Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

ou know, folks, there are many, many factors that contribute to these events. Some are sociological, some are psychological and some are political. It's like a complex quadratic equation, but simple-minded partisans insist on boiling it down to a single variable - guns

and the simple-minded partisans on the other side insist on boiling it down to a single variable....mental illness. (though some are now adding in it is due to people being taught it is not ok to hate gay people)
It's coming. This is the one that started the beginning of the end for gun nut America.

It's not going to happen next week, but it now has been put on the fast track.

The magamites voices will now fall on deaf ears. They're about to find out how small of a minority they really are.

No, it aint gonna happen. Deal with it.
Something has got to change. The repub party is even unwilling to "study" gun violence. They are beholden to the gun industry. They all get checks from the gun lobby.

90% of Americans want stricter gun laws. The repub party and MAGA are on the wrong side of that number.

Wrong on all counts…but don’t let that stop you…

We have All the research we need….

3 killers out of 330 million people…….since Jan.1

What we expected to find out and now know?

Known to both his school and police for violent, dangerous behavior….

Attacked other students….

Violence at home

Self mutilaton
Lots of brown children died yesterday. I know that was a good day for you.

On the other hand, I know you refer to these people as "subhuman" and "cockroaches" (many examples available upon request), so maybe what happened yesterday wasn't murder in your mind. Maybe something closer to "cruelty to animals", huh?
and the simple-minded partisans on the other side insist on boiling it down to a single variable....mental illness. (though some are now adding in it is due to people being taught it is not ok to hate gay people)
Right on cue, an extreme partisan would rather wage war on the other team than worry about the children involved.

Thank you for this illustration of exactly what I was talking about
and the simple-minded partisans on the other side insist on boiling it down to a single variable....mental illness. (though some are now adding in it is due to people being taught it is not ok to hate gay people)

The whole thing is mental illness you moron………

The kid was already known to the school and police…..violence at home and at school…..

Young shooters like this have mental illness in common
We don't need armed guards all we need are entrances that are secure and controlled and policies that no one is allowed in the school without ID and a preapproved reason to be there
Turning schools into prisons is not the act of a free societyy.

No……Muslim terrorist take credit for their killings, and blm/antifa kill for their cause

White guys are mostly nuts……

The recent left wing, eco- fascist racist killed because of left wing racism

This latest shooter?

Known to the police and his school….violent at home and at school……
Sexual orientation is the key cause of the shootings? Really? Call the FBI and tell them. I am sure they will be fascinated!

Yeah, its part of the cause because these kids are being indoctrinated with this garbage and then they become confused and then lash out with killings. It sure is a part of it.
Here's a rightwingnut who killed 58 people...


... according to you, that shows how mentally ill rightwingers are.

Nope…..there was no defined motive to the Vegas shooter…….he did have anti-gun beliefs…..
Such a tragedy. Are we going to do anything about this? No?

Oh well. Thoughts and prayers. See you all at the next one.
Right on cue, an extreme partisan would rather wage war on the other team than worry about the children involved.

Thank you for this illustration of exactly what I was talking about

So cute how triggered you get when your side is shown to be no different than the other side
any of various intermediate-range, magazine-fed military rifles (such as the AK-47) that can be set for automatic or semiautomatic fire

also : a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire

The AR-15 being an example
So because it LOOKS like something it IS that something?

It's semi automatic. That's it.
It's coming. This is the one that started the beginning of the end for gun nut America.

It's not going to happen next week, but it now has been put on the fast track.

The magamites voices will now fall on deaf ears. They're about to find out how small of a minority they really are.
I hope you are right. I said the same thing after Sandy Hook. The old repub talking points about "good guys with a gun" and "thoughts and prayers" do not cut it anymore. 90% of Americans want stricter gun laws. The repub party and MAGA are on the wrong side.

I am sure that the NRA meeting in Houston this weekend will be laying the groundwork for their defense. They want to keep their guns.....but No one wants to take their guys away. The repub party will not even talk about how to control gun violence.

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