Acosta Proves Border Wall Works

The chances are you are wrong, just like you have been wrong in almost everything you have said so far.

Trump paid more taxes than Obama or MSNBC. There is no chance in hell he is not paying any taxes now. He also gave his presidential wage back to the people.

Do you take pride in always being wrong?

Prove it. Trump has a zero income right now. His Corporate Income doesnt' count against his personal income which is zero. You are right, he gives his Presidential pay back or donates it to charity. Every dime of it. He has no visible means of support. Why should he. The Taxpayer is picking up all his expenses including his gold outings and travel expenses. You have to have a minimum amount to actually pay taxes and he has a zero sum income. Just how wrong can you be on this one and just about everything else when it comes to your Orange Diety.
the government does that for every elected official and security. not sure where you were going here.

What do you pay in capital gains taxes? Trump probably pays most all of his taxes right there after subtracting out all the losses. They do get a salary from their business. Trump terminated his as president. you should stop trying obsessively to say he doesn't pay any taxes when he follows the laws that are written. and you can't nor will you ever prove he doesn't. The IRS already said he does. And that isn't good enough for you. now that tells me you are merely obsessed with trump.

You are confusing Corporate from Private. The Corporates pay taxes close to what it should minus a few slight of hands but the CEOs and CFOs don't since their reported income will be next to nothing. But they will be living like Kings.

Tell us more on how his presidential wage is a corporate earning.

How is he getting the income out of those corporations to 'live like a king' without paying tax? Are you saying that Trump is committing tax fraud, the IRS would be very interested.

Anyway I am glad that you revealed yourself to be what you are, at least it's now clear that you aren't interested in honest discussion but just making up completely false bullshit.

You sure can try and twist things to your favor. Well, cupcake, you didn't do a very good job on this one. Trump doesn't pay any taxes because he has NO personal income. Corporate Income goes to the Corporation and he isn't the CEO of the Corporation at this time. Oh, you can bet there is a fund being set aside for him when he leaves office that is more than a little fair but it's not counted as income for him until he claims it. Until he does, it belongs to the Corporation as liquid assets.

You are in way over your head on this one, cupcake.
dude, a CEO taking a salary is a personal salary. It is not a corporate one. it is really you who doesn't have the clue. you should probably find another topic now, you've been pwned for quite some time in here.
The chances are you are wrong, just like you have been wrong in almost everything you have said so far.

Trump paid more taxes than Obama or MSNBC. There is no chance in hell he is not paying any taxes now. He also gave his presidential wage back to the people.

Do you take pride in always being wrong?

Prove it. Trump has a zero income right now. His Corporate Income doesnt' count against his personal income which is zero. You are right, he gives his Presidential pay back or donates it to charity. Every dime of it. He has no visible means of support. Why should he. The Taxpayer is picking up all his expenses including his gold outings and travel expenses. You have to have a minimum amount to actually pay taxes and he has a zero sum income. Just how wrong can you be on this one and just about everything else when it comes to your Orange Diety.
the government does that for every elected official and security. not sure where you were going here.

What do you pay in capital gains taxes? Trump probably pays most all of his taxes right there after subtracting out all the losses. They do get a salary from their business. Trump terminated his as president. you should stop trying obsessively to say he doesn't pay any taxes when he follows the laws that are written. and you can't nor will you ever prove he doesn't. The IRS already said he does. And that isn't good enough for you. now that tells me you are merely obsessed with trump.

You are confusing Corporate from Private. The Corporates pay taxes close to what it should minus a few slight of hands but the CEOs and CFOs don't since their reported income will be next to nothing. But they will be living like Kings.

Tell us more on how his presidential wage is a corporate earning.

How is he getting the income out of those corporations to 'live like a king' without paying tax? Are you saying that Trump is committing tax fraud, the IRS would be very interested.

Anyway I am glad that you revealed yourself to be what you are, at least it's now clear that you aren't interested in honest discussion but just making up completely false bullshit.

You sure can try and twist things to your favor. Well, cupcake, you didn't do a very good job on this one. Trump doesn't pay any taxes because he has NO personal income. Corporate Income goes to the Corporation and he isn't the CEO of the Corporation at this time. Oh, you can bet there is a fund being set aside for him when he leaves office that is more than a little fair but it's not counted as income for him until he claims it. Until he does, it belongs to the Corporation as liquid assets.

You are in way over your head on this one, cupcake.

And his presidential salary?

