

( remember the first shot was inside the car)

And this:

By that point, Johnson says the officer and Brown were face-to-face. The officer then fired several more shots. Johnson described watching Brown go from standing with his hands up to crumbling to the ground and curling into a fetal position.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC
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CaféAuLait;9645118 said:
CaféAuLait;9645082 said:
He said he was shot in the back.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Let me ask you something.

If your hands are raised in the air and you are shot just ONE time in the arm, your instinct will take over, and you lower you arm in pain. How did this 'surefire' cop hit Brown 4 separate times in the right arm and then in the right shoulder, so quickly Brown never dropped his arms?

I know what he said. I just told you that if you see someone jerk as if they are hit you are likely to think they got hit. That matches with what the 2 girls saw.

My bet is he took one to the head or shoulder first and dropped his arms. Thats how he got shot in the arm. Who told you he was shot in the arm first?

The autopsy report states the head shots was the last shots fired, the kill shots. And that is the Doctor the family hired.

Brown's friend said he was shot in the back, then he turned around with HIS HANDS IN THE AIR as the cop kept shooting him. Which means the cop had to have been aiming at him right arm and right shoulder ( while they were in the air?) You and I are going to immediately lower our arms as soon as that first bullet hits. Something else happened here. I don't know what, but Johnson's story seems like it is falling to pieces.

Thats not what it said. It said the head shots were "likely" the last. Doesnt say anything about the shoulder. Look at your link. It also says this so we have to hold on some more

“In my capacity as the forensic examiner for the New York State Police, I would say, ‘You’re not supposed to shoot so many times,’ ” said Dr. Baden, who retired from the state police in 2011. “Right now there is too little information to forensically reconstruct the shooting.”
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Since they made a statement to a national audience, they will most definitely have to testify about it at a trial if there is one and the jury will most definitely have to take them very seriously.

No they will not. They will know there is no way of knowing if these witnesses were even there at the time of the event. Face it. You don't have a case here against this officer.

Hey, freak, anyone who saw Tiffany's interview on the Lawrence O'Donnell show the other night knows she wasn't lying. She was there in close proximity. People just don't pop up and start claiming they witnessed a cop murder someone in cold blood. Who would set themselves up to be targeted by Wilson's sympathizers like that? Who would knowingly risk perjury if summoned by a jury? And who would risk being sued for slander?
C'mon, genius, I'm sure you have an answer.

Was she under oath on the Lawrence O'Donnell show? No perjury then. Of course people pop up claiming to be witnesses all the time. It got her on the show didn't it?

Clearly her statement was not accurate. It repeated what Johnson said. Not what happened.
CaféAuLait;9645145 said:
Oh and the other part of Johnsons story omits the store, he said he caught up with Johnson in the street about 20 minutes prior and they kept walking and talking. Wasn't Johnson in the store with Brown? I may be wrong about that I am making an assumption there.

About 20 minutes before the shooting, Johnson said he saw Brown walking down the street and decided to catch up with him. The two walked and talked. That’s when Johnson says they saw the police car rolling up to them.

BUT this is the part that gets me.

Brown and Johnson took off running together. There were three cars lined up along the side of the street. Johnson says he ducked behind the first car, whose two passengers were screaming. Crouching down a bit, he watched Brown run past.

“Keep running, bro!,” he said Brown yelled. Then Brown yelled it a second time. Those would be the last words Johnson’s friend, “Big Mike,” would ever say to him.

Brown made it past the third car. Then, “blam!” the officer took his second shot, striking Brown in the back. At that point, Johnson says Brown stopped, turned with his hands up and said “I don’t have a gun, stop shooting!”

( remember the first shot was inside the car)

And this:

By that point, Johnson says the officer and Brown were face-to-face. The officer then fired several more shots. Johnson described watching Brown go from standing with his hands up to crumbling to the ground and curling into a fetal position.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Even the police say they shot Brown while he was in the car like Johnson says. From your link.

The police say the officer shot Brown after the teen shoved the officer and tried to wrestle the officer’s gun from him.

