According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

CaféAuLait;9645227 said:
CaféAuLait;9645192 said:
Sorry, I misunderstood you. Well, Johnson said he was shot in the chest FIRST ( if he is to be believed I am assuming that would be the shoulder shot pictured in the autopsy. And then raised his hands. That is why I said that earlier.

As far as Baden's statement, he does not know if Brown was charging the cop, he is going by the statement Johnson made IMO.

I agree we need to wait, but I feel as if there is a lot more to this story, especially given Johnson contends Brown was shot first in the chest BEFORE they started to run, and then in the back.

The police also say he was shot while at the car. I think thats as far as we can go with accuracy with Johnson. I think he was pretty much in shock after that first shot. The womens story is pretty close to his but fits the autopsy to a tee.

Yes, I suppose he could be in shock. I still think there is more to this story. I agree there are racists. There are racist cops too, but I don't think this is racism, the robbery plays into this somehow.

But I find it strange this cop would decide to execute a man in the middle of a busy neighborhood.

What I might see is the cop stopped them.

Brown thought he may be wanted for the robbery, they smarted off to the cop.

The cop tried to exit the vehicle- something happened. ( I don't believe he accidently feel backwards as Johnson contends) (Are their any witnesses who state they say the cop car driving in reverse almost running the two over? I may be unaware of these.)

The shot took place in the vehicle, Brown may have been grabbing for the weapon.

The cop grabbing Brown through the window sounds a little ridiculous if you ask me, especially given Brown's size, he could escape just about anyone. Unless the cop is a massive dude too.

The cop either lost it because it scared the shit out of him and he fired far too many times and was unprofessional leading to a dead kid.

Or there was a longer altercation and Brown charged the cop or as I said above the cop lost his bearing and over reacted.

I've witnessed the cops do this twice. Once when I was 10 and later at 17. They lied both times and said it looked like the people they killed had a gun when they both clearly had their hands in the air. I dont trust cops as far as I can kick them. I expect them to lie and the department to back them up.
CaféAuLait;9645227 said:
The police also say he was shot while at the car. I think thats as far as we can go with accuracy with Johnson. I think he was pretty much in shock after that first shot. The womens story is pretty close to his but fits the autopsy to a tee.

Yes, I suppose he could be in shock. I still think there is more to this story. I agree there are racists. There are racist cops too, but I don't think this is racism, the robbery plays into this somehow.

But I find it strange this cop would decide to execute a man in the middle of a busy neighborhood.

What I might see is the cop stopped them.

Brown thought he may be wanted for the robbery, they smarted off to the cop.

The cop tried to exit the vehicle- something happened. ( I don't believe he accidently feel backwards as Johnson contends) (Are their any witnesses who state they say the cop car driving in reverse almost running the two over? I may be unaware of these.)

The shot took place in the vehicle, Brown may have been grabbing for the weapon.

The cop grabbing Brown through the window sounds a little ridiculous if you ask me, especially given Brown's size, he could escape just about anyone. Unless the cop is a massive dude too.

The cop either lost it because it scared the shit out of him and he fired far too many times and was unprofessional leading to a dead kid.

Or there was a longer altercation and Brown charged the cop or as I said above the cop lost his bearing and over reacted.

I've witnessed the cops do this twice. Once when I was 10 and later at 17. They lied both times and said it looked like the people they killed had a gun when they both clearly had their hands in the air. I dont trust cops as far as I can kick them. I expect them to lie and the department to back them up.

Well, I hope this is not the case. Holder is there, the FBI is there, there were three autopsies. There is evidence. The truth will out and to be honest, it may lie somewhere in the middle. Each party leaving out some details. But I guess we will see.
CaféAuLait;9645267 said:
CaféAuLait;9645227 said:
Yes, I suppose he could be in shock. I still think there is more to this story. I agree there are racists. There are racist cops too, but I don't think this is racism, the robbery plays into this somehow.

But I find it strange this cop would decide to execute a man in the middle of a busy neighborhood.

What I might see is the cop stopped them.

Brown thought he may be wanted for the robbery, they smarted off to the cop.

The cop tried to exit the vehicle- something happened. ( I don't believe he accidently feel backwards as Johnson contends) (Are their any witnesses who state they say the cop car driving in reverse almost running the two over? I may be unaware of these.)