Let's just pretend it doesn't exist, because... moron.
Chances are, like many in his income bracket, he hasn't paid personal taxes in decades. Or he's paid between 12 and 18% like Romney and Obama has. Romney paid 12% when he declared his tax returns and Obama paid 18%. I pay a higher percentage than that myself as do MOST Americans. We had a multi millionaire run for Governor. When you presented his tax returns for the year before it showed that his taxable income was 12,000 bucks and he paid NO taxes on his income. Yet he owns 5 different Homes, has numerous cars, vacations all over the world and more. I worked for one of these characters as a Purchasing Agent and controlled the corporate money. I watched his whole life become a Corporate Tax Right off. Including his kids College Education, his kids living expenses, even the cars they drove. The home the guy lived in was considered Employee Housing. He later on filed for bankruptcy and dissolved the company. His kids kept the cars, the house was transferred to his wife and he kept over 3 million in liquid assets from the company. If this sounds illegal, it's not. It's immoral as hell but perfectly legal the way he pulled it off. All the workers knew, over 200 of them, was when they came to work at 6am Monday Morning the locks had been changed and an out of business sign was on the door. I was under about a 5lb NDA so I knew it was coming. I didn't bother to even show up that morning. I was so glad that I didn't have to work for a crook any longer.

The chances are you are wrong, just like you have been wrong in almost everything you have said so far.

Trump paid more taxes than Obama or MSNBC. There is no chance in hell he is not paying any taxes now. He also gave his presidential wage back to the people.

Do you take pride in always being wrong?

Prove it. Trump has a zero income right now. His Corporate Income doesnt' count against his personal income which is zero. You are right, he gives his Presidential pay back or donates it to charity. Every dime of it. He has no visible means of support. Why should he. The Taxpayer is picking up all his expenses including his gold outings and travel expenses. You have to have a minimum amount to actually pay taxes and he has a zero sum income. Just how wrong can you be on this one and just about everything else when it comes to your Orange Diety.

You said that he hasn't paid personal taxes in decades. That's just plain wrong. Further he doesn't have an income? WTF? He's the president we KNOW he has an income.

You are just full of shit on every single point you make. Maybe take a day off and cool down from the temper tantrum. You have crossed the line into the full retard territory.

Then prove it. Where are his tax returns? Not his corporate tax returns but his personal tax returns. I already know how the system works since I was an unwilling participant in it at one time. Did I pike a big ol stick in the eye of your big bad ol Orange Diety again and it made you angry? Good.

There are only two options here.

Either Trump is paying AT LEAST the tax on his presidential salary, or he is committing tax fraud. Your proposal is that he is committing tax fraud. Do you know how insane that sounds?

If he doesn't take the salary, they can't tax him on it. And he doesn't take the salary and has no corporate personal income at this time. He does have one hell of a big personal bank account though that taxes were paid on that amount sometime in the past. But he doesn't pay taxes if he uses it. Or he doesn't have a personal fat bank account because he doesn't need it since the Tax Payer picks up all his tabs at this time. Who knows. But he doesn't pay any tax on the Presidential pay because he doesn't accept it.
So do multi level fences and they actually work a bit better. Plus, the multi layered fencing is a fraction of the cost of what Trump proposes. But, hey, it works well for the Israelis. Maybe you should learn from them.

I think the engineers working there are quite adequate at determining what kind of wall is the most effective. Why are you constantly trying to play one?

The only place Trump is having a wall installed is in San Diego and it's actually a replacement for the inner multi layered Security Border Fence. Funny, he hasn't actually had a single inch of new wall built even though it's been allocated to his budget for the last 2 years. What's even funnier is that the fencing he's replacing isn't in that bad a shape but it's right across from one of the Richy Rich neighborhoods in Mexico. You know a place there is hardly any border crossing attempts because that Richy Rich Mexican Neighborhood has a high degree of Police and private security because these folks are as rich as Trump. Yet, just down the road is an area that also has one of these multi layered fences and it's being cut to ribbons so the illegals can go 10 feet inside the wall and hide under trucks. But it's not right across from any rich peoples homes.

Actually, there are some areas that got walls while most got the multi layered fencing. Sounds to me that it's YOU and your Orange Buddy that are trying to override the Engineers. But as usual, you always blame your bad habits on someone else so maybe we won't notice that you have a bad habit. Hate to break it to you, cupcake, we noticed.

I gave a link to San Diego and San Antonio. What do you want, me to give you a link to the whole 3000 miles of the border? Get real, dipstick.

3000 miles? WTF, any shred of credibility is sinking fast.
Fact is.....the total US border, North and South combined, comes to just over 3900 miles give or take.
The chances are you are wrong, just like you have been wrong in almost everything you have said so far.

Trump paid more taxes than Obama or MSNBC. There is no chance in hell he is not paying any taxes now. He also gave his presidential wage back to the people.

Do you take pride in always being wrong?

Prove it. Trump has a zero income right now. His Corporate Income doesnt' count against his personal income which is zero. You are right, he gives his Presidential pay back or donates it to charity. Every dime of it. He has no visible means of support. Why should he. The Taxpayer is picking up all his expenses including his gold outings and travel expenses. You have to have a minimum amount to actually pay taxes and he has a zero sum income. Just how wrong can you be on this one and just about everything else when it comes to your Orange Diety.

You said that he hasn't paid personal taxes in decades. That's just plain wrong. Further he doesn't have an income? WTF? He's the president we KNOW he has an income.