Johnson says he was within arm’s reach of both Brown and the officer. He looked over at Brown and saw blood pooling through his shirt on the right side of the body.
No they will not. They will know there is no way of knowing if these witnesses were even there at the time of the event. Face it. You don't have a case here against this officer.

Hey, freak, anyone who saw Tiffany's interview on the Lawrence O'Donnell show the other night knows she wasn't lying. She was there in close proximity. People just don't pop up and start claiming they witnessed a cop murder someone in cold blood. Who would set themselves up to be targeted by Wilson's sympathizers like that? Who would knowingly risk perjury if summoned by a jury? And who would risk being sued for slander?
C'mon, genius, I'm sure you have an answer.

Was she under oath on the Lawrence O'Donnell show? No perjury then. Of course people pop up claiming to be witnesses all the time. It got her on the show didn't it?

Clearly her statement was not accurate. It repeated what Johnson said. Not what happened.

No it didnt repeat exactly what Johnson said. Johnson claimed Brown was shot in the back as he ran. The women say he jerked as if hit. Johnson says they were face to face at the end. The women make no mention of that. Likely Johnsons version is shaky because he was probably in shock.
CaféAuLait;9645082 said:
CaféAuLait;9645044 said:
But the point is Johnson is lying through his teeth, he said he watched Johnson being shot in the back, it never happened.

Furthermore, Johnson also claims Brown hands were raised after he was shot in the back and the officer kept shooting Brown.

Well seems weird to me 4 of 5 shots ended up in Browns right arm ( in the front) if he had his hands raised. This would mean the officer was purposely aiming for Browns right arm, since that is where he was shot the most. ( Some of the damage to his head was caused by a single bullet, even though several wounds are present, according to Dr, Baden, the families chose doc for the autopsy)


That doesnt mean he is lying. That just means the jerk was interpreted as a shot hitting him in the back. He didnt have the benefit of slow motion replay. I played basketball and I would get fouls called on the person guarding me by jerking my head back as if I were hit. Worked all the time on people trained to spot stuff.

Kind of hard to keep your hands up one you take one to the head.

He said he was shot in the back.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Let me ask you something.

If your hands are raised in the air and you are shot just ONE time in the arm, your instinct will take over, and you lower you arm in pain. How did this 'surefire' cop hit Brown 4 separate times in the right arm and then in the right shoulder, so quickly Brown never dropped his arms?

He could have been shot in the hand first with his arms up and the force of each bullet hitting his arm kept it up. Before Brown could react, each bullet hit further down his arm making a line to the one to hit his head.
CaféAuLait;9645118 said:
I know what he said. I just told you that if you see someone jerk as if they are hit you are likely to think they got hit. That matches with what the 2 girls saw.

My bet is he took one to the head or shoulder first and dropped his arms. Thats how he got shot in the arm. Who told you he was shot in the arm first?

The autopsy report states the head shots was the last shots fired, the kill shots. And that is the Doctor the family hired.

Brown's friend said he was shot in the back, then he turned around with HIS HANDS IN THE AIR as the cop kept shooting him. Which means the cop had to have been aiming at him right arm and right shoulder ( while they were in the air?) You and I are going to immediately lower our arms as soon as that first bullet hits. Something else happened here. I don't know what, but Johnson's story seems like it is falling to pieces.

Thats not what it said. It said the head shots were "likely" the last. Doesnt say anything about the shoulder. Look at your link. It also says this so we have to hold on some more

“In my capacity as the forensic examiner for the New York State Police, I would say, ‘You’re not supposed to shoot so many times,’ ” said Dr. Baden, who retired from the state police in 2011. “Right now there is too little information to forensically reconstruct the shooting

Sorry, I misunderstood you. Well, Johnson said he was shot in the chest FIRST ( if he is to be believed I am assuming that would be the shoulder shot pictured in the autopsy. And then raised his hands. That is why I said that earlier.

As far as Baden's statement, he does not know if Brown was charging the cop, he is going by the statement Johnson made IMO.