The shot took place in the vehicle, Brown may have been grabbing for the weapon.

The cop grabbing Brown through the window sounds a little ridiculous if you ask me, especially given Brown's size, he could escape just about anyone. Unless the cop is a massive dude too.

The cop either lost it because it scared the shit out of him and he fired far too many times and was unprofessional leading to a dead kid.

Or there was a longer altercation and Brown charged the cop or as I said above the cop lost his bearing and over reacted.

I've witnessed the cops do this twice. Once when I was 10 and later at 17. They lied both times and said it looked like the people they killed had a gun when they both clearly had their hands in the air. I dont trust cops as far as I can kick them. I expect them to lie and the department to back them up.

Well, I hope this is not the case. Holder is there, the FBI is there, there were three autopsies. There is evidence. The truth will out and to be honest, it may lie somewhere in the middle. Each party leaving out some details. But I guess we will see.

Right now the only credible witnesses seem to be the 2 women. Their accounts match perfectly with the autopsy.
CaféAuLait;9645267 said:
I've witnessed the cops do this twice. Once when I was 10 and later at 17. They lied both times and said it looked like the people they killed had a gun when they both clearly had their hands in the air. I dont trust cops as far as I can kick them. I expect them to lie and the department to back them up.

Well, I hope this is not the case. Holder is there, the FBI is there, there were three autopsies. There is evidence. The truth will out and to be honest, it may lie somewhere in the middle. Each party leaving out some details. But I guess we will see.

Right now the only credible witnesses seem to be the 2 women. Their accounts match perfectly with the autopsy.

Do you have a link? I'm asking because I only recall one woman. I would appreciate it if you have time.
CaféAuLait;9645204 said:
He could have been shot in the hand first with his arms up and the force of each bullet hitting his arm kept it up. Before Brown could react, each bullet hit further down his arm making a line to the one to hit his head.

Um, I doubt it, but why would this cop supposedly intent on killing this 18 year old guy, aim for his raised arms ( shooting him 4 separate times down the arm as you suppose) and not his head or chest? it makes no sense to me.

It also makes no sense he didnt shoot him center mass like cops are trained to do. Target practice?

The cop wanted him dead. A shot to the head will almost for sure kill, while a shot to the body is not a guarantee.
CaféAuLait;9645287 said:
CaféAuLait;9645267 said:
Well, I hope this is not the case. Holder is there, the FBI is there, there were three autopsies. There is evidence. The truth will out and to be honest, it may lie somewhere in the middle. Each party leaving out some details. But I guess we will see.

Right now the only credible witnesses seem to be the 2 women. Their accounts match perfectly with the autopsy.

Do you have a link? I'm asking because I only recall one woman. I would appreciate it if you have time.

Here is Tiffany. The other girl I need to find but they both sound identical.

Tiffany Mitchell On Witnessing Michael Brown Shooting: Police 'Showed No Kind Of Remorse'

Here are both of them. Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell
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CaféAuLait;9645204 said:
Um, I doubt it, but why would this cop supposedly intent on killing this 18 year old guy, aim for his raised arms ( shooting him 4 separate times down the arm as you suppose) and not his head or chest? it makes no sense to me.

It also makes no sense he didnt shoot him center mass like cops are trained to do. Target practice?

The cop wanted him dead. A shot to the head will almost for sure kill, while a shot to the body is not a guarantee.

If he wanted him dead, why did he miss so much? Shooting him in the right arm 4 separate times BEFORE the head shots ( as contended by the autopsy report) all the while "he was just standing there with his arms in the air" as Johnson contends.
CaféAuLait;9645317 said:
It also makes no sense he didnt shoot him center mass like cops are trained to do. Target practice?

The cop wanted him dead. A shot to the head will almost for sure kill, while a shot to the body is not a guarantee.

If he wanted him dead, why did he miss so much? Shooting him in the right arm 4 separate times BEFORE the head shots ( as contended by the autopsy report) all the while "he was just standing there with his arms in the air" as Johnson contends.

Thats the reason they are supposed to shoot center mass. It makes no sense he was shooting his arm unless it was the angle or he was having target practice.
CaféAuLait;9645287 said:
Right now the only credible witnesses seem to be the 2 women. Their accounts match perfectly with the autopsy.

Do you have a link? I'm asking because I only recall one woman. I would appreciate it if you have time.