You are just full of shit on every single point you make. Maybe take a day off and cool down from the temper tantrum. You have crossed the line into the full retard territory.

Then prove it. Where are his tax returns? Not his corporate tax returns but his personal tax returns. I already know how the system works since I was an unwilling participant in it at one time. Did I pike a big ol stick in the eye of your big bad ol Orange Diety again and it made you angry? Good.

There are only two options here.

Either Trump is paying AT LEAST the tax on his presidential salary, or he is committing tax fraud. Your proposal is that he is committing tax fraud. Do you know how insane that sounds?

If he doesn't take the salary, they can't tax him on it. And he doesn't take the salary and has no corporate personal income at this time. He does have one hell of a big personal bank account though that taxes were paid on that amount sometime in the past. But he doesn't pay taxes if he uses it. Or he doesn't have a personal fat bank account because he doesn't need it since the Tax Payer picks up all his tabs at this time. Who knows. But he doesn't pay any tax on the Presidential pay because he doesn't accept it.

Where the hell did you get the idea that he isn't taking the salary?
Prove it. Trump has a zero income right now. His Corporate Income doesnt' count against his personal income which is zero. You are right, he gives his Presidential pay back or donates it to charity. Every dime of it. He has no visible means of support. Why should he. The Taxpayer is picking up all his expenses including his gold outings and travel expenses. You have to have a minimum amount to actually pay taxes and he has a zero sum income. Just how wrong can you be on this one and just about everything else when it comes to your Orange Diety.
the government does that for every elected official and security. not sure where you were going here.

What do you pay in capital gains taxes? Trump probably pays most all of his taxes right there after subtracting out all the losses. They do get a salary from their business. Trump terminated his as president. you should stop trying obsessively to say he doesn't pay any taxes when he follows the laws that are written. and you can't nor will you ever prove he doesn't. The IRS already said he does. And that isn't good enough for you. now that tells me you are merely obsessed with trump.

You are confusing Corporate from Private. The Corporates pay taxes close to what it should minus a few slight of hands but the CEOs and CFOs don't since their reported income will be next to nothing. But they will be living like Kings.

Tell us more on how his presidential wage is a corporate earning.

How is he getting the income out of those corporations to 'live like a king' without paying tax? Are you saying that Trump is committing tax fraud, the IRS would be very interested.

Anyway I am glad that you revealed yourself to be what you are, at least it's now clear that you aren't interested in honest discussion but just making up completely false bullshit.

You sure can try and twist things to your favor. Well, cupcake, you didn't do a very good job on this one. Trump doesn't pay any taxes because he has NO personal income. Corporate Income goes to the Corporation and he isn't the CEO of the Corporation at this time. Oh, you can bet there is a fund being set aside for him when he leaves office that is more than a little fair but it's not counted as income for him until he claims it. Until he does, it belongs to the Corporation as liquid assets.

You are in way over your head on this one, cupcake.
dude, a CEO taking a salary is a personal salary. It is not a corporate one. it is really you who doesn't have the clue. you should probably find another topic now, you've been pwned for quite some time in here.

Cupcake, when the CEO's whole life is a corporate writeoff and he takes 12K a year in salary he pays taxes on 12K. It's common practice. You just aren't rich enough to benefit from it.
We voted for additional Border Security. We say Border Security, you read Wall. No, it's Border Security and the wall in strategic places along with many other things that make up Border Security. China tried the wall routine but the Mongols found a way past that. They just went around it. The Great Wall of China's only real claim to fame, other than the millions that died building it, is that of a Tourist attraction.

No, we voted for the wall. You must have missed the "BUILD THAT WALL" part.

You missed that part about Mexico paying for it.
Why do you fucking morons ignore the biggest part of that lie?
Brain dead.

Mexico will pay for a part. We must have our part first.

Show me the money, fuckhead.

Patience, patience... we can simply cut the benefits to them and that way they will pay for us. There is no problem, they will pay. Relax now... it's only 5 billion, less than 1% of the budget. You have never cared about such sums before.

Stop making excuses for the scumbag con man you voted for, you stupid dupe.

the government does that for every elected official and security. not sure where you were going here.

What do you pay in capital gains taxes? Trump probably pays most all of his taxes right there after subtracting out all the losses. They do get a salary from their business. Trump terminated his as president. you should stop trying obsessively to say he doesn't pay any taxes when he follows the laws that are written. and you can't nor will you ever prove he doesn't. The IRS already said he does. And that isn't good enough for you. now that tells me you are merely obsessed with trump.

You are confusing Corporate from Private. The Corporates pay taxes close to what it should minus a few slight of hands but the CEOs and CFOs don't since their reported income will be next to nothing. But they will be living like Kings.

Tell us more on how his presidential wage is a corporate earning.

How is he getting the income out of those corporations to 'live like a king' without paying tax? Are you saying that Trump is committing tax fraud, the IRS would be very interested.