I agree we need to wait, but I feel as if there is a lot more to this story, especially given Johnson contends Brown was shot first in the chest BEFORE they started to run, and then in the back.
CaféAuLait;9645082 said:
That doesnt mean he is lying. That just means the jerk was interpreted as a shot hitting him in the back. He didnt have the benefit of slow motion replay. I played basketball and I would get fouls called on the person guarding me by jerking my head back as if I were hit. Worked all the time on people trained to spot stuff.

Kind of hard to keep your hands up one you take one to the head.

He said he was shot in the back.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Let me ask you something.

If your hands are raised in the air and you are shot just ONE time in the arm, your instinct will take over, and you lower you arm in pain. How did this 'surefire' cop hit Brown 4 separate times in the right arm and then in the right shoulder, so quickly Brown never dropped his arms?

He could have been shot in the hand first with his arms up and the force of each bullet hitting his arm kept it up. Before Brown could react, each bullet hit further down his arm making a line to the one to hit his head.

Oy. Face palm.
No they will not. They will know there is no way of knowing if these witnesses were even there at the time of the event. Face it. You don't have a case here against this officer.

Hey, freak, anyone who saw Tiffany's interview on the Lawrence O'Donnell show the other night knows she wasn't lying. She was there in close proximity. People just don't pop up and start claiming they witnessed a cop murder someone in cold blood. Who would set themselves up to be targeted by Wilson's sympathizers like that? Who would knowingly risk perjury if summoned by a jury? And who would risk being sued for slander?
C'mon, genius, I'm sure you have an answer.

You don't know people very well, do you? Let me illustrate with an example from the backstory of a movie I watched a few months ago. The Summer of '42 is a movie made in the 70s based on the author's own history, an affair with an older woman.

The woman (named Dorothy, like her screen counterpart) was a fellow vacationer on the island whom Raucher had befriended one day when he helped her carry groceries home; he became a friend of her and her husband and helped her with chores after her husband was called to fight in World War II. Raucher went to bed with her one night when he came to visit her, arriving only minutes after she received notification of her husband's death.[3] The next morning, Raucher discovered that she had left the island, leaving behind a note for him (which is read at the end of the film and reproduced in the book). He never saw her again; his last "encounter" with her, recounted on an episode of The Mike Douglas Show, came after the film's release in 1971, when she was one of over a dozen women who wrote letters to Raucher claiming to be "his" Dorothy

Eleven women wrote to the guy claiming to have had an affair WITH HIM when they DID NOT have an affair with him. If people are willing to lie like that to get publicity, they'll lie about anything.

These women were motivated by some concern - either fame, either being important and crucial to justice, either "Get Whitey" or they just wanted to slam a cop.

It doesn't matter why they lied, they've been refuted by forensic evidence.

Golly gee! Aren't cops people too? Don't they lie? Still, none of the people in your story put themselves in harms way by lying. That would have been unusual!

The two female witnesses reported what they saw. A body jerking when a shot is fired from behind probably looked like a hit. Tiffany also spoke of bullets dug out of a wall that apparently missed Brown. If she wasn't there, as "Protectionist" suggests, how could she know that? OTOH, with the details changing so rapidly ,every thing is a toss up at this point; even the forensic evidence. I say that because ,obviously, the Feds' decision to order a federal autopsy mirrors my own concerns of skullduggery. When their autopsy verifies that of Dr. Baden... my suspicions will have been assuaged.
CaféAuLait;9645082 said:
That doesnt mean he is lying. That just means the jerk was interpreted as a shot hitting him in the back. He didnt have the benefit of slow motion replay. I played basketball and I would get fouls called on the person guarding me by jerking my head back as if I were hit. Worked all the time on people trained to spot stuff.

Kind of hard to keep your hands up one you take one to the head.

He said he was shot in the back.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Let me ask you something.

