ACLU files suit on Arizona law

Another reason this law is so stupid. The people that will be be hassled the most are innocent people.


The those here legally will have no real problems.

The only meaningful effect will be on those here illegally.

And that's thee thing that has the irrational liberoidal types all hot and bothered.

The fact is that you libbies WANT illegals to be free to come here and, once here illegally though it may be, to be permitted to stay here. Any opposition to your crazy preferences get falsely labeled as "racist."

Tough. Your views are absurd.

We have every fucking reasonable right to limit entry into this country. Those wishing to come here from outside should feel absolutely obligated to comply with our rules and procedures, especially if they seek citizenship, asylum or work. They have ZERO right to jump the line over those who comply with all the myriad of difficult rules, laws and regulations. And those who try to bypass the rules, laws and regulations SHOULD feel DAMN insecure about their tenuous grasp on being here.

If we, as a society, wish to address the issue of immigration quotas to make our borders more open to legal admission, that is a perfectly reasonable discussion. But I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing folks whine that we are somehow allegedly "racist" for believing that our immigration laws and rules and regulations should be adhered to and enforced.

For those who come here illegally and stay here illegally, for the most part, my national welcome mat says "GET THE FUCK OUT."

For those who bother to comply with our laws, rules and regulations, the welcome mat says something very different. It then says, oddly enough, "Welcome."
You're talking about two different things. I'll ignore most of your post except to say that I do not support open borders and allowing people to come and go as they please...I also think we don't allow enough people to immigrate legally, which causes a lot of these problems.

But on the topic...forcing legitimate citizens to be prepared at all times while in public to prove that they are legitimate citizens is a burden that is IMO un-American and paranoid.

I am SICK of the paranoia of right wing loons and their enabling of the constant chipping away of our constitutional civil rights.
:eusa_wall::eusa_wall::eusa_wall::eusa_wall: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Another reason this law is so stupid. The people that will be be hassled the most are innocent people.


The those here legally will have no real problems.

The only meaningful effect will be on those here illegally.

And that's thee thing that has the irrational liberoidal types all hot and bothered.

The fact is that you libbies WANT illegals to be free to come here and, once here illegally though it may be, to be permitted to stay here. Any opposition to your crazy preferences get falsely labeled as "racist."

Tough. Your views are absurd.

We have every fucking reasonable right to limit entry into this country. Those wishing to come here from outside should feel absolutely obligated to comply with our rules and procedures, especially if they seek citizenship, asylum or work. They have ZERO right to jump the line over those who comply with all the myriad of difficult rules, laws and regulations. And those who try to bypass the rules, laws and regulations SHOULD feel DAMN insecure about their tenuous grasp on being here.

If we, as a society, wish to address the issue of immigration quotas to make our borders more open to legal admission, that is a perfectly reasonable discussion. But I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing folks whine that we are somehow allegedly "racist" for believing that our immigration laws and rules and regulations should be adhered to and enforced.

For those who come here illegally and stay here illegally, for the most part, my national welcome mat says "GET THE FUCK OUT."

For those who bother to comply with our laws, rules and regulations, the welcome mat says something very different. It then says, oddly enough, "Welcome."
You're talking about two different things. I'll ignore most of your post except to say that I do not support open borders and allowing people to come and go as they please...I also think we don't allow enough people to immigrate legally, which causes a lot of these problems.

But on the topic...forcing legitimate citizens to be prepared at all times while in public to prove that they are legitimate citizens is a burden that is IMO un-American and paranoid.

I am SICK of the paranoia of right wing loons and their enabling of the constant chipping away of our constitutional civil rights.

No. I am not talking about two different things.

I am contending (consistently) that those here legally should feel no qualms about being called upon to prove it.

For those here illegally, that this exposes them to a grave chance of getting caught, too bad.

Your apparent concern is that the law might entail a citizen being called upon to prove his bona fides. Oh the horror.