Anyway I am glad that you revealed yourself to be what you are, at least it's now clear that you aren't interested in honest discussion but just making up completely false bullshit.

You sure can try and twist things to your favor. Well, cupcake, you didn't do a very good job on this one. Trump doesn't pay any taxes because he has NO personal income. Corporate Income goes to the Corporation and he isn't the CEO of the Corporation at this time. Oh, you can bet there is a fund being set aside for him when he leaves office that is more than a little fair but it's not counted as income for him until he claims it. Until he does, it belongs to the Corporation as liquid assets.

You are in way over your head on this one, cupcake.
dude, a CEO taking a salary is a personal salary. It is not a corporate one. it is really you who doesn't have the clue. you should probably find another topic now, you've been pwned for quite some time in here.

Cupcake, when the CEO's whole life is a corporate writeoff and he takes 12K a year in salary he pays taxes on 12K. It's common practice. You just aren't rich enough to benefit from it.

Yeah then you only pay an enormous dividend tax. Seems like you have trouble understanding that. Also, then the income is taxed twice since it's also taxed as corporate gains.
I think the engineers working there are quite adequate at determining what kind of wall is the most effective. Why are you constantly trying to play one?

The only place Trump is having a wall installed is in San Diego and it's actually a replacement for the inner multi layered Security Border Fence. Funny, he hasn't actually had a single inch of new wall built even though it's been allocated to his budget for the last 2 years. What's even funnier is that the fencing he's replacing isn't in that bad a shape but it's right across from one of the Richy Rich neighborhoods in Mexico. You know a place there is hardly any border crossing attempts because that Richy Rich Mexican Neighborhood has a high degree of Police and private security because these folks are as rich as Trump. Yet, just down the road is an area that also has one of these multi layered fences and it's being cut to ribbons so the illegals can go 10 feet inside the wall and hide under trucks. But it's not right across from any rich peoples homes.

Actually, there are some areas that got walls while most got the multi layered fencing. Sounds to me that it's YOU and your Orange Buddy that are trying to override the Engineers. But as usual, you always blame your bad habits on someone else so maybe we won't notice that you have a bad habit. Hate to break it to you, cupcake, we noticed.

I gave a link to San Diego and San Antonio. What do you want, me to give you a link to the whole 3000 miles of the border? Get real, dipstick.

3000 miles? WTF, any shred of credibility is sinking fast.
Fact is.....the total US border, North and South combined, comes to just over 3900 miles give or take.

Um, border with Mexico is about 2000 miles, Canada is about 5500 miles.
the government does that for every elected official and security. not sure where you were going here.

What do you pay in capital gains taxes? Trump probably pays most all of his taxes right there after subtracting out all the losses. They do get a salary from their business. Trump terminated his as president. you should stop trying obsessively to say he doesn't pay any taxes when he follows the laws that are written. and you can't nor will you ever prove he doesn't. The IRS already said he does. And that isn't good enough for you. now that tells me you are merely obsessed with trump.

You are confusing Corporate from Private. The Corporates pay taxes close to what it should minus a few slight of hands but the CEOs and CFOs don't since their reported income will be next to nothing. But they will be living like Kings.

Tell us more on how his presidential wage is a corporate earning.

How is he getting the income out of those corporations to 'live like a king' without paying tax? Are you saying that Trump is committing tax fraud, the IRS would be very interested.

Anyway I am glad that you revealed yourself to be what you are, at least it's now clear that you aren't interested in honest discussion but just making up completely false bullshit.

You sure can try and twist things to your favor. Well, cupcake, you didn't do a very good job on this one. Trump doesn't pay any taxes because he has NO personal income. Corporate Income goes to the Corporation and he isn't the CEO of the Corporation at this time. Oh, you can bet there is a fund being set aside for him when he leaves office that is more than a little fair but it's not counted as income for him until he claims it. Until he does, it belongs to the Corporation as liquid assets.

You are in way over your head on this one, cupcake.
dude, a CEO taking a salary is a personal salary. It is not a corporate one. it is really you who doesn't have the clue. you should probably find another topic now, you've been pwned for quite some time in here.

Cupcake, when the CEO's whole life is a corporate writeoff and he takes 12K a year in salary he pays taxes on 12K. It's common practice. You just aren't rich enough to benefit from it.
dude, you are bouncing around like ricochet rabbit right now. you have no clue to what you're even trying to say. CEO's receive stock options and salary, and no, they don't make 12K a year. dude, you have no clue as I've continuously stated. get another career, you suck at USMB posting.
I think the engineers working there are quite adequate at determining what kind of wall is the most effective. Why are you constantly trying to play one?

