Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

No, the scumbag was a leftist freak. Coddled by assholes like you, and even after multiple police contacts yet another nut job allowed to "slip through the cracks".
The 2nd gives nutters the Right to bear arms. Nutters are not bothered about politics, and the kids that gun nuts view as expendable, are not Left or Right wing. Doesn't matter how many kids get carried out in boxes, you just want to keep gun anarchy.
where is the line? I was basically an alcoholic in high school, but did a great job of hiding it from my mom. had I gotten into a wreck and killed someone should she have been held responsible for my actions that she really had no way of knowing about?
My husband said what you did. That you can try hard to search the room, snoop on the Internet, etc., but the kids have their secrets all the same. Wives don't even guess when their husbands are stepping out on them, so how can we know when our children are druggies or working up to a mass murder, or a husband is a serial killer? They hide it, of course!
These 14-18 year old are living under adult roofs and adults are failing in their supervisory duties. Put those adults under the penalty of accessory to murder and this shit stops in 5 minutes
Spare us the excuses of grandmother, single parents, poor…as none of those warrants murderous rampage on children. He ruined lives and all those who failed in their adult supervisory duties should be ruined also.
You haven't got any money, your up shit creek with debt. As for military, every war you go into you shoot down the allies. You're better off staying in your little vacuum.
I agree.
If countries that have been around hundreds of years before the US can't get their shit together, they deserve to fall.
You can feel free to take 99% of our Congressional pieces of shit.
I agree.
If countries that have been around hundreds of years before the US can't get their shit together, they deserve to fall.
You can feel free to take 99% of our Congressional pieces of shit.
Just like America needing the French to gain independence, and how did Vietnam go? The words French and Vietnam seem to fall off the bravado American speak on success.
Just like America needing the French to gain independence, and how did Vietnam go? The words French and Vietnam seem to fall off the bravado American speak on success.
We paid the French; a Jew arranged the financing, to be precise.
We made the mistake of not nuking Vietnam.

I bet you don't know why we had to defend Vietnam.
Take a guess!
Fool. Do gun nuts get some kind of strange sexual pleasure from mass shootings? Weirdos.

No, but ghouls, like you, certainly seem to. You are orgasmic anytime some terrible people do terrible things.

You are sick in the head.

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