Here is Tiffany. The other girl I need to find but they both sound identical.

Tiffany Mitchell On Witnessing Michael Brown Shooting: Police 'Showed No Kind Of Remorse'

Here are both of them. Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell

New video from Ferguson shooting death - Video

Okay, thank you very much. The only reason I might suspect Piaget's statement is because they ( Piaget and Tiffany) live together. Piaget says she did not see much because of the "angle she was at", but then states she saw the tussle at the window of the cop car and Brown shot down. Piaget states Tiffany is calling her to watch and she repeats some of the same story Tiffany does, but she said at first she could not see from her angle. One would think they were both together since she said Tiffany called her to watch with her.

This leads me to believe the fight at the window of the cop car between Brown and the cop must have been going on for sometime the way Piaget tells it.

I will say Tiffany sounds credible at this time.
CaféAuLait;9645336 said:
CaféAuLait;9645287 said:
Do you have a link? I'm asking because I only recall one woman. I would appreciate it if you have time.

Here is Tiffany. The other girl I need to find but they both sound identical.

Tiffany Mitchell On Witnessing Michael Brown Shooting: Police 'Showed No Kind Of Remorse'

Here are both of them. Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell

New video from Ferguson shooting death - Video

Okay, thank you very much. The only reason I might suspect Piaget's statement is because they ( Piaget and Tiffany) live together. Piaget says she did not see much because of the "angle she was at", but then states she saw the tussle at the window of the cop car and Brown shot down. Piaget states Tiffany is calling her to watch and she repeats some of the same story Tiffany does, but she said at first she could not see from her angle. One would think they were both together since she said Tiffany called her to watch with her.

This leads me to believe the fight at the window of the cop car between Brown and the cop must have been going on for sometime the way Piaget tells it.

I will say Tiffany sounds credible at this time.

They dont live together. Tiffany was just picking Piagent up for work. She doesnt even live in the neighborhood. If I understand correctly they had different vantage points.


Yeah Tiffany was outside and Piagent was upstairs. The defense for the cop is going to have a hard time with Tiffany. Look for a smear campaign on her next.
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CaféAuLait;9645317 said:
The cop wanted him dead. A shot to the head will almost for sure kill, while a shot to the body is not a guarantee.

If he wanted him dead, why did he miss so much? Shooting him in the right arm 4 separate times BEFORE the head shots ( as contended by the autopsy report) all the while "he was just standing there with his arms in the air" as Johnson contends.

Thats the reason they are supposed to shoot center mass. It makes no sense he was shooting his arm unless it was the angle or he was having target practice.

I can't buy that, sorry Asc. I can't buy he was using Brown as target practice and torturing him shooting up or down his right arm, then the head shots. It almost sounds like some sadistic horror movie. With so many homes around who could have been filming him. The girls you had in the video above make it sound like the confrontation at the cop car window went on for several minutes, why didn't someone pull out a cell phone to record this? We both know, and this is sad, some police are known for their fuckedupness. I can't believe a white cop having a confrontation with a black kid would not have had someone pull out a cell phone to video it, if the cop was systemically shooting and torturing this kid taking his time shooting him down the arm, etc.
CaféAuLait;9645336 said:
Here is Tiffany. The other girl I need to find but they both sound identical.

Tiffany Mitchell On Witnessing Michael Brown Shooting: Police 'Showed No Kind Of Remorse'

Here are both of them. Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell

New video from Ferguson shooting death - Video

Okay, thank you very much. The only reason I might suspect Piaget's statement is because they ( Piaget and Tiffany) live together. Piaget says she did not see much because of the "angle she was at", but then states she saw the tussle at the window of the cop car and Brown shot down. Piaget states Tiffany is calling her to watch and she repeats some of the same story Tiffany does, but she said at first she could not see from her angle. One would think they were both together since she said Tiffany called her to watch with her.

This leads me to believe the fight at the window of the cop car between Brown and the cop must have been going on for sometime the way Piaget tells it.

I will say Tiffany sounds credible at this time.

They dont live together. Tiffany was just picking Piagent up for work. She doesnt even live in the neighborhood. If I understand correctly they had different vantage points.