If I look vaguely foreign to some cop upon being pulled over because I ran a red or was speeding (or whatever) and the cop, when he chats with me, hears some accent (or if I give him some other reasonable ground to contemplate my legal status here in our country) and then the cop asks me for some proper proof of my claim that I am here legally (i.e., I'm a citizen), I am not really in much danger of being deported.

The fact is, I will not be required to be prepared at all times to prove my legal status here. I don't get pulled over all that much, in the first place. And when I do, even if I don't have my birth certificate with me, it won't actually be all that difficult to prove my nationality. On the rare occasion this kind of shit might happen to me, I don't think it's all that onerous if it helps capture an illegal or three.

You libs get all worked up over such little pissant inconsequential stuff.
Does New Mexico issue driver's license to illegals perhaps? Slimeball turknocker dante negged me.. did he neg you too?? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

My understanding, from their own DMV website, is that New Mexico DOES require proof of identity AND proof of residency to issue a driver's license, generally an ID from another state or a birth certificate and something to prove where you're currently residing. Could that be bypassed by a determined illegal? I'm sure, but then, so could most states' requirements. I can't find anything saying they're just handing them out like party favors.
Another reason this law is so stupid. The people that will be be hassled the most are innocent people.

Mere speculation. Perhaps we should just obey the laws we like and disregard the ones that we don't.

What state do you live in?
My understanding, from their own DMV website, is that New Mexico DOES require proof of identity AND proof of residency to issue a driver's license, generally an ID from another state or a birth certificate and something to prove where you're currently residing. Could that be bypassed by a determined illegal? I'm sure, but then, so could most states' requirements. I can't find anything saying they're just handing them out like party favors.
Another reason this law is so stupid. The people that will be be hassled the most are innocent people.

Mere speculation. Perhaps we should just obey the laws we like and disregard the ones that we don't.

What state do you live in?

Fla. she lives in Fla.

The those here legally will have no real problems.

The only meaningful effect will be on those here illegally.

And that's thee thing that has the irrational liberoidal types all hot and bothered.

The fact is that you libbies WANT illegals to be free to come here and, once here illegally though it may be, to be permitted to stay here. Any opposition to your crazy preferences get falsely labeled as "racist."

Tough. Your views are absurd.

We have every fucking reasonable right to limit entry into this country. Those wishing to come here from outside should feel absolutely obligated to comply with our rules and procedures, especially if they seek citizenship, asylum or work. They have ZERO right to jump the line over those who comply with all the myriad of difficult rules, laws and regulations. And those who try to bypass the rules, laws and regulations SHOULD feel DAMN insecure about their tenuous grasp on being here.

If we, as a society, wish to address the issue of immigration quotas to make our borders more open to legal admission, that is a perfectly reasonable discussion. But I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing folks whine that we are somehow allegedly "racist" for believing that our immigration laws and rules and regulations should be adhered to and enforced.

For those who come here illegally and stay here illegally, for the most part, my national welcome mat says "GET THE FUCK OUT."

For those who bother to comply with our laws, rules and regulations, the welcome mat says something very different. It then says, oddly enough, "Welcome."
You're talking about two different things. I'll ignore most of your post except to say that I do not support open borders and allowing people to come and go as they please...I also think we don't allow enough people to immigrate legally, which causes a lot of these problems.

But on the topic...forcing legitimate citizens to be prepared at all times while in public to prove that they are legitimate citizens is a burden that is IMO un-American and paranoid.

I am SICK of the paranoia of right wing loons and their enabling of the constant chipping away of our constitutional civil rights.

No. I am not talking about two different things.

I am contending (consistently) that those here legally should feel no qualms about being called upon to prove it.

For those here illegally, that this exposes them to a grave chance of getting caught, too bad.

Your apparent concern is that the law might entail a citizen being called upon to prove his bona fides. Oh the horror.


If I look vaguely foreign to some cop upon being pulled over because I ran a red or was speeding (or whatever) and the cop, when he chats with me, hears some accent (or if I give him some other reasonable ground to contemplate my legal status here in our country) and then the cop asks me for some proper proof of my claim that I am here legally (i.e., I'm a citizen), I am not really in much danger of being deported.

