Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

There is a change in the fashion of psychotic suicide, since about Columbine. There are definite fashions about the expression of psychosis and suicide: remember the old Napoleon identification with hand in the jacket.

Now the thing for angry suicides is to go out while taking as many other lives as possible: that'll show 'em! Killing lots of small children is relatively uncommon -- families and workplaces are more usual. But it does happen --- BOTH Britain and Australia passed draconic anti-gun laws in response to some crazy killing lots of small school children in each country.

We've seen it in Japan and Germany in recent years, knifing and shooting in elementary schools by strange men who come in --- it's getting more and more common. It's a furiously angry expression, maybe to perceived betrayal. We know what triggered Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook ---- this is very similar. He found out his mother was trying to get him committed, and she just couldn't get the state to do anything about taking him off her hands. She said he was dangerous, and she was right. He killed her that morning, while she was in bed, and went to the elementary school.

What I want to know is what that grandmother did that this Salvadore crazy felt betrayed him so badly. Flushed his drugs down the toilet? Threw him out of the house? (He was 18!) Because he killed her and then did an obvious suicide-by-cop move, running into a school and shooting everyone he could, till finally the police killed him.
If I had cared about the kids, I would have passed legislation allowing for the training, arming, and outfitting of select teachers throughout each school in my state to prevent such an atrocity.

But you? More gun control.
I'll amend this:
I would issue an executive order forcing districts to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of schoolchildren.
1) Metal detectors at each point of entry on campus.
2) The order would allocate funds for mandatory outfitting, training, and arming of teachers.
3) Defensive implements to bar entry into classrooms occupied by teachers and students.
How do you keep them out of the hands of people with evil intent? It is not against the law to have evil intent
That is the challenge. That is why people on both sides need to sit down and try and figure our how to accomplish the stated goal. We planners do that all the time.
How did this guy get into the school. The schools in my area are locked down during the day. How did that happen?
They said there is face book video thought to be him walking into the school. I'm in Tennessee. At the elementary school my granddaughter goes to, you have to be buzzed in. Not sure why anybody would buzz in a kid carrying a hand gun and a rifle, unless it was a short barrel AR hidden under his clothes.
Oh, and the border patrol guy initially engaged the kid, until the kid shot him in the head is definitely going to be OK.
Its not complicated is it ?
Nothing was done after Sandy Hook and nothing will be. done after this. Chalk another 15 victims down to the NRA and the GOP. America is sick.
You Eurotrash are always confused about things like this.

The NRA didn't shoot the kids.

The Republican Party didn't shoot the kids.

A crazy sicko Hispanic killed the kids.
No place else on earth has 45,000 gun killings a year.

No place else on the planet.

The difference?

No place else allows the gun ownership we do.

400 million guns are the problem.

The only problem.

And there is no argument that can be made, that can change that fact.
Silly argument. It's like the argument that America is the sickest with Covid because we had so many dead. That's because the country is so LARGE!! There is far, far more gun violence per person in Latin America and Africa than in the United States.
we don't stop them at all if we continue with our weak gun laws.
Honestly I think it’s time to ratchet way up the consequences to the parents or those who are in charge. Since Columbine I have Neverbelieved the parents had “no idea”. Having no idea is just as delinquent as tolerating.
Lol!!! "No one"?
Give me a break dude, there are plenty of people who want to do just that!
Yeah they're certainly a small minority, but saying "no one" wants to ban guns is simply stupid!
Another mass shooting – and conservatives in knee-jerk fashion start with the lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ rather than offering solutions having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms.

No one wants to ‘ban’ guns; no one wants to ‘confiscate’ guns.
No place else on earth has 45,000 gun killings a year.

No place else on the planet.

The difference?

No place else allows the gun ownership we do.

400 million guns are the problem.

The only problem.

And there is no argument that can be made, that can change that fact.
Who you gonna call? Ghost busters!!!! LOL
Chris Murphy holding back tears on the Senate floor right now talking about the shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

"What are we doing? What are we doing?” he says. “We have another Sandy Hook on our hands. … Our kids are living in fear. What are we doing?”

Another fucking Democrat idiot speaking out his ass.
Ask the "authorities" who let the violent piece of shit go, and buy a gun legally.

Multiple felonies they could have arrested him for but they didn’t.


EVERY single one of these assholes have been on the radar. Yet nothing is done.

After a while the only logical conclusion to be reached is the "authorities" want these assholes to go on their rampages.
That's not logical. That's a flat out fucking stupid opinion. Magaturds are very fucking stupid. We don't need more examples of magaturd stupidity.
Until you make training and arming teachers in schools mandatory instead of optional, it will naturally be ineffective. Just like all 20,000 gun laws currently on the federal books.

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