Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

Until you make training and arming teachers in schools mandatory instead of optional, it will naturally be ineffective. Just like all 20,000 gun laws currently on the federal books.
Impossible. It's why elementary schools are so vulnerable: they are "manned" by young women, all of whom are waiting for their own families to be born ---- that's why they are teaching little children. You cannot possibly require young women who love children to carry guns and learn to shoot at people!! And you shouldn't. It's not our thing. You do that.

We need state mental hospitals: that's my opinion about the needed solution. LOTS of mental hospitals.
Licensed guns owner are law abiding and dont go on berserk killing sprees. Law breakers don’t follow laws and get guns under the table. You don’t stop berserk people by hindering and punishing the law abiding which comprise 99% of gun owners.

The kind of govt. the Democrats and their followers want requires disarming those very people, while encouraging the importation of millions of criminals and gangsters.
Guns flow in this country like water, and that's why we have mass shooting after mass shooting and, you know, spare me the bullshit about mental illness. We don't have any more mental illness than any other country in the world

You are confused Moon Bat.

Most of the gun crimes in this country happens in Democrat controlled big city shitholes with stringent gun control laws by mostly Black and Brown street thugs, druggies and gang bangers.

They don't adhere to the existing laws so you know they won't adhere to any new Moon Bat law.
Impossible. It's why elementary schools are so vulnerable: they are "manned" by young women, all of whom are waiting for their own families to be born ---- that's why they are teaching little children. You cannot possibly require young women who love children to carry guns and learn to shoot at people!! And you shouldn't. It's not our thing. You do that.

What a sexist argument.

Are you saying women aren't capable of operating a firearm?

If they feel their own children are worth dying for, then they should have the same feeling for children placed under their charge for the school day.
Then why are Democrats in congress getting on their knees right now begging for more gun legislation?

How do you explain California or New York, or Chicago?

Strictest gun laws in America, murders go on unabated.
Will Joe and Jill be on a plane tomorrow to get to Texas and push gun control?
We need state mental hospitals: that's my opinion about the needed solution. LOTS of mental hospitals.

The problem with that is the so-called 'mental health professionals' are heavily infested with neurotic deviants and sociopaths itself; giving them more people they can manipulate won't work.
Brain357 said:
Or we could have strong gun control like countries where these things very rarely happen.

how do you explain chicago, philadelphia, nyc, DC with very strong gun laws and they shoot each other to death every day. every hour.

THIS IS...biden's fault. and Obama's ginning up hatred in this country. Tying law enforcement's hands, putting activist judges on the bench who let these people go, turn illegal criminals lose in this country and what do you want to do? you want to take guns away from people who are law abiding citizens. WE go through rigorous checks....criminals and the insane get their hands on guns anyway. It is not the NRA, GOP's fault. IT IS the gun stupid left.

and let me remind you. YOU will NOT have my gun. YOU will not disarm me so that the police and the feds can abuse me and my family and US citizens. YOU Will NOT disarm me and then treat me the way australians have been treated this past 2 years.
We need state mental hospitals: that's my opinion about the needed solution. LOTS of mental hospitals.

That won't solve anything.

Any person who applies for a firearms permit and attempts a purchase of a firearm should commit to a state or federally mandated psychological evaluation as part of being approved for a said permit or purchase.

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