The fact is, I will not be required to be prepared at all times to prove my legal status here. I don't get pulled over all that much, in the first place. And when I do, even if I don't have my birth certificate with me, it won't actually be all that difficult to prove my nationality. On the rare occasion this kind of shit might happen to me, I don't think it's all that onerous if it helps capture an illegal or three.

You libs get all worked up over such little pissant inconsequential stuff.
Yes, I get your argument...if you aren't doing anything wrong, why worry about it? The same mentality behind the patriot act.

Was the student with the NM license trying to get in state tuition? What other documents did he have? You need a birth certificate to register for Kindergarten. You need one for a license. You need one to register for Little League. It costs 5 bucks for a certified copy. Why didn't he have one? Sounds awfully fishy to me.

You need one to aquire social security card also.
Another reason this law is so stupid. The people that will be be hassled the most are innocent people.


The those here legally will have no real problems.

The only meaningful effect will be on those here illegally.

And that's thee thing that has the irrational liberoidal types all hot and bothered.

The fact is that you libbies WANT illegals to be free to come here and, once here illegally though it may be, to be permitted to stay here. Any opposition to your crazy preferences get falsely labeled as "racist."

Tough. Your views are absurd.

We have every fucking reasonable right to limit entry into this country. Those wishing to come here from outside should feel absolutely obligated to comply with our rules and procedures, especially if they seek citizenship, asylum or work. They have ZERO right to jump the line over those who comply with all the myriad of difficult rules, laws and regulations. And those who try to bypass the rules, laws and regulations SHOULD feel DAMN insecure about their tenuous grasp on being here.

If we, as a society, wish to address the issue of immigration quotas to make our borders more open to legal admission, that is a perfectly reasonable discussion. But I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing folks whine that we are somehow allegedly "racist" for believing that our immigration laws and rules and regulations should be adhered to and enforced.

For those who come here illegally and stay here illegally, for the most part, my national welcome mat says "GET THE FUCK OUT."

For those who bother to comply with our laws, rules and regulations, the welcome mat says something very different. It then says, oddly enough, "Welcome."
You're talking about two different things. I'll ignore most of your post except to say that I do not support open borders and allowing people to come and go as they please...I also think we don't allow enough people to immigrate legally, which causes a lot of these problems.

But on the topic...forcing legitimate citizens to be prepared at all times while in public to prove that they are legitimate citizens is a burden that is IMO un-American and paranoid.

I am SICK of the paranoia of right wing loons and their enabling of the constant chipping away of our constitutional civil rights.

No one is forcing anyone to carry ID, hell you never have to carry an ID if you don't want to. But when an officer of the law asks for ID, be prepared to be inconvenienced.
Indeed. If one is stopped for a traffic violation in CA, one must show the officer a valid driver's license, car registration, and proof of insurance. If a citizen has to provide such info, why on earth should an immigrant be exempt?
Another reason this law is so stupid. The people that will be be hassled the most are innocent people.


The those here legally will have no real problems.

The only meaningful effect will be on those here illegally.

And that's thee thing that has the irrational liberoidal types all hot and bothered.

The fact is that you libbies WANT illegals to be free to come here and, once here illegally though it may be, to be permitted to stay here. Any opposition to your crazy preferences get falsely labeled as "racist."

Tough. Your views are absurd.

We have every fucking reasonable right to limit entry into this country. Those wishing to come here from outside should feel absolutely obligated to comply with our rules and procedures, especially if they seek citizenship, asylum or work. They have ZERO right to jump the line over those who comply with all the myriad of difficult rules, laws and regulations. And those who try to bypass the rules, laws and regulations SHOULD feel DAMN insecure about their tenuous grasp on being here.

If we, as a society, wish to address the issue of immigration quotas to make our borders more open to legal admission, that is a perfectly reasonable discussion. But I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing folks whine that we are somehow allegedly "racist" for believing that our immigration laws and rules and regulations should be adhered to and enforced.