The only place Trump is having a wall installed is in San Diego and it's actually a replacement for the inner multi layered Security Border Fence. Funny, he hasn't actually had a single inch of new wall built even though it's been allocated to his budget for the last 2 years. What's even funnier is that the fencing he's replacing isn't in that bad a shape but it's right across from one of the Richy Rich neighborhoods in Mexico. You know a place there is hardly any border crossing attempts because that Richy Rich Mexican Neighborhood has a high degree of Police and private security because these folks are as rich as Trump. Yet, just down the road is an area that also has one of these multi layered fences and it's being cut to ribbons so the illegals can go 10 feet inside the wall and hide under trucks. But it's not right across from any rich peoples homes.

Actually, there are some areas that got walls while most got the multi layered fencing. Sounds to me that it's YOU and your Orange Buddy that are trying to override the Engineers. But as usual, you always blame your bad habits on someone else so maybe we won't notice that you have a bad habit. Hate to break it to you, cupcake, we noticed.

I gave a link to San Diego and San Antonio. What do you want, me to give you a link to the whole 3000 miles of the border? Get real, dipstick.

3000 miles? WTF, any shred of credibility is sinking fast.
Fact is.....the total US border, North and South combined, comes to just over 3900 miles give or take.

My figures have been a bit off. I accepted another persons figures as fact. The total Mexico.US border is 1,954 miles. With over 700 miles of Security Border Wall/Fencing done, subtracting about 500 miles that it's virtually impossible to put even listening posts in much less walls or fencing that means there is still just over 700 miles left to do. That means that from 2008 to 2016, or 8 years, half of the real border security has already been done just by what has been allocated by the 2006 border security law. That's almost 90 miles a year. That is until 2017 and it came to an abrupt stop not because the money wasn't allocated. I have no idea where the money went but there has been 1.3 billion allocated for each year just for the Border Security until the year 2019.
The only place Trump is having a wall installed is in San Diego and it's actually a replacement for the inner multi layered Security Border Fence. Funny, he hasn't actually had a single inch of new wall built even though it's been allocated to his budget for the last 2 years. What's even funnier is that the fencing he's replacing isn't in that bad a shape but it's right across from one of the Richy Rich neighborhoods in Mexico. You know a place there is hardly any border crossing attempts because that Richy Rich Mexican Neighborhood has a high degree of Police and private security because these folks are as rich as Trump. Yet, just down the road is an area that also has one of these multi layered fences and it's being cut to ribbons so the illegals can go 10 feet inside the wall and hide under trucks. But it's not right across from any rich peoples homes.

Actually, there are some areas that got walls while most got the multi layered fencing. Sounds to me that it's YOU and your Orange Buddy that are trying to override the Engineers. But as usual, you always blame your bad habits on someone else so maybe we won't notice that you have a bad habit. Hate to break it to you, cupcake, we noticed.

I gave a link to San Diego and San Antonio. What do you want, me to give you a link to the whole 3000 miles of the border? Get real, dipstick.

3000 miles? WTF, any shred of credibility is sinking fast.
Fact is.....the total US border, North and South combined, comes to just over 3900 miles give or take.

My figures have been a bit off. I accepted another persons figures as fact. The total Mexico.US border is 1,954 miles. With over 700 miles of Security Border Wall/Fencing done, subtracting about 500 miles that it's virtually impossible to put even listening posts in much less walls or fencing that means there is still just over 700 miles left to do. That means that from 2008 to 2016, or 8 years, half of the real border security has already been done just by what has been allocated by the 2006 border security law. That's almost 90 miles a year. That is until 2017 and it came to an abrupt stop not because the money wasn't allocated. I have no idea where the money went but there has been 1.3 billion allocated for each year just for the Border Security until the year 2019.
and what?
You are confusing Corporate from Private. The Corporates pay taxes close to what it should minus a few slight of hands but the CEOs and CFOs don't since their reported income will be next to nothing. But they will be living like Kings.

Tell us more on how his presidential wage is a corporate earning.

How is he getting the income out of those corporations to 'live like a king' without paying tax? Are you saying that Trump is committing tax fraud, the IRS would be very interested.

Anyway I am glad that you revealed yourself to be what you are, at least it's now clear that you aren't interested in honest discussion but just making up completely false bullshit.

You sure can try and twist things to your favor. Well, cupcake, you didn't do a very good job on this one. Trump doesn't pay any taxes because he has NO personal income. Corporate Income goes to the Corporation and he isn't the CEO of the Corporation at this time. Oh, you can bet there is a fund being set aside for him when he leaves office that is more than a little fair but it's not counted as income for him until he claims it. Until he does, it belongs to the Corporation as liquid assets.

You are in way over your head on this one, cupcake.
dude, a CEO taking a salary is a personal salary. It is not a corporate one. it is really you who doesn't have the clue. you should probably find another topic now, you've been pwned for quite some time in here.

Cupcake, when the CEO's whole life is a corporate writeoff and he takes 12K a year in salary he pays taxes on 12K. It's common practice. You just aren't rich enough to benefit from it.
dude, you are bouncing around like ricochet rabbit right now. you have no clue to what you're even trying to say. CEO's receive stock options and salary, and no, they don't make 12K a year. dude, you have no clue as I've continuously stated. get another career, you suck at USMB posting.

