ACLU files suit on Arizona law

Just think of the hayday that the ACLU would have in Mexico as the MCLU fighting for Americans who are caught over the border without a visa or appropriate papers and jailed for 2-5 years!!!
i love people bashing the aclu as if they would be able to post freely on the internet without the aclu & eff fighting for them

hey Blu....question.....where was the ACLU when the 2nd Amendment was being dragged through the courts the last few years?

Um...the NRA is the advocate group for the 2nd Amendment...the ACLU is the advocate group for the 1st Amendment.

Why do I have to tell you everything....?

not what i was told Bo......i googled why the ACLU is always absent when the 2nd amendment is in court.....4 links said basically the same thing.....they dont agree with the second part of the they ignore the suits.....the NRA has to do it because of this they should be called...the American SELECTIVE Civil Liberties Union.....
Just think of the hayday that the ACLU would have in Mexico as the MCLU fighting for Americans who are caught over the border without a visa or appropriate papers and jailed for 2-5 years!!!

Yeah, Imagine that? I think it would be the first in recent times where they actually tried to defend us Americans instead of help destroy our culture and Nation. ~BH
The pity is that this law will be made null and void when congress grants a general amnesty.

And that is wrong in so many ways.

That is not going to happen unless the Democrats think they can ram it through between now and the November Elections. Obama and the Democrats are going to lose the House, and quite possibly the Senate, in November.

Zander, you can't count on either side to fight this. You can count the number of people in Washington that are for sealing the borders on one hand.

I believe that politicians are, generally speaking, scumbags that will do anything to get re-elected. That desire for re-election is what we can use against them. America is waking up .....liberals and RINO's are on the way out and real conservatives are on the way in. We're gonna take back this country!
Dear idiots, all three people in the suit are either citizens or are here legally.

Cant you fucking read?

Dear Moron...why were they stopped? Do you even know? I went through a road block last weekend...and they had the AUDACITY to ask me for my drivers license!!!!

Maybe I should call the ACLU
Were you walking or driving a car? Because the last time I checked you didn't need a DL to walk. Or ride a bus, train, etc.

I've never WALKED through a road block....have you? (the only answer I can give for a stupid question)
As far as you needing a DL to walk, you don't...but you SHOULD always carry id with you in the event that you are involved in an incident that required you to prove your identity. That is REALLY your call...but most people I know have their ID with them when ever they are in public.

It's been many years since I rode a bus, but last year, I did take a train, and when I purchased my ticket, I was asked for my ID at the ticket counter.

Not sure what it has to do with my point....

I'd still like to know why these individuals were stopped...when and where would be good too.

I have a friend who is a deputy sheriff and I asked him if he has ever been accused of profiling since we also have a very large hispanic and asian population in our area. He said every deputy has been or will be accused if it. But there are SO many reasons that an officer can and will stop an individual, whether they are walking, riding, driving or passed out on the sidewalk. They have the right to ask ANY person for ID if they observe any suspicious behavior or perhaps they look like someone that is wanted for a crime in an ongoing investigation. They might fit the description of a thief, a rapist, a serial killer, or a suspected drug dealer. They might appear to be standing on the side of the road soliciting sex...there are plenty of reasons that an officer might decide to check someone out. It's part of his/her job.
Just think of the hayday that the ACLU would have in Mexico as the MCLU fighting for Americans who are caught over the border without a visa or appropriate papers and jailed for 2-5 years!!!

Yeah, Imagine that? I think it would be the first in recent times where they actually tried to defend us Americans instead of help destroy our culture and Nation. ~BH

good point
Under this law they can ask for papers of anyone they speak to.

You ask a person walking by if they saw anything to do with a crime they are investigating and boom they are asked for their papers.

That means wittnesses wont hang arround to be questioned because they are not carring their "papers' today and may spend time in the Immigration station if they hang arround.

Crime is going to be harder to solve and people get harrassed for looking brown.

Its a fucked up law period.

why dont you wait until it happens before you start spreading your particular brand of bullshit around.....
Dear Moron...why were they stopped? Do you even know? I went through a road block last weekend...and they had the AUDACITY to ask me for my drivers license!!!!

Maybe I should call the ACLU
Were you walking or driving a car? Because the last time I checked you didn't need a DL to walk. Or ride a bus, train, etc.

