Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

That is a non-answer.

There is no shame in admitting you don't have a solution.

You would do as much 'nothing' as you claim we would do.
I know, because I’m not offering an answer that I know you’re going to shit on anyway.

We’re not going to agree on anything I propose. So what’s the purpose of jumping through your hoops? I sure as hell don’t see anything beneficial there.

Instead, I’d rather discuss the lack of action that you guys want to take.
We get it....your guns are WAY more important than any lives, child or adult. Don't worry. Nothing's gonna be done.

What part of 1.1 million Americans use their legal guns to save lives do you not understand?

I know...1.1 million is a number that you can't just use your fingers and toes to count up to, but try, really hard to think...
Screw the kids....'WE GOTTA HAVE OUR GUNS!😠
Do think the shooter was completely harmless person till a gun jumped into his hand and drove him on a killing rampage?

Taking guns away from me will not stop the next crazy from acting out his insanity
I know, because I’m not offering an answer that I know you’re going to shit on anyway.

We’re not going to agree on anything I propose. So what’s the purpose of jumping through your hoops? I sure as hell don’t see anything beneficial there.

No....showing that dumb laws that wouldn't stop this attack are just that, dumb....isn't "shitting" on just can't stand to have your pointless gun grabbing ideas shown to be stupid...
We get it....your guns are WAY more important than any lives, child or adult. Don't worry. Nothing's gonna be done.
Considering the fact that you Democrats are spreading so much fear and hatred...the last thing anyone will want to do is remove their only means of self-defense.
We can't count on the cops anymore, thanks to you it's pretty much up to us to do it.
Will we 3ver find out if this "kid's" family is here legally?

And yes it matters, for obvious reasons

Not if the democrats and their media minions have anything to say....they are getting ready to repeal Title 42 to flood the country with more illegals.....
But nothing can be done.
Then why are you demanding we do more?

More ineffectual action means more ineffectual results.

Do something with some impact. Arm the teachers, and train them in active shooter and emergency response scenarios.

Tailor existing gun laws to require mandatory mental health screenings for prospective gun owners and permit seekers.

Tailor existing gun laws to require quarterly mental health screenings of existing gun owners and permit holders.

I guaran-effing-tee you those types of laws don't exist yet.
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This is now the 2nd most deadliest mass shooting. Sandy Hook being #1.

You mean school shooting......since we also have Vegas......but the French have us beat....130 French were murdered in the mass public shooting at the Bataclan concert...
We get it....your guns are WAY more important than any lives, child or adult. Don't worry. Nothing's gonna be done.
Blather rinse repeat. We do want something to be done, something is proven to work. All you butchers want is more kids killed.
So you’re ok with banning people from ever owning guns based on words they said as teenagers?

Hmmmm...did I say that?


This kid was looked at, and then they passed on him....that needs to be looked at.......

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