Accountability moment


Mar 22, 2007
Remember when Bush bragged that he had had his "accountability moment" when a slim majority of American sheep put him back on his throne in 2004?

As usual he had no idea what he was talking about back then.

Now Dennis Kucinich, a REAL American patriot is initiating some real accountability for these mafia Dons that are running our country.,2933,268201,00.html

I think this might have some legs. Watch how Congress and the American people get behind this.

It's the beginning of the end for the Bush/Cheney crime syndicate.
Remember when Bush bragged that he had had his "accountability moment" when a slim majority of American sheep put him back on his throne in 2004?

As usual he had no idea what he was talking about back then.

Now Dennis Kucinich, a REAL American patriot is initiating some real accountability for these mafia Dons that are running our country.,2933,268201,00.html

I think this might have some legs. Watch how Congress and the American people get behind this.

It's the beginning of the end for the Bush/Cheney crime syndicate.

We can only hope, but Dick'n Bush have enough money and power behind them that they will never answer for their crimes. Unless, of course, they are kidnapped by a foreign intelligence service and rendered to the Netherlands for trial at the Hague on charges of their crimes against humanity. Wouldn't that be poetic justice.
I think the true irony :badgrin: is that youre using a fox news link to make your point.

i dont know about bush, but i would like cheney impeached. He cleared lied, deliberately, but bush, im not so sure. atleast kucinch has the balls to stand up for what he believes in, we should honor people like that, for example john mccain too. People who stand up for what they believe in, and dont back down, when they are called on it.
I think the true irony :badgrin: is that youre using a fox news link to make your point.

i dont know about bush, but i would like cheney impeached. He cleared lied, deliberately, but bush, im not so sure. atleast kucinch has the balls to stand up for what he believes in, we should honor people like that, for example john mccain too. People who stand up for what they believe in, and dont back down, when they are called on it.

McCain jumped the shark with his lame-assed jokes about bombing Iran, IED's under John Stewart's desk and kicking dogs. The axle broke on the "Straight Talk Express" a long time ago, and now it's just doing donuts in the parking lot.
Remember when Bush bragged that he had had his "accountability moment" when a slim majority of American sheep put him back on his throne in 2004?

As usual he had no idea what he was talking about back then.

Now Dennis Kucinich, a REAL American patriot is initiating some real accountability for these mafia Dons that are running our country.,2933,268201,00.html

I think this might have some legs. Watch how Congress and the American people get behind this.

It's the beginning of the end for the Bush/Cheney crime syndicate.

Kucinich needs to have the circuitry in his head repaired. Obviously, he's got arcing circuits.:cuckoo:
McCain jumped the shark with his lame-assed jokes about bombing Iran, IED's under John Stewart's desk and kicking dogs. The axle broke on the "Straight Talk Express" a long time ago, and now it's just doing donuts in the parking lot.

Thank your for the startling and amusing mental images! I can see McCain leaning out of the car now, smoke everywhere and him giving the finger to everyone watching.
it was kinda funny :p. The beach boys would be proud :badgrin:

In my mental scenario, with McCain doing donuts and handing out the finger, in the background he has "I Get Around" blasting out of the sound system (probably eight-track :eusa_dance: )
From the source:

Kucinich hasn't yet won any co-sponsors for his articles, but said he encourages other congressional members to read the charges.

Kinda says it all right there. Tilting at windmills.

Kucinich is an eye-Dee-ten-Tee.

BTW, the beach boys reference was funny :clap2:
From the source:

Kinda says it all right there. Tilting at windmills.

Kucinich is an eye-Dee-ten-Tee.

BTW, the beach boys reference was funny :clap2:

Haw! Haw!

Hee! Hee!

While you guys were having your little "Hee-Haw!" moment there more of America's finest were slaughtered on the chopping block of your mythical president's meaningless and unnecessar war!

I hope you feel good about yourselves.

How do you sleep at night?
Haw! Haw!

Hee! Hee!

While you guys were having your little "Hee-Haw!" moment there more of America's finest were slaughtered on the chopping block of your mythical president's meaningless and unnecessar war!

I hope you feel good about yourselves.

How do you sleep at night?

Been there, done that, got the shirt and bumper sticker.

Feel great, sleep Like a baby.
Be specific. What "crimes" have Bush and Cheney committed? And after 7 years and now a Democraticly controlled Congress how come no specific charges or "investigations" have been announced? One crack pot in a House with 435 members, one that cant even get support and you are applauding him....

Meanwhile we have the Democrats and the Press trying to create incidents. Take the Justice probe... A President has total power and authority to FIRE any and all Federal prosecutors at ANY time he wants, for ANY reason, including no reason. Yet the press and the dems are trying to turn the legal firing of 8 prosecutors that served "at the pleasure" of the President into some great conspiracy and crisis.

President Bush could fire every prosecutor tomorrow and give as a reason that he had a bad hair day. And nothing would be illegal, immoral or conspiratorial about it. He can also delegate that authority to the justice department, as he did.
  • Thanks
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Be specific. What "crimes" have Bush and Cheney committed? And after 7 years and now a Democraticly controlled Congress how come no specific charges or "investigations" have been announced? One crack pot in a House with 435 members, one that cant even get support and you are applauding him....

Meanwhile we have the Democrats and the Press trying to create incidents. Take the Justice probe... A President has total power and authority to FIRE any and all Federal prosecutors at ANY time he wants, for ANY reason, including no reason. Yet the press and the dems are trying to turn the legal firing of 8 prosecutors that served "at the pleasure" of the President into some great conspiracy and crisis.

President Bush could fire every prosecutor tomorrow and give as a reason that he had a bad hair day. And nothing would be illegal, immoral or conspiratorial about it. He can also delegate that authority to the justice department, as he did.

This single post has just made you a whole bunch of allies and a whole bunch of enemies all at the same time...welcome to the nut house!
This single post has just made you a whole bunch of allies and a whole bunch of enemies all at the same time...welcome to the nut house!

Choosing Gunny's as enemies might not make one right, but it WILL ensure one is NEXT.:badgrin:
Choosing Gunny's as enemies might not make one right, but it WILL ensure one is NEXT.:badgrin:

Naughty, *poke*

But.. on the other hand, I might get my moneys worth in entertainment around this place now. :badgrin:

Two of you HAS to be twice the fun of one of you.
Naughty, *poke*

But.. on the other hand, I might get my moneys worth in entertainment around this place now. :badgrin:

Two of you HAS to be twice the fun of one of you.

Shit, y'all can just stand the fuck by now .....:badgrin:
"Y'all"? Hmph. Since when am I afraid of you? :eusa_hand:

"No place so sacred from such fops is barr'd ... Nay, fly to altars; there they'll talk you dead; For fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

Alexander Pope's Essay on Criticism (1709)

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