Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

Don't sweat it, Skewy. It was only 14 kids. You kill 14 kids every weekend in lawless Chicago run by one of your famous democrats. You abort 14 kids a second at planned Parenthood! Far more die every day from the Fenynl you allow into the country from Mexico. And even more die every second from starvation, drowning or rape trying to get here in through one of your wide open borders from south america with Veggie Joe waving them in.

So don't sit their trying to feign concern over children as if you really care.

This happened for one reason. The right wing gun culture of death.

But you keep on spinning loser. Oh and go look in the mirror so you have no doubt who the problem is in the country.

Fuck faces like you.
If you are attempting to politicize the senseless murder of 14 innocent children right now like the tweets by Dems i'm highlighting, you should probably stop. Pray for the families of the students and the community in Uvalde, Texas.
I’m a gun owner. Do not tell me our Founders conceived of this carnage when they wrote the Constitution. Do not tell me they would have tolerated this madness. Do not tell me that teachers must be armed. And do not tell me your AR15 is worth more than another 14 children’s lives.
If you are attempting to politicize the senseless murder of 14 innocent children right now like the tweets by Dems i'm highlighting, you should probably stop. Pray for the families of the students and the community in Uvalde, Texas.
ah thoughts and prayers are sure working. Good point...

His name is Salvador Ramos. He was 18 and is a U.S. Citizen. He killed his grandmother before killing people at the school. I wonder if the media will label him "a white Hispanic" like George Zimmerman?

I am truly sorry for the folks in Texas. I hope this asshole has a special place in hell.

Who's going to call him a White Supremacist first?




Updated schedule: Biden will deliver remarks on the Texas school shooting at 8:15pm, shortly after arriving back at the White House from his Asia trip

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