Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

I will be back on-line later. Going to the grocery store. Will be carrying as well.
No, they don't. The district had 'roaming' resource officers. That was it.

And given that math is difficult for you, I said we should arm multiple teachers, 'select' teachers. Arm and outfit them. Metal detectors at each door of the school.
Yeah and you said more concealed carry would lower crime. It hasn't, it's up. Gun control is more effective and a lot cheaper. Oh and the world is full of countries where it is working.
No one wants to take away all guns. I am a gun owner. I have multiple guns. I use them for hunting and sighting. The problem is guns should NEVER be in the hands of the mentally impaired or those intent on evil. The US has to have a deep discussion about meaningful efforts to prohibit guns from ending up in the hands of these people.

There has got to be a solution that balances the rights of us who own guns and use them properly and those who use guns to hurt and kill. The extremes on either side of this issue are killing any solution that may be there.

Politicizing mass killings has got to stop. We all need to sit down and try to come up with a position that is fair to both sides. For the sake of the kids, we really need to try!
“I implore – beg – my Republican colleagues to join Democrats in finally making changes to our gun laws to help prevent Americans from re-living this gun tragedy far too often. We cannot continue to sit on our hands and allow innocent lives to be lost,” Durbin says

Democrats should change their stances on abortion before lecturing anyone on the innocence of life.
It’s got nothing to do with Biden.

It’s Congress’ responsibility to enact measures to address such issues – but that’s not happening because of Republican obstructionism and lies; measures that can be enacted having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms.

Are democrats in charge of congress?!?
“I implore – beg – my Republican colleagues to join Democrats in finally making changes to our gun laws to help prevent Americans from re-living this gun tragedy far too often. We cannot continue to sit on our hands and allow innocent lives to be lost,” Durbin says
Should we pass national laws as stringent as those in the state of NY?

Will that stop mass shootings?
If that were true then why wasn't there a serial school shooting every day in the 1950s?

Because the left wingers' culture war wasn't lost yet at that time; now we have psycho sociopath nutjobs running schools and libertoons are taken seriously as advocates for deviants and pedo groomers are promoted as 'Oppressed Victims'.
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And that’s why we should do nothing and just let this keep happening.
So what do you suggest we do? As has pointed out repeatedly, there are literally thousands of gun laws out there. The left keeps focusing on the gun, but not the root cause behind why these shooters, mostly young males, are doing this in the first place. That's what needs to be remedied.
Oh. Something??

Do tell.
If I had cared about the kids, I would have passed legislation allowing for the training, arming, and outfitting of select teachers throughout each school in my state to prevent such an atrocity.

But you? More gun control.
You're too busy feigning outrage to care about people suggesting meaningful action to tragedies like this.

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