Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

None of the current gun laws on the books in the US stopped this guy.

They are as worthless as the 'thoughts and prayers' you so easily deride.
So you want to do absolutely nothing about it. You know, like I fucking said. Good, we established that.

Thoughts and prayers.
If you cared about the kids you'd have stopped hiding behind your guns and done something. This doesn't happen in countries with strong gun control...
If I had cared about the kids, I would have passed legislation allowing for the training, arming, and outfitting of select teachers throughout each school in my state to prevent such an atrocity.

But you? More gun control.
“I implore – beg – my Republican colleagues to join Democrats in finally making changes to our gun laws to help prevent Americans from re-living this gun tragedy far too often. We cannot continue to sit on our hands and allow innocent lives to be lost,” Durbin says
Nineteen year old Salvador Romas, murder suspect, ditches his car and goes into school and starts shooting. 14 dead children and one teacher. If this guy was an illegal the media will blame it on White supremacy and guns naturally.
BREAKING: Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy drops to his knees on the floor of the Senate and says that he is "literally" on his "hands and knees" to beg his Republican colleagues to pass laws that make the Texas elementary school shooting less likely.

How many more horrors like this is going to occur before we actually start addressing what the real problem is???

And the problem is not guns. When I was in high school in the late 70s - early 80s.. laws and regulations were less than now. As I have repeatedly stated - KIDS BROUGHT GUNS TO SCHOOL BACK THEN.
Before it was outlawed, people use to have gun racks in their pick up trucks. As did teens in high school.
Hanging right in their truck. Probably had ammo in the glove box too.
Yet no one used those SUPER easy access to rifles and shotguns to shoot anyone.

We need to find out what societal breakdown is making kids do this. THEY ALWAYS HAD ACCESS TO GUNS IN THE PAST... ONLY IN THE LAST 10-20 YEARS HAS ALL THIS RAMPED UP...

If I had cared about the kids, I would have passed legislation allowing for the training, arming, and outfitting of select teachers throughout each school in my state to prevent such an atrocity.

But you? More gun control.
This is Texas, I believe they have that. But lots of people are always dead before they can be stopped. I believe this guy shot 2 cops, and you think a teacher was going to stop him?
This happened for one reason. The right wing gun culture of death.
If that were true then why wasn't there a serial school shooting every day in the 1950s?

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But you keep on spinning loser.
How am I a loser? I still got my guns and I still got Trump. The only loser here are you Vegetable Joe supporters.

Oh and go look in the mirror so you have no doubt who the problem is in the country.
You're an idiot asshole. Every school shooting has been caused by progressive liberalism and your idiotic insistence of blaming guns because you're too stupid to realize it's a PEOPLE problem, all brought up on your failed liberal policies.

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