For those who come here illegally and stay here illegally, for the most part, my national welcome mat says "GET THE FUCK OUT."

For those who bother to comply with our laws, rules and regulations, the welcome mat says something very different. It then says, oddly enough, "Welcome."
You're talking about two different things. I'll ignore most of your post except to say that I do not support open borders and allowing people to come and go as they please...I also think we don't allow enough people to immigrate legally, which causes a lot of these problems.

But on the topic...forcing legitimate citizens to be prepared at all times while in public to prove that they are legitimate citizens is a burden that is IMO un-American and paranoid.

I am SICK of the paranoia of right wing loons and their enabling of the constant chipping away of our constitutional civil rights.

The Arizona law does not require "legal" citizens to carry any additional ID. Let's look at it step by step:

If you are stopped or detained by law enforcement with CAUSE, the officer is going to ask you to prove your identity. THEY DO THIS NOW IN ALL 50 STATES. If you are a legal immigrant FEDERAL LAW requires you to carry a Green card at all times, so you had better have the green card on you. THIS IS THE FEDERAL LAW NOW. If you are a legal resident and cannot prove identity you may be held until you prove it. THIS IS LAW NOW. There are really only three scenarios that can happen after being stopped or pulled over by the police WITH CAUSE:

1) You are here legally and can prove identity or show a green card - No worries (well, at least not regarding your citizenship status!) This is the law of the land now so nothing has changed. Police are allowed to ask you to prove you are who you say you are - when they have CAUSE.

2) You are here legally and cannot prove Identity- you may be detained and required to prove identity. Again , sorry it is just too bad for you. Only a moron goes out without his or her ID. This really isn't anything new. No changes to existing law - you might be inconvenienced for forgetting your ID- Oh well, tough shit for you. Next time don't be so stupid.

3) You are here ILLEGALLY - you will be arrested, put in jail, and deported. This is not new either. But it does strike fear in the hearts and minds of illegal Aliens. THAT is the whole idea. Here is the message: ILLEGAL ALIENS GO HOME. YOU ARE HERE ILLEGALLY. YOU WILL BE ARRESTED, JAILED, AND DEPORTED. SAVE YOURSELF THE TIME AND TROUBLE - LEAVE NOW. FEEL FREE TO APPLY FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION.

None if this is really new Ravi. You might want to check this out too- REAL ID Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^ What he said (which is also what many of us have posted in various forms already).
The pity is that this law will be made null and void when congress grants a general amnesty.

And that is wrong in so many ways.

That is not going to happen unless the Democrats think they can ram it through between now and the November Elections. Obama and the Democrats are going to lose the House, and quite possibly the Senate, in November.
The pity is that this law will be made null and void when congress grants a general amnesty.

And that is wrong in so many ways.

That is not going to happen unless the Democrats think they can ram it through between now and the November Elections. Obama and the Democrats are going to lose the House, and quite possibly the Senate, in November.

Zander, you can't count on either side to fight this. You can count the number of people in Washington that are for sealing the borders on one hand.
Dear idiots, all three people in the suit are either citizens or are here legally.

Cant you fucking read?

Dear Moron...why were they stopped? Do you even know? I went through a road block last weekend...and they had the AUDACITY to ask me for my drivers license!!!!

Maybe I should call the ACLU
Just like i would be stopped in arizona this man has been stopped twice.

Stop pretending only illegal aliens will be effected by the law.

What's the first thing an officer asks for when you're stopped for a traffic violation ? ...

Driver's license, insurance and registration, please.
Does this mean I'm being unfairly targeted?

Apparently....the law is the bad guy. Or didn't you know that?
Dear idiots, all three people in the suit are either citizens or are here legally.

Cant you fucking read?

Dear Moron...why were they stopped? Do you even know? I went through a road block last weekend...and they had the AUDACITY to ask me for my drivers license!!!!

Maybe I should call the ACLU
Were you walking or driving a car? Because the last time I checked you didn't need a DL to walk. Or ride a bus, train, etc.

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