Yer so smart. Your catch phrase of "Will that be with or without Fries" makes sense. I'm done with you. Have a nice day.
QUOTE="Daryl Hunt, post: 21580831, member: 51974"]
Tell us more on how his presidential wage is a corporate earning.

How is he getting the income out of those corporations to 'live like a king' without paying tax? Are you saying that Trump is committing tax fraud, the IRS would be very interested.

Anyway I am glad that you revealed yourself to be what you are, at least it's now clear that you aren't interested in honest discussion but just making up completely false bullshit.

You sure can try and twist things to your favor. Well, cupcake, you didn't do a very good job on this one. Trump doesn't pay any taxes because he has NO personal income. Corporate Income goes to the Corporation and he isn't the CEO of the Corporation at this time. Oh, you can bet there is a fund being set aside for him when he leaves office that is more than a little fair but it's not counted as income for him until he claims it. Until he does, it belongs to the Corporation as liquid assets.

You are in way over your head on this one, cupcake.
dude, a CEO taking a salary is a personal salary. It is not a corporate one. it is really you who doesn't have the clue. you should probably find another topic now, you've been pwned for quite some time in here.

Cupcake, when the CEO's whole life is a corporate writeoff and he takes 12K a year in salary he pays taxes on 12K. It's common practice. You just aren't rich enough to benefit from it.
dude, you are bouncing around like ricochet rabbit right now. you have no clue to what you're even trying to say. CEO's receive stock options and salary, and no, they don't make 12K a year. dude, you have no clue as I've continuously stated. get another career, you suck at USMB posting.

Yer so smart. Your catch phrase of "Will that be with or without Fries" makes sense. I'm done with you. Have a nice day.[/QUOTE]

dude, you were the one marching with your chest out pounding it in here. the fact is you have no idea what tax laws are. You are but a parrot for the MSM and the dems. you just admitted such to me with this concession.
The only place Trump is having a wall installed is in San Diego and it's actually a replacement for the inner multi layered Security Border Fence. Funny, he hasn't actually had a single inch of new wall built even though it's been allocated to his budget for the last 2 years. What's even funnier is that the fencing he's replacing isn't in that bad a shape but it's right across from one of the Richy Rich neighborhoods in Mexico. You know a place there is hardly any border crossing attempts because that Richy Rich Mexican Neighborhood has a high degree of Police and private security because these folks are as rich as Trump. Yet, just down the road is an area that also has one of these multi layered fences and it's being cut to ribbons so the illegals can go 10 feet inside the wall and hide under trucks. But it's not right across from any rich peoples homes.

Actually, there are some areas that got walls while most got the multi layered fencing. Sounds to me that it's YOU and your Orange Buddy that are trying to override the Engineers. But as usual, you always blame your bad habits on someone else so maybe we won't notice that you have a bad habit. Hate to break it to you, cupcake, we noticed.

I gave a link to San Diego and San Antonio. What do you want, me to give you a link to the whole 3000 miles of the border? Get real, dipstick.

3000 miles? WTF, any shred of credibility is sinking fast.
Fact is.....the total US border, North and South combined, comes to just over 3900 miles give or take.

My figures have been a bit off. I accepted another persons figures as fact. The total Mexico.US border is 1,954 miles. With over 700 miles of Security Border Wall/Fencing done, subtracting about 500 miles that it's virtually impossible to put even listening posts in much less walls or fencing that means there is still just over 700 miles left to do. That means that from 2008 to 2016, or 8 years, half of the real border security has already been done just by what has been allocated by the 2006 border security law. That's almost 90 miles a year. That is until 2017 and it came to an abrupt stop not because the money wasn't allocated. I have no idea where the money went but there has been 1.3 billion allocated for each year just for the Border Security until the year 2019.

Yup, that's what happens when you get info from FakeBook, CNN and/or MSNBC.

I gave a link to San Diego and San Antonio. What do you want, me to give you a link to the whole 3000 miles of the border? Get real, dipstick.

3000 miles? WTF, any shred of credibility is sinking fast.
Fact is.....the total US border, North and South combined, comes to just over 3900 miles give or take.

My figures have been a bit off. I accepted another persons figures as fact. The total Mexico.US border is 1,954 miles. With over 700 miles of Security Border Wall/Fencing done, subtracting about 500 miles that it's virtually impossible to put even listening posts in much less walls or fencing that means there is still just over 700 miles left to do. That means that from 2008 to 2016, or 8 years, half of the real border security has already been done just by what has been allocated by the 2006 border security law. That's almost 90 miles a year. That is until 2017 and it came to an abrupt stop not because the money wasn't allocated. I have no idea where the money went but there has been 1.3 billion allocated for each year just for the Border Security until the year 2019.

Yup, that's what happens when you get info from FakeBook, CNN and/or MSNBC.

