Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

This is a lie – nothing but lies from conservatives.

No one wants to ‘ban’ guns, ‘confiscate’ guns, or ‘repeal’ the Second Amendment.

There are plenty of people on the left who want exactly that. It is you who is the liar, but we all know that about you already and so do you.
So being a citizen makes him better? Shut your turd filled pie hole .
FOX news reported he was illegal alien fleeing from the border patrol. THAT WAS ANOTHER FOX LIE! I said he was a US citizen born in this country....Asswat.
So what do you suggest we do? As has pointed out repeatedly, there are literally thousands of gun laws out there. The left keeps focusing on the gun, but not the root cause behind why these shooters, mostly young males, are doing this in the first place. That's what needs to be remedied.
Ok so what are we doing to address the mental side of this?? Anything new?

I’m fine with tackling that side of this equation.
Ah you pretend to care about kids that never existed, but are ok with real kids with families getting gunned down in a horrible manner.

Ha. Those kids only exist when the woman chooses to birth them.

But please go on.

I spent 10 days in an abortion thread destroying arguments like yours, so yours would be all too easy to dismantle.
Nineteen year old Salvador Romas, murder suspect, ditches his car and goes into school and starts shooting. 14 dead children and one teacher. If this guy was an illegal the media will blame it on White supremacy and guns naturally.

Since it's a minority, the story will disappear by tomorrow.
Yeah and you said more concealed carry would lower crime. It hasn't, it's up. Gun control is more effective and a lot cheaper. Oh and the world is full of countries where it is working.

No thank you. I prefer not to live in a dictatorial socialist country. We all know why crime is up. Joe Biden, democrats, and all you mindless progressive idiots who want to defund the police while inviting in millions of undocumented illegals from lawless 3rd world countries.
Ok so what are we doing to address the mental side of this?? Anything new?

Nothing really and I would argue that's exactly the problem, not to mention the breakdown of the family unit that has gone on since the 70s, which I think partly contributes to that mental health side of it.
But in America it mostly happens in cities with strong gun control and gun-free zones.
Not this time. Texas is a constitutional carry state for anybody over 18 without a record. You can carry handgun or long guns, like the old old west down there. Heck, Wyatt Earp didn't even allow that, because too many people got shot.
It's a fact.
That you deflect... yes that is a fact.
Guns routinely on campus everyday.
Yet no school shootings.

Something is different in our society that is creating this scenario that didn't exist before.
And using tragedies like this to score political points is sickening. You would rather do that, than actually seek answers as to why this is happening.
A number of a USMB sick fuck trying to prop this sick fuck up.
“He’s a citizen….don’t be racist…”
The sick fucks aren’t trying to prop up the animal when they point out that he was an American citizen. Their defense always goes to the illegals, since they value their interests ahead of Americans, so they are quickly pointing out that it was one of America’s own citizens, to show “look how citizens do these things, not the illegals.”

It‘s the same way leftists are quick to point out when a white guy does something horrific.

All that said, May G-d rest their little souls, and that of the teacher, and grant strength to their grieving families.
FOX news reported he was illegal alien fleeing from the border patrol. THAT WAS ANOTHER FOX LIE! I said he was a US citizen born in this country....Asswat.
So his citizenry boosts him? You are still saying that shit for brains. In early heat of moment Fox got it wrong for 10 minutes. Stop trying to hang your feckless hat on Fox

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