Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

You’re a liar.

“Among the 62 mass shootings over the past 30 years that we studied, not a single case includes evidence that the killer chose to target a place because it banned guns. To the contrary, in many of the cases there was clearly another motive for the choice of location.”

Which is total bullshit given the extraordinarily high percentage of attacks that happen in gun free zones. It ain't rocket science to add 2+2 together. The colorado theatre shooter SPECIFICALLY chose that theater because it was a posted gun free zone.

Oh I agree. I’m definitely open to doing something about that. But we won’t.
Of course we won’t. The far left just wants “gun control,” whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean. The far right is immediately “ain’t no one takin ma guns! ‘Murica!”

What it takes is a gathering of unbiased leaders willing to look at the problem objectively at its very core. Since human beings are largely an irrational species don’t hold your breath on that.
I was watching a report about the shooting in Ubalde Texas in a spanish tv station. the shooting was at an elementary school .it was gruesome. very sad for the families that lost love ones. one of the reporters kept saying . It is not about who is President right now. it is not about political parties. When the Walmart shooting happen in el paso tx in 2019, when President Trump was in office, univision reporter jorge ramos was saying it was a hate crime. the shooter had come to el paso to kill mexicans. this idiot ramos was asking people in the street, DO you think Trump is a racist? he was blaming President Trump for the shooting, but not all mexicans or mexican americans bought ramos' and univision' crap. one person wrote a comment telling Ramos to stop going around inciting hatred.
Until you make training and arming teachers in schools mandatory instead of optional, it will naturally be ineffective. Just like all 20,000 gun laws currently on the federal books.
No way. Skill with a weapon and the mentality to use it correctly under stress is not a prerequisite for teaching in the schools anywhere on the planet.
No it's not a fact. There are many, many more guns around than there were then. Your claim is just silly.
when it comes to kids bringing guns in gun racks on school property your statement is false ... in the 70s and 80s it was common for kids old enough to drive to have gun racks with high powered rifles in the back windows of their vehicles ... and we never had what is going on now .... something other than a gun is turning kids into lunatics ... something is causing some kids to be mass shooters ...
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The kind of govt. the Democrats and their followers want requires disarming those very people, while encouraging the importation of millions of criminals and gangsters.
Very much seems to be so
Not dreamer. US citizen.
His citizenry is immaterial and it’s an attempt to boost his image while lowering the image of the person you are”correcting”
Stop it.
So, you attend school with her and you go to the movies with her and you travel to the grocery story with her? THEN YOU GOT IT COVERED!:hmpf:
Why do you want to denie a law abiding citizen his right to carry a defensive weapon? Your focus/solution empowers killers and other criminals.
You’re a liar.

“Among the 62 mass shootings over the past 30 years that we studied, not a single case includes evidence that the killer chose to target a place because it banned guns. To the contrary, in many of the cases there was clearly another motive for the choice of location.”

I guess that’s why mass shooters never storm a police station
I think that’s very much what they want you to think. To miss the aberrations involved with Columbine means you should be legally culpable as a parent. Starting putting repercussions into play and most of this shit stops.
Huh. Call the parents responsible for what their "child" does? That would probably have to end at 18 (with current laws), thus this Ramos guy would not be included. My guess is that grandma, whom he killed, was the only parent raising him.

I see you probably have also read about the Columbine situation. It's an interesting idea that you are suggesting that the parents should have been more prying, more suspicious, more AWARE of the really Satanic communications their kids were making. Especially Eric. Dylan was some sort of compulsive dependent follower ---- majorly suicidal, too.

I don't know: this is the sort of accusation people always throw around, like at the wife of the BTK serial killer ---- that she MUST have known! And the family of that one in California who was outed lately, who raped and killed really dozens. And it's a favorite fictional theme --- when does a wife or daughter start suspecting such a thing? I think this may be a bridge too far for imagination of most normal people. How could one think such a thing? I can remember betrayals in my life that seemed serious at the time, but they were NOTHING relative to a husband/father being a serial killer or a son being a mass murderer, and yet it took me years and years to "grok" what must have happened.

Still, I think you have a good point. Make the relatives responsible, and it WOULD encourage a salutary suspicion. Especially with these angry suicidal shooters. There is too much denial going on, you are perhaps right about that.
Guns are inanimate objects. They don't spring to life and kill innocent people.

Set a gun on a table, any table. It won't shoot. It won't kill. It won't do anything unless it is operated by a human being.

Human beings are responsible for killing other human beings.

Nothing more, nothing less.
And it’s time to hold the parental units responsible for deviant acts of their non adult children.
Shit stops in 5 minutes with harsh repercussions
No way. Skill with a weapon and the mentality to use it correctly under stress is not a prerequisite for teaching in the schools anywhere on the planet.

Hence the words 'training' and 'select.'

What, did you think I wanted to mindlessly arm every teacher in a school?
What a sexist argument.

Are you saying women aren't capable of operating a firearm?

If they feel their own children are worth dying for, then they should have the same feeling for children placed under their charge for the school day.
I'm saying we've GOT OTHER THINGS TO THINK ABOUT, TemplarKormac, and we as women are not going to fit into your quasi-military draft!! You want women to teach elementary school, you defend us! Don't try to draft us into a lot of male craziness.

Huh. Call the parents responsible for what their "child" does? That would probably have to end at 18 (with current laws), thus this Ramos guy would not be included. My guess is that grandma, whom he killed, was the only parent raising him.

I see you probably have also read about the Columbine situation. It's an interesting idea that you are suggesting that the parents should have been more prying, more suspicious, more AWARE of the really Satanic communications their kids were making. Especially Eric. Dylan was some sort of compulsive dependent follower ---- majorly suicidal, too.

I don't know: this is the sort of accusation people always throw around, like at the wife of the BTK serial killer ---- that she MUST have known! And the family of that one in California who was outed lately, who raped and killed really dozens. And it's a favorite fictional theme --- when does a wife or daughter start suspecting such a thing? I think this may be a bridge too far for imagination of most normal people. How could one think such a thing? I can remember betrayals in my life that seemed serious at the time, but they were NOTHING relative to a husband/father being a serial killer or a son being a mass murderer, and yet it took me years and years to "grok" what must have happened.

Still, I think you have a good point. Make the relatives responsible, and it WOULD encourage a salutary suspicion. Especially with these angry suicidal shooters. There is too much denial going on, you are perhaps right about that.
It’s only unimaginable that adults would know when you take the stance that being blantently unaware is to be expected.
Responsible parenting is a necessity. We used to have that.
Two things we are going to find out.

1) Everyone in the shooter's life knew he was nuts.
2) It was incredibly easy for him to get a gun.

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