If I take the figures already spent and don't add inflation to them, that's about 10 billion to finish the last 700 miles using the same wall and fencing. If I make it a bit taller (which won't really matter that much) then I might double that amount. So we are looking at 20 billion to finish the part that is doable.

Now, about that last 500 miles. It's some of the roughest and rugged terrrain on the face of the Earth. And yes, some do come up through there. There are no roads to transport the walls or fencing into those areas. And the Border Patrol doesn't patrol it because they can't really access it except by air and even then, there are enough overgrowths to hide an army. It's not all Mountainous but it's also made up of deep canyons of pristine undeveloped land that is worth more to the diamond backs than to any living person. That area is made up of Mountains and Plateaus with no roads for access. If they were to build a wall through there it would disturb a lot of migratory wildlife. As it is, they try and put saw horse type markers to denote the border that they bring in on horseback. But that was done years ago. That just very well might run the cost up from 20 billion to well over 55 billion to get anything substantial into that area but it's going to not be healthy for the wildlife.

I gave a link to San Diego and San Antonio. What do you want, me to give you a link to the whole 3000 miles of the border? Get real, dipstick.

3000 miles? WTF, any shred of credibility is sinking fast.
Fact is.....the total US border, North and South combined, comes to just over 3900 miles give or take.

My figures have been a bit off. I accepted another persons figures as fact. The total Mexico.US border is 1,954 miles. With over 700 miles of Security Border Wall/Fencing done, subtracting about 500 miles that it's virtually impossible to put even listening posts in much less walls or fencing that means there is still just over 700 miles left to do. That means that from 2008 to 2016, or 8 years, half of the real border security has already been done just by what has been allocated by the 2006 border security law. That's almost 90 miles a year. That is until 2017 and it came to an abrupt stop not because the money wasn't allocated. I have no idea where the money went but there has been 1.3 billion allocated for each year just for the Border Security until the year 2019.

Yup, that's what happens when you get info from FakeBook, CNN and/or MSNBC.

If I take the figures already spent and don't add inflation to them, that's about 10 billion to finish the last 700 miles using the same wall and fencing. If I make it a bit taller (which won't really matter that much) then I might double that amount. So we are looking at 20 billion to finish the part that is doable.

Now, about that last 500 miles. It's some of the roughest and rugged terrrain on the face of the Earth. And yes, some do come up through there. There are no roads to transport the walls or fencing into those areas. And the Border Patrol doesn't patrol it because they can't really access it except by air and even then, there are enough overgrowths to hide an army. It's not all Mountainous but it's also made up of deep canyons of pristine undeveloped land that is worth more to the diamond backs than to any living person. That area is made up of Mountains and Plateaus with no roads for access. If they were to build a wall through there it would disturb a lot of migratory wildlife. As it is, they try and put saw horse type markers to denote the border that they bring in on horseback. But that was done years ago. That just very well might run the cost up from 20 billion to well over 55 billion to get anything substantial into that area but it's going to not be healthy for the wildlife.


This is why you didn't get the job to plan how to build the wall using minimum resources. The previous discussion demonstrated why you didn't get the job as the tax accountant either. Still plenty of jobs open in the roaring Trump economy so no problem.
I gave a link to San Diego and San Antonio. What do you want, me to give you a link to the whole 3000 miles of the border? Get real, dipstick.

3000 miles? WTF, any shred of credibility is sinking fast.
Fact is.....the total US border, North and South combined, comes to just over 3900 miles give or take.

My figures have been a bit off. I accepted another persons figures as fact. The total Mexico.US border is 1,954 miles. With over 700 miles of Security Border Wall/Fencing done, subtracting about 500 miles that it's virtually impossible to put even listening posts in much less walls or fencing that means there is still just over 700 miles left to do. That means that from 2008 to 2016, or 8 years, half of the real border security has already been done just by what has been allocated by the 2006 border security law. That's almost 90 miles a year. That is until 2017 and it came to an abrupt stop not because the money wasn't allocated. I have no idea where the money went but there has been 1.3 billion allocated for each year just for the Border Security until the year 2019.

Yup, that's what happens when you get info from FakeBook, CNN and/or MSNBC.

If I take the figures already spent and don't add inflation to them, that's about 10 billion to finish the last 700 miles using the same wall and fencing. If I make it a bit taller (which won't really matter that much) then I might double that amount. So we are looking at 20 billion to finish the part that is doable.

Now, about that last 500 miles. It's some of the roughest and rugged terrrain on the face of the Earth. And yes, some do come up through there. There are no roads to transport the walls or fencing into those areas. And the Border Patrol doesn't patrol it because they can't really access it except by air and even then, there are enough overgrowths to hide an army. It's not all Mountainous but it's also made up of deep canyons of pristine undeveloped land that is worth more to the diamond backs than to any living person. That area is made up of Mountains and Plateaus with no roads for access. If they were to build a wall through there it would disturb a lot of migratory wildlife. As it is, they try and put saw horse type markers to denote the border that they bring in on horseback. But that was done years ago. That just very well might run the cost up from 20 billion to well over 55 billion to get anything substantial into that area but it's going to not be healthy for the wildlife.

did you know that murder is against the law? we shouldn't need cops right, cause it's against the law to murder someone? Why do we need to spend money on cops? please explain that and what the difference is between the wall and the cops.
The left is lying about this issue. The can't defend their position, they have no answer for all the dead Americans, so they just deny that there is a problem and lie.