I've never WALKED through a road block....have you? (the only answer I can give for a stupid question)
As far as you needing a DL to walk, you don't...but you SHOULD always carry id with you in the event that you are involved in an incident that required you to prove your identity. That is REALLY your call...but most people I know have their ID with them when ever they are in public.

It's been many years since I rode a bus, but last year, I did take a train, and when I purchased my ticket, I was asked for my ID at the ticket counter.

Not sure what it has to do with my point....

I'd still like to know why these individuals were stopped...when and where would be good too.

I have a friend who is a deputy sheriff and I asked him if he has ever been accused of profiling since we also have a very large hispanic and asian population in our area. He said every deputy has been or will be accused if it. But there are SO many reasons that an officer can and will stop an individual, whether they are walking, riding, driving or passed out on the sidewalk. They have the right to ask ANY person for ID if they observe any suspicious behavior or perhaps they look like someone that is wanted for a crime in an ongoing investigation. They might fit the description of a thief, a rapist, a serial killer, or a suspected drug dealer. They might appear to be standing on the side of the road soliciting sex...there are plenty of reasons that an officer might decide to check someone out. It's part of his/her job.
Key word: Should.

I am one of those that thinks my rights are not granted by the government and therefore they cannot force me to carry id.
Under this law they can ask for papers of anyone they speak to.

You are full of shit. The law says NO such thing. The contrary in fact is true, you deliberately lying asshole.

Why do you profess in your username to be concerned about truth when you are so dedicated to being such a dishonest little whore?

i dont know about the whore part....but dishonest....geezus.....
Under this law they can ask for papers of anyone they speak to.

You ask a person walking by if they saw anything to do with a crime they are investigating and boom they are asked for their papers.

That means wittnesses wont hang arround to be questioned because they are not carring their "papers' today and may spend time in the Immigration station if they hang arround.

Crime is going to be harder to solve and people get harrassed for looking brown.

Its a fucked up law period.

bullshit, they don't hang around now...nobody wants to be involved. Read my other post that comes straight from a deputy sheriff who is a friend of mine.
Were you walking or driving a car? Because the last time I checked you didn't need a DL to walk. Or ride a bus, train, etc.

I've never WALKED through a road block....have you? (the only answer I can give for a stupid question)
As far as you needing a DL to walk, you don't...but you SHOULD always carry id with you in the event that you are involved in an incident that required you to prove your identity. That is REALLY your call...but most people I know have their ID with them when ever they are in public.

It's been many years since I rode a bus, but last year, I did take a train, and when I purchased my ticket, I was asked for my ID at the ticket counter.

Not sure what it has to do with my point....

I'd still like to know why these individuals were stopped...when and where would be good too.

I have a friend who is a deputy sheriff and I asked him if he has ever been accused of profiling since we also have a very large hispanic and asian population in our area. He said every deputy has been or will be accused if it. But there are SO many reasons that an officer can and will stop an individual, whether they are walking, riding, driving or passed out on the sidewalk. They have the right to ask ANY person for ID if they observe any suspicious behavior or perhaps they look like someone that is wanted for a crime in an ongoing investigation. They might fit the description of a thief, a rapist, a serial killer, or a suspected drug dealer. They might appear to be standing on the side of the road soliciting sex...there are plenty of reasons that an officer might decide to check someone out. It's part of his/her job.
Key word: Should.

I am one of those that thinks my rights are not granted by the government and therefore they cannot force me to carry id.

like I said...that's why you have the freedom to NOT carry it. Just like anyone else. But if you are unable to prove your identity, you too could be detained until that prove is provided.

And there's not a DAMN thing the ACLU can do about that.
I've never WALKED through a road block....have you? (the only answer I can give for a stupid question)
As far as you needing a DL to walk, you don't...but you SHOULD always carry id with you in the event that you are involved in an incident that required you to prove your identity. That is REALLY your call...but most people I know have their ID with them when ever they are in public.

It's been many years since I rode a bus, but last year, I did take a train, and when I purchased my ticket, I was asked for my ID at the ticket counter.

Not sure what it has to do with my point....

I'd still like to know why these individuals were stopped...when and where would be good too.

I have a friend who is a deputy sheriff and I asked him if he has ever been accused of profiling since we also have a very large hispanic and asian population in our area. He said every deputy has been or will be accused if it. But there are SO many reasons that an officer can and will stop an individual, whether they are walking, riding, driving or passed out on the sidewalk. They have the right to ask ANY person for ID if they observe any suspicious behavior or perhaps they look like someone that is wanted for a crime in an ongoing investigation. They might fit the description of a thief, a rapist, a serial killer, or a suspected drug dealer. They might appear to be standing on the side of the road soliciting sex...there are plenty of reasons that an officer might decide to check someone out. It's part of his/her job.
Key word: Should.

