Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

End gun free zones. Make sure school officials and local police take the dangerous teenagers seriously.....

We will likely find out this kid had a record and interactions at his school......which were ignored......we'll see...
Sounds good to me. More specific please.
I just came from the school where I volunteer and there were cops at every entrance and patrol cars in the parking lot....
This was in response to the shooting but that's how our schools should be defended everyday....
How's that defund the cops playing for you lib fools today?...
How about said law applying to anyone of any age purchasing a firearm? What about this law mandating a psychological evaluation before the purchase or permit is approved.
Start with folks 21 & under
How about said law applying to anyone of any age purchasing a firearm? What about this law mandating a psychological evaluation before the purchase or permit is approved.
let's start with folks 21 & under
Still WAY safer than the U.S.

The funny thing is you think it is going to stay that fatherless homes in Britain and France grow every year....

This kid lived with his grandmother.....likely had prior police contact.......
Complete bullshit. The don't call it "The breath of life" for nothing. It's even in the bible: God breathed life into Adam's nostrils and he became a human being.
Adam was created from the dust of the earth and also an adult. Nice try though.
There are 600 million guns in this country.....over 20 million Americans can legally carry a gun for self defense.....

This is the 3rd mass public shooting since Jan. 1......

330 million Americans, 3 people committed acts of mass public shootings.........

For 3 people, you want to take guns away from 10s of million of people, 1.1 million each year who use their legal guns to stop guys like this....when they aren't disarmed in gun free zones that you created...

1000 American children are shot and killed every single year - either by intention or accident. ONLY in America.

There were 61 "active shooter" incidents last year. The most on record.

There have been more than 40 mass shootings in the USA in the month of May this year, and it's only the 24th of the month.

As for the more than 35,000 Americans who die every year because of gun violence, and the tens of thousands more who suffer gunshot wounds and survive, how does any Republican justify opposing abortion when you're so willing to sacrifice living children, families, and others.

Your statistics about using guns for protection are total bullshit and proven false. You're living in an out of control gun crazy nation and the more guns you fools buy, the more people die, and the more dangerous it becomes.
Here’s what you said:

“Another lie. We want something to be done, but something that works, not you half assed nonsense gun bans because in case you didn't know it's already illegal to walk into a school with a gun and and it's illegals to murder people! You butchers love child death.”

You didn’t suggest anything. You just preemptively shit on things. So your plan is to do nothing. Got it.
Oh you're right butcher, sorry. It was another post. I'm sure you saw it, you're just ignoring it. But what I said was train and arm staff, problem solved, but you butchers don't want that, you relish kids being murdered.
School kids are safer from gun violence in Mexico and in Canada than they are in the U.S.
Kids are safe in my mostly White neighborhood where almost every family has firearms.

The Negro kids in any Negro neighborhood in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes with stringent gun control laws are at great risk.

Blacks and Browns in Democrat controlled shitholes are the ones committing most of the gun crimes in this country. That is the real problem.

Black and Brown ghetto culture of violence and inept Democrat leadership unwilling to enforce existing laws.

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