If your hands are raised in the air and you are shot just ONE time in the arm, your instinct will take over, and you lower you arm in pain. How did this 'surefire' cop hit Brown 4 separate times in the right arm and then in the right shoulder, so quickly Brown never dropped his arms?

He could have been shot in the hand first with his arms up and the force of each bullet hitting his arm kept it up. Before Brown could react, each bullet hit further down his arm making a line to the one to hit his head.

Um, I doubt it, but why would this cop supposedly intent on killing this 18 year old guy, aim for his raised arms ( shooting him 4 separate times down the arm as you suppose) and not his head or chest? it makes no sense to me.
CaféAuLait;9645192 said:
CaféAuLait;9645118 said:
The autopsy report states the head shots was the last shots fired, the kill shots. And that is the Doctor the family hired.

Brown's friend said he was shot in the back, then he turned around with HIS HANDS IN THE AIR as the cop kept shooting him. Which means the cop had to have been aiming at him right arm and right shoulder ( while they were in the air?) You and I are going to immediately lower our arms as soon as that first bullet hits. Something else happened here. I don't know what, but Johnson's story seems like it is falling to pieces.

Thats not what it said. It said the head shots were "likely" the last. Doesnt say anything about the shoulder. Look at your link. It also says this so we have to hold on some more

“In my capacity as the forensic examiner for the New York State Police, I would say, ‘You’re not supposed to shoot so many times,’ ” said Dr. Baden, who retired from the state police in 2011. “Right now there is too little information to forensically reconstruct the shooting

Sorry, I misunderstood you. Well, Johnson said he was shot in the chest FIRST ( if he is to be believed I am assuming that would be the shoulder shot pictured in the autopsy. And then raised his hands. That is why I said that earlier.

As far as Baden's statement, he does not know if Brown was charging the cop, he is going by the statement Johnson made IMO.

I agree we need to wait, but I feel as if there is a lot more to this story, especially given Johnson contends Brown was shot first in the chest BEFORE they started to run, and then in the back.

The police also say he was shot while at the car. I think thats as far as we can go with accuracy with Johnson. I think he was pretty much in shock after that first shot. The womens story is pretty close to his but fits the autopsy to a tee.
CaféAuLait;9645082 said:
He said he was shot in the back.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Let me ask you something.

If your hands are raised in the air and you are shot just ONE time in the arm, your instinct will take over, and you lower you arm in pain. How did this 'surefire' cop hit Brown 4 separate times in the right arm and then in the right shoulder, so quickly Brown never dropped his arms?

He could have been shot in the hand first with his arms up and the force of each bullet hitting his arm kept it up. Before Brown could react, each bullet hit further down his arm making a line to the one to hit his head.

Oy. Face palm.

Thanks. :D
CaféAuLait;9645082 said:
He said he was shot in the back.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Let me ask you something.

If your hands are raised in the air and you are shot just ONE time in the arm, your instinct will take over, and you lower you arm in pain. How did this 'surefire' cop hit Brown 4 separate times in the right arm and then in the right shoulder, so quickly Brown never dropped his arms?

He could have been shot in the hand first with his arms up and the force of each bullet hitting his arm kept it up. Before Brown could react, each bullet hit further down his arm making a line to the one to hit his head.

Oy. Face palm.

Why are you surprised. This is how political correctness works - you have to make yourself purposely stupid and it takes some ingenuity to devise ways to explain away what your eyes see, what evidence shows you to be the case.

Look at how many people chant the mantra "Diversity is our strength" and they always point to great ethnic restaurants as the benefit of multiculturalism.

It's laughable how stupid you have to will yourself to be in order to be politically correct.
CaféAuLait;9645204 said:
CaféAuLait;9645082 said:
He said he was shot in the back.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Let me ask you something.

If your hands are raised in the air and you are shot just ONE time in the arm, your instinct will take over, and you lower you arm in pain. How did this 'surefire' cop hit Brown 4 separate times in the right arm and then in the right shoulder, so quickly Brown never dropped his arms?

He could have been shot in the hand first with his arms up and the force of each bullet hitting his arm kept it up. Before Brown could react, each bullet hit further down his arm making a line to the one to hit his head.

