According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

CaféAuLait;9645341 said:
Thats the reason they are supposed to shoot center mass. It makes no sense he was shooting his arm unless it was the angle or he was having target practice.

I can't buy that, sorry Asc. I can't buy he was using Brown as target practice and torturing him shooting up or down his right arm, then the head shots. It almost sounds like some sadistic horror movie. With so many homes around who could have been filming him. The girls you had in the video above make it sound like the confrontation at the cop car window went on for several minutes, why didn't someone pull out a cell phone to record this? We both know, and this is sad, some police are known for their fuckedupness. I can't believe a white cop having a confrontation with a black kid would not have had someone pull out a cell phone to video it, if the cop was systemically shooting and torturing this kid taking his time shooting him down the arm, etc.

Beware of Asclepias setting up the narrative on the shots which hit the arm. You're allowing him to do that. His formulation is asinine. It presumes that where a shot hits is where a shot was aimed.

Hitting a paper target center mass at a shooting range is far, far easier than hitting a moving target running towards you while you're pumped full of adrenaline. Cops are taught to shoot center mass, just like everyone is taught to do. The progression of the shots shows minute corrections after each shot and each of the corrections is not perfect. All the cop could determine was that he was hitting Brown and that he wasn't hitting ceter mass. It's very unlikely that in a 1/4 second span he observed where the shots hit and could make an accurate retargeting towards center mass.

Keep in mind that the total time for all the shots was probably 2 or 3 seconds. You don't take one shot, stop and make a new assessment of the bumrushing giant charging you.

So this notion of purposely shooting upwards on the arm in order to torture Brown is idiotic and likely arises from someone who doesn't know anything about firearms.

"Beware"? :lol:

I'm not going to be on the jury so dont worry. Dont be afraid of my narrative because its only speculation. Your narrative is pure fantasy. The problem with your narrative is that it doesnt fit what the witnesses say they saw. They never said Brown was rushing the cop. The last 2 shots were "likely" the head shots. The first head shot killed him. The second on top of his head on the way down. You expect people to believe he was that bad of a shot but then all of a sudden he could put 2 in his head? You dont aim at the head if you can hit center mass fool. You must be drunk, high, or having a serious case of the "say it aint so'".
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Sounds to me like it didnt take too long. Piagent said she tried to grab her camera but did not have time to catch it on video. Its actually a good thing you cant buy it but unfortunately there are some really screwed up cops out there. If you had seen the things I have witnessed cops do you wouldnt be so incredulous.

Dispatch records show a second officer showing up at 12:04. Wilson supposedly encountered them at 12:01. That doesn't leave a lot of time, at least not without a second officer witness to the end anyway.
CaféAuLait;9645341 said:
CaféAuLait;9645317 said:
If he wanted him dead, why did he miss so much? Shooting him in the right arm 4 separate times BEFORE the head shots ( as contended by the autopsy report) all the while "he was just standing there with his arms in the air" as Johnson contends.

Thats the reason they are supposed to shoot center mass. It makes no sense he was shooting his arm unless it was the angle or he was having target practice.

I can't buy that, sorry Asc. I can't buy he was using Brown as target practice and torturing him shooting up or down his right arm, then the head shots. It almost sounds like some sadistic horror movie. With so many homes around who could have been filming him. The girls you had in the video above make it sound like the confrontation at the cop car window went on for several minutes, why didn't someone pull out a cell phone to record this? We both know, and this is sad, some police are known for their fuckedupness. I can't believe a white cop having a confrontation with a black kid would not have had someone pull out a cell phone to video it, if the cop was systemically shooting and torturing this kid taking his time shooting him down the arm, etc.

Someone did just that and caught a conversation of two witnesses who were describing everything that was going on. Look at the thread, "Conversation of witnesses a Game Changer..."
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Someone did just that and caught a conversation of two witnesses who were describing everything that was going on. Look at the thread, "Conversation of witnesses a Game Changer..."

A Witness Conversation Captured at the Scene of the Shooting is a Game Changer! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I saw that recording and there is nothing that helps the cop except its not clear whom exactly is moving towards whom in the end. It doesnt say anything about someone charging like a bull either. I' know for a fact that would have been pointed out. The women Tiffany and Piagent are going to be the most reliable witnesses. The autopsy matches their narrative to the tee.
The officer is speaking out again, says Brown "charged him", then he began shooting. Also said Brown fell just a foot or two from him. As the river of blood underneath has been photographed, the officer must have gotten a lot of blood on his uniform. I hope that evidence was preserved. And I hope the toxicology test on the officer comes back clean. Rather odd, usually the individual shooting is the focus of tox tests, not the deceased; this time is different.
Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

Hey you you racist piece of shit! His buddy the witness is an accessory to robbery and isn't trustworthy in the slightest.
Is the killed child playing Rock breaks Scissors, or is that some sort of gang sign?

its called the peace sign
So, if a black police officer shot a white unarmed youth, he would be racist as well?
"Beware"? :lol:

I'm not going to be on the jury so dont worry. Dont be afraid of my narrative because its only speculation. Your narrative is pure fantasy. The problem with your narrative is that it doesnt fit what the witnesses say they saw. They never said Brown was rushing the cop. The last 2 shots were "likely" the head shots. The first head shot killed him. The second on top of his head on the way down. You expect people to believe he was that bad of a shot but then all of a sudden he could put 2 in his head? You dont aim at the head if you can hit center mass fool. You must be drunk, high, or having a serious case of the "say it aint so'".

( emphasis added)

Baden stated the "apex" ( top of head) shot killed him, which was after the eye shot .
he also shot an unarmed suspect...the latest autopsy shows the cop kept shooting even as young brown was faLLING .

Not true, even Baden ( Families Medical Examiner) stated Brown could have been charging the cop, thus the shots to the top of the head, the apex shot was the last shot which killed Brown, although he did not know. Baden also said he could have survived the first 5 shots, which included the eye shot and the 4 shots to the arm.
has anyone seen the actual report

or are we still relying on the wordsmithing of the media

Baden did an interview as well as his assistant. I saw the actual interview from the assistant, not Baden.

The apex shot being the last makes sense if Brown was charging the cop, as witnesses have stated. I imagine a football stance running at the cop to tackle him, if those statements are true.

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