A Warning On Election Fraud from Trump

already talking about election fraud and there has not been an election

If Trump wins no fraud

if trump loses then fraud

Oh that right he did lose the last election

So how many elections must Trump lose before he becomes a joke that is no longer funny

Trump will keep coming back for more

Anybody that loses an election will be ridiculed with

Oh Man he got Drumpf
Off topic.

This thread is on CHEATING in the 2024 election.
How exactly is this cheating suppose to occur? Shouldn't he tell you what to look for, be aware of...?

Trump knows he's going to lose and he once again, is going to claim it was fraud.

Are you really, really that dumb to buy in to his shit, again? A second time?

God have mercy on you, and your fellow minion!
Trump knows he's going to lose ...
I don't believe that. There are two main factors against that idea:

1) Trump is an intelligent and capable man with a high degree of political knowldege and personal experience.
2). An opponent who knows nothing about anything at all except maybe knee-bending.

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