Um, I doubt it, but why would this cop supposedly intent on killing this 18 year old guy, aim for his raised arms ( shooting him 4 separate times down the arm as you suppose) and not his head or chest? it makes no sense to me.

You never know.

The cop probably wanted to make sure that a shot to the body would not make Brown fall, and he wouldn't get such a convenient opportunity to shoot him in the head so he started high and downwards until he was sure to get him in the head.
CaféAuLait;9645204 said:
CaféAuLait;9645082 said:
He said he was shot in the back.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

Let me ask you something.

If your hands are raised in the air and you are shot just ONE time in the arm, your instinct will take over, and you lower you arm in pain. How did this 'surefire' cop hit Brown 4 separate times in the right arm and then in the right shoulder, so quickly Brown never dropped his arms?

He could have been shot in the hand first with his arms up and the force of each bullet hitting his arm kept it up. Before Brown could react, each bullet hit further down his arm making a line to the one to hit his head.

Um, I doubt it, but why would this cop supposedly intent on killing this 18 year old guy, aim for his raised arms ( shooting him 4 separate times down the arm as you suppose) and not his head or chest? it makes no sense to me.

It also makes no sense he didnt shoot him center mass like cops are trained to do. Target practice?
CaféAuLait;9645192 said:
Thats not what it said. It said the head shots were "likely" the last. Doesnt say anything about the shoulder. Look at your link. It also says this so we have to hold on some more

Sorry, I misunderstood you. Well, Johnson said he was shot in the chest FIRST ( if he is to be believed I am assuming that would be the shoulder shot pictured in the autopsy. And then raised his hands. That is why I said that earlier.

As far as Baden's statement, he does not know if Brown was charging the cop, he is going by the statement Johnson made IMO.

I agree we need to wait, but I feel as if there is a lot more to this story, especially given Johnson contends Brown was shot first in the chest BEFORE they started to run, and then in the back.

The police also say he was shot while at the car. I think thats as far as we can go with accuracy with Johnson. I think he was pretty much in shock after that first shot. The womens story is pretty close to his but fits the autopsy to a tee.

Yes, I suppose he could be in shock. I still think there is more to this story. I agree there are racists. There are racist cops too, but I don't think this is racism, the robbery plays into this somehow.

But I find it strange this cop would decide to execute a man in the middle of a busy neighborhood.

What I might see is the cop stopped them.

Brown thought he may be wanted for the robbery, they smarted off to the cop.

The cop tried to exit the vehicle- something happened. ( I don't believe he accidently feel backwards as Johnson contends) (Are their any witnesses who state they say the cop car driving in reverse almost running the two over? I may be unaware of these.)

The shot took place in the vehicle, Brown may have been grabbing for the weapon.

The cop grabbing Brown through the window sounds a little ridiculous if you ask me, especially given Brown's size, he could escape just about anyone. Unless the cop is a massive dude too.

The cop either lost it because it scared the shit out of him and he fired far too many times and was unprofessional leading to a dead kid.

Or there was a longer altercation and Brown charged the cop or as I said above the cop lost his bearing and over reacted.
CaféAuLait;9645204 said:
He could have been shot in the hand first with his arms up and the force of each bullet hitting his arm kept it up. Before Brown could react, each bullet hit further down his arm making a line to the one to hit his head.

Um, I doubt it, but why would this cop supposedly intent on killing this 18 year old guy, aim for his raised arms ( shooting him 4 separate times down the arm as you suppose) and not his head or chest? it makes no sense to me.

It also makes no sense he didnt shoot him center mass like cops are trained to do. Target practice?

I agree it does not. Why would he be shooting extremities? Unless Brown's head was down while running or moving towards the cop or he was charging as Baden mentioned. as a possibility and his 'center mass' was shifting while he moved and the cop was hitting his right arm, instead of torso.

If Brown was just standing there with his hands up, as Johnson contends, this cop must be the worst shot in the world.

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