I am one of those that thinks my rights are not granted by the government and therefore they cannot force me to carry id.

like I said...that's why you have the freedom to NOT carry it. Just like anyone else. But if you are unable to prove your identity, you too could be detained until that prove is provided.

And there's not a DAMN thing the ACLU can do about that.
We'll see. Being detained with no real reason by the government is just not kosher...but good of you to give up your pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.
Key word: Should.

I am one of those that thinks my rights are not granted by the government and therefore they cannot force me to carry id.

like I said...that's why you have the freedom to NOT carry it. Just like anyone else. But if you are unable to prove your identity, you too could be detained until that prove is provided.

And there's not a DAMN thing the ACLU can do about that.
We'll see. Being detained with no real reason by the government is just not kosher...but good of you to give up your pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.

what the fuck are you yammering about??? If you spent half the time trying to understand how life works as you do projecting your skewed views of how you think the world should be, you'd be WAY ahead of the game.

If you are NOT able to prove your identity, there IS a reason for you to be detained. It's just that simple. It's legal and believe it or not, it's the BASIS for you having the freedom and security to pursue life, liberty and happiness...

Come on Ravi....whatever entity, or accident, you believe in that put you on this earth and gave you a brain WANTS you to use it.
Key word: Should.

I am one of those that thinks my rights are not granted by the government and therefore they cannot force me to carry id.

like I said...that's why you have the freedom to NOT carry it. Just like anyone else. But if you are unable to prove your identity, you too could be detained until that prove is provided.

And there's not a DAMN thing the ACLU can do about that.
We'll see. Being detained with no real reason by the government is just not kosher...but good of you to give up your pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.

Hey fuckO? Your herO Obama has not repealed The Patriot Act has he? That pretty much allows the Federal Government to detain and hold anyone for any reason whatsoever. But I guess that falls in with the it's ok that the so-called Anti-War madman Obama still has us in Iraq and Afganistan crowd. You dipshits are the biggest hypocrites. You frauds are finished. ~BH
That's great.

The ACLU is filing a suit against a state enforcing a law which is completely consistent with the Federal Laws that have been in effect for years. They should just stick with defending pedophiles. That's more consistent with their values these days.

There's nothing American about the Arab Civil Liberties Union.

I guess they are a they are kind of American.
like I said...that's why you have the freedom to NOT carry it. Just like anyone else. But if you are unable to prove your identity, you too could be detained until that prove is provided.

And there's not a DAMN thing the ACLU can do about that.
We'll see. Being detained with no real reason by the government is just not kosher...but good of you to give up your pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.

Hey fuckO? Your herO Obama has not repealed The Patriot Act has he? That pretty much allows the Federal Government to detain and hold anyone for any reason whatsoever. But I guess that falls in with the it's ok that the so-called Anti-War madman Obama still has us in Iraq and Afganistan crowd. You dipshits are the biggest hypocrites. You frauds are finished. ~BH
No, he didn't. Nor did I expect him he's not my hero.

So it is your contention that because the patriot act exists it is okay for the government to take away more of our freedoms. Good for you.
We'll see. Being detained with no real reason by the government is just not kosher...but good of you to give up your pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.

Hey fuckO? Your herO Obama has not repealed The Patriot Act has he? That pretty much allows the Federal Government to detain and hold anyone for any reason whatsoever. But I guess that falls in with the it's ok that the so-called Anti-War madman Obama still has us in Iraq and Afganistan crowd. You dipshits are the biggest hypocrites. You frauds are finished. ~BH
No, he didn't. Nor did I expect him he's not my hero.

So it is your contention that because the patriot act exists it is okay for the government to take away more of our freedoms. Good for you.

Hey RETARD? The Arizona law is essentially the US Government law. I do not see ANY of you complaining about IT.
Were you walking or driving a car? Because the last time I checked you didn't need a DL to walk. Or ride a bus, train, etc.

I've never WALKED through a road block....have you? (the only answer I can give for a stupid question)
As far as you needing a DL to walk, you don't...but you SHOULD always carry id with you in the event that you are involved in an incident that required you to prove your identity. That is REALLY your call...but most people I know have their ID with them when ever they are in public.