I thought they were roomies, my bad. She said Tiffany called her down to watch with her though.
CaféAuLait;9645341 said:
CaféAuLait;9645317 said:
If he wanted him dead, why did he miss so much? Shooting him in the right arm 4 separate times BEFORE the head shots ( as contended by the autopsy report) all the while "he was just standing there with his arms in the air" as Johnson contends.

Thats the reason they are supposed to shoot center mass. It makes no sense he was shooting his arm unless it was the angle or he was having target practice.

I can't buy that, sorry Asc. I can't buy he was using Brown as target practice and torturing him shooting up or down his right arm, then the head shots. It almost sounds like some sadistic horror movie. With so many homes around who could have been filming him. The girls you had in the video above make it sound like the confrontation at the cop car window went on for several minutes, why didn't someone pull out a cell phone to record this? We both know, and this is sad, some police are known for their fuckedupness. I can't believe a white cop having a confrontation with a black kid would not have had someone pull out a cell phone to video it, if the cop was systemically shooting and torturing this kid taking his time shooting him down the arm, etc.

Sounds to me like it didnt take too long. Piagent said she tried to grab her camera but did not have time to catch it on video. Its actually a good thing you cant buy it but unfortunately there are some really screwed up cops out there. If you had seen the things I have witnessed cops do you wouldnt be so incredulous.
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CaféAuLait;9645341 said:
Thats the reason they are supposed to shoot center mass. It makes no sense he was shooting his arm unless it was the angle or he was having target practice.

I can't buy that, sorry Asc. I can't buy he was using Brown as target practice and torturing him shooting up or down his right arm, then the head shots. It almost sounds like some sadistic horror movie. With so many homes around who could have been filming him. The girls you had in the video above make it sound like the confrontation at the cop car window went on for several minutes, why didn't someone pull out a cell phone to record this? We both know, and this is sad, some police are known for their fuckedupness. I can't believe a white cop having a confrontation with a black kid would not have had someone pull out a cell phone to video it, if the cop was systemically shooting and torturing this kid taking his time shooting him down the arm, etc.

Sounds to me like it didnt take too long. Piagent said she tried to grab her camera but did not have time to catch it on video. Its actually a good thing you cant buy it but unfortunately there are some really screwed up cops out there. If you had seen the things I have witnessed cops do you wouldnt be so incredulous.

I said above "some police are known for their fuckedupness". I can't believe I am this naïve-I grew up in a shitty town and lost a friend- but nothing this bad, not even close. I just can't see it being some torturous situation. It seems incredible.
CaféAuLait;9645341 said:
CaféAuLait;9645317 said:
If he wanted him dead, why did he miss so much? Shooting him in the right arm 4 separate times BEFORE the head shots ( as contended by the autopsy report) all the while "he was just standing there with his arms in the air" as Johnson contends.

Thats the reason they are supposed to shoot center mass. It makes no sense he was shooting his arm unless it was the angle or he was having target practice.

I can't buy that, sorry Asc. I can't buy he was using Brown as target practice and torturing him shooting up or down his right arm, then the head shots. It almost sounds like some sadistic horror movie. With so many homes around who could have been filming him. The girls you had in the video above make it sound like the confrontation at the cop car window went on for several minutes, why didn't someone pull out a cell phone to record this? We both know, and this is sad, some police are known for their fuckedupness. I can't believe a white cop having a confrontation with a black kid would not have had someone pull out a cell phone to video it, if the cop was systemically shooting and torturing this kid taking his time shooting him down the arm, etc.

Beware of Asclepias setting up the narrative on the shots which hit the arm. You're allowing him to do that. His formulation is asinine. It presumes that where a shot hits is where a shot was aimed.

Hitting a paper target center mass at a shooting range is far, far easier than hitting a moving target running towards you while you're pumped full of adrenaline. Cops are taught to shoot center mass, just like everyone is taught to do. The progression of the shots shows minute corrections after each shot and each of the corrections is not perfect. All the cop could determine was that he was hitting Brown and that he wasn't hitting ceter mass. It's very unlikely that in a 1/4 second span he observed where the shots hit and could make an accurate retargeting towards center mass.

Keep in mind that the total time for all the shots was probably 2 or 3 seconds. You don't take one shot, stop and make a new assessment of the bumrushing giant charging you.

So this notion of purposely shooting upwards on the arm in order to torture Brown is idiotic and likely arises from someone who doesn't know anything about firearms.

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