Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

Silly argument. It's like the argument that America is the sickest with Covid because we had so many dead. That's because the country is so LARGE!! There is far, far more gun violence per person in Latin America and Africa than in the United States.
That involves percentages and math stats so big no go mostly.
So we’re going to argue if it’s the guns or the mental health that needs to be addressed. We’re going to do absolutely nothing about either and then we’re going to get another mass shooting.
True. "Doing something" would mean building big state hospitals to warehouse crazies, and I so much support that. It's definitely what is needed.
Honestly I think it’s time to ratchet way up the consequences to the parents or those who are in charge. Since Columbine I have Neverbelieved the parents had “no idea”. Having no idea is just as delinquent as tolerating.
Why not, Weather53? I've read two or three books about Columbine --- fascinating! --- and I don't think the parents, either set, had any idea at all.
Young male. What a surprise. What's his 4chan nic...........and his handle on the INCEL sites?
or he may have limp wrists and a little sugar in his blood ..... either way why does his sex life matter ? the guy was a lunatic .

How many more horrors like this is going to occur before we actually start addressing what the real problem is???

And the problem is not guns. When I was in high school in the late 70s - early 80s.. laws and regulations were less than now. As I have repeatedly stated - KIDS BROUGHT GUNS TO SCHOOL BACK THEN.
Before it was outlawed, people use to have gun racks in their pick up trucks. As did teens in high school.
Hanging right in their truck. Probably had ammo in the glove box too.
Yet no one used those SUPER easy access to rifles and shotguns to shoot anyone.

We need to find out what societal breakdown is making kids do this. THEY ALWAYS HAD ACCESS TO GUNS IN THE PAST... ONLY IN THE LAST 10-20 YEARS HAS ALL THIS RAMPED UP...


there needs to be a study on if any of these kids were ever on behavioral drugs like ritalin ..... these drugs have been foisted onto young children for the last 30 yrs or so ....
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So we’re going to argue if it’s the guns or the mental health that needs to be addressed. We’re going to do absolutely nothing about either and then we’re going to get another mass shooting.
There’s really nothing to argue. Mental health has been the common denominator in almost all of these shootings
I'll amend this:
I would issue an executive order forcing districts to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of schoolchildren.
1) Metal detectors at each point of entry on campus.
2) The order would allocate funds for mandatory outfitting, training, and arming of teachers.
3) Defensive implements to bar entry into classrooms occupied by teachers and students.

Does it not bother you at all that our country has gotten to the point where these things are necessary?
“I implore – beg – my Republican colleagues to join Democrats in finally making changes to our gun laws to help prevent Americans from re-living this gun tragedy far too often. We cannot continue to sit on our hands and allow innocent lives to be lost,” Durbin says
You are confused Moon Bat.

What gun law would have prevented this Hispanic piece of shit from killing his grandmother and the kids? He broke a half dozen laws doing what he did so what additional laws would have prevented him?
No one wants to take away all guns. I am a gun owner. I have multiple guns. I use them for hunting and sighting. The problem is guns should NEVER be in the hands of the mentally impaired or those intent on evil. The US has to have a deep discussion about meaningful efforts to prohibit guns from ending up in the hands of these people.

There has got to be a solution that balances the rights of us who own guns and use them properly and those who use guns to hurt and kill. The extremes on either side of this issue are killing any solution that may be there.

Politicizing mass killings has got to stop. We all need to sit down and try to come up with a position that is fair to both sides. For the sake of the kids, we really need to try!

Silly argument. It's like the argument that America is the sickest with Covid because we had so many dead. That's because the country is so LARGE!! There is far, far more gun violence per person in Latin America and Africa than in the United States.

It’s a lie, you’re a liar.

No one has said anything about ‘banning’ guns or ‘confiscating’ guns.

You contrived and propagated that lie.

Then why are Democrats in congress getting on their knees right now begging for more gun legislation?

How do you explain California or New York, or Chicago?

Strictest gun laws in America, murders go on unabated.
Why not, Weather53? I've read two or three books about Columbine --- fascinating! --- and I don't think the parents, either set, had any idea at all.
I think that’s very much what they want you to think. To miss the aberrations involved with Columbine means you should be legally culpable as a parent. Starting putting repercussions into play and most of this shit stops.

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