Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

The Parents of those innocent children will never ever hug their children again. There will no Birthday Parties, no Christmas present under the tree for innocent children because gun gun huggers care more easy accesss semi-automatic weapons. There was no fucking good guy with a gun, only an 18-Year Old who had recently bought the weapons he used to kill those innocent children.
Another exanple of how the dishonest prey upon the emotions of the ignorant.
It’s abundantly clear current methods have changed nothing since Columbine
Drastic times =drastic measures
It’s almost like product liability. I don’t know what you do about a 35 year old but these kids or young people living under someones roof are not being supervised to a point of criminal neglect

where is the line? I was basically an alcoholic in high school, but did a great job of hiding it from my mom. had I gotten into a wreck and killed someone should she have been held responsible for my actions that she really had no way of knowing about?
where is the line? I was basically an alcoholic in high school, but did a great job of hiding it from my mom. had I gotten into a wreck and killed someone should she have been held responsible for my actions that she really had no way of knowing about?
Like you said the line has to be created. As a drunk you likely would not have embarked on a murderous and deliberate rampage. There’s one line. I kinda dont care about the methodology and fo care more about trying to create different results because status quo is not working. Let’s create some sort of Supervisory Accountability Law and see where we stand after it. It could be created with repeal available after a period of time. I think going after the essentially inert gun itself is a failure.
He's not brown because he's not an illegal says the leftist.

No leftist says that. And you're not bright enough to speak for leftists.

So he was not brown because he was white and he was hispanic, so he was a white hispanic. Savvy?
No leftist says that. And you're not bright enough to speak for leftists.

So he was not brown because he was white and he was hispanic, so he was a white hispanic. Savvy?
Leftist sure do act that way. He's not brown when he does shit like this.
FYI I really don't give a fuck that you hate the white of your skin.
He is also a sexual deviant. Pictures from his instagram. I guess this is the brave new transgender World Dims want us to live in.


Turns out these aren't him. Whaddya know—4Chan is a bad source for your reactionary "news."

"Bother me" and "Convince me to let Democrats do whatever they want with the right to keep and bear arms" are entirely seperate things.
agreed. i don't know how anyone with any form of a heart or soul can NOT be bothered by this. but simply trying to remove guns from the equation would only alter how they do this. like most, i don't have any good answers.

we can't get anything done IMHO because the left refuses to define what SHOULD be done.

they already are.
isn't one. it's a mean looking semi automatic weapon.

when you ask them to say what is different about the AR specifically, it comes down to looks. in action, it works the same as the ruger 10/22, which a i said, can also be dressed up to look like an AR. as they tend to get "educated" they widen their scope to in effect get what they were after from the outset - to get rid of guns.

they won't listen to themselves rant, they just rant louder and with a wider net.

common sense gun laws - what does that look like - TODAY? what will the left do if/when we enact more laws tomorrow when these new laws don't work either? cry MORE LAWS? the left keeps saying we never do anything differently and i must agree. we don't.

we pass more laws and we try to control guns more. that's all we ever really do. isn't passing MORE laws for MORE control in effect doing the SAME thing?

to me, yes. esp when we don't enforce the laws we do have already in place.

background checks - that needs to be revamped. completely. we can see they don't work because mental people keep buying guns after they've shown they are mental. red flag laws only work if you use them properly, not as a means of control.

but we can't agree on who pees where, we have zero hope to ever get along on issues like this that matter. it's far more important we teach a kid what non binary is than we focus on their overal mental health to the loud ones these days.
As far as what I've read, this crazy bastard wasn't known to police nor did he have a history of mental illness before this event. Authorities are combing through his social media history now, but hindsight will be cold comfort to the families of those innocent children. If everyone who ever put something stupid and irresponsible on social media were preemptively arrested, there would be 2-3 people left on here.
They are also tiny, and they don't have the racial history of the democrat party creating fatherless homes, causing crime and poverty...


Their social welfare states have reached a point where fatherless boys and girls are becoming more and more violent...
What it is, other countries are not dimwitted like you idiots on guns.

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