It's been many years since I rode a bus, but last year, I did take a train, and when I purchased my ticket, I was asked for my ID at the ticket counter.

Not sure what it has to do with my point....

I'd still like to know why these individuals were stopped...when and where would be good too.

I have a friend who is a deputy sheriff and I asked him if he has ever been accused of profiling since we also have a very large hispanic and asian population in our area. He said every deputy has been or will be accused if it. But there are SO many reasons that an officer can and will stop an individual, whether they are walking, riding, driving or passed out on the sidewalk. They have the right to ask ANY person for ID if they observe any suspicious behavior or perhaps they look like someone that is wanted for a crime in an ongoing investigation. They might fit the description of a thief, a rapist, a serial killer, or a suspected drug dealer. They might appear to be standing on the side of the road soliciting sex...there are plenty of reasons that an officer might decide to check someone out. It's part of his/her job.
Key word: Should.

I am one of those that thinks my rights are not granted by the government and therefore they cannot force me to carry id.

Hey stupid, no one is forcing you to carry ID, If you choose not to then be prepared for the inconveniences that your choice will inevitably cause you.
Hey fuckO? Your herO Obama has not repealed The Patriot Act has he? That pretty much allows the Federal Government to detain and hold anyone for any reason whatsoever. But I guess that falls in with the it's ok that the so-called Anti-War madman Obama still has us in Iraq and Afganistan crowd. You dipshits are the biggest hypocrites. You frauds are finished. ~BH
No, he didn't. Nor did I expect him he's not my hero.

So it is your contention that because the patriot act exists it is okay for the government to take away more of our freedoms. Good for you.

Hey RETARD? The Arizona law is essentially the US Government law. I do not see ANY of you complaining about IT.
No, it isn't.
You're talking about two different things. I'll ignore most of your post except to say that I do not support open borders and allowing people to come and go as they please...I also think we don't allow enough people to immigrate legally, which causes a lot of these problems.

But on the topic...forcing legitimate citizens to be prepared at all times while in public to prove that they are legitimate citizens is a burden that is IMO un-American and paranoid.

I am SICK of the paranoia of right wing loons and their enabling of the constant chipping away of our constitutional civil rights.

No. I am not talking about two different things.

I am contending (consistently) that those here legally should feel no qualms about being called upon to prove it.

For those here illegally, that this exposes them to a grave chance of getting caught, too bad.

Your apparent concern is that the law might entail a citizen being called upon to prove his bona fides. Oh the horror.


If I look vaguely foreign to some cop upon being pulled over because I ran a red or was speeding (or whatever) and the cop, when he chats with me, hears some accent (or if I give him some other reasonable ground to contemplate my legal status here in our country) and then the cop asks me for some proper proof of my claim that I am here legally (i.e., I'm a citizen), I am not really in much danger of being deported.

The fact is, I will not be required to be prepared at all times to prove my legal status here. I don't get pulled over all that much, in the first place. And when I do, even if I don't have my birth certificate with me, it won't actually be all that difficult to prove my nationality. On the rare occasion this kind of shit might happen to me, I don't think it's all that onerous if it helps capture an illegal or three.

You libs get all worked up over such little pissant inconsequential stuff.
Yes, I get your argument...if you aren't doing anything wrong, why worry about it? The same mentality behind the patriot act.


Wrong again. You take one small facet of an argument and falsely portray it as the entire argument of your opposition.

But you are too plodding and obvious in your constant deception to have any impact when engaging in that bullshit.

There is NO chip chip chip going on. Your contention is meaningless silly libbie rhetoric lacking any rational foundation in reality.

Many of you liberoidals have this weird notion of what the Constitution serves to accomplish and what rights it serves to protect. You are often badly misguided.

Law enforcement can already ask me for my driver's license if I get pulled over. Thjat being the case, how much of a fucking jump is it -- and how much of an "imposition" on me is it -- to seek to clarify if my very presence here is illegal?

You libs are absolutely bogus on this issue. If you had it your way, EVEN IF we had more secure borders, you'd STILL object to any effort to enforce our immigration laws. Seriously. Since the AZ law does absolutely nothing to infringe on our Constitutional rights and liberties (the claim that it does is absurd), the question gets raised.

WHAT do you silly libbies consider to be a VALID method of enforcing our immigration laws?

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