Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

Guns flow in this country like water, and that's why we have mass shooting after mass shooting and, you know, spare me the bullshit about mental illness. We don't have any more mental illness than any other country in the world
Updated schedule: Biden will deliver remarks on the Texas school shooting at 8:15pm, shortly after arriving back at the White House from his Asia trip
Of course....He's going to jump in this shit with both feet before the facts become known.
Salvador Ramos is a white guy KKK and he's and Ultra-MAGA.

They can always submit a change when they have a chance to circle back later.

How many more horrors like this is going to occur before we actually start addressing what the real problem is???

And the problem is not guns. When I was in high school in the late 70s - early 80s.. laws and regulations were less than now. As I have repeatedly stated - KIDS BROUGHT GUNS TO SCHOOL BACK THEN.
Before it was outlawed, people use to have gun racks in their pick up trucks. As did teens in high school.
Hanging right in their truck. Probably had ammo in the glove box too.
Yet no one used those SUPER easy access to shoot anyone.

We need to find out what societal breakdown is making kids do this. THEY ALWAYS HAD ACCESS TO GUNS ON THE PAST... ONLY IN THE LAST 10 YEARS HAS ALL THIS RAMPED UP...

and it's still not happening in countries with strong gun control.
We protect everything else with guns. our worthless politicians. WOrthless entertainers, banks, federal buildings, retired asshole politicians...but schools get no police protection...and if they are there, they're weaponless and cowards. It's almost like the left invites shooters into schools.
14 children are dead.

Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Supreme Court. Fuck the GOP.

(and do you ever hear me use that language????)
A number of a USMB sick fuck trying to prop this sick fuck up.
“He’s a citizen….don’t be racist…”
Gruesome pictures of the aftermath Valentine's Day massacre in 1929 sparked enough outrage for Congress to pass the National Firearms Act in 1934, which took machine guns effectively off the streets by registering & taxing them.
We protect everything else with guns. our worthless politicians. WOrthless entertainers, banks, federal buildings, retired asshole politicians...but schools get no police protection...and if they are there, they're weaponless and cowards. It's almost like the left invites shooters into schools.
Or we could have strong gun control like countries where these things very rarely happen.
You make it easy for killers to get guns for mass killing then when they kill lots of people seem surprised. Could you be more dumb? Litter the country with guns and you get lots of killing.
We have no idea how the Hispanic kid got the firearms. He could have stolen it.

The report is that he used a handgun. 18 year olds can't legally carry a handgun in Texas. So the Hispanic kid broke the existing law so what additional law that he would break would have prevented him?
“I implore – beg – my Republican colleagues to join Democrats in finally making changes to our gun laws to help prevent Americans from re-living this gun tragedy far too often. We cannot continue to sit on our hands and allow innocent lives to be lost,” Durbin says
Those laws are working quite well in Blue cities, aren't they?
Stop being stupid.
14 children are dead.

Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Supreme Court. Fuck the GOP.

(and do you ever hear me use that language????)
where is your rage for killing innocent children in their loving mothers womb?
Or your rage for black on black violence and murder?
This is Texas, I believe they have that. But lots of people are always dead before they can be stopped. I believe this guy shot 2 cops, and you think a teacher was going to stop him?

No, they don't. The district had 'roaming' resource officers. That was it.

And given that math is difficult for you, I said we should arm multiple teachers, 'select' teachers. Arm and outfit them. Metal detectors at each door of the school.

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