Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

This is a lie ā€“ nothing but lies from conservatives.

No one wants to ā€˜banā€™ guns, ā€˜confiscateā€™ guns, or ā€˜repealā€™ the Second Amendment.

Lol!!! "No one"?
Give me a break dude, there are plenty of people who want to do just that!
Yeah they're certainly a small minority, but saying "no one" wants to ban guns is simply stupid!
Iā€™m a gun owner. Do not tell me our Founders conceived of this carnage when they wrote the Constitution. Do not tell me they would have tolerated this madness. Do not tell me that teachers must be armed. And do not tell me your AR15 is worth more than another 14 childrenā€™s lives.
Do not tell me that my Constitutional Liberty should be taken away because crazy people do crazy things.
It is being reported, the kids were 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders.

Yes....but this is incomprehensible to me. Like hospitals reporting they have sick people there.

In short--yes. 2nd-4th grade is generally 7-10 years old. It's elementary...???
So what do you suggest we do? As has pointed out repeatedly, there are literally thousands of gun laws out there. The left keeps focusing on the gun, but not the root cause behind why these shooters, mostly young males, are doing this in the first place. That's what needs to be remedied.

Funny that no one ever asks any of these kids why they did it?!

Probably because not one of them would ever say "because a gun was there," instead, most of them would probably say they did it because of the insane bullshit they go through in government-run public schools, fucked up leftwing teachers trying to get them all to have gender mutilating operations and spy on their parents while being made to study the advantages of Islam, while forced to live under insane rules and regulations like getting arrested and banned by the school and given a police record just or pointing their finger at another kid like their hand were a gun.
So we will do nothing and this will keep happening. What we need to do is obvious. Instead we will keep catering to the scared "men" hiding behind their guns. The ones who told us more concealed carry would lower crime as it increases....
How did this guy get into the school. The schools in my area are locked down during the day. How did that happen?
Elementary schools have multiple entrances if occurred inside, but could have been during recess.
That's all you ever do.
Youā€™re a liar.

ā€œAmong the 62 mass shootings over the past 30 years that we studied, not a single case includes evidence that the killer chose to target a place because it banned guns. To the contrary, in many of the cases there was clearly another motive for the choice of location.ā€

As has been demonstrated previously in this thread, in places like Norway, that doesn't stop the killer from using another implement of death.
Yes it is extremely rare in in countries like Norway. I'd like it to be extremely rare here.
Not this time. Texas is a constitutional carry state for anybody over 18 without a record. You can carry handgun or long guns, like the old old west down there. Heck, Wyatt Earp didn't even allow that, because too many people got shot.
Where is Marshall Dillion when you need him? I guess Abbott needs to swear in more deputies?
Licensed guns owner are law abiding and dont go on berserk killing sprees. Law breakers donā€™t follow laws and get guns under the table. You donā€™t stop berserk people by hindering and punishing the law abiding which comprise 99% of gun owners.
Youā€™re a liar.

ā€œAmong the 62 mass shootings over the past 30 years that we studied, not a single case includes evidence that the killer chose to target a place because it banned guns. To the contrary, in many of the cases there was clearly another motive for the choice of location.ā€

They just use the same lies over and over.

Was this a soft target?
Licensed guns owner are law abiding and dont go on berserk killing sprees. Law breakers donā€™t follow laws and get guns under the table. You donā€™t stop berserk people by hindering and punishing the law abiding which comprise 99% of gun owners.
we don't stop them at all if we continue with our weak gun laws.

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