Bad News for you. That scare tactic has just about worn out it's welcome. In fact, many are trying to get Romney to run in 2020 if Biden decides to run. For the first time in a couple of decades, two people running that will makes us all actually pay attention to what they are saying and finally have to vote for the best person not the least evil of the two.

Who is the other person besides Trump?

Sorry, but I won't say the name that should not be uttered anymore. You can if you wish but not me. Suffice to say, we had the choice between Lucifer and the Devil and settle for the Devil hoping that he was better than we thought. We were wrong. He's worse.
Nope. He's far better. What's your objection, your taxes are too low?

Chances are, like many in his income bracket, he hasn't paid personal taxes in decades. Or he's paid between 12 and 18% like Romney and Obama has. Romney paid 12% when he declared his tax returns and Obama paid 18%. I pay a higher percentage than that myself as do MOST Americans. We had a multi millionaire run for Governor. When you presented his tax returns for the year before it showed that his taxable income was 12,000 bucks and he paid NO taxes on his income. Yet he owns 5 different Homes, has numerous cars, vacations all over the world and more. I worked for one of these characters as a Purchasing Agent and controlled the corporate money. I watched his whole life become a Corporate Tax Right off. Including his kids College Education, his kids living expenses, even the cars they drove. The home the guy lived in was considered Employee Housing. He later on filed for bankruptcy and dissolved the company. His kids kept the cars, the house was transferred to his wife and he kept over 3 million in liquid assets from the company. If this sounds illegal, it's not. It's immoral as hell but perfectly legal the way he pulled it off. All the workers knew, over 200 of them, was when they came to work at 6am Monday Morning the locks had been changed and an out of business sign was on the door. I was under about a 5lb NDA so I knew it was coming. I didn't bother to even show up that morning. I was so glad that I didn't have to work for a crook any longer.
Why do you imagine anyone cares about all your blubbering over Trump's taxes? I asked you if your taxes are too low. It's a simple question.
3000 miles? WTF, any shred of credibility is sinking fast.
Fact is.....the total US border, North and South combined, comes to just over 3900 miles give or take.

My figures have been a bit off. I accepted another persons figures as fact. The total Mexico.US border is 1,954 miles. With over 700 miles of Security Border Wall/Fencing done, subtracting about 500 miles that it's virtually impossible to put even listening posts in much less walls or fencing that means there is still just over 700 miles left to do. That means that from 2008 to 2016, or 8 years, half of the real border security has already been done just by what has been allocated by the 2006 border security law. That's almost 90 miles a year. That is until 2017 and it came to an abrupt stop not because the money wasn't allocated. I have no idea where the money went but there has been 1.3 billion allocated for each year just for the Border Security until the year 2019.

Yup, that's what happens when you get info from FakeBook, CNN and/or MSNBC.

If I take the figures already spent and don't add inflation to them, that's about 10 billion to finish the last 700 miles using the same wall and fencing. If I make it a bit taller (which won't really matter that much) then I might double that amount. So we are looking at 20 billion to finish the part that is doable.

Now, about that last 500 miles. It's some of the roughest and rugged terrrain on the face of the Earth. And yes, some do come up through there. There are no roads to transport the walls or fencing into those areas. And the Border Patrol doesn't patrol it because they can't really access it except by air and even then, there are enough overgrowths to hide an army. It's not all Mountainous but it's also made up of deep canyons of pristine undeveloped land that is worth more to the diamond backs than to any living person. That area is made up of Mountains and Plateaus with no roads for access. If they were to build a wall through there it would disturb a lot of migratory wildlife. As it is, they try and put saw horse type markers to denote the border that they bring in on horseback. But that was done years ago. That just very well might run the cost up from 20 billion to well over 55 billion to get anything substantial into that area but it's going to not be healthy for the wildlife.

did you know that murder is against the law? we shouldn't need cops right, cause it's against the law to murder someone? Why do we need to spend money on cops? please explain that and what the difference is between the wall and the cops.

In case you had not read any history, I have to point out that cops do nothing to prevent or reduce murders.
Likely we do not need to spend money on cops.
Cops are a relatively new concept, only existing in any amount after around 1900 or so, and really did not improve anything at all.
Likely cops only make society worse, by costing us a lot, and raising revenue with things like parking tickets, which help no one.
Likely cops have greatly increased murders, not only by shooting people, but things like the war on drugs, which greatly increased violence over the profits from drugs not being